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单词 Devoid
1. Are you totally devoid of common sense?
2. A well devoid of water is useless.
3. Their apartment is devoid of all comforts.
4. The article is devoid of substantial matter.
5. The man's voice was devoid of inflection.
6. His face was devoid of any warmth or humour.
7. The letter was devoid of warmth and feeling.
8. This house is totally devoid of furniture.
9. Her life hitherto had been devoid of adventure.
10. The land is almost devoid of vegetation.
11. He seems to be devoid of compassion.
12. In the photograph he seemed devoid of facial expression .
13. Brown Street was almost devoid of shops.
14. Her mind devoid of any coherent thought[http://], Hilary panicked.
15. Even the marriage itself was devoid of love.
16. The food was completely devoid of taste.
17. Herbaceous plants may be almost devoid of additional thickening.
18. He was about forty-five, and seemed devoid of personality.
19. Learn the Net is continually updated and tastefully devoid of commercial content.
20. The place is small, starkly lit and devoid of decorative embellishments.
21. In some experiments the mucosa was completely devoid of mast cells.
22. She had always known she was devoid of passion: she worked at her garden and talked to her friends.
23. Strung between the lamp-posts like gelatine they were devoid of nocturnal magic in the middle of a winter day.
24. Even his strong-man routine seems devoid of any intelligence or style and focuses, instead(), upon brute force and muscle.
25. Devoid of leaves, the deciduous trees look bare from a distance.
26. The machine itself is devoid of fancy trimmings, apart from the big, fat power-on button.
27. I have never looked on a face that was so devoid of feeling.
28. This implies that people at work operate as robots, devoid of emotional involvement with one another.
29. The M12 motorway, normally bustling with drivers heading to Belfast, was devoid of traffic.
30. Rawls's representative agent is portrayed as a disembodied party devoid of any substantive human characteristics except rationality.
1. Are you totally devoid of common sense?
2. A well devoid of water is useless.
3. Their apartment is devoid of all comforts.
4. This house is totally devoid of furniture.
31. A face devoid of guile, the sweetest smile I've ever seen.
32. One benefit deriving from advancing years is that my clerk diverts to others briefs that are devoid of interest.
33. Most of the island was cleared for phosphates, leaving it devoid of vegetation.
34. Tell me how you write love poetry which is objective, scientific, and devoid of any personal presence.
35. Her letters had been so short of late, and almost devoid of news.
36. A world devoid of tomato soup, tomato sauce, tomato ketchup and tomato paste is hard to visualize.
37. On the other hand, a commercial transaction devoid of any element of bounty is not within the definition.
38. The Moon is unfortunately a barren body devoid of atmosphere and liquid water.
38. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
39. The book is read so easily because it is almost devoid of mathematical formulae, normally the very foundation of engineering work.
40. They were like set pieces in their ongoing battle that these days was devoid of any real malice.
41. Were this not all, the new sources of energy lie in regions devoid of infrastructure and population.
42. The Labour frontbench is almost devoid of people with Cabinet experience.
43. Other than the dark, waxed limousine, the space was devoid of furniture.
44. She walked round the pond to the sunny side where the water's surface was devoid of weed.
45. If the Raiders were truly feeble, devoid of talent, then their recent history might be understandable.
46. Without a sense of rhythm our sense of time is devoid of landmarks.
47. And hedges flailed every harvest are devoid of the berries bigger hedges sport, which are important winter feed for birds.
48. In any case, Amiss's mind was racing, grappling with a situation devoid of any rational explanation.
49. These works, in some way, seem timeless and devoid of artifice.
50. Was it what they used to call love, that cursory groping devoid of excitement?
51. It is said that the seafloor is a desert, a vast and uniform wasteland, all but devoid of life.
52. Female exogamy means that apes are largely devoid of mechanisms for females to build coalitions of relatives.
53. But Stilwell viewed the world in simplistic terms, devoid of subtlety or nuance.
54. To avoid the window tax many were either devoid or severely deficient in natural light.
55. For one thing it is devoid of the relentless lilt and terminological tedium of the professional programme writer.
56. Most job descriptions are bland, boring, totally devoid of colour and - worse still - frequently devoid of real meaning.
57. The land was dead flat, divided into large ploughed fields almost devoid of trees.
58. The resulting openings, devoid of protective vegetation cover, were then subject to erosion which in turn precluded regeneration.
59. Sara hated to think of how she herself must appear with her face devoid of make-up and her hair tumbled.
60. In fact, her bulging disc reminded her regularly that her life was devoid of passions.
61. I admire and envy it because I am devoid of it.
62. Apart from the children immediately below, the scene was almost devoid of movement.
63. However, there is the problem of the romantic notion of pure art devoid of social responsibility.
64. This part of the Long Mynd, heavily grazed by sheep until recently, is now devoid of them.
65. Five patients were on a diet devoid of gliadin and they were hence eliminated from the analysis.
66. What should be a harrowing 90 minutes in hell ends up another tedious tourist nightmare devoid of historical perspective.
67. It was devoid of paint and dragged on its hinges.
68. But mine was a transformation accomplished with a certain muteness and mildness and devoid of obvious tumble and tension.
69. A weak, nerveless fool,[http:///devoid.html] devoid of energy and promptitude.
70. Devoid of others aegis besides work.
71. It is a situation, in sum, devoid of logic.
72. A novel is devoid of vit and inventiveness.
73. He is completely devoid of humour.
74. The face is entirely devoid of expression.
75. The report was devoid of facts.
76. Love is never quite devoid of sentimentality.
77. The skies are virtually devoid of birdlife.
78. The gamin is not devoid of literary intuition.
79. The answer was quick and sharp, devoid of humour.
80. The century which rebuilt Bath was not, after all, devoid of aesthetic sensibility nor ignorant of civic responsibility.
81. Americans today count on their public schools to be free of expense, open to all, and devoid of religious sectarianism.
82. It makes me sick to read over such stereotypes devoid of content.
83. Smaller to making than lubricious strong meeting the room appears reach devoid whole feeling, such room is used all sorts of it is optimal palely .
84. The information poor perceive themselves to be devoid of the sources that might help them.
85. In deceiving that girl, he was devoid of all sense of shame.
86. For all its faults, Elephants on the Edge deals with a fascinating and little-understood subject, which makes it doubly disappointing to find it so devoid of facts and overstuffed with opinion.
87. With that definition it becomes clear that the real relationship is not devoid of influences from the past separate from the past of the therapeutic dyad itself.
88. First, the draft resolution L.13 is devoid of factual grounds, self-contradictory and full of absurdities.
89. The soymilk prepared from the treated soybeans is devoid of beany taste and chalky mouthfeel, and has a higher shelf-life than the conventionally prepared soymilk.
90. This would take away the value of a good act: Kant is convinced that we can do the right thing for the wrong reasons, which would be devoid of moral merit.
91. He was the master metaphysician who knew by direct perception that all phenomena are devoid of substance.
92. General policy for microcredit in its wider sense, is bound to be devoid of focus and sharpness.
93. The Arctic Ocean could largely be devoid of sea ice during summer later in the century.
94. Symbolism fits in well with the form of Pure Poetry because Romantism is devoid of form, and the form of Estheticism is vague.
95. Out there beyond the Milky Way is a good-sized volume nearly devoid of noticeable galaxies.
96. They always pick the most intellectually devoid movie on the racks.
97. They are utterly devoid of conscience , they even humiliated these defenseless civilians.
98. The viewpoint and the feeling of honour and disgrace can not be devoid of self awareness,[/devoid.html] species awareness and evaluation awareness.
99. Such communities shall be devoid of most of the technology that humanity currently relies upon, and live a simple life that revolves around the cycles of nature.
100. You can see how the basic element and attribute structure remains, but devoid of content.
101. Problem: Sit for long the reason of the office, I am coxal now slant wide, because devoid motion ham is very thick also, did summer arrive to suit to the dress of what type wear?
102. There's no reason why diesel cars should be devoid of luxury.
103. Under certain condition of the interplanetary magnetic field, a portion of them can reach the shadow region which is usually considered to be devoid of solar wind protons.
104. Foods derived from plants are thought to be devoid of vitamin B12. We have found that some fermented foods contained microbiologically active vitamin B12 components.
105. Callus was efficiently induced from in vitro root segment devoid of rhizodermis on MS medium.
106. Unlike China and India, alternative medicine in Nigeria is devoid of science.
107. My point in writing about this is two-fold. First, we should not presume that the environmentalists' worldview is devoid of mythology and ideology either.
108. However, humanity would be devoid of soul, devoid of spirit, a living machine if you will.
109. One has only to forget the question how the will of heroes produces events, and Thiers's histories will be interesting, instructive, and will, moreover, not be devoid of a certain poetry.
110. It won't be like carbonated drinks and would be devoid of any toxins.
111. The market economy that devoid credence supports is a disorder necessarily.
112. After total laryngopharyngectomy, patients are devoid of speech and must breathe through a permanent tracheostoma.
113. The Rhine River, which flows past the western edge of the Ruhr Valley, was devoid of marine life.
114. Some strategies may be used to prevent surgical stress-induced immunosuppression, which includes analgesic drugs devoid of immunosuppressive effects and protease inhibitor.
115. Such low levels of sulfate indicate that the Archean atmosphere was virtually devoid of oxygen.
116. To shut down Derby, however, this connection URL must be devoid of any reference to a database name.
117. The streets are clean and devoid of miscreants, the businesses do their best not to charge too high of prices for their wares, and common crime is veritably non-existent .
118. Large troop formation faces individual management object, devoid maneuverability, cannot fall in condition of economy of our country market, develop big company changefully neatly...
119. Ablation in tears broken, devoid of hope in the ashes between.
120. Miss Baker and I exchanged a short glance consciously devoid of meaning.
121. Even in regions which were always devoid of trees, tree planting is an important item in any program of land improvement.
122. Articles devoid of substance are the least justifiable and the most objectionable.
123. Not devoid of sympathy, the policeman's face also expressed a fatigued skepticism.
124. The old man seemed to him a person devoid of any affection.
125. Child of a teen-age sleeps after 11 o'clock every night almost, does need fill devoid Morpheus completely come back?
126. No future human will be devoid of an ability to ascend beloved, and therefore all future humans will be capable of ascending with earth "home" again.
127. It was composed of stringy filaments saturated with water, like the berries , and devoid of nourishment.
128. The new consensus in 2002 shall be devoid of harmfulness, devoid of abusiveness devoid of warfare, and filled with peace.
128. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
129. China takes practicality seriously not quite, methodological stale, devoid originality, over homiletic .
130. They generally consider human reasoning to involve abstract cognitive processes devoid of any connection to body or space.
131. The party staged by Forbes, the swashbuckling celebrator of capitalism, American-style, was sedate, sparsely attended, devoid of young people.
132. Have the person of nyctalopia, what is devoid vitamin? ? ?
133. In a world where everything is given and nothing is explained, the fecundity of a value or of a metaphysic is a notion devoid of meaning.
134. Business cultures that are relatively devoid of commercial contract law use socialization as a way to evaluate and cement relationships.
135. If investigating from a visual angle of development, Chinas medical system reform lasting for 20 years cannot be said to be devoid of any merit.
136. Recently, some county has an officer, bring about working passivity because of devoid appeal force.
137. Brands are also featured in a clutter - free environment devoid of competitive messages.
138. A drug addict may not be devoid of pleasure from time to time; but a drug addict will never experience true joy and happiness.
139. The arachnoid is composed of connective tissue devoid of blood vessels.
140. The existing risk management methods are devoid of clarity, maneuverability and integrity.
141. Why should we, their latter-day descendants, be devoid of this tiny bit of wisdom?
142. The writing of narrative in Senior Chinese commonly exists in falseness, devoid of content and dullness.
143. His writings are very plain, entirely devoid of any literary ornament.
144. The danger of feeding babies formula or pasteurized milk, devoid of enzymes, can be seen to be a major factor in the cot death problem .
145. The articles are long - winded and devoid of substance.
146. -- Not wholly devoid of an idea that he might behold an evil spirit.
147. Left sinus of valsalva was devoid of left coronary artery.
148. Northern Italians continuously complain that Southerners are lazy and unproductive, while Southerners complain that Northerners are devoid of culture or joie de vivre.
149. The benefit is that these hours tend to be devoid of time-sensitive commitments.
150. To show that ELSD is an excellent detector for the detection of chemical compounds devoid of chromophore, such as sarsasapogenin, and determine totals of in saponins of Asporagus by RP-HPLC-ELSD.
151. Yet she is not devoid of humour and high spirits.
152. The description of The Coase Theorem is always devoid of exactness.
153. The tripartite dispute that both sides of devoid and patients trusts mediates processor compose.
154. Besides this summer the horsetail plait that we recommend case of typhoon of a few T for you, unapt the braid that lets you looks devoid change.
155. Vicksburg, a town in Virginia, was thought to be devoid of food during the battles until the people there found the peas.
156. Without the economy of famous brand, it is devoid vigor and the economy that expand aftereffect.
157. Laser - cut enamel; the surfaces were not flat and devoid of a smear layer, with some evidence of prism structure , like fish scale.
158. Arm flat and muscular. Bone substantial but not coarse and muscles hard and devoid of flabbiness .




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