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单词 Legitimacy
1 I intend to challenge the legitimacy of his claim.
2 Opponents have questioned the legitimacy of the ruling.
3 The newspaper was directly challenging the government's legitimacy.
4 As if to prove the legitimacy of these fears, the Cabinet of Franz von Papen collapsed on December 2.
5 The opposition parties do not recognise the political legitimacy of his government.
6 The Basic Law identifies constitutionality with substantive democratic legitimacy.
7 Inflation has undermined the legitimacy of the market order.
8 He then used his personal popularity and legitimacy to win public support for his regime.
9 The claim to legitimacy of particular possession is based entirely upon the institutionalization of rights.
10 Bottoms' version of the crisis of legitimacy is caused by the collapse of the rehabilitative ideal.
11 Modern political philosophy locates all legitimacy in the modern nation-state.
12 Publicizing this may undermine their legitimacy, an outcome they would want to avoid.
13 It does not say anything explicit about the legitimacy of corporate power in relation to society generally.
14 But it is not only the system's legitimacy with outside observers and the general public which is important.
15 Much that appears as rejection of the legitimacy of the state is in fact quite the reverse.
16 The church refused to give legitimacy to the new state.
17 Finally, the participative style should be used with sincerity and legitimacy.
18 The closed shop and the wildcat strike have undermined the legitimacy of modern trade unionism.
19 We must beware of the use of ethnicity to wrap a spurious cloak of legitimacy around the speaker who invokes it.
20 At the beginning of his reign, Herod undertook to establish currency and legitimacy for himself.
21 In a press conference, Bush supporters used the strongest language so far to impugn the legitimacy of the continued Florida recounts.
22 Clearly the objective of reducing the workload on probate courts by eliminating one class of contests is not without some legitimacy.
23 Because the source is less easy to trace it is more difficult to judge the legitimacy of the rumour.
24 The pretensions of Cade and Pistol are exposed by representatives of legitimacy.
25 These difficulties are due to the conflicts that arise between both institutions that lay claim to democratic legitimacy.
26 Although clearly an interim arrangement, this rump has claimed for itself a legitimacy that is altogether spurious.
27 At the same time a referendum on his rule should determine the extent of parliament's legitimacy.
28 It does not deal directly with possession of weapons, nor with the legitimacy of resort to war in the first place.
29 But whatever its extent the power of corporate managers poses a problem of legitimacy.
30 This has the benefit of focusing attention on the justness of such social relations, rather than presuming their legitimacy. 3.
1 The newspaper was directly challenging the government's legitimacy.
31 But Cooper argues that if major Internet providers go along with the plan, it will undermine the legitimacy of the extremists.
32 The payment was a symbolic expression of the legitimacy of the marriage and of the value that was attached to it.
33 Notice that the principle of contextual plausibility allows legitimacy to expressions which arise in the contrived contexts of the classroom.
33 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
34 No matter who takes office as president next January, the legitimacy of his election will be in doubt.
35 But potential obstacles can not be allowed to attack the legitimacy or undermine the potential feasibility of a new state.
36 At this point the debate over the civil rights bill merged into a wider national debate concerning the legitimacy of reverse discrimination.
37 These dominant ideas become reflected in the concrete features of the social structure, giving them legitimacy and reproducing them.
38 The lack of a moral mandate threatens the regulatory agency's legitimacy as an enforcement authority.
39 During the campaign against uranium mining,() the legitimacy of the central state was constantly challenged.
40 But traditional catholic moral doctrine would oppose this on the grounds of the legitimacy of the state qua state.
41 They determine the conditions of legitimacy of the authority and the limits of its rightful power.
42 Its legitimacy was not based on electoral success but on its revolutionary principles and antecedents.
43 First, it may appear as if the legitimacy of an authority rests on its greater expertise.
44 Mr Kostunica, a constitutional lawyer and moderate nationalist, has continued to question the tribunal's legitimacy.
45 Furthermore, there was a challenge to the legitimacy of the strike from within the leadership of the working class.
46 And yet he has not yet been able to put his legitimacy on a firm basis.
47 As a consequence, the government starts out with a legitimacy based on the will of the people.
48 It is precisely this sense of legitimacy which is lacking in capitalist societies today.
49 Will the West undermine the legitimacy of the regimes it has just saved from the storm?
50 These two characteristics are control over an independent source of taxation and the legitimacy conveyed by popular election of the local council.
51 The status of legitimacy puts obligations on the members of the domestic unit to provide care for the child.
52 Like many other minority organisations, we can refute their legitimacy in adopting this guise.
53 Through good works they sought to undermine the state's political legitimacy.
54 Some observers feared a chaotic situation that could deprive the eventual winner of the legitimacy needed to govern.
55 The pressures of demand management and legitimacy therefore produced social democratic welfare policies at home.
56 Political consent can not be obtained in a community where a large minority deny the legitimacy of the state.
57 They sought legitimacy and a political outlet to match their enormous economic power.
58 But reasons of identification and self-definition can not by themselves establish the legitimacy of an authority.
59 Now he is giving himself the chance to be chosen by direct election again, thus gaining a mantle of legitimacy.
60 These contradictory roles create a fiscal and legitimacy crisis for the state, which will ultimately he overthrown by the working class.
61 A letterpress accompanying the illustrations would give the work a scientific legitimacy that Audubon's work as well as Lear's had lacked.
62 While effective power may be a necessary condition of political legitimacy it is not a sufficient condition.
63 Perhaps most important of all is the legitimacy of the system with those who are its subjects.
64 The system will also suffer severe difficulties if it lacks legitimacy with its own employees, including prison staff and probation officers.
65 Quite apart from the dubious legitimacy of generalising from one such fragment, it is uncertain how the data itself should be interpreted.
66 Is majority rule under a system of parliamentary democracy a sufficient guarantee of legitimacy?
67 If international law would recognize the legitimacy of their claims to sovereignty, an enormous amount of carnage could be avoided.
68 Analysts say opposition parties still may question the legitimacy of the midterm elections.
69 People who run countries have all too often fallen for the notion that sporting success somehow confers political legitimacy.
70 Off camera Gore continued to drive the most dramatic challenge to the legitimacy of a presidential election in the country's history.
71 But in terms of the protestant - loyalist philosophy, the overwhelming majority of catholics oppose the state's legitimacy.
72 The political legitimacy of military regimes is frequently suspect and originates in their exclusiveness and monopoly of force.
73 Marriage is the institution which establishes the status of legitimacy. 3.
74 Chapter four mainly inspects the legitimacy of kingship.
75 Safeguarding the accuracy, transparency, and legitimacy of Accounting procedures.
76 It has four traits: collectiveness, legitimacy, continuity and changeability.
77 The eighth part emphasizes on the legitimacy and trend of the Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims in the world and brings up some suggestions on China's relevant legal system.
78 Political legitimacy refers to the rightfulness of ruling of a government on the basis of the populace permission.
79 It is unobjectionable to inquire into the legitimacy of a community, so long as this question is posed as a political one.
80 Let's take a look at four different notions of legitimacy.
81 Managing from the top down, we operate with full legitimacy.
82 In civil proceedings, the People's Court shall promote mediation in accordance with the principle of voluntariness and legitimacy, a court decision shall be made promptly when mediation has failed.
83 Now, in a rhythmic, singsong voice, he spoke to his people in Arabic, recounting their hopes for the peace process and reaffirming the legitimacy of their aspirations.
84 Party rights are the outcome and symbol of modern democracy and monocracy, which possess the nature of legitimacy and democracy.
85 Although, in theory, the monarchy inhabits a realm far above the murk of daily government, it has been an important source of legitimacy for the unelected prime minister.
86 Addressing corruption and ensuring delivery will be key to its legitimacy.
87 In order to cover costs, optimize account management and fractionalize customers, our commercial banks start to charge on depositors' accounts, leading to a debate of its legitimacy.
88 To reply such interrogatory , we must detailed research the connotation of legitimacy and administration's "
89 Legitimacy , in short, is an essential component of the overall reform effort.
90 Legitimacy is an important issue which any political system must deal with.
91 The fifth part discusses the specific application in the legitimacy proof procedure of confession.
92 "There's been some negative connotations with the jailbreak community," he said. "That legitimacy will go a long way in terms of bolstering our business and the apps business."
93 The Roman's governing was considered legitimacy,(/legitimacy.html) and riders with the title Roman Emperor were regarded as orthodox and licit ones.
94 Are the Globe editorialists correct that gay marriage hasn't lent legitimacy to polygamy?
95 Although Beijing's and Moscow's recalcitrance means that the UN Security Council is not likely to act, the next best source of legitimacy in the current situation has spoken: the Arab League.
96 Finally, the last three presidents of Egypt: Nasser, Anwar el-Sadat and Hosni Mubarak, they all had strong political demands of authoritarianism which imposed political legitimacy.
97 The minister in charge of Customs and Excise, John Healey, accepts that there is an urgent need to respond to questions about the "legitimacy" of the Customs regime.
98 Will upending the old way of searching for the Dalai Lama's incarnation, in which priests search for omens, portents and meteorological signs, undermine the legitimacy of his successor?
99 In the last part, the author gives legal advice on aleatory contracts from the perspective of legislative system and boundary of legitimacy.
100 Given election being the fundamental mechanism for producing and changing legitimate power, emphasis should be put upon the mechanism of sustaining legitimacy.
101 The preliminary joinder of actions is a kind of joinder with special structure elements, and in history its legitimacy was once in question.
102 Brutality and indifference to just-war principles of discrimination and proportionality can also eviscerate legitimacy.
103 In terms of the legitimacy of academic freedom, three sorts of abridgment or suppression of the freedom are available.
104 The source from whence the law draws its legitimacy is a hot topic in legal philosophy.
105 The delimitation of the northern bounder between China and Burma in 1960 didn't mean that the Chinese government had recognized the legitimacy of the McMahon Line.
106 All private property right has its natural legitimacy and properness, property right of state is only the private property right that the state has.
107 He denied that his legitimacy has been at all affected by the evidence accumulating against him and the RPF, but I think it has.
108 The leader of the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, Sushma Swaraj, said the government had lost its legitimacy.
109 By "disenchanting" the ultimate values of the traditional normative theory of legitimacy, the empirical theory gives rise to the decline of the normative theory.
110 This article explains the establishment of quasi-possession claims the necessity and legitimacy of the system.
111 In the fourth part, this paper demonstrates the legitimacy of most aleatory contracts, and puts forward the author's evaluation criteria, based on which the author then evaluates wagering contracts.
112 Practice of export cartel exemptions needs international cooperation in competing policy. In WTO system, legitimacy of export cartel differs from country to country significantly.
113 This level of perception is a true lover's trick and as they have both unwontedly shared Voldemort's innermost thoughts, could it perhaps also point to Legitimacy at some later stage?
114 Please provide as much information as possible about your publication. Circulation, ISSN or anything to help prove your legitimacy.
115 Down, but not out: There is still a chance that Qaddafi can emerge from the current crisis with his power -- if not his legitimacy -- intact.
116 The standards of criminal proofs' legitimacy are regulated by law and embody the intervention of law-maker to criminal proofs.
117 The second part discusses the proof object of the legitimacy proof procedure of confession.
118 Neither of these two authors, however , questions the legitimacy of other approaches to jurisprudence.
119 Lack of legitimacy is reinforced by their image as agents of malevolent western policy.
120 Moreover, in public governance in the actual operation, there are also many problems, lack of citizenship, public liability fuzzy, multi-community conflict, crisis of legitimacy.
121 Because they have moral legitimacy, courage and dreams, as well as a fandom that believes and supports them.
122 Second, the admiring of the Chinese knight-errantry cans catharsis negation and dissatisfaction of people to the legitimacy law and realism.
123 At stake could be the legitimacy of the open market economy itself.
123 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
124 Based on Faucault's "discourse", Edward W. Said defines orientalist as "orientalism discourse"and queries its legitimacy, which is the very core of his thought of orientalism.
125 For the other half, Timberland plans to buy credits, or offsets, which it says it's vetting for legitimacy.
126 Elected by local notables for nine years Senators lack the democratic legitimacy of members of the National Assembly.
127 Most extraterritorial legislation recognize the legitimacy of multi-level direct sales(that is MLM).
128 Chapter two carries out a research on the legitimacy of the interpretation of the Appellate Body about the Amicus Curiae briefs.
129 Marx' s perceptual conception of nature may find a logical channel to the plight of the legitimacy of environmental ethics.
130 I think all this talk about the legitimacy as a way overblown.
131 It ends uncertainty about the legitimacy of the pay cut.
132 In disenchanting the unquestioned and un-reflected essentialistic literary beliefs, Tony Bennett has questioned the legitimacy of Marxist aesthetics.
133 This is certainly the vision in the Organization Department, and they see legitimacy as their political lodestar.
134 This part chiefly studies its concept, classification, legitimacy and the difference between it and Circumvention Instigation.
135 Mr Strauss Kahn 's twin search for legitimacy and relevance will soon be put to the test.
136 The absolute worship of text provides literary study with legitimacy and transcendence and divinity, but meanwhile, this kind of study loses validity reality and humanity.
137 Another gesture towards accepting the legitimacy of the Cypriot government would help.
138 I once again deny the legitimacy of the phone interceptions.
139 "I think there is obviously concern in the US when there is legitimacy conferred on individuals and political parties that have had some association with antisemitism, " Forman said.
140 Some on the Chinese Right want to push elections forward and faster, especially in the cities, seeking to enfranchise workers as a means of promoting Party legitimacy.
141 But now, after a steady influx of foreign-born players, the once grandiose "World Series" designation finally has gained some legitimacy.
142 The principle of subsidiary proves legitimacy to local fiscal autonomy.
143 The third part discusses the allotment of responsibility in the proof of the legitimacy proof procedure of confession .
144 Multi-arch tunnel, as a new topic in our country, was still the stage of existence and verifying the legitimacy, and the study has been pointing any specific question.
145 Parameters of legitimacy must be strictly inspected in strict accordance with command input format for input, otherwise the program may not correctly execute instructions.
146 The moral legitimacy of administrative legislation should be proved by giving protection without infringing upon human rights.
147 The Roman's governing was considered legitimacy, and rulers with the title Roman Emperor were regarded as orthodox and licit ones.
148 Habermas investigates the late capitalism"s legitimacy crisis with the applying of communicative rationality on the political sphere."
149 Petty despots and tin-pot tyrants often pay lip service to democratic ideals to give their regimes an aura of legitimacy.
150 Third chapters are foreign currency caution money business contract and their legitimacy.
151 In recent decades, the study of phenology has taken on a new legitimacy in the area of climate change research.
152 The legitimacy about existence and development of economic law is justified by this thesis from a view of legal philosophy.
153 So it is up to us prosperous nations to bring about an intellectual revolution, for the recognition of the legitimacy of a trans-European nomadic tradition that is hundreds of years old.
153 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
154 Chapter One Legitimacy of Politics. Political legitimacy refers to the rightfulness of ruling of a government on the basis of the populace permission.
155 The hardware system has independent function, through the commissioning test, the system is not lose its legitimacy and effectiveness, although there are some theoretical design error.
156 We agree with the Arab League that Qadhafi has lost the legitimacy to lead.
157 A key panel of the IMF said today that it supports giving more voting power to emerging market and developing countries, warning that the legitimacy of the institution was at stake.
158 The so-called executive legitimacy implies that the Party in power can lead people to hold the view that the existent political system is a belief state of the social most eligible system.
159 Meanwhile, the administrative system, a lack of one-third of the Organic Law and related laws and the lack of support for the legitimacy of the elements.
160 Hayek was especially worried about the appearance of legitimacy that majoritarian democracy lends to the interventionist state.
161 Inherent in all these questions is the underlying issue of legitimacy and acceptability.
162 In no way has gay marriage lent legitimacy to polygamy.
163 To deny the legitimacy of the Twelfth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee or of the Ninth Party Congress would be tantamount to saying that the Party ceased to exist for a period of time.
164 It shows a relief which served to establish the legitimacy of his rule by depicting his birth directly form the god Amun.
165 Shortly after the handover, the legitimacy of the Provisional Legislature was challenged.
166 Therefore, due measures should be taken in practice to integrate the legitimacy and justifiability of the Deferred Prosecution.
167 Immediately after the handover, the legitimacy of the Provisional Legislature was challenged.




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