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单词 pepper spray
释义  ˈpepper ˌspray noun [countable, uncountable]  a substance used especially by the police for controlling people. It contains red pepper and is sprayed into people’s eyes to make them blind for a short time. 〔尤指警察用于制服他人的〕辣椒喷雾剂Examples from the Corpuspepper spray• In Internet chat rooms, backpackers debate carrying guns and pepper spray.• Police responded with nightsticks and pepper spray, further inflaming the crowd.• After police used pepper spray to subdue the man, paramedics were called because he was having difficulty breathing, police reported.• The medical examiner has not said whether pepper spray was responsible.• Donaldo Arauz, 35, did not drop his weapon even after he was sprayed with pepper spray and hit with batons.• The fights in Seattle were broken up with pepper spray when as many as 4,000 people crowded into the streets.ˈpepper ˌspray nounChineseSyllable  for the by Corpus used a police especially substance




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