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单词 Arousal
1 Use this technique to control your level of arousal.
2 Thinking angry thoughts can provoke strong physiological arousal.
3 This has been interpreted as increasing arousal to levels incompatible with that task.
4 Some of the girls aroused him and arousal made him think first of Charmian, then of Marge.
5 A certain amount of mental arousal is necessary but too much causes you to lose confidence in your own abilities.
6 Work from sev-eral laboratories has suggested that emotional arousal plays a critical role in memory.
7 Neither a simple arousal model nor lapse theory is adequate on its own to explain the complex effects of sleep loss.
8 The level of arousal has a lot to do with general feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
9 Moreover, visual input produces direct emotional arousal, which is the most potent neurochemical condition for learning and attitudinal change.
10 Feeling his swift arousal, she dragged her mouth from his to bury it against his warm neck.
11 The creative advertiser has the function of stimulating arousal in buyers.
12 According to this view the inverted-U relationship between arousal and performance has two quite separate components.
13 But sometimes the arousal achieves only a level of stupor,() even when a pinch is used.
14 He wasn't unmoved either, and his slow arousal against her made her arch into him.
15 This interaction between arousal and retention interval does appear to be robust.
16 Similarly depth of feeling can become equated with prejudice, and the arousal of emotions in schools can become indoctrination.
17 This highlights the second major difficulty with the theories, the general assumption that there is a unitary dimension of arousal.
18 Thus the cues of subordinates, peers, supervisors, family and friends become important triggers to arousal.
19 In rested subjects alpha rhythm is indicative of low arousal, but sleep-deprived subjects commonly only achieve this level of arousal at best.
20 This chapter reviews a wide range of literature which bears on relationships between arousal and memory.
21 Although there were additional conditions in the Heuer and Reisberg study the interesting comparison is between the arousal and neutral conditions.
22 There is an additional prediction about the relationship between arousal and memory which is commonly made from Easterbrook's hypothesis.
23 These findings add considerable weight to the claims that emotional arousal is of causal significance to relapse.
24 Consumption of food relieves the discomfort and lowers his arousal level back towards its optimum level.
25 But recently it has been learned that adenosine plays a crucial role in setting the overall arousal level of the brain.
26 The person will have a high level of emotional arousal and be particularly sensitive to social influences which can affect arousal.
27 Fortunately there have been a large number of more recent studies which have used more meaningful manipulations of arousal.
28 This explanation of sleep loss effects in terms of lowered arousal is further supported by studies on selective attention.
29 But women may be turned off more easily than men during early stages of arousal unless they are touched gently.
30 It was, however, the dominant theory driving some of the earlier experimental work on arousal and memory.
1 Use this technique to control your level of arousal.
31 In other words, might the level of moisture you feel be contributing to the arousal you are building?
32 Preston was in such a state of arousal that he stopped worrying about the rug.
33 Increasing rate of environmental sampling with arousal improves information transfer but creates interference in short-term memory from competing information being sampled.
34 As well as arousal from sleep and the complex effects of food and polypeptide hormones, neurotransmitters have been shown to affect colonic motility.
35 Bring your arousal level to simmering point and stay there without boiling over by continuing to breathe deeply and reducing stimulation slightly.
36 Arousal may arise from the appeal of the goal, the feelings that it engenders, the hormones it stimulates.
37 Then a large number of results from research on arousal and memory are briefly reviewed.
38 The purpose of art is the arousal of emotions.
39 It is essential to your libido and sexual arousal.
40 Do we need arousal and orgasm in order to find sexual fulfillment?
41 Men don't immediately get a raging boner after taking yohimbine, but it can increase sexual arousal, make men's erections harder and helps them last longer.
42 The affection of emotional arousal to amygdale, and the interaction among amygdale, medial temporal lobe and prefrontal cortex were specially emphasized.
43 The laterodorsal tegmentum (LDT) neurons supply most of the cholinergic tone to the brainstem and diencephalon necessary for physiological arousal.
44 The hypothalamus controls drives like and thirst and the amygdala handles arousal, among other things.
45 Men who smelled tears produced by women who cried from watching a sad film had lower testosterone levels and less physiological arousal than men who smelled a saline solution.
46 Also, their cognitive theory of emotional arousal dominated for two decades.
47 Already the press of arousal , can not achieve symbolistic earnings only readily.
48 The scientists then used brain imaging techniques to find that dopamine peaks along with emotional arousal.
49 Emotional arousal is an essential part of what we do.
50 This " need arousal " can be due to the lifestyle of the individual.
51 When psychological arousal is high, sociobiological barriers rise, and lowering arousal lowers the barriers, he said.
52 Remember , the movement of Awareness is occurring on or through the Homing beacon , and the real movement is a movement of arousal , of regaining Consciousness .
53 found that jarring, rapid-fire visual storytelling produced a physiological arousal led to better recall of what was seen, but only if the original subject matter was dull.
54 What it does : Prolactin relieves sexual arousal after orgasm and takes your mind off sex.
55 The cardiovascular system of the hibernating mammals inherited its significant functional stability as an adaptation to the extreme physiological condition during hibernation and arousal.
56 Cops with limited working memory, and high emotional arousal, made more errors than cops with large working memory.
57 Other triggers can include cold air, extreme emotional arousal such as anger or fear, and physical exercise.
58 Touch, vision, hearing, smell, and taste play an important role in all human sexual arousal.
59 Scientists at the Weizmann Institute in Israel found that women's tears contain a "chemical signal", which reduces arousal in men.
60 Z: Zooerastia: Term used to describe sexual arousal from stroking and caressing animals.
61 YAN Fu's thoughts on liberty is a self - arousal which can awaken the deaf in neoteric China.
62 It may take longer to achieve full arousal and to have orgasmic and ejaculatory experiences.
63 Cultural and social factors, and learning, play big roles. Arousal comes naturally.
64 They believed the genital arousal occurred because stimulation of the nerve triggered the release of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), a well-known neurotransmitter.
65 From Morpheus the person of arousal of the first phase often has desultory impression, a lot of people still can have abrupt muscle to twitch, the flesh in calling Morpheus is clonic.
66 Behaviorally, the animals showed typical arousal with the appearance of EEG desynchronization, and sleepiness with the appearance of EEG synchronization.
67 Lower correlations were observed between RDIs that required desaturation as compared with RDIs defined on the basis of amplitude criteria alone or associated arousal.
68 The conscious mind is complicit in it, but a lot of sexual arousal goes on in the sympathetic nervous system.
69 The most common sexual disorder was orgasmic disorder, and the others in order was sexual pain, sexual arousal disorder, and hypoactive sexual desire disorder.
70 Arugula has been heralded as an arousal aid since the first century.
71 Genital blood flow reduction due to become insensitive to sexual arousal and orgasm disorder.
72 It may be desirable to go even further and identify three varieties of arousal.
73 On the negative side, the concepts of activation and arousal are rather amorphous.
74 One is phenethylamine, which triggers the release of pleasurable endorphins and potentates the action of dopamine, a neurochemical associated with sexual arousal and pleasure.
75 The cultural identity of Rabindanath Tagore allured modern Chinese writers in dimensions of the arousal of the former and wideness of the latter.
76 Objective To analyze the vaginal blood flow and sex hormone change of female rats at different time after ovariotomy, and to establish a rat model of female sex arousal dysfunction.
77 Masochism is for obtaining gratification or sexual arousal by having pain inflicted upon oneself.
78 Individual deviation in expected behavior causes arousal or alertness in others.
79 That is an area of the brain connected with emotional arousal.
80 "She was turning them on," Yarbrough explains, "and that's a form of manipulation - using sexual or emotional arousal to distract the interviewer.
81 Neurons there with high levels of orexin play a critical role in key factors in panic, like arousal, vigilance, and mobilization of the central autonomic system.
82 Fulminatory is shout to me advance of sound, rainstorm is shout to me advance of momentum, fierceness wind is arousal of potence. come over tempest.
83 The internal area occupied by the clitoris and crura is actually a complex clitoral system, wrapped in erectile tissue — just like the stuff that fills with blood during arousal to make a penis hard.
84 It is quite normal for a woman to feel some sexual arousal while nursing her baby.
85 In short, if we are going to change cognitions, we need to have "hot cognitions" and that involves emotional arousal.
86 Be in China, this is a of arousal and regression, on understanding order out of chaos.
87 The processes of arousal and concentration give attention its direction.
88 Why siesta arousal to you can have the impulse that wants to cry every time?
89 It is also released during orgasm and to sexual arousal.
90 Results: With exploring factor analysis, 4 factors were extracted , i . e . Addictive Behavior, Emotional Arousal, Shame & amp ; Dissatisfaction and Dysfunction.
91 The sympathetic nervous system—a web of nerves and neurons running through the spinal cord and spread to virtually every organ in the body—is responsible for arousal and excitement.
92 Relaxed arousal, sensory deprivation and repetitive sounds and motions can bring about a trance - like state.
93 Where beta represented arousal, alpha re presents non - arousal.
94 Methods: 38 university students participated in the study. They were provided with antisocial behavior materials that elicited different levels of emotional arousal.
95 But scans found women's brains showed emotional responses, while men's showed activity linked to sexual arousal.
96 The sedative-hypnotic effects of phenobarbital are likely the result of its effect on the polysynaptic midbrain reticular formation, which controls CNS arousal.
97 If we take Adams's findings that homophobic men get erections from watching gay porn as reasonable evidence of their sexual arousal, then, these findings are enormously important.
97 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
98 Objective To establish a rat model to investigate the female vaginal arousal response and the role of oestrous cycle on vaginal blood flow in vivo.
99 Indeed, no other caresses lead so quickly to male arousal.
100 In a previous study, Salimpoor and colleagues linked music-induced pleasure with a surge in intense emotional arousal, including changes in heart rate, pulse, breathing rate and other measurements.
101 Women often get so lost in their sexual arousal that they forget to give feedback.
102 Chocolate is one of the foods cross-over aphrodisiac foods. Chocolate contains a chemical (phenylethylamine) that is a stimulant perhaps related to stimulation and arousal.




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