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单词 Frenzy
(1) In a frenzy of rage she hit him.
(2) Nationalist speeches worked the crowd up into a frenzy.
(3) The speaker worked the crowd up into a frenzy.
(4) The women were screaming and in a frenzy to get home.
(5) Love, is the youth frenzy years round of apricot yellow months, fine but hazy.
(6) The country was gripped by a frenzy of nationalism.
(7) Doreen had worked herself into a frenzy.
(8) Babies can cry themselves into a state of frenzy.
(9) She tore the letter open in a frenzy.
(10) The film put America's moviegoers into a feeding frenzy.
(11) In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy.
(12) The audience worked/whipped themselves up into a frenzy as they waited for her to come on stage.
(13) In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy and revenged his father.
(14) I worked myself into a frenzy plotting ways to make him jealous.
(15) There had been a frenzy of activity in my absence.
(16) There was a frenzy of activity on the financial markets yesterday.
(17) The people were whipped up into a frenzy by the speaker.
(18) He worked himself up into a frenzy before his graduation exams.
(19) In a moment of jealous frenzy, she cut the sleeves off all his shirts.
(20) Patterson controls what should be a frenzy.
(21) Sense reels with the intoxicating frenzy.
(22) It is high-tea; time for another feeding frenzy.
(23) Mine was hitting my chest in a frenzy!
(24) But most of the frenzy was elsewhere.
(25) The frenzy of rebuilding is now past.
(26) Karl Smith, the 19-year old singer, had whipped the crowd of teenage girls into a frenzy merely by removing his shirt.
(27) The smell of blood sent the sharks into a feeding frenzy.
(28) The cleverly designed speech lashed the audience into a frenzy.
(29) He was not confident and so he lathered himself into a frenzy.
(30) He was so angry that he worked himself into a frenzy.
(1) In a frenzy of rage she hit him.
(2) Nationalist speeches worked the crowd up into a frenzy.
(3) The women were screaming and in a frenzy to get home.
(4) Karl Smith, the 19-year old singer, had whipped the crowd of teenage girls into a frenzy merely by removing his shirt.
(5) The smell of blood sent the sharks into a feeding frenzy.
(6) The cleverly designed speech lashed the audience into a frenzy.
(7) In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy.
(31) The yeast completes a final feeding frenzy and dies.
(32) Worked himself into a frenzy and gave himself indigestion.
(33) Gold from California fed the frenzy.
(34) Nor is this the first instance of chivalry in the midst of frenzy.
(35) The idea of it drives insurance men into a frenzy.
(36) Bella always started each day in a frenzy of horror at how much had to be done.
(37) The dorados were in a feeding frenzy, oblivious to all else.
(38) The passengers who jammed the vessel were in a frenzy as they tried to seize pieces of the omelets.
(39) At this point the Skeleton rejoins the fray, driven into frenzy by its realisation.
(40) His feeding frenzy exhausted, he was torpid, unable to pay attention to the rat in her maze.
(41) Have any other readers found this plant sends their feline friend into a frenzy?
(42) Or at least he did until the frenzy of violence that exploded here last week.
(43) The apartment was in shambles and the kids in a frenzy.
(44) Indeed, he was quite unaware of her frenzy and mildly loved her.
(45) Robert, the Casanova of the plains, was in a nicely stirred frenzy of desire and frustration.
(46) The royal wedding is creating little media frenzy around the world.
(46) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(47) The Wildcats lost Sunday and are in an absolute frenzy.
(48) There are just two minutes to go of this game, and the crowd is in an absolute frenzy.
(49) Unarmed and half dressed, the king was slaughtered in a frenzy of dagger thrusts.
(50) Barging through the gap, he hurled himself on Ethel in a frenzy of tightly curled tail-wagging.
(51) After the initial reports on CBS, this scene became a media feeding frenzy.
(52) Melissanidis won gold with his floor routine, sending Athens into a frenzy.
(53) You answer an ad in a frenzy of lust and loneliness.
(54) Amidst the media frenzy over Mayday in London various things have been forgotten.
(55) Green Bay went into a feeding frenzy in the free-agency market, and came up with some star names.
(56) And all around this feeding frenzy were other flocks of gulls, which have added up at peak counts to 10,000 birds.
(57) He changed from his normal calm self into a frenzy.
(58) All this time Ludens was in a frenzy of exaltation and terror.
(59) Supporters of Hodge have worked themselves into a frenzy over the latest polls.
(60) At the same time, computers helped sustained the trading frenzy prompted by human error.
(61) And a second afterward hurled all of South Florida into a Latin frenzy unmatched even in the Dolphins' best days.
(62) Then they break out of this immobility into a frenzy of activity.
(63) New Yorkers are being whipped into a frenzy for mo' Malcolm merchandise by shrewd businessman and film mogul Spike Lee.
(64) There the young Sheikh would swim back and forth, back and forth, in a controlled frenzy.
(65) In a shelter under London, while bombs exploded overhead, she coupled in a frenzy with a dead-faced young woman.
(66) On Buy Nothing Day enjoy a break from the shopping frenzy.
(67) There, in a frenzy of violence, he reduced the standard lamp to a table lamp in 10 seconds flat!
(68) He pulled out drawer after drawer, his frenzy building with each new revelation of supposedly missing clothes.
(69) The incident has triggered what can only be described as a media feeding frenzy about shark attacks.
(70) Today its monthly meetings draw 1, 000 artists, designers and programmers to a frenzy of networking and business-card swapping.
(71) For the Super Bowl, memories of Aikman bring out all the frenzy of a state football championship.
(72) A 16-year-old girl works herself into a frenzy of grief for a friend killed by right-wing vigilantes.
(73) For four days and nights, communal frenzy added a tragic dimension to this hapless and beleaguered city.
(74) Shakespeare's poet is in a frenzy, possessed by the spirit of artistic creation.
(75) Everywhere you look, gardens and garden buildings are springing up; everything being got ready in a frenzy of activity.
(76) When government enters into the enthusiastic, unrestrained greed of a market frenzy, we are all affected.
(77) Make sure that the horse stays calm and does not work himself into a frenzy.
(78) He gradually gathers power and conviction as he shrewdly manipulates the crowd, whipping them into a frenzy.
(79) Soon Alice has woken from her strange sleep and the frenzy that was becoming quite frightening.
(80) In 1999 the housing market suddenly erupted into a buying frenzy.
(81) As it approached, the cries of the students rose to a frenzy.
(82) He is affected by the rules for frenzy as described in the Warhammer rulebook.
(83) The petrochemical division of Pemex was seen as the crown jewel of the privatization frenzy.
(84) On defense, they are hungrier than sharks in a feeding frenzy.
(85) Rumors of their divorce stirred up a frenzy of media attention.
(86) The frenzy of buying added to a stock market boom that began in May 1999.
(87) Meg shrilled, and she had lost her bag in her frenzy.
(88) She could hear Penry's heart pounding against hers, as her kisses matched his in utter frenzy.
(89) Your eccentricity and conceit touch the verge of frenzy.
(90) In a little frenzy, he pulled his trousers loose.
(91) "Get out!" she ordered in a frenzy.
(92) They were singing in a frenzy of joy.
(93) The frenzy can leave pink flotsam.
(94) Often, after an initial frenzy on an IPO, the stocks later fall below their initial offering price.
(95) Their four-year marriage ended in ugly accusations, media frenzy and custody battle for their only child.
(96) Photographer Michael Nolan snapped the annual feeding frenzy that follows salmon-spawning season in the Katmai National Park in Alaska, the Daily Mail of London reported.
(97) He was able to work the young students up into a frenzy.
(98) They were whipping up nationalist frenzy among the excitable crowds.
(99) EU posts are traditionally decided in a frenzy of horse trading that does not favour those who emerged early as favourites.
(100) Scotsman Robert Louis Stevenson was already a successful writer when he had a dream about a doctor with split personality disorder and woke up gripped by a creative frenzy.
(101) Some bird species in Costa Rica follow army ant swarms through the forest, indulging in an insect feeding frenzy as flying insects flee the ant raid.
(102) Around him in the atmosphere of despair and frenzy glared the lineaments of Red Revolution.
(103) The interview whipped up half the people into a frenzy of rage.
(104) I came to Milwaukee because I wished to live deliberately, to confront only what was essential in life away from the pretentiousness of the east coast and the frenzy of the west.
(105) Their frantic recourse to the policy of strength is nothing but the deathbed frenzy of the weak and the last-ditch effort to prevent their ruling system from its collapse.
(106) A saguaro cactus stands tall amid a frenzy of lightning bolts in Arizona.
(107) As Alice said, vampires frenzy like sharks when there's blood "in the water[http:///frenzy.html], " so to speak. (That's why Edward was ditching Biology on the day they were blood typing.
(108) Often, after an initial frenzy on an IPO, the stocks later fall below offering price.
(109) He felt the stillness from the moment he got out of the taxi and saw the doorman, usually in a frenzy of activity at this hour, gossiping with a chasseur by the servants' entrance .
(110) I worked myself into frenzy plotting ways to make him jealous.
(111) These delays reduce the effective capacity of the bulk fleet and will only add another round of freight rate frenzy for vessel owners.
(112) But a lot of trademarked names are also getting caught in the frenzy.
(113) In its second minute the Hate rose to a frenzy.
(114) Thankfully, there have been no fights, but the frenzy can get to be like a billiard table with balls bouncing off one another in all directions.
(115) The Indian media had been working itself into a frenzy as the switch-on time for the Large Hadron Collider approached.
(116) Joe McCarthy whipped up Americans into a frenzy of anti-Communist activity in the Fifties.
(117) The fans at the rock concert worked themselves up into a frenzy.
(118) I cooked artichokes with hollandaise sauce, which is melted butter that's been whipped into a frenzy with egg yolks until it's died and gone to heaven.
(119) A speculative frenzy of borrowing and bidding up is at work.
(120) War Frenzy (58): Increases player?s resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3. Effect with Lionheart is cumulative.
(121) Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.
(122) Like the MRSA panic of last summer, this year's superbug frenzy, too, will die down.
(123) And it is not just women who are shunning the football frenzy.
(124) The interview whip up half the people into a frenzy of rage.
(125) Originally, though it's hard to remember in the frenzy around SOA, the whole point of services, ... was about designing distributed systems to be loosely-coupled and thus easier to interoperate with.
(126) This touched off a frenzy of work through the twilight and into the night.
(127) Princeton English professor William Gleason compares the series' impact to the frenzy that surrounded Uncle Tom's Cabin before the Civil War.
(128) But even this remote prison has not escaped the world-wide frenzy over the escapades of Harry Potter and his friends at the Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft.
(129) In the frenzy of the bubble, much home lending was undertaken by fly-by-night companies trying to generate as much volume as possible.
(130) NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York funeral director hoping to barter a free funeral for construction work on his patio was forced to scrap the idea due to the media frenzy that followed.
(131) In a moment I'll be crying, she thought in a frenzy of wonder and excitement.
(132) It's all been an atrocious piece of frenzy and cruelty.
(133) His frenzy of the previous day had all calm down.
(134) You feel frustrated and anxious, which can induce a nail-biting frenzy that can escalate into a triple-chocolate-mud-cake-eating frenzy in a blink of an eye!
(135) When I started describing the characteristics of Soviet weapons, Smirnov's irritation turned to frenzy.
(136) He is hearing Keynes' voice in the air, and is distilling his frenzy from an academic Cambridge scribbler from a few decades past.
(137) He seemed in a frenzy and was pounding the door.
(138) The mortgage-lending frenzy was at its hottest in California, and the state's financial firms were at the forefront of extending untraditional mortgages that were then folded into complex securities.
(139) He was surrounded by the wild frenzy of jerking chains and suffocating cries.
(140) Two years ago, when a company from Dubai tried to take over the operation of some U.S. ports(/frenzy.html), both Democratic and Republican politicians erupted in a demagogic frenzy.
(141) With the world's biggest copper producing country in a frenzy over the possible imminent rescue of 33 trapped miners, Ms. Lorca is part of a caravan offering both financial and moral support.
(142) His frenzy of the previous day had all calmed down.
(143) The 21) frenzy of fire ends with the burning of the largest falla of them all, followed by a fantastic firework display.
(144) The acceptance of the death agony in the flower of youth and in the flush of health turns intrepidity into frenzy.
(145) The downturn has its roots in the real estate frenzy that turned lonely Nevada ranches into suburban ranch homes and swampland in Florida into condominiums.
(146) Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.
(147) And suddenly, the classroom was like the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, with everybody swapping corn-futures contracts in a trading frenzy.
(148) That Song Dynasty lintel etched with a frenzy of folk scenes?
(149) Behind the company's auction frenzy is a desire odd man out in the domestic auto industry.




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