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单词 Patriarchal
1) To many feminists, marriage is an inherently patriarchal institution.
2) Even they, however, were not unaffected by patriarchal assumptions.
3) Some patriarchal cultures have done exactly that.
4) Families were therefore nuclear and patriarchal and only one son inherited the patrimony.
5) The patriarchal structure of most families reinforces the integration of the whole unit.
6) This explains why patriarchal legal codes sometimes ostracize and punish the victim of rape as much as the rapist.
7) The one-sided patriarchal system is dying, and to cling to it is now a psychic sin.
8) The patriarchal principle surrendered class solidarity to myopia and minimalism.
9) Taking the patriarchal code literally, however,[http:///patriarchal.html] gives Kelly Flinn a free ride on coveting.
10) Many of these taboos derive from patriarchal societies taking the power of women and turning it on its head.
11) Patriarchal religion is built on many millennia of repressed fear of the power of female bodily processes.
12) It is an overwhelmingly patriarchal society, where women still curtsy to men.
13) There was of course nothing new in a patriarchal family structure based on the subordination of women and children.
14) They're young and poor and the patriarchal culture they inherit and the conspicuous consumption of their contemporaries sanctions their irresponsibility.
15) Like women in patriarchal societies, Demeter is powerless to wage war against Olympus.
16) To feminists she is a classic victim of the patriarchal society.
17) Within the Paid Employment Arena 3.2 Differential hourly earnings are the most obvious indicator of the patriarchal dividend.
18) Historically, the single parent has been the norm in no society, but patriarchal linear life is now economically over.
19) In short, male dominance can be strongly suggested in pictorial representation without the patriarchal male being directly represented at all.
20) Even if we live as pure as nuns, we defy the patriarchal order just by existing.
21) Women use pieces of attire ... to reinscribe themselves in the patriarchal system ....
22) As the reporter just quoted noted, however, there are alternatives to the patriarchal model.
23) More important still for Reich was the fact that his wife and children also suffered from his patriarchal authority.
24) On the one hand it would appear that they are less likely to be clearly subordinated to traditional patriarchal authority.
25) The typical organization of early society was based upon the patriarchal family.
26) It is rooted in a particular past, a past that was patriarchal.
27) The article, instead, juxtaposes the practice with the important role played by women in that patriarchal society.
28) Again Cornerville man or the taxi dancer are operating within capitalist, patriarchal and, frequently, racist societies.
29) The Hebrew scriptures are bound up with the history of a particular society, and that society was patriarchal.
30) In its earliest impulses celibacy was egalitarian and even subversive of patriarchal family relationships.
31) However, the organisational culture maintaining the patriarchal dividend still seems to be very much a reality.
32) It was patriarchal on account of its powerful family links, the long unbreakable ligatures of ancestor-worship.
33) The role of education in a patriarchal society is, therefore, to transmit a dominant ideology: that of masculine superiority.
34) Her female Spirit-Self simply seems to rise mysteriously like a phoenix from the ashes of patriarchal conditioning.
35) To compensate, and, anxious to preserve his patriarchal status, he may become querulous and demanding instead.
36) The relationships between persons of which the bible tells are relations between people existing in a patriarchal society.
37) Rival, patriarchal faiths never entirely overcame the worship of this deity, nor will they ever do so.
38) Older women, who had never been much valued in a patriarchal society, were especially singled out for blame.
39) The solution lay in the abolition of the patriarchal family.
40) He was a patriarchal Semitic nomad.
41) They are presented as patriarchal Bedouin chiefs.
42) He is notorious for its patriarchal behaviour.
43) But that's a patriarchal hang-up, says Quilliam.
44) His patriarchal generosity is counter-balanced by his ruthlessness.
45) I think marriage is used to uphold patriarchal control.
46) It was shown in the appearence of the idea of advocating morality and protecting people, the practice of the system of enfeoffment and patriarchal clan system and the system of civilized autocracy.
47) If she dared to violate the rules in the patriarchal society, she would be regarded as an unchaste and vicious woman.
48) Istanbul's Hagia Sophia was a former Orthodox patriarchal basilica before being converted to a mosque, but is now a museum since being secularized in 1934.
49) It transformed the rural traditional natural villages linked by consanguine and patriarchal relationships into the grassroots organizations of production brigades and teams under the people's commune.
50) This might be because Yoruba society is highly patriarchal and stratified, producing a lot of social pressure for genetically similar men and women to mate.
51) Feminists believe that females in the patriarchal society are "feminized" into introversive and passive object and the other, while the males become active, extroversive subject.
52) She considers war as the product and extension of patriarchal system.
53) The analysis of House of Mirth demonstrates that both men and women are burdened with the patriarchal system and the patriarchal society is a prison house for men as well as for women.
54) With the patriarchal family, and still more with the single monogamous family, a change came.
55) Already in Colossians and Ephesians they set up the household in a clear hierarchical patriarchal situation.
56) Chinese culture indicates the essence of self-concern including patriarchal clan system, collectivism, hiding selfishness, personification.
57) You talk a lot about opposing the patriarchal family system, but actually you support it.
58) Even though there is a wealth of genres and mind-boggling fetish products available from Japan, the cultures actually share a quite narrow-minded patriarchal view on sexual pleasure.
59) Traditional Chinese religions at the threshold of the 20 th century had a patriarchal - feudal character.
60) The researcher employed the in - depth interview method to explore male experiences under the patriarchal ideology.
61) I would say then the root of the problems that undermine and derange the Chinese society is the overarching metaphor characteristic of our patriarchal society: managing a country is managing a family.
62) As modern Shandong was within the process of the collapse of monarchism, these patriarchal traditional religious activities have, too, revealed a trend of being broken down.
63) The small farmer mentality, based on natural economy and patriarchal society, increasingly hinders the development of modernization.
64) Chapter one discusses the status of female in patriarchal system.
65) Though dress and personal adornment institution were reformed in every danasty, it aimed at maintaining the autocratical domination and stabilizing patriarchal etiquette all the time.
66) The concept of his"country folk"was not the one in the patriarchal clan system of enfeoffment of China with the moral principles of Confucian School, but was a kind of primitive civilization.
67) As a person of color, you shouldn't have to fit into any white, patriarchal system.
68) Men who resort to violence do so mainly because they are conditioned by patriarchal cultural norms to equate manhood with aggression, dominance over women and sexual conquest.
69) However, in fact, contemporary women are exploited by the patriarchal society and the commercial society.
70) The most influential systems constructed by Duke Zhou include the patriarchal clan system, feudatory system, hereditary system and legal system.
71) The Chinese culture based on patriarchal - feudalism proved capable of assimilating many alien cultures.
72) The Gentleman and Patriarchal Clan had a closed and mutual relation.
73) Its last words are: corporate guilds for manufacture, patriarchal relations in agriculture.
74) As the base of conclusions above, a bran-new concept " patriarchal violence " take the place of " domestic violence to minor children " to avoid the lengthiness.
75) They rebelliously free themselves from the context of patriarchal norms by means of breaking through imposed stereotypes and boundaries as well as spiritual fetters.
76) Hagia Sophia is a former Orthodox patriarchal basilica, later a mosque, and now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey.
77) The patriarchal clan that invited wide doubt should be surveyed from a new visual angle.
78) From the outset, the regime targeted women, calculating that the patriarchal culture of the country would embrace the idea of an Islamic diktat that "put women in their place."
79) Even while he was fighting off sodomy accusations in Florence, the 26-year-old Leonardo da Vinci painted a picture of a young woman that blew apart the patriarchal conventions of his native city.
80) In Colossians and Ephesians there is clearly a patriarchal household structure that's hierarchical.
81) At the same time, influenced by patriarchal clan systems, middlebrow and other factors, the Chinese legal system has these facts such as clear scale, shame and injury penalties and so on.
82) Challenges against patriarchal - feudalism came from progressive intellectuals in the wake of the Reform Movement of 1898.
83) As you summon the story of your reptilian past, you will find that many of the influential characters in the patriarchal system of history have indeed been part of the reptile family.
84) Under the industrial mode of life, humans subjugated in vast quarrelsome patriarchal nation - states.
85) It was encouraged during the American occupation in the belief that such Western ways might promote democracy and erode the patriarchal household system.
86) Dorset in rebellion against the exchange of marriage in the patriarchal society.
87) In feudal China , patriarchal - feudalism became the dominant ideology and political mainstay.
88) It is a former patriarchal basilica, later a mosque, now a museum located in Istanbul, Turkey.
89) They only had women in accordance with the prototype model to shape the image of lesbians, and based on whether it is conducive to the patriarchal society to evaluate them.
90) Yuanzuo system outlines a correspondent penal code system based on the patriarchal clan network.
91) Secondly , patriarchal clan was the foundation and core of Guan Dong magnates.
92) Many critics, bound by the interpretive frame that sees Kate Chopin as a progressive writer, take "Diseree's Baby" as a progressive work against racial and patriarchal oppression.
93) The conclusion of the thesis points out that although Welty uses changing points of view in The Golden Apples, her unchanging focus is on women's fate in a patriarchal society.
94) Maneating and patriarchal face shows regretful scene: Regrettablly soup was aspersed.
95) In any case,[http:///patriarchal.html] it seems just a matter of time that this ancient and unusual matriarchy will be changing to a more typical patriarchal system.
96) Little girls epitomise a patriarchal society's ideal of compliant, docile sexuality.
97) The Chinese feudal society was a grade society of patriarchal clan system.
98) Based on the stifling experience of a sensitive educated woman in her family, the novelette reveals the oppression of women from the prison, their patriarchal families.
99) Thus, the patriarchal system was based upon love, not force.
100) Western society is civil society while eastern society is patriarchal society.
101) Her tragical ending reveals that she is the victim of patriarchal society.




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