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单词 Bent
1, The tree must be bent while it is young. 
2, A tree must be bent while it is young. 
3, As the twig is bent so the tree is inclined. 
4, The lamp post got bent in the crash.
5, She bent down to retrieve her earring.
6, She bent down and scooped up the little dog.
7, The two ends must be bent outward.
8, The trees bent before the wind.
9, Stand with your knees slightly bent.
10, He bent down and kissed her on the cheek.
11, I bent over and kissed her cheek.
12, He bent and touched his mouth to hers.
13, She bent down to pick up her glove.
14, His dark head bent over her.
15, He was fully bent upon the project.
16, He bent and kissed her.
17, Roger bent to tie his shoelace.
18, The nurse bent down and kissed the child.
19, She bent forward to pick up the newspaper.
20, The worker is fully bent on the project.
21, She bent down and picked up a mineral.
22, He bent his steps towards the gate.
23, His new trousers ripped when he bent down.
24, He bent his head and kissed her.
25, She has a bent for music.
26, She bent to retrieve her comb from the floor.
27, The man bent down to kiss the child.
28, David bent down to tie his shoelace.
29, Lee bent and kissed her.
30, Let early education be a sort of a musement; you will then be bette able to find out the natural bent
1, The lamp post got bent in the crash.
2, She bent down to retrieve her earring.
3, She bent down and scooped up the little dog.
4, Stand with your knees slightly bent.
5, I bent over and kissed her cheek.
6, He bent and touched his mouth to hers.
7, She bent down to pick up her glove.
8, His dark head bent over her.
9, He bent and kissed her.
10, Roger bent to tie his shoelace.
11, She bent forward to pick up the newspaper.
12, She bent down and picked up a mineral.
13, His new trousers ripped when he bent down.
14, He bent his head and kissed her.
15, She bent to retrieve her comb from the floor.
16, David bent down to tie his shoelace.
17, Lee bent and kissed her.
18, Do this exercise with your knees bent .
19, The rod bent as he pulled in the fish.
20, She was bent over her desk writing a letter.
21, I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road.
22, She bent her mouth to the tap and drank the tepid water.
23, She bent and pulled up a double handful of weeds.
24, The robbery may have been carried out with the help of a bent policeman.
25, The trees were all bent and twisted from the wind.
26, His boy bent curiously to the skeleton of the buck.
27, The boy bent curiously to the skeleton of the buck.
28, She bent to pick up a coin from the floor.
29, The natives were unwilling to be bent by colonial power.
30, He was fully bent upon the dissemination of Chinese culture all over the world.
31, I bent down and tied my shoelace.
32, Do this exercise with your knees bent .
33, He bent the bar into the right shape.
34, He proposed to her on bent knees.
35, The rod bent as he pulled in the fish.
36, I bent back too far and hurt my neck.
37, The archer bent a bow.
38, She was bent over her desk writing a letter.
39, I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road.
40, She bent her mouth to the tap and drank the tepid water.
41, She bent and pulled up a double handful of weeds.
42, The robbery may have been carried out with the help of a bent policeman.
43, A man can't ride your back unless it is bent.
44, The trees were all bent and twisted from the wind.
45, His boy bent curiously to the skeleton of the buck.
46, The boy bent curiously to the skeleton of the buck.
47, As Jim bent over to pick up the pen,() he felt a sharp pain in his back.
48, Tom bent to the ground to pick up the book.
49, She bent her glance on a table at which four men sat together.
50, She bent to pick up a coin from the floor.
51, He bent forward to listen to the child.
52, Her leg was bent at an unnatural angle.
53, The road bent slightly to the right.
54, The branch bent but did not break.
55, I bent down to look under the bed.
56, The boy bent over to be caned.
57, He was bent double with laughter/pain.
58, He stood with knees slightly bent.
59, His head was bent over a book.
60, He is of a studious bent.
61, They bent double crouching under the table.
62, I bent down to smell the flowers.
63, He breathed in deeply, bent double in pain .
64, She bent down and smelt the flowers.
65, I've bent over backwards to help him.
66, She has a natural bent for music.
67, The wheel had been bent out of shape.
68, He bent down to pick up his gloves.
69, Alice bent to search through a heap of clothes.
70, The road bent sharply to the right.
71, The highway bent towards the west.
72, She bent the wire into a circle.
73, He bent over and picked up a silver coin.
74, The mast was bent during the storm.
75, He bent a crooked circle straight.
76, He bent his mind to the research project.
77, She bent down and picked it up.
77, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
78, The trees were almost bent double in the wind.
79, She bent her head to read a book.
80, He bent to kiss her again.
81, She has an artistic bent.
82, They seemed bent on destroying his career.
83, We bent our steps towards home.
84, He bent his mind to the job.
85, City officials bent over backwards to help downtown businesses.
86, She has a scientific bent/a bent for science.
87, She seems bent on making life difficult for me.
88, She was bent over with suppressed laughter.
89, He was bent double with laughter.
90, She bent forward and kissed him softly.
91, He was bent on success.
92, Everyone in the room was bent over her desk.
93, I bent down to pat the little puppy.
94, The worker bent an iron rod into a hoop.
95, The clerkess bent to her work with determination.
96, He has a bent for music.
97, Keep your knees slightly bent.
98, She bent her head to hide her blushes.
99, He bent to her wishes.
100, She bent down and picked a flower .
101, He bent towards me and whispered in my ear.
102, Willows bent above the stream.
103, Jack seems bent on becoming a doctor.
104, The shooter bent weapons on her.
105, She bent her thoughts back towards her childhood.
106, My bicycle wheel has got bent out of shape.
107, He bent his steps from the path.http://
108, She has a bent for mathematics.
109, The knives were bent out of shape.
110, Tom bent before the storm of his mother's anger.
111, Georgia was bent over the basin, throwing up.
112, The boy bent the book back and damaged it.
113, She bent at the knee when she skied downhill.
114, Her back was bent with age.
115, He bent them to his will.
116, The rod bent double, the reel shrieked and ratcheted.
117, His long legs bent up in the confined space.
118, Emma bent over to pick up the coins.
119, He showed a literary bent from a young age.
120, He came closer and bent towards her.
121, He is bent on winning at all costs.
122, She bent over to pick up the pen.
123, She was bent over the sink washing the dishes.
124, He stormed out, eyes blazing, bent on vengeance.
125, Boatmen bent to the oars.
126, The heat of the fire has bent these records.
127, They bent themselves to the completion of their task.
128, He bent low over the engine.
129, Sarah bent close to him.
130, She bent and picked up a plastic bucket.
131, We bent over backward to help them.
132, Nick's head bent slowly over hers until their mouths met.
133, I bent down to lift the box off the floor.
134, They were only one day over the date limit so the organizers bent the rules and accepted their entry.
135, The man shuffled back a few paces, bent almost double.
136, Then she bent over and gave him an eyeful of her tattoos.
137, She bent to pick up a book from the floor.
137, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
138, The coastline bent south.
139, Once most wires are bent out of shape, they don't return to the original position.
140, They fell into step, walking shoulder to shoulder with their heads bent against the rain.
141, The pupil bent the corners of the pages in and damage them.
142, He bent his head forward to hear what they were talking about.
143, We bent over backwards to get it finished on time.
144, He bent down and undid the laces of his shoes.
145, He was bent on getting married as soon as possible.
146, They walked in a crouch, each bent over close to the ground.
147, He remained bent over for several seconds before slowly straightening up.
148, Pickers are bent double, plucking each flower with lightning speed.
149, He bent forward and laid a kiss softly upon her forehead.
150, She bent down to shake a pebble out of her shoe.
151, He bent to a squat and gathered the puppies on his lap.
152, His bent for natural history directed him towards his first job.
153, By the mouth of the tunnel he bent to retie his lace.
154, He left the courtroom on the first day bent double with stomach pain.
155, He bent the wire into the shape of a square.
156, The two ends of the wire must be bent outward.
157, Although we bent over backwards to please her, our new manager was still very critical of our work.
158, She planted her feet wide and bent her knees slightly.
159, The branch bent but didn't break when the boy climbed along it.
160, After the accident,the car was bent up in all directions.
161, He has been bent on becoming a lawyer for a long time.
162, He bent down stiffly.
163, She bent down, picked up a rock and threw it into the trees.
164, The natives were unwilling to be bent by colonial power.
165, The messenger bent and scratched at his knee where the strapping chafed.
166, They were bent upon an early start the next day.
167, Keep your knees bent and lean forward slightly. That's the idea!
168, She bent over backwards to make him feel at home.
169, Her face twisted up with pain as her leg lay bent beneath her.
170, The tall man bent down to get through the doorway.
171, They were bent on an early start the next day.
172, As Sheila bent over, a sudden pain shot up her back.
173, As he bent over, the towel round his waist slipped.
174, She bent her head.
175, He was fully bent upon the dissemination of Chinese culture all over the world.
176, She was crouched with her head forward and her shoulders bent.
177, He bent the wire into an 'S' shape.
178, Rebecca has an artistic bent.
179, Rudi seems bent on finding a new job.
180, How did this spoon get bent?
181, Freddy's bent figure limped in front of him.
182, Half the inspectors here are bent.
183, Hey, don't get all bent out of shape!
184, He bent his lanky frame into the small car.
185, The old man was bent double under his load.
186, The middle of the car door was bent inward.
187, Someone had bent the aerial.
188, He bent down and split his trousers.
189, He bent and kissed the child on the head.
190, She bent towards me and whispered in my ear.
191, Sheila bent down to pick up the cat.
192, I bent down to tie my shoelaces.
193, Timothy bent to kiss his aunt's cheek.
194, Dan bent over to pick up the keys.
195, Lenny bent over to pick up the coins.
196, The branches of the tree bent over into the water.
197, A few bent coppers can give the whole police force a bad name.
197, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
198, I have been bent and broken, but - I hope - into a better shape. Charles Dickens 
199, Dorothea bent down and pulled weeds out of the garden.
200, A native Nebraskan and a West Point graduate, Wedemeyer had an intellectual bent and a capacity for strategic thinking.
201, He's bent on suicide.
202, She bent down and tightened the muzzle on the dog.
203, The nail is bent.
204, Have you noticed that whatever sport you're trying to learn, some earnest person is always telling you to keep your knees bent? Dave Barry 
205, Rod bent down and heaved the sack onto his shoulder.
206, For any exercise with a bending motion, the knees must be slightly bent.
207, For a full minute he was bent double, like a stricken animal.
208, She had her back towards me, her head bent forwards over a book.
209, She bent down and patted the dog on the head.
210, I had trouble straightening up after I bent down to pick up the coins.
211, She bent down and retrieved the map from under the car seat.
212, She bent over the body, and when she straightened up there were tears in her eyes.
213, He bent his face over the steaming bowl and slurped loudly.
214, We stand over Tolo's bent form, and point with our cane.
215, The hinge was bent and the lid wouldn't shut properly.
215, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
216, I tried opening it with the knife but the blade bent.
217, His figure bent earthwards with hard work.
218, A mind bent on returning is like an arrow.
219, Ever heardaboutofa greenstick fracture?This is when a bone is bent and breaks along only 1 side, like a young stick of wood.
220, Keyboard entry with bent wrists increase chance of tendinitis of hand and wrist.
221, The dust devil column is clearly defined and is clearly bent in the down wind direction.
222, Henceforth every morning the Queen, the Countess and Mrs Seton sat down to embroider together. Gathered in the light of the window with their heads bent over their work, they grew very friendly.
223, Isabel, with her eyes bent,() fingered the pages of M ? Ampere.
224, The footplate moved up and down so it alternately bent and straightened the ankle, forcing the fibres within the muscles to alternately lengthen and shorten.
225, The Bishop had just bent down, and was sighing as he examined a plant of cochlearia des Guillons, which the basket had broken as it fell across the bed.
226, Sal Monella is a poisonous gangster hell bent on infection, and a pimple is a power-mad oil gland.
227, This paper researches on the pass ability of pipeline robot at bent pipe, mainly aimed at robot which has three separately driven wheels distributed around the body.
228, The mast, which was a solid spruce spar, bent like a bow, and for a moment I thought we were going to lose it.
229, To shoot ( a marble ) with the thumb over the bent forefinger.
230, The Ousters eon - long mutated humanoids bent on overthrowing the Hegemony.
231, They are always bent on interfering in other countries'internal affairs.
232, If plastic is dragging on the clamp frame, slow down the BFI rate or the closing speed of the respective platens. If touching the side heater make sure the heaters are not bent.
233, The backstroke kick is a steady six-beat flutter kick, with the power generating from the hips. The toes should be pointed and the knees bent only slightly on the upbeat.




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