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单词 Sleepy
1 One in seven accidents is caused by sleepy drivers.
2 I felt so sleepy I couldn't stop yawning.
3 The alcohol was making him sleepy.
4 The soft background music made her feel sleepy.
5 I was beginning to feel amazingly sleepy.
6 Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience : this is the ideal life. Mark Twain 
7 She had just awakened, her eyes sleepy and her hair tousled.
8 The warmth from the fire made her feel sleepy.
9 I felt sleepy all day.
10 I am so sleepy that my attention is wandering.
11 The painkillers kicked in and he became sleepy.
12 The bus slopped and that made me sleepy.
13 Her yawn suggests that she is sleepy.
14 His voice was alert, not the least bit sleepy.
15 That beer made me quite sleepy.
16 He had begun to feel sleepy.
17 The heat and the wine made her sleepy.
18 Her face had an air of sleepy sensuality.
19 She was beginning to get a bit sleepy.
20 Remember you may feel sleepy after taking the pills.
21 Sun strikes him, warming him sleepy.
22 The drone of his voice made me feel sleepy.
23 The town remains sleepy despite the activity all around it.
24 She was so sleepy that she ran into a lamppost.
25 You won't find much culture in this sleepy little town,[] I'm afraid!
26 I was so sleepy, I couldn't keep my eyes open .
27 You will begin to feel sleepy as the drug enters the bloodstream.
28 She finds that the sleepy town she moves to isn'tthe rural idyll she imagined.
29 The room was hot and presently her eyes grew heavy and she began to feel sleepy.
30 The cat lay stretched out beside the fire in sleepy content.
1 One in seven accidents is caused by sleepy drivers.
2 I felt so sleepy I couldn't stop yawning.
3 The alcohol was making him sleepy.
4 The soft background music made her feel sleepy.
5 I was beginning to feel amazingly sleepy.
6 She had just awakened, her eyes sleepy and her hair tousled.
7 The room was hot and presently her eyes grew heavy and she began to feel sleepy.
8 Her yawn suggests that she is sleepy.
9 She was so sleepy that she ran into a lamppost.
10 The cat lay stretched out beside the fire in sleepy content.
11 The party was tame because all the people were sleepy.
12 People who get up early feel virtuous all morning and sleepy all afternoon.
31 I didn't feel sleepy at all - just the opposite, in fact.
32 The party was tame because all the people were sleepy.
33 A sleepy capital of a few hundred thousand people has mushroomed to a crowded city of 2 million.
34 They retired to a sleepy little village in the west of Yorkshire.
35 The gentle rolling motion of the ship made me feel sleepy.
36 Valence is a sleepy little town just south of Lyon.
37 People who get up early feel virtuous all morning and sleepy all afternoon.
38 The body's natural rhythms mean we all feel dull and sleepy between 1 and 3pm.
39 The governor has managed to put this sleepy southern state in America on the map.
40 In his sleepy state, the sound of a car driving up to the house scarcely impinged on his consciousness.
41 I often feel sleepy after supper and then I get my second wind later in the evening.
42 All of a sudden she didn't look sleepy any more.
43 Ten years ago, this was a sleepy fishing village.
44 She was feeling sleepy and reassured.
45 But she is still too sleepy for visitors.
46 Janir was sleepy and lay in back.
47 They reduced nausea and prevented vomiting, and many of them made people sleepy.
48 More often than not, it is a touch of the Hannibal Lecters that stirs the sleepy industry from slumber.
49 He said he found this a useful trick when addressing restive or sleepy audiences.
50 A sleepy anaesthetist arrived - looked about 18 years old - a little disconcerting.
51 The next afternoon Mornat returned with two fat and sleepy lizards.
52 She sat in the wicker chair beside the bed and began, after a little,[http:///sleepy.html] to feel comfortable and sleepy.
53 What they have done, however, is turn the sleepy municipal bond industry into a caldron of backbiting and finger-pointing.
54 Peace in the squares and the narrow lanes, where hibiscus and bougainvillea climbed over sleepy walls.
55 But having driven through this sleepy Cambridgeshire backwater this week, I sincerely hope they were ousted from office and then shot.
56 Even sleepy rural villages were turned into minor railway settlements with the coming of the railways.
57 She headed for the High Street, the only lively spot in the sleepy little town.
58 Almost overnight, it transformed this sleepy village on the eastern shores of Baja California Sur.
59 Never one to give in, he rubbed the sleepy dust from his eyes and renewed his attack.
60 He cast sleepy eyes toward the door to his bedroom.
61 Five years later, the international oil market is serene, even sleepy.
62 The religious fracas shook the house, our sleepy old house where no one debated principles.
63 Into this silence, Cherry was singing: When the deep purple falls over sleepy garden walls.
64 The town had settled to being itself again, sleepy, clannish, introverted.
65 Inside he found a sleepy yeoman and a cooler dispensing Stateside water.
66 She felt sleepy rather than tired, as a result, she told herself, of having had so little sleep of late.
67 I wondered what colour his eyes were beneath those gorgeous sleepy lids.
68 How couldst thou preach of heaven and hell in such a careless, sleepy manner?
69 How do we go about capturing greater market share against sleepy competitors?
70 An hour later, when it was properly dark, he turned off the road into a sleepy little town.
71 He was too sleepy to form specific questions and answers(), and too tense to get to sleep.
72 He was sleepy now, he was resting. Let him have his sleep out.
73 Attica is a sleepy, up-state village that holds the largest maximum-security prison in New York State.
74 In the hall a few sleepy serfs cleared away the debris left from the evening meal.
75 It was a sleepy place, as laid back as a flying field could be.
76 To reach the centre visitors take a boat from a quiet Buddhist monastery across a sleepy brown river.
77 The medicine was supposed to make him sleepy, but it had the opposite effect.
78 There was a trickle of traffic, now, and she overtook the sleepy drivers with an almost reckless haste.
79 At first it looks no different from the hundreds of other sleepy fishing villages along the shoreline.
80 The warmth of the sun was making them all sleepy.
81 It's no easy task getting three sleepy children out of the car and into the house.
82 The whole thing came on me so sudden and I was so sleepy.
83 The film's adolescent hero becomes an assistant at a sleepy railway station.
84 She was coming round after her operation,[http:///sleepy.html] but she still felt dizzy and very sleepy.
85 As the students are talking, a wave of soft, vague light, of sleepy distraction, passes over Primo.
86 The sleepy snakes lie wreathed around themselves or slither through the hoops of their own skin, their hanks of hemp.
87 We arrived at the hotel late at night, and were too sleepy to notice how beautiful it was.
88 Some had been shot while others spent their time in a sleepy town.
89 They seemed confused as to what was going on, but were too sleepy to make too loud an objection.
90 She'd been so tired, so bloated and sleepy with food.
91 The sleepy period was from midnight until noon, of which the worst part was about dawn.
92 The wine he had drunk earlier in the day, his exertions and fear, made him feel warm and sleepy.
93 It was a sleepy provincial hotel, not used to having more than two people staying there at any one time.
94 I try to go to sleep again, but I ain't sleepy, and I get all fidgety.
95 The bells of Saint Paul's pealed out on a sleepy Sunday morning.
96 Sticklepath is a sleepy little town right in the heart of the Devonshire countryside.
97 You use these processes to convert your physical state from sleepy and unkempt to bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
98 I was beginning to feel sleepy and I began to sing, softly, to myself.
99 The imaginative and nimble have registered lots of famous corporate names before their sleepy owners realized what was happening.
100 It had refused to remain either sleepy or teeming,() chaotic or quaint.
101 Edwards throughout seemed to be doing little more than the droning clergy in sleepy towns did all along.
102 Once I said to Claudine that her house was sleepy.
103 The sun is low in the sky and the mood of the afternoon is sleepy and unfixed.
104 A fat white cat sat on a wall and watched them with sleepy eyes.
105 Certain individuals get sleepy on low doses of alcohol and revved up on high doses-exactly the reverse of what most people experience.
106 You feel sleepy after a holiday feast.
107 He feel sleepy so he go to sleep.
108 Then , suddenly, almost ecstatically, he felt sleepy.
109 Up from yonder cottage goes a sleepy smoke.
110 He relaxed in sleepy contentedness.
111 I feel sleepy, so I'm going to bed.
112 Treacle[http:///sleepy.html],'said a sleepy voice behind her.
113 I feel terribly sleepy all at once.
114 In the rest of the night, we feel sleepy.
115 He insisted that he wasn't sleepy.
116 She always has a sleepy expression.
117 Lily: I don't know. I just feel sleepy everyday.
118 Go to bed if you feel sleepy.
119 His slow-motion demonstration made me sleepy.
120 The softness of the breeze made him feel sleepy.
121 I sleep class day, always feel sleepy.
122 Oh, I feel so sleepy, Oh, Jailhouse baby.
123 The dull meeting made me feel sleepy.
124 If I eat too much food, I'll feel sleepy.
125 Alcohol made me sharp-tongued, indiscreet, insensitive, belligerent, and sleepy.
126 Well, anyway , Iso busy that I feel sleepy.
127 It's so stuffy in here that I feel sleepy.
128 A sleepy, parkino attendant brought down the car.
129 If you feel sleepy, you go to sleep.
130 This is what makes you slow down and feel sleepy.
131 We drove slowly through main streets of sleepy Pennsylvania Dutch towns , slowing to twenty miles an hour so as not to crowd the horses and horse carriages on their way to market.
132 If baby too sleepy, mother can express and alternate feed or bottle-feed.
133 The light signals sent to your body's master clock tell you when to be sleepy and when to be alert.
134 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is an old short story by Washington Irving.
135 And o'nights there's fire-flies and the yellow moon, And in the ghostly palm-trees the sleepy tune Of the quiet voice calling me, the long low croon Of the steady Trade Winds blowing.
136 The Caterpillar and Alice looked at each other for some time in silence: at last the Caterpillar took the hookah out of its mouth, and addressed her in a languid, sleepy voice.
137 After eating a large plate of spaghetti and meatballs I often feel lethargic and sleepy.
138 B: I feel sleepy.
139 It would be better to read after nap when you are sleepy in reading.
140 It was a sleepy little town, about fifty years behind the times.
141 Lily : Yes. But everyday when I get up, I still feel sleepy.
142 A round-eyed robot head sitting on the dashboard has cameras that can tell when a driver is getting sleepy.
143 The lecture from the expert was so technicalized that the audient felt sleepy and fell into sleep finally.
144 Money is key. In the sleepy village some residents make money from farming and others are daily wage laborers. But there is very little money.
145 A devil scorpionfish in the Fiji Islands looks sleepy, but it's waiting motionless for unsuspecting prey to swim past before it strikes.
146 After exploring sleepy little villages and reaching Prague, the first thing the women wanted to do was shop, Prof Kruger said, and the men could not understand why.
147 The sunshine floods the sleepy village street, a storm has left everything drenched, and wondrously refreshed.
148 You are yawning. Could it be that you are sleepy?
149 Overnight, her sleepy little fishing town beomes a war zone.
150 The shepherd swiftly sheared the sleepy sheep with the sharp scissors.
151 It'sOUNDED like a news item from a sleepy suburb : Tree - Pruning Ends In Tragedy.
152 After drifting lower at a sleepy pace for most of the day, the Dow Jones industrial average abruptly lurched into a hair-raising sky dive in the final hour of trading.
153 Swarms of 20 different kinds of caddis fly emerge, providing a good source of protein for hungry birds, and bears still sleepy from hibernation.
154 After a few days in Asmara, we headed to Massawa, Eritrea's swelteringly hot and therefore not surprisingly sleepy beach town.
155 If you take ipecac when you're overly sleepy and your gag reflex isn't working well, you can turn a manageable overdose into something much worse.
156 Must be deep-fried skull, a sleepy Wujue not secure line!
157 You also recently worked with Tim Burton on Sleepy Hollow.
158 Answer: Pneumococcus meningitis (meninx or spinal meninge infection) the incipient symptoms have a fever, listless or sleepy, the vomit, as well as the neck strong straight or the thigh is stiff.
159 One by one the sleepy creatures woke to see light breaking in the east.
160 I tried to impersonate a sleepy voice, and, again, failed miserably.
161 You want to be sharp, but you usually feel sleepy after lunch.
162 People tend to sleepy summer, this soup with red beans to increase vitamins, and mungbean, so it is complementary function.
163 She was still tired and sleepy when he woke her.
164 OBAMA, Japan (Reuters) - Dancing, singing and playing the guitar, residents in the sleepy Japanese fishing port of Obama are readying to party for Barack Obama before Tuesday's U.
165 But he was too clever to bide here any longer - a small sleepy place like this!
166 Twenty-five years ago Pattaya was a sleepy fishing village. Then it was discovered by American soldiers on R&R from Vietnam.
167 The sleepy pup 24 tilted his head and chuffed a welcome.
168 From the 1950s onwards, the collective turned a once sleepy, small town of 6, 000 into a city with massive high-rise buildings and a population of exactly 67, 881 in 1989.
169 In order to fight with this sleepiness, he even went to extremes, stabbing his thigh with an stabber every time when he began to be sleepy.
170 Lyon seemed ready to subside into a sleepy and closed provincial city.
171 Washington Irving " Rip Van Winkle " , " The Legend of Sleepy Hollow "
172 After lapsing into stately, sleepy old age are exhibiting new sprinklings of green at their tops.
172 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
173 The Tak chamber of commerce has for years lobbied to have such a link and new four-lane highways lead to the sleepy farming outpost of Kokko, cutting their way through the middle of Mae Sot.
174 I worked all through the night, but I don't feel sleepy.
175 "All shift workers get sleepy," said Jeanne Geiger-Brown, an associate professor at the University of Maryland School of Nursing who researches shift work and sleep.
176 I think it was some sort of stun gun as I immediately felt very sleepy.
177 Add another arm, some legs, and a head and you have a sleepy behemoth.
178 Sooner or later your sleepy countrymen will come in and thrash the Japanese.
179 Sleepwear is of particular concern because people are less alert when sleepy ; some people might smoke in bed or get too near to heaters on cold nights.
180 They were one-cylinder and two-cylinder engines, and some were make-and-break and some were jump-spark, but they all made a sleepy sound across the lake.
181 I feel dizzy ( feverish, shivery, sleepy, like vomiting, nauseous, itching, weak, irritated ).
182 On this, like other nights, the glorious chestnut stallion contentedly munched on his fragrant alfalfa, stopping occasionally to listen to the sounds of a sleepy horse barn.
183 In fact, at least one study found ginger to work just as well as Dramamine (dimenhydrinate) and other nausea-stopping drugs, with the added benefit that it doesn't make you sleepy.
184 Ever find that you get really sleepy at 10 p.m., that the sleepiness passes, and that by the time the late news comes on,[http:///sleepy.html] you're wide-awake?
185 Pneumococcus meningitis (meninx or spinal cord infection) symptom: Has a fever, listless or sleepy, the vomit, as well as the neck strong straight or the thigh is stiff.
186 But I'm not sleepy. I want to stay up late tonight.
187 When back in China, Du Yingnan followed a similar track, offering of Shanghai at night, the portrait of an uncertain, sleepy and delusive city with its own peculiar flavour.
188 Somewhere along the way I began to associate bedtime with sexytime and I now have a Pavlovian response that makes me both horny before bed and sleepy post-self-lovin'.
189 A few rays of street light would penetrate through tree cracks , listless like sleepy eyes.
190 Step by step, the sleepy creeper crawled into my sleeve to sleep.




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