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单词 Self-sufficiency
1 Local self-sufficiency is further hindered by widespread environmental damage.
2 It always seems presumptuous to encroach on that self-sufficiency.
3 The only hope was to move to energy self-sufficiency.
4 The church planter must break the mould of self-sufficiency and dare to rely on his or her team.
5 This self-sufficiency in the face of tragedy must have deeply influenced Agnes, who was seven when her father died.
6 In two fields - telecommunications and media - self-sufficiency and protectionism predominate.
7 Generally speaking, self-sufficiency in scientific and technological expertise is a characteristic of all industrial countries, large and small.
8 The desire for self-sufficiency and material security has remained a key arbiter of foreign relations.
9 Mourning shatters the illusions of self-sufficiency and breaks through the blindness of self-containment.
10 Self-sufficiency, payment in kind and living-in service were all shrinking.
11 He sneers at the arguments against it: self-sufficiency and the tired old cultural card.
12 They preach the gospel of self-sufficiency, railing against government handouts.
13 Self-sufficiency is anathema to capitalism and, despite the already mentioned exhortations(), is not what is required.
14 A flat which had seemed to offer stimulus, satisfaction, retreat and self-sufficiency dwindled overnight into just somewhere to live.
15 The expectation from government industrial ReD is one of reducing dependency on imports without wanting to achieve self-sufficiency.
16 The prime purpose might be to make money or to achieve a measure of self-sufficiency.
17 Transport to the town was difficult and made for self-sufficiency and reliance on village resources.
18 Although there was an exportable surplus of nearly 30 million tonnes in 1984 the approaching threat to self-sufficiency has been recognised.
19 From the 1830s there was, for instance, a stream of handbooks on how to achieve male self-sufficiency.
20 They use solar collectors and windmills for energy supply and each region aims at self-sufficiency in proteins.
21 These positive feelings will have a salutary effect on their growth toward self-sufficiency.
22 It also provides some flexibility for smaller countries,[] which had claimed that for them self-sufficiency was not always feasible.
23 It remains difficult, however, to measure this level of self-sufficiency on purely archaeological grounds.
24 This contradictory fidelity to and departure from methodological rigour undermines the already dubious self-sufficiency of discourses of psychology as a science.
25 Most of the main development agencies working in the Majority World now have goals to encourage women's self-sufficiency.
26 Even if these obstacles can be surmounted, they are likely to slow the process of achieving food self-sufficiency.
27 What is it that happens in those years before kindergarten that specifically inhibits or promotes growth to self-sufficiency?
28 Framsden mill and its environs will illustrate what I mean about the compactness and self-sufficiency of the rural villages in East Anglia.
29 The task for parents is to nurture their children toward this academic self-sufficiency.
30 Britain is presently the world's second largest timber importer with a self-sufficiency in wood of only about 10%.
31 They also can help students overcome barriers to success, frustration, and pain, helping them grow to greater self-sufficiency.
32 Its doctrine was self-sufficiency and the Fabian socialism that Nehru's generation imbibed during the struggle against colonialism.
33 Disabled people, in particular, often have a greater degree of self-sufficiency than many able-bodied people however.
34 Making a close relationship may lead to a false sense of self-sufficiency.
35 But, in this country, we used to have a thing about self-sufficiency.
36 In itself, self-sufficiency is not bad.
37 Rice is such a vital foodstuff in Asia—some 90% is grown and eaten there—that policies aim at self-sufficiency.
38 Perhaps the most striking trend is the move from "food security" towards "food self-sufficiency" as a goal of national policy.
39 Countries have been responding to high food prices and grain scarcity by scaling up efforts to achieve grain self-sufficiency and rebuild their public reserves.
40 The preface of the ADA sets the nation's goals regarding individuals with disabilities as assuring "equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency."
41 In her own research, Vohs has found that thinking about money gives people a sense of self-sufficiency, making them less likely to ask for or offer help.
42 He also said there were no quick fixes and that a nation with only 2 percent of the world's reserves cannot drill its way to self-sufficiency.
43 In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of people.
44 These would give importing countries confidence that supplies will always be for sale when prices spike, calming panic buying and reducing pressure to retreat into self-sufficiency.
45 I guess it's a difference between self-sufficiency and self-support .
46 But officials worry about how to keep China near self-sufficiency in grain and sheltered from rising world prices.
47 Even Nietzsche, this advocate of 'hardness' and self-sufficiency, needed his Ariadne, with her love and the thread of her wisdom to anchor him in reality.
48 The way to make self-sufficiency work on a small scale is to resist the temptation to buy a tractor and other expensive laborsaving devices.
49 The farm price of rice was only 13 percent above the import price, and Japan then was close to self-sufficiency.
50 Now, for people like Isaac and Abdi, Alima and Muslima, all that is gone,[] and with it independence and self-sufficiency.
51 The condition of the people was one of local self-sufficiency, and local customs displaced formal law.
52 Differences in status and the capacity for economic self-sufficiency — not to mention the capacity for self-regard — compromise the integrity of consent, no matter the culture.
53 Any strategy that enhances the self-sufficiency of a building can extend its viability as shelter in the aftermath of debilitating storms.
54 The frontiersman's self-sufficiency and stoicism in the face of pain belong now in some wax museum of lost American self-images.
55 They are a self-educated society, produce their own food and weapons, live in self-sufficiency, and have no relations with the outside world.
56 The geisha system was founded, actually, to promote the independence and economic self-sufficiency of women.
57 She says that much of her self-sufficiency derives from being a latchkey child when she was young.
58 In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of nations.
59 The an t id ot e to the gender-specific retirement conundrum comes down to instilling a financial education and, apparently, a healthy dose of self-sufficiency in women.
60 Retreating into self-sufficiency just when production may be reshaped is a starve-thy-neighbour policy.
61 With global grain markets so jittery, officials are rather smug about having so long stressed the need for self-sufficiency.
62 On the other hand, the factors of commodity economy have permeated into the southern yeomen economy and have somewhat influence on the self-sufficiency of Yeomen Economy.
63 Decent and productive work is one of the most effective ways to fight poverty and build self-sufficiency.




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