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单词 Tangle
1 We employed a lawyer to straighten our legal tangle.
2 He got into a tangle with his budget figures.
3 The wool got in a fearful tangle.
4 This string's in a tangle.
5 His financial affairs are in a tangle.
6 The string was in a tangle.
7 The legal tangle was never really unravelled.
8 He wouldn't like to tangle with a politician.
9 His financial affairs are in such a tangle.
10 She got into a tangle with the staff.
11 A tangle of wires is all that remains of the computer and phone systems.
12 Her brain was teeming with a whole tangle of emotions .
13 I was thinking what a tangle we had got ourselves into.
14 She followed him, pushing through the dense tangle of bushes and branches.
15 She has become enmeshed in a tangle of drugs and petty crime.
16 John was sitting on the floor in a tangle of blankets.
17 It was not an animal you'd care to tangle with.
18 I shouldn't tangle with Peter, he is bigger than me.
19 The threads tangle easily.
20 Her hair tends to tangle.
21 You don't want to tangle with rutting stags, however.
22 His hair was a damp, matted tangle.
23 The Whitewater tangle remains a nettlesome wild card.
24 Gordon notices a tangle of walkers stomping towards us.
25 Hugh lay awake in a tangle of candlewick bedspread.
26 Still embedded high on a rock is a tangle of telephone wires and a ceramic insulator.
27 Out of this fraught legal and financial tangle the bureau worker must work with the client to create order and stability.
28 Men and horses went down like ninepins before them, in a tangle of waving limbs.
29 He was a self-opinionated, overbearing tyrant, and he was the last man she should want to tangle with.
30 Helen picked it out and dropped it on the floor; beneath was a tangle of string.
1 We employed a lawyer to straighten our legal tangle.
2 He got into a tangle with his budget figures.
3 The legal tangle was never really unravelled.
4 I shouldn't tangle with Peter, he is bigger than me.
31 Through her hair, which now lay in a tangle about her face, she saw a pair of long legs flex.
32 But then I saw her face within her tangle of tawny hair - unmistakably young and female.
33 Mrs Nishimae stops, putting a finger over her lips, then disappears through a small opening in a tangle of undergrowth.
34 The rest of her body seemed to have melted into a useless tangle of arms and legs.
35 Even if she reached the trees, the Dragoons would soon ride Sharpe down in the tangle of undergrowth.
36 He collided with the Guardsmen, and they went down in a tangle.
37 Over the weeks, as Matthew experienced his tangle of emotions, his depression lifted.
38 Men and horses went down like ninepins before them, in a tangle of waving limbs, flailing hooves and broken lances.
39 As she stood, wondering how to sort out the tangle, the door bell rang.
40 She might even be weaving a spell to tangle her feet or make her lose her way in the wood!
41 Such an experience may be demoralising if you're unlucky to get caught up in the tangle.
42 Caspar came bounding out of the tangle of fallen trees below the cliff.
43 In the tangle of rocks and trees we get a glimpse of the lions, now becoming agitated.
44 Copses of beech and alder appeared, straggling along the banks with their roots lost in a tangle of briars and bracken.
45 Marta and her friends roll along a weedy dirt road and hide their van deep in a tangle of shrubs and trees.
46 In a functional sense, spillover was founded on the belief that contemporary economies were based upon a tangle of interrelated sectors.
47 The woods are a tangle of briars, fallen trees, and brush.
48 She could look out beyond the tangle of the shore at islets garlanded with trees and vines and carpeted with moss.
49 She unzipped the bag and started to dig through the tangle of clothing for her soap case.
50 A few shook themselves loose from the tangle, and pounded onward, others skirted the fallen and fell in behind them.
51 In summer, spotted flycatchers intercept insects emerging from the tangle of vegetation beneath.
52 How patiently you tangle with wry triangles, clothing the family of nobodies who loiter in our dark.
53 In the foreground was a tangle of metal shavings and a battle-scarred wrench.
54 Much of the old field pattern therefore remains, with its tangle of deep lanes and thick hedges.
55 They can also be dangerous to small fish and fry, which might get stuck in the tangle of filaments and suffocate.
56 Under the portico, bodies are sprawled, a tangle of limbs of malnourished young men.
57 Viscosity, or resistance to flow, is a property of fluids containing long molecular chains that tangle and intertwine.
58 I did not want to be in a tangle with the press.
59 The tangle could last minutes or it could last hours.
60 It is a tangle of historic forces, compounded by present-day fear and pride and vexed by world ideological powers.
61 Between moves 9 and 13, he adopted a convoluted plan that seemed only to tangle his own pieces.
62 But still, there is something so human, almost intelligible, in that tangle of branches.
63 It forced me to confront a messy tangle of emotions.
64 To their left was the long forbidding wood with its tangle of trees and stubborn defenders.
65 You know I don't tangle with the looney politico fringe.
66 We smashed through it and came to a halt, a tangle of wire wrapped around the hood.
67 The darkness in the corners grew out into the room and began to tangle in her hair.
68 Woe betide those Empire knights when they tangle with the Night Goblin fanatics!
69 Intermediates, too, find this the ideal location first to tangle with performance dinghies and catamarans.
70 Within a few yards of the main road, I was in the kind of tangle of narrow streets where the wide-boys operate.
71 Both men hurtled on over the top of Barbara in a tangle of limbs, crashing to the office floor.
72 They had to force their way through a tangle of bushes and branches.
73 Her brain was teeming with a whole tangle of emotions that she could barely sort out.
74 Great care must be taken when the fish is transferred by net as the spines inevitably tangle.
75 His hair is all in a tangle.
76 Medical Tangle is a hot issue of the society.
77 I am pretty ugly to tangle with.
78 His mind was in a tangle.
79 Better not tangle with the censors. They're very vindictive.
80 He was really a tough guy to tangle with.
81 There is a tangle of ropes on the deck.
82 If I were you, I wouldn't tangle with them.
83 Don't try and tangle with him -- he is bigger and stronger than you.
84 This paper proves from the tangle of theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, that there does exist thermal radiation and nonthermal radiation in the black hole.
85 Picture a serpentine tangle of a thousand snakes, piled together cozily, calm and sleek in their subterranean nook, jointly awaiting the signals of spring.
86 There is rich nourishment in sea tangle, so bean sauce with sea tangle can be a health protection food with rich iodine.
87 The bus driver drove with machismo through a tangle of marrow streets.
88 Before blow - drying , you should use a flat comber to de - tangle locks.
89 It is suggested that a device by compressing the sea tangle or rubber balls may be used to achieve good results for this purpose.
90 He came back smelling of tar and tangle, saltness and sun, sea winds and Woodbine and bottled beer.
91 Away from it toddled coveys of wondering , tangle - haired, barefooted, unwashed children.
92 This morning as I write, the stark gnarl and tangle of winter is sugared with snow, deer tracks stipple the backyard and the pale yolk of the sun is oozing through the thick clouds.
93 Sometimes the tangle descends on us like a net of blight on a rose bush.
94 Then 6% digested sea tangle juice was added to acidophilous milk.
95 You shouldn't tangle with him -- he's much stronger than you!
96 A bright - orange roulette wheel spinning above a tangle of shroud lines.
97 A squad of six Elites was ahead(/tangle.html), hunkered behind a tangle of ducts.
98 The boys got into a tangle over the rules of the game.
99 The results show that Widmansttten structure needle consists of many blocky subgrains that have higher dislocation density and subgrain boundary is made up of dislocation tangle.
100 I generally do not worry about length of coat, as long as it is tangle free and unstained prior to beginning the trim.
101 To deal with medical tangle and make utilizable laws, it is necessary to clear the character of medical malpractice and expert conclusion made by Accident of Medical Practice Expert Committee.
102 Objective To study forensic pathological characteristics of neonatal death caused by respiratory diseases, and to provide scientific evidence to resolve medical tangle cases.
103 Did your son have an affiliation with the tangle wo boys?
104 As a tangle , seventeen insurance broker companies have been founded in China during these years.
105 This paper aims to promote the analysis of national resources distribution and ethnical relationship from the perspective of the tangle between politics-culture and economic benefits.
106 I dodged past fellow members, past the suggestion book and the schoolboyish tangle of satchels and coats, through the main door and out into the street.
107 The familiar food includes amount of iodination by sea tangle the most abundant, is the pregnant woman's optimal revamp iodination food.
108 Laws on the books already require new efficiency standards for household and commercial appliances. But they have been backlogged in a tangle of missed deadlines, bureaucratic disputes and litigation.
109 a tangle of branches.
110 Roaming and fatalism tangle up in Wang Anyi's world of text and mind. "
111 The industrial rearing of sea tangle seeds at low temperature is a synthetic technical method, the key links of which are how to carry out sea tangle propagation and rearing of its seeds in summer.
112 Raw materials of the fertilizer at least comprise sea tangle and seaweed.
113 She was trying to comb some useful things out of the tangle.
114 He lit a book match and let it fall among the tangle.
115 For Liverpool to go into combat in 2009-2010 with only one top-grade centre-forward points to a bad tangle of politics, judgment and arithmetic.
116 For an hour he thought over this plausible statement of the tangle.




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