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单词 Atom
1) The nucleus of an atom consists of neutrons, protons and other particles.
2) Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.
3) The particles in an atom are infinitely small.
4) We hadn't an atom of food.
5) There isn't an atom of truth in the rumour.
6) There isn't an atom of truth in it.
7) He patented the idea that the atom could be split.
8) He could not get up an atom of sympathy for her.
9) When an atom of U 235 is split, several neutrons are set free.
10) The nucleus of a deuterium atom contains a proton and a neutron.
11) For many years the atom was believed to be indivisible.
12) An atom itself is a complete whole, with its electrons, protons and neutrons and other elements.
13) The dropping of the first atom bomb marked a new epoch in warfare.
14) A molecule of carbon dioxide has one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.
15) The power of the atom will become still better as time goes by.
16) A molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
17) The atom splits,(http:///atom.html) starting a nuclear chain reaction.
18) The hydrogen-to-carbon atom ratio is perhaps a better index.
19) A fart is not an atom bomb....
20) Rutherford first split the atom on 3rd January 1919.
21) Every living cell and every atom has a nucleus.
22) Not long ago I had read that each atom was a sort of solar system.
23) A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
24) A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hygrogen and one atom of oxygen.
25) The neutrons and protons form the core of the atom.
26) Neutrons and protons are bound together in the nucleus of an atom.
27) Dalton believed that the simplest compound of two elements must have one atom of each.
28) Scientists are working to harness the power of the atom.
29) The scientist Ernest Rutherford was the first person to split the atom.
30) The 1,3,2,()4-dithiadiazoles show a 1:1:1 triplet due to the spare electron being largely localised at the nitrogen atom remote from the ring substituent.
1) The nucleus of an atom consists of neutrons, protons and other particles.
2) A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
3) The neutrons and protons form the core of the atom.
4) Neutrons and protons are bound together in the nucleus of an atom.
5) We hadn't an atom of food.
6) He could not get up an atom of sympathy for her.
7) When an atom of U 235 is split, several neutrons are set free.
8) For many years the atom was believed to be indivisible.
9) The power of the atom will become still better as time goes by.
31) Teller, of course, worked on the atom bomb and the H-bomb.
32) Every atom seeks equilibrium at the lowest energy level, giving off surplus energy as radiation.
33) The valency of an atom in a covalent molecule is the number of electrons shared by the atom in forming the bond.
34) Lakatos gives a fairly detailed account of Bohr's theory of the atom as another convincing example.
35) In exactly the same way, an atom such as a halogen atom in a covalent molecule can show spin-orbit coupling.
36) This would mean that the atom, and indeed all matter, should rapidly collapse to a state of very high density.
37) An antimatter atom that strays and touches the container wall would set off a chain-reaction annihilation.
38) Even a charge of conventional explosive in the vicinity of a small atom bomb would suffice.
39) And the amount the tip is moved reveals the height of the protuberance, even if it is only a single atom high.
40) The two orbiting electrons of the helium atom form a shell.
41) The non-crystallographic symmetry was established from the electron density and heavy atom sites.
42) The atom is there and when short-term oil surpluses vanish there will be pressure to build more nuclear power stations.
43) Any molecule with this group attached to a carbon atom is called an alcohol.
43) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
44) The image of the planetary Atom is printed on toys and on baseball caps.
45) However, a problem arose when one tried to use such theories to construct a model of the atom.
46) Negative ions can also be formed when an atom has an extra electron bolted on.
47) Britain has already accumulated enough nuclear waste to build 5,000 atom bombs.
48) This is illustrated in Figure 4. 2 which shows the hydrogen-to-carbon atom ratio of various hydrocarbon.
49) This is about the energy that would be released if a hydrogen atom could be totally converted into energy.
50) Carbon is the smallest atom in the fourth column of the periodic table of elements.
51) The positive charge of the protons generates an electrostatic field, which binds the negative electrons of the atom to the nucleus.
52) Is there a molecule that weighs the same as an oxygen atom?
53) Inside the bracket the symbol of the central atom is placed first.
54) The microcosm becomes the macrocosm: the key to the whole universe may well be hidden in one hydrogen atom.
55) An electrical pulse sends the atom to the tip of the microscope needle.
56) For a typical many-electron atom, such as Fe, we may divide the orbitals into three major categories.
57) If the recoiled atom is directed towards a neighbouring atom, a blocking cone is formed behind the neighbouring atom.
58) The sum of the masses of protons and neutrons is the atomic weight of the atom.
59) In a multi-electron atom, the lowest energy shells fill up first.
60) The result is an excluded volume behind the target atom into which no ions penetrate.
61) The splitting of an atom sets off an explosive chain reaction.
62) Unfortunately the book was completed too soon to reflect the enormous impact of fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry on biology.
63) Then war intervened, Oppenheimer became involved in the atom bomb project, and he lost interest in gravitational collapse.
64) In crystallography, each lattice point can accommodate more than a single atom.
65) It consists of a chain of carbon atoms, with one hydrogen atom attached to each carbon.
66) In this group of ions the carbon atom is surrounded by three oxygen atoms in a planar triangle.
67) The optimum proportions of hydrogen and oxygen are thus two hydrogen atoms per oxygen atom, exactly the same as in water.
68) Exactly the same sort of behavior is found for an atom with a single p-level vacancy.
69) In other words, only certain discrete energies would be permitted, exactly as for an electron confined in a single atom.
70) The definition of a second has since officially been the time it takes a cesium atom to make 9,192,631,770 vibrations.
71) Dalton never saw an atom, or the effects of a single atom.
72) Generally, different theories are used to explain widely different phenomena, from the forces in the atom to gravity.
73) In molecules with more than one halogen atom more complicated patterns appear.
74) One day, the team hopes, it will be possible to build tiny circuits atom by atom.
75) The energy thus captured by the atom will be discharged into the molecules that surround it.
76) One molecule of ammonia contains one atom of nitrogen and three atoms of hydrogen.
77) But there is no such thing as a single atom, or single electron, that is superconducting.
78) Thus the electrons would either escape from the atom altogether or would spiral into the nucleus.
79) The remarks were worded as though it might be meaningful to maintain the individuality of each atom.
80) This constant is important because it fixes the sizes, period and energy of an electron's orbit in an atom.
81) The helium atom without its electrons is known as an alpha particle, and is therefore positively charged.
82) We could detonate a very small atom bomb in the vicinity of another.
83) This leaves one electron on each carbon atom unaccounted for.
84) He had a remote manner and didn't waste an atom of energy talking to anyone on the set except Zimmer.
85) The elementary particles known as protons, which live at the heart of every atom, will begin to decay.
86) We have seen, after all, that there is no significance in preserving the identity of any particular atom.
87) Pretty small for an atom bomb, I would have thought. 4000 kilotons.
88) If the small atom bomb went up, so then would the hydrogen bomb.
89) A single atom of copper is still a piece of copper.
90) The second atom is aligned to the selected axis.
91) METHODS Atom absorption spectrophotometry and colorimetry were adopted.
92) " That's it,'said Rutherford.'The atom has been split!'.
93) Atom Bomb: An invention to end all inventions.
94) The atom bomb is of catholic concern.
95) Every carbon atom has four bonds.
96) Analyzing the difference of atom hologram and optical hologram, we point out that only the laser cooling atoms can satisfy the coherent and diffract con...
97) Bohr was able to predict the wave lengths of the light from the makeup of the atom, and the jump from electron orbit to electron orbit.
98) The oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as heavy as the hydrogen atom.
99) The influence of electronic self spin of quantum human body to the energy grade and spectrum line of sort hydrogen atom under the case without outfield was mainly discussed in this paper.
100) Under this high temperature, the carbon atom structure changes, has produced quantity different graphite crystal.
101) In this paper, the better measurement exactitudes of the first excitation potential of mercury atom were gotten by using the liner regression method in drawing up experiment curves.
102) Valence Number of Bonds (see Bonding) an atom can form. Hydrogen (H) always has valence 1, so other elements' valences equal the number of hydrogen atoms they combine with.
103) A radioactive atom could transmute itself into an entirely different kind of atom.
104) Since we consider the general condition of an atom in a cylindrical waveguide, so this article gives a more dependable result in the whole spectrum scope.
105) As you read through this overview, I recommend that you keep a copy of the Atom 1.0 format specification handy as a cross-reference for the various elements discussed.
106) When the substituent at the benzene ring and the N atom of aniline, the HDAC inhibition activity is different from that of SAHA.
107) In fact, we can describe as a material universe, our solar system is this kind of material an atom, our planet may be even smaller electronic.
108) Each atom behaves like a tiny bar magnet , and when the crystal is cooled to near absolute zero, the atom-magnets align.
109) The number of active hydrogen atoms attached to nitrogen atom of different classes of amine determine their effectiveness in extraction of metals by solvation.
110) Where atom is losing some of its electrons is said to be a positive charge existing.
111) Occasionally a collision produced an electron-positron pair, with the positron and antiproton flying off together and forming an antihydrogen atom.
112) The silicon atom occupies the space opening( interstice)between the oxygen atoms and shares four valence electrons with the four oxygen atoms.
113) An aromatic hydrocarbon group formed by the removal of a hydrogen atom from an arene.
114) The Air-C 2H 2 flame atom absorption spectrophotography was developed for the determination of chrome in the Pt-Rh mesh and ash.
115) The hydrogen atom is the simplest and lightest of atoms.
116) When you split a uranium 235 atom you will create what we call fission fragments.
117) An atom of antihydrogen, for instance, is composed of a negatively-charged antiproton being orbited by a positively-charged positron.
118) A negative ion is an atom which has gained one or more extra electrons.
119) The analysis of atom absorption spectrum apparatus has a good sensitivity and representation.
120) But Harry Truman inherited two great wars, an atom bomb and an ally, Joseph Stalin, about to dishonor his commitments and enslave half of Europe.
121) We obtained also the relation between gravity and the phase difference of the atom gravimeter.
122) If you don't do that, then the JSON handling xhrGet used to get the Place Statistics feed might find itself being passed back an Atom exception report that it doesn't know what to do with.
123) Coulomb's law says the negative will be attracted to the positive, and the atom will collapse.
124) In the great world of astronomy and in the little world of the atom, Man has unveiled secrets which might have been thought undiscoverable.
125) The result coincides with the experimental date and supports greatly the optical model potential in the application of mesonic atom.
126) A momentum transfer of a moving three level atom interacting slantingly with a standing wave laser field is analysed.
127) The structure shows a distorted trigonal bipyramidal configuration with five - coordinations to a central tin atom.
128) A methyl group is a basic unit in organic chemistry: one carbon atom attached to three hydrogen atoms.
129) Create a new class by right-clicking the package and then selecting New - Class.
130) One study suggested the cause might be radioactive fall-out from atom bombs.
131) This is a hexagonal structure in which the two kinds of atom lie in separate layers.
132) Let's look at the energetics of one of those electrons crashing into a hydrogen atom inside the gas tube.
133) Structure Fluorine perchlorate should be analogous to perchloric acid, but with the replacement of the lone hydrogen atom with an atom of fluorine.
134) An unstable atom gives off its excess energy until it becomes stable. The energy emitted is radiation.
135) Determination of trace arsenic from water sample by hydride atom absorption, and effect of valence number of arsenic and varied coexisting ions on the determination were discussed.
136) H2 So the simplest case we can think of is with h 2 where we have two unpaired electrons, each in a 1 s orbital of a separate h atom.
137) Aluminium can be transformed, by the capture of an alpha particle and the emission of a proton, into a stable silicon atom.
138) The atom reactor could run wild with too many neutrons.
139) After nonresonant atom - field interactions ons the whole System is in an entangled state with GHZ form.
140) This link is found in the edit-media link of the document entry, following Atom conventions.
141) It is based on the nonresonant interactions of an atom with two field modes located in two separated cavities.
142) Their carbon atom numbers mostly are even number and range from C14 to C40. The proportion of ester compound is greater especially than those with carbon a toms C30 to C40.
143) We propose a scheme for controlled teleportation of arbitrary two - atom state in cavity QED.
144) So, which atom would you expect to be in the center of a Lewis structure for thionyl chloride?
145) The Atom Syndication Format specification is silent on the matter of what the form that a term can take, so nothing stops you from creating a hierarchical structure of categories.
146) These include use of nano-scale particles of graphene, a one atom thick layer of carbon molecules that form the basic structure of graphites.
147) This simple molecule consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.
148) A nucleus is about one billionth the size of an atom.
149) Perhaps we are just an atom in a piece of lint.
150) The tall tale has here, one may think ( as in the Nevada atom bomb ), reached its ultimate.
151) Information drawn from the heavy atom plays an important role in the determination of crystal structures containing heavy atoms.
152) Gaussian short-pulse laser is applied to excited hydrogen atom in a static magnetic field and to produce Rydberg wave packets. We study the temporal evolution of Hydrogen Rydberg wave packets.
153) Sugar alcohol ( alditol ) An alcohol derived from a monosaccharide by reduction of its carbonyl group (CO) so that each carbon atom of the sugar has an alcohol group (OH).
154) So if we're talking about the fourth excited state, and we talk instead about principle quantum numbers, what principle quantum number corresponds to the fourth excited state of a hydrogen atom.
155) Atomic physics ( or atom physics ) is physics of the electron hull of atoms.
156) First, carbon monoxide and hydrogen react to form methane, which has one carbon atom.
157) H atom of phenolic hydroxyl in the ligand was attractive to N atom forming intramolecular hydrogen bond, and a new six-membered ring was formed by the hydrogen bond connection.
158) Hydroformylation of the olefinic double bonds was n atom economic method th introduce new functional group in the oil compounds.
159) The contents of calcium and phosphate in tibias were determined by chemical analysis and the trace elements were detected by atom absorption spectrophotometer.
160) Alloy atoms reactive with point defects result in stable atom groups which may hinder the polygonization and recovery.
161) The effect of quantum interference among many ionization channels on photo-ionization properties of an atom in a laser-induced continuum structure system is analyzed.
162) We study the classical dynamics of Rydberg hydrogen atom near a metal surface.
163) After hydrogen,( ) the atom with the simplest structure is that of helium.
164) Odorants such as acetophenone and deuterated acetophenone, for example, have the same molecular structure; one is just built from a slightly heavier hydrogen atom, known as deuterium.
165) At present determine the lead, the copper in food commonly used atom absorption law.
166) The crystal structure was determined by X ray single crystal diffraction, the structure is a distorted triangular bipyramid with five coordinated central tin atom.
167) It passes through the N atom and through the center of the equilateral triangle.
168) So why don't you tell me what the formal charge should be on the sulfur atom of thionyl chloride?




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