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单词 Infinite
1. Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains. 
2. Her fellow members marveled at her seemingly infinite energy.
3. The universe is theoretically infinite.
4. You need infinite patience for this job.
5. The war brought infinite harm to the nation.
6. Infinite space surrounds the Earth.
7. LiChou away gradually, such as at continuously infinite.
8. There was an infinite variety of drinks to choose from.
9. This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun.Infinite days and nights of joy stream by,And even beyond the day we die.
10. The choice is infinite.
11. Obviously, no company has infinite resources.
12. Human beings have an infinite capacity for self-deception.
13. She listened with infinite patience to his excuses.
14. The authorities, in their infinite wisdom, decided to close the advice centre.
15. The company in its infinite wisdom decided to close the staff restaurant .
16. In their infinite wisdom, the council closed the swimming pool for the school holidays.
17. There are an infinite number of solutions to the problem.
18. The boss, in her infinite wisdom, has decided to reorganize the whole office yet again.
19. With infinite patience, she explained the complex procedure to us.
20. The universe seems infinite.
21. The infinite distances of space are too great for the human mind to comprehend.
22. The universe is infinite.
23. They have developed almost an infinite variety of methods.
24. The types of finance are almost infinite.
25. Given infinite time, or infinite opportunities, anything is possible.
26. Time is infinite - the earth spins on.http://
27. Music fills the infinite between two souls. Rabindranath Tagore 
28. A man possessed of infinite patience.
29. Would it collapse to infinite density?
30. We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. 
1. Her fellow members marveled at her seemingly infinite energy.
2. The universe is theoretically infinite.
3. Infinite space surrounds the Earth.
4. There was an infinite variety of drinks to choose from.
5. The choice is infinite.
31. Although infinite in variety, it was singular in appeal.
32. A really good listener who has infinite patience.
33. One of Keyes' gifts is her infinite patience.
34. She was a woman of seemingly infinite patience.
35. They are available in infinite variety.
36. It's difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space.
37. Life was a cinema screen, in an infinite darkness.
38. It's difficult to really imagine an infinite universe.
39. The number of possible variations is infinite.
40. Ready to yield up its infinite variety.
41. The changes that they underwent are an infinite set of variations on a relatively limited number of themes.
42. In this playhouse of infinite forms I have had my play and here have I caught sight of him that is formless.
43. Partly of course in printed works, but these must be used with infinite caution and constant checking.
44. The speculative demand becomes virtually infinite at this minimum rate of interest.
45. I have infinite capacity to do more work as long as you don't mind that my quality approaches zero. Scott Adams 
46. The insect body has produced an almost infinite variety of forms.
47. But the electromagnetic field has an infinite number of variables(), one for each point in spacetime.
48. The theory of general relativity predicts an infinite curvature, but whether such a physical singularity can really occur is not known.
49. But, between any moment of proper time and the c-boundary, an infinite amount of information-processing is possible.
50. Sunset is so marvelous that even the sun itself watches it every day in the reflections of the infinite oceans! Mehmet Murat ildan 
51. In determinist terms, this is explained by the virtually infinite complexity of different constellations of different causal variables in individual cases.
52. So in three dimensions inversion turns an infinite plane into a finite sphere in a one-to-one mapping of every point.
53. After crossing the bridge Moran checked his watch and to their infinite relief started to walk quickly.
54. Possibility 2 would amount to a picture of an infinite sequence of structures at higher and higher energies.
55. The Marxian capitalist has infinite shrewdness or cunning on everything except matters pertaining to his own ultimate survival.
56. He slammed the door shut, then with infinite care proceeded to lay Kirsty on the back seat.
57. Player A's strategy is linear in z for both the finite and the infinite horizon models.
58. If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake 
59. At a given moment finite time came into existence out of infinite time.
60. Everything would then be crowded together in a state of infinite density: the end of the universe.
61. Thus, they may be thought of as sources of financing with an infinite time horizon.
62. The fluttering or hovering of the Spirit, which is also implied, paradoxically indicates infinite gentle care.
63. Working with organizations, or working to help people get organizations started, requires infinite time and patience.
64. There would be an infinite number of finite remainders that were not determined by the theory.
65. What will the infinite wisdom of the universe do with itself as it rushes towards that point?
66. But it is fugitive and becomes absorbed into the infinite like vapour.
67. However, infinite decimal expressions, such as the full non-terminating expansion present certain difficulties.
68. Smalltalk could potentially offer an infinite number of scenarios, each of them a new world with windows opening into the informationscape.
69. There are an infinite number of possible powers to which data can be raised.
70. So the cosmic mind is one, though it contains infinite aspects of being within its fully integrated and indestructible unity.
71. In principle, the question involves knowing what happens after an infinite number of terms of the sequence!
72. New discoveries and their applications, new inventions, arrived regularly, each bearing the promise of the infinite, controllable future.
73. It is like they embody the spirit of adventure, that sense of infinite newness.
74. Not even the most astute planning can cover the infinite variables thrown up by a sport of such bewildering complexity.
75. Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted. Aldous Huxley 
76. This should remind of you of the infinite varieties in any one colour and also set you thinking about texture.
77. The infinite singularity in the response would not occur in a practical circuit because of inevitable resistive loss.
78. Just as PageMaker provides almost infinite control over each element of each page so Ventura looks after the complete document.
79. The types of annoyance to the quiet enjoyment of an occupier are infinite.
80. He and Self devoted infinite pains to making this democratic centralism work.
81. Every window into the divine has its own angle and there is an infinite number of angles.
82. This stage game is repeated a finite or an infinite number of times, then play ends.
83. Thus the number of possible scenarios for the life, evolution and disappearance of musical instruments is almost infinite.
84. Each fender is designed to fit the customer's fireplace and there is an almost infinite combination of styles and materials available.
85. She believed in the infinite, untouchable forces that made up the hidden universe: hexes and curses, destiny and karma.
86. How can an infinite intelligence and life everlasting exist within finite bounds?
87. In large organizations, the number of roadblocks and low points can seem infinite, particularly when something new is being tried.
88. Two things are infinite : the universe and human stupidity; I'm not sure about the universe. Albert Einstein 
89. A theory with only charged W particles turns out to have infinite quantities that arise in calculating certain effects.
90. Neither the input nor the output of a Turing machine can, strictly speaking, be an infinite decimal.
91. As the infinite time horizon case is simpler to treat we begin with this.
92. And Earth is not just another planet whirling around the sun on its endless journey through infinite space.
93. The infinite variety of questions and possible answers, of course, account for the diversity within the subgenre.
94. It is clear, as Chomsky ceaselessly points out, that language competence enables almost infinite variations in language performance.
95. The work that Penrose and I did showed that they would continue to collapse until they reached a singularity of infinite density.
96. Language is sufficiently flexible to allow the construction of an infinite variety of singular terms which do not designate any entity.
97. An infinite amount of information-processing allows an infinite amount of life and thought, and thus an infinite amount of subjective time.
98. Only when we’re brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light. Brene Brown 
99. It gave her infinite pleasure simply to utter Joss Barnet's name.
100. Looking at the greyish-green sea streaked with white waves was a good antidote, as indeed the grand and infinite was always.
101. There are certainly infinitely many different infinite sets, so I is itself infinite.
102. The board, in its infinite wisdom, has decided to give Waters back his job.
103. Our past experience might suggest that there is an infinite sequence of layers of structure at higher and higher energies.
104. He looked after his wife with infinite care and tenderness.
105. Otherwise the fields in the immediate neighbourhood of each particle become infinite.
106. A natural language contains an infinite number of grammatical sentences.
107. Perhaps the reader has indeed got the impression by now that all infinite sets are countable.
108. Anyone could make an infinite amount of money in such a world.
109. Gravitational collapse releases energy; and collapse to a single(), dimensionless point releases an infinite amount of it.
110. Suddenly like Matisse in a three-piece suit and consultant's white coat, I take infinite pains to keep this model alive.
111. A Nothing in comparison with the Infinite, an All in comparison with the Nothing, a mean between nothing and everything.
112. The sun on its endless tour round and round the sky gives shadows and hues of infinite variety.
113. To be part of that melody of infinite chimes of light!
114. The presence of noise also allows agents to create temporary reputations in infinite horizon games.
115. Such a theory would have no predictive power because one could never measure all the infinite number of parameters.
116. But those rules can take an almost infinite variety of forms.
117. We are accustomed to the infinite length of the horizon all about us.
118. But the estimates could be wrecked by the infinite number of remaining terms.
119. Marketing is about infinite improvements, by listening and by responding to people you increase involvement,[http:///infinite.html] engage commitment and win loyalty.
120. It meant she could answer without thinking, which was an infinite mercy, for suddenly she was quite incapable of thinking.
121. The universe might then have re-expanded without going through a state of infinite density.
122. Aristotle would then be saying that the infinite variety of size of Democritean atoms was all below the threshold of perception.
123. Slowly, with infinite care, Rourke reached up and untwined the tight band of her fingers from around the heavy ornament.
124. Then he gently eased her arms down, and with infinite patience began to stroke her nightdress from her body.
125. The One, without name or form, is the infinite depth, the unlimited ocean of being.
126. We can have an infinite chess game which will go on for months.
127. Kabir said he brought with him the thirst for the infinite.
128. This hypothesis generates an infinite set of indifference curves which are convex to the L axis.
129. Also, when considering development, it must be stressed that we do not have to depend on an infinite regress.
130. The variations of color that a human eye can see are infinite.
131. This fabric seems infinite, and its threads worm their way into the natural core that Claire and Jay have formed.
132. So, as well as being probably infinite in length, the list of conditional observation statements was probably rather vague in content.
133. Of course an infinite number of equatorial orbits exist, but only one geostationary orbit.
134. Our use of an infinitary rule, which requires an apparently infinite amount of work to verify its preconditions, appears undesirable.
135. What a man wants is a mate and what a woman wants is infinite security,’ and, ‘What a man is is an arrow into the future and a what a woman is is the place the arrow shoots off from. Sylvia Plath 
136. It is impossible to describe the infinite variety of hysterical gaits.
137. Whether they all cancel out to give a theory that is finite without any infinite subtractions is not yet known.
138. The high frequency vibrations were so highly favoured that an infinite amount of energy would be present in them.
139. Water was and is brought to Los Angeles less to meet a necessary demand than to provide an infinite supply.
140. A bird in the hand is never worth an infinite number of birds in the bush.
141. Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important. C.S. Lewis 
142. Ideally, any alternating voltmeter should possess infinite impedance and any a.c. meter negligible impedance.
143. With infinite care, Induk slides her arms around my back, cradling me into her heat.
144. The supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect; but a being, however perfect, without dominion, cannot be said to be Lord God. Isaac Newton 
145. The universe offers no such categories or simplifications; only flux and infinite variety.
146. It goes through a cycle of changes until it finally returns to its original state and then merges into infinite time.
147. There was a moment, I have to admit, when I was overtaken by a feeling of infinite sadness.
148. The divine unity contains infinite diversity within itself, harmonised and integrated into one all-including totality.
149. We argue that for any positive discount rate reputation effects will be temporary in infinite horizon games.
150. And the opportunities to acquire it are infinite, for power is not limited.
151. Their natural state would be movement at infinite velocity, so that they would be everywhere in the Universe at once.
152. Of course, only one set of historical circumstances, from all the infinite potentialities, was to emerge.
153. The totality of space could be infinite.
154. The hammer has an infinite set of practical applications.
155. So the number of types of aioli is infinite.
156. The attempt leads to an infinite regress.
157. Moreover, according to occultism, astrological forces are vibrations which are transmitted to earth via an infinite number of longitudinal waves through the ether.
158. On the subject of optimal regulator for a generalized system, if the state trajectories of the system contain some impulses, the corresponding linear-quadratic performance index will become infinite.
159. This blown-up filigree is the result of a study of infinite patterns.
160. When the integral constant is zero, the existence of smooth solitary wave solutions, uncountably infinite, many smooth periodic wave solutions, and kink and anti-kink wave solutions are proved.
161. Only in recent years has it become apparent that sustaining and assimilative capacity of the biosphere, through tremendous, is not, after all, infinite.
162. They have to identify which of the infinite number of progressive tax schedules they embrace, and then explain why it is best.
163. In the present analysis torsional oscillation of a rigid disk in an infinite transversely isotropic elastic cylinder has been considered.
164. EXAMPLE: The infinite capacity of central banks depends on the intervention being unsterilised, in other words the extra currency is added to the nation's money supply.
165. Infinite mass cannot exist in our finite universe(), therefore an unmovable object cannot exist.
166. He constructed one geometric model, in which some infinite series with Catalan numbers as coefficients were contained.
167. Can do for yours student I feels infinite honorable, Your unusual patience is responsible, I like this class and grade, All students all are such unfriendliness.
168. The paper explores the physical meaning of a surface complex acoustic power computed from a vibrating body immersed in an infinite extent acoustic medium.
169. Some basic necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of various inverses of a row-column-finite infinite matrix A over a field K are proved by compactness arguments.
170. It supports infinite number of resources (digital services, film services) and has a well-organized navigation system.
171. Although the Mongolian national minority already realizes to life finiteness and the temporary, They still pursue the life infinite and eternal, hence became the idea of"soul immortalization".
172. The rhapsodist of things as they are is necessarily caught in a position of infinite regret.
173. Many more criteria for the convergence of infinite series were developed by leading mathematicians.
174. It is given evaluation formula for a class of infinite integrals by applying Variable integral transformation.
175. A solution process of the equation of Ekman drift motion in infinite deep sea is given in this paper. Furthermore, the regularity of vertical distribution of drift velocity is discussed.
176. If the payments are madean infinite period of time the annuity is called a perpetuity.
177. The inverse optimal controllers are redesigned with cost functional includes penalty on control effort[sentencedict .com], and when it has an infinite gain margin.
178. The displacement functions of infinite soil piece are given as the product of analytical functions in vertical and radial directions and piecewise polynomial in the angular direction.
179. Studies leads the type social organization to continue the development, the coordinated harmonious infinite optimization.
180. The infinite deviousness of "the ruling classes" and the immense difficulty of the left's task are a given in these halls.
181. Max Muller suggests that religion originate in the infinite ideas and the ideas are formed on the foundation of the finite natural things.
182. The infinite spreadsheet is product birthed out from this matured environment.
183. Its crescent shaped beach throws out its arms to the shoreless open sea like the very image of an eager striving to embrace the infinite.
184. The colour of edition of set limit to makeup combined smooth shadow and idolum creation to give infinite daydream, let any the people long to be shined by her glamour place.
185. This paper quantitatively analyzes the infinite population dynamics system of the gene pool GA and discusses the influence of the solution space scale on the stability of the gene pool GA.
186. In this paper, an infinite array of rectangular waveguides in the parallel plate system is considered as a parallel plate waveguide system in the free space.
187. In the center of your heart and my heart is a wireless station:so long as I receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you yang.
188. Very hesitatingly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field.
189. For our example process, the recursion is infinite; Subprocess 3 always invokes Main Process again.
190. Generative grammar formalizes language mechanism. The finite rules of generative grammar can generate or analyze infinite sentences.
191. Infinite spreadsheet has demonstrated that a deterministic system can be build to help us in achieving rational behavior to stabilize the economy, which is the first step in social science.
192. People need to wake up to the fact that the earth's resources are not infinite.
193. Recalling the concavity of a mirror which, as in physics, produces an image of infinite space but also requires a focal point, I employed a blue light source.
194. There are an infinite number of items you can represent with single bit.
195. In an infinite dimensional space there always exist two subspaces whose vector sum is different from their span.
196. Was home to an infinite number of malefic, demonic beings who sought only to destroy life and devour the energies of the living universe.
197. Scores can also be expressed as a finite or infinite decimal recurring decimal.
198. Not by them are impaired the dignity and infinite pathos of the Lost Cause.
199. The existence of closed geodesic lines (oscillate loci) is proved. Although there are infinite closed loci on the surface of scatterer, they yield same result in determining SEM poles.
200. The giant Mao Zedong expressed the infinite affectionateness on the west and transformed it into the fulfillment of building the west.
201. New methods for discriminating convergence of nonnegative functions infinite integral are given.
202. This away game loses the competition, to Asia peaceful and the infinite big loss.
203. This causes the invalid page fault because the program enters an infinite loop.
204. The critical velocity of the infinite long sandwich shell to moving internal pressure is studied using sandwich shell theory and elastodynamics theory.
205. The past is still the taste, add some nostalgic feeling, sesame seed brings infinite imaginary space...
206. Advancements in human understanding of the infinite can in turn contribute to dispelling not only syntactic a nd empirical science paradoxes, but also semantic paradoxes. Paradox in science,[http:///infinite.html] ther...
207. On the foundation of the conception of orthonormal basis in finite dimensional Euclidean space, this paper provides the theory of completely orthonormal system in infinite dimensional Euclidean space.
208. The vibration frequency and effective mass of the strong-coupling polaron in an infinite quantum well were derived by using improved linear-combination-operator and variational method.
209. His plays show the imposing grandeur of the Renaissance man with infinite desire for self - fulfillment.
210. For reasons of mathematical purity, they all assumed an infinite population size.
211. If the resource is infinite in the distribution center, the distribution cost is not affected by the custom inventory, the problem is a vehicle routing problem with time window (VRPTW).
212. In the process of defining wavelet transform, signal length is assumed to be infinite, but the actual signal's length is limited, it is necessary to extend signal length before transform.
213. The optimal inventory and capacity joint decisions for a continuous time homogeneous inventory system with finite and infinite horizons are discussed.
214. I did finally finish Infinite Jest ! And the whole thing required only three bottles of Advil.
215. It is given a evaluation formula for a class of infinite integrals by applying Parametric Variable integral transformation.
216. She likes the bricolage of potentially infinite reproducibility, which takes her back to her Central Academy training as a printmaker .
217. We must also practice the Four Immeasurables to strengthen our minds with Infinite Loving-kindness, Infinite Compassion, Infinite joy and Infinite Equanimity.
218. In this paper , new criterion of convergence and divergence for infinite series is given by means of the convergence and divergence of infinite integral.
219. Firstly, complex potential of multiple cracks problem of infinite region in antiplane elasticity was given.
220. The exact complex stress functions are obtained for a infinite plate with a centrical crack or semi-infinite crack under concentrated forces at a certain point.
221. The harmfulness of online game infinite , so the cure of addiction disorder for teenagers is crucial.
222. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men from the infinite, so long are you young.
222. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
223. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from the infinite, so long as you are young.
224. After the tide that experienced countless years is transitional , colour stripe is taking infinite amorous feelings to stand to people afresh again before.
225. The uncertainty relation of one dimensional infinite well is deduced with the operator theory.
226. The feeling of being loved is the culmination of infinite happiness.
227. New fund eardrop designs chic, originality infinite, these are modern distinctive small east east let you fondle admiringly for certain.
228. They bathe themselves in the bottomless, shoreless sea of infinite beatitude.
229. The high - order boundary conditions for the problems of Laplace equation in infinite region hare been developed.
230. The thinking tension of perverseness has the value and significance in bringing man embarrassment giving man the opportunity of infinite enlightenment and innovation at the same time.




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