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单词 Awe
1 I've always held musicians in awe.
2 The sight filled us with awe.
3 Most people hold him in some awe.
4 He felt great awe for the landscape.
5 She gazed in awe at the great stones.
6 The approaching tornado struck awe in our hearts.
7 He speaks of her with awe .
8 What I mostly felt was awe at her achievement.
9 No difficulty could awe these young men.
10 'It's magnificent,[]' she whispered in awe.
11 The erupting volcano was an awe - inspiring sight.
12 Kate gazed at the statue with awe.
13 Everest has always inspired awe and repect among climbers.
14 We gazed in awe at the massive building.
15 They experienced a tremendous sense of awe in the cathedral.
16 He felt wonder mingled with awe at the Grand Canyon.
17 All of the neighbours were a little in awe of my mother.
18 As children we were rather in awe of our grandfather.
19 While Diana was in awe of her grandfather, she adored her grandmother.
20 The villagers hold them in awe and think of them as gods.
21 I gaze at the pond in awe.
22 It has always inspired awe and wonderment.
23 I said, in awe of his work.
24 They were still kind of in awe.
25 Lexandro's heart lurched, and a certain awe invaded him.
26 Mahmoud stood a little in awe of Zeinab.
27 Gillette turned to me in awe.
28 They looked at him with a mixture of horror, envy, and awe.
29 I admired my father, and his work filled me with awe and curiosity.
30 My brother was much older and cleverer than me so I always held him in awe.
1 I've always held musicians in awe.
2 The sight filled us with awe.
3 Most people hold him in some awe.
4 He felt great awe for the landscape.
5 She gazed in awe at the great stones.
6 They looked at him with a mixture of horror, envy, and awe.
7 The approaching tornado struck awe in our hearts.
8 The erupting volcano was an awe - inspiring sight.
9 He felt wonder mingled with awe at the Grand Canyon.
31 Ruth gazed about her in awe.
32 The fair inspired awe and pride and reverence.
33 Tallis watched the winter with awe.
34 The villagers hold them in awe and think of them as men of the world.
35 Some one you felt a little in awe of and wanted to hug at the same time.
36 Nevertheless he was too much in awe of the older woman to make any voluble protest.
37 The megaliths command our attention, inspiring us with awe and curiousity.
38 They stood in fascinated awe as the immense panelled surface slid past.
39 On the one hand there is awe at the way the elements can so radically alter the landscape.
40 It was read with awe by generations of students who wondered how he succeeded in making such an interesting topic so boring.
41 In the time of hunting and gathering[http:///awe.html], humans stood in awe of beasts.
42 Fear, rage and awe contend in me - such talent for deception in one so young!
43 He never fails to awe me with his ability to paint a word portrait worthy of a museum that charges admission.
44 A small boy pressed his face against the window and gaped in awe.
45 Two chambermaids were standing at a respectful distance, watching his efforts in some awe.
46 Throughout the land, gullible 13-year-olds would gasp in awe at the revelations laid before them.
47 Dao Van Lat studied his naked body in the long mirror and was seized afresh with an exhilaration of awe.
48 They gazed in awe at the hive of activity against the muted background clack of typewriter and word processor keyboards.
49 The rest of us might also stand in awe of his season.
50 The beauty that results comes naturally from the awe humans feel contemplating the heavens.
51 I felt the wonder and awe of the first European explorers who looked at the mountain.
52 Groping for a name that would properly convey their sense of both awe and relief, Powell decided on Glen Canyon.
53 David watched in awe and mounting panic as she unsheathed her beauty.
54 Dinah prays aloud all the way, the crowds watching her in awe.
55 Some one caught sight of them, saw their inner beauty and felt the awe in them and in awe of them.
56 He refers back to the Fish era as if in awe, and introduces the other Marillionauts with grovelling reverence.
57 One of Baldwin's weaknesses in dealing with his colleagues was that, at least until after 1931, he inspired no awe.
58 I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day. Douglas Adams 
59 The mood is similar, somewhere between awe of their opponents and their colossal price tags and the usual infectious optimism.
60 No wonder prime ministers treated him as their equal, and lesser mortals on the political scene regarded him with awe.
61 And how do I face those persons before whom you stand in fear and awe?
62 The awe that the heart transplant programme evokes has led to an assumption that a transplant is the solution to heart failure.
63 Breathless with excitement, Meredith scanned the stretch of stunning palaces which lined the canal, feeling a sense of awe.
64 They held Grimma in awe because of the way she shouted at the men and read better than anyone.
65 That they are prepared to take on board such a past, one must hold in awe.
66 Most people stand in awe of these agglomerations of power, admit their inability to fight them, and submit.
67 They stood in awe of her and they did just what she bade them.
68 But now as I watched him perform[ ], I regarded his political commitment with something approaching awe.
69 Then they hobbled off home to wait for better days, in awe of the wonders of modern technology.
70 He invested the endorsement industry and his shoe contract was spoken of with awe.
71 His replacement, Sanath Jayasuriya is a man of impressive dignity, who inspires devotion rather than awe from his players.
72 And there are some who tremble with awe and hurry past.
73 I have seen people here who never took trigonometry in high schools' he said with something like awe.
74 Far from inspiring individualism, or egoism, the act should inspire awe, humility.
75 He looked upon the baby with awe, and handled Ian as if he might break.
76 It made me shiver with a mixture of awe and anticipation.
77 His features bunched low on his face, as though shrinking with awe from his shiny domed forehead.
78 Methods of operation of the Awe barrage since passing into private ownership have again been causing controversy this winter.
79 He felt genuine awe at this superhuman man, at once so puissant, so self-possessed, so monomaniac in his demeanour.
80 Hollywood stars of the 30s were in awe of the all-powerful studio bosses.
81 Three rocks, a gnarled pine tree, raked white sand: awe.
82 Mrs Bay was eager for me to reveal some degree of awe.
83 Women viewed male potency with some awe, and males were affirmed by this response.
84 Perhaps the lie drew its life from a human longing for those chills of horror which are depraved forms of religious awe.
85 It is, of course, regarded with mystical awe by all who see it.
86 The shape must be observed, and understood, and joined in an act of awe and worship.
87 We can not refuse, because we are in awe of the formidable women running the PTA.
88 It was the defendant, an unusually ignorant peasant, who was in awe of the courtroom.
89 Glasser still stands in awe of this formidable, feckless man.
90 Excommunication also remained out of the question because much of the Church membership stood in awe of these exploits.
91 Homer says that he felt awe to slay a man who had been taught his divine art by the gods.
92 She was still slightly in awe of Violette, her worldliness, her sharp tongue.
93 Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world. John Milton 
94 The scenery inspires awe and apprehension and fear even on a summer day; in stormy conditions, the effect is frightening.
95 Terry seemed to regard it with awe and wonder, Ellie thought it was desperate, morbid, the stuff of nightmares.
96 Williams said, still recalling his awe at being in the presence of star dancers like Truitte.
97 Bee swarms, on the other hand, evoke another sort of awe.
98 Gelb was clearly in awe of his friend's strength and perseverance.
99 The London Planetarium no longer strikes one with quite the same sense of awe, because planetariums are no longer new.
100 From a high dune vantage point one can only look in awe at the purple dappled carpet spread out below.
101 Stories that she lightheartedly tipped him off his surfboard do not ring true of Diana who was totally in awe of him.
102 Little Miss Fogerty was in considerable awe of Miss Watson, but a burglary was to alter their relationship.
103 Around Salomon no tone but awe was used when he was discussed.
104 All of us are in awe of the astronomers and the astrophysicists who are able to predict the composition of the stars.
105 He had listened with awe and not a little terror to the amazing revelations which Omally had skilfully wrung from the shopkeeper.
106 A businessman walking to his car was struck by lightning and critically injured as co-workers watched in awe.
107 Now, in her prime years, she was treated with respect(), deference and even a little awe.
108 Business people stand in awe of power people who make things happen.
109 Six or seven women fainted, children screamed, grown men gasped in awe and disbelief.
110 The risk be in awe of the heart.
111 The Israel Philharmonic were in awe of the music.
112 Even the crowd gaped in awe.
113 He stands in awe of his superior.
114 The imprisoned soldiers were in awe of their captors.
115 She filled me with a sense of awe.
116 An unsought pathos came hand in hand with awe.
117 We always stand in awe of our manager.
118 We stood in awe of the lofty redwood trees.
119 The knight were all in awe of Merlin.
120 An unsought pathos came hand in had with awe.
121 Or in awe of you be still?
122 Will I dance for You, Jesus ? Or in awe of You, be still?
123 Nervation, exquisite zigzag edges, let I to nature in awe.
124 Still nothing much can distract visitors from the sheer awe of seeing this waterfall at the Iguazu National Park, which was established in 1934 and declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984.
125 For with primacy in power is also joined an awe - inspiring accountability to the future.
126 Fabrizzio whispered in awe, " It's the real thunderbolt. ".
127 It is painted in the oxblood red of Beijing's Forbidden City and is intended to awe visitors in much the same way.
128 This is self - look, privacy, and awe to woman's body - luxury material goods,[sentence dictionary] which building on male perspective.
129 The method of asymptotic waveform evaluation (AWE) is a very efficient extrapolation method in numerical computation.
130 Something of awe now stole over me , as I gazed upon this inflexible iron animal.
131 Sir Alex Ferguson was left in awe at some of the attacking, penetrating football United produced again Portsmouth, but was baffled that the scoreline was a deceptive 2-0.
132 It filled me with awe , wonder, and fear, and I asked ceaseless questions.
133 His fellow officers regarded him with awe as some sort of genius.
134 You will he put in awe of him if you get in contact with him.
135 We stand in awe before Michelangelo's touching sculpture, La Pieta , which depicts Mary holding the dead Christ in her arms.
136 But you use them to sweep away the dust, and to make clean your humble home, therefore I am filled with awe.
137 One of those omniscient and awe - inspiring marvels, a detective, came up from St.
138 In France men bowed down before him with awe and affection.
139 His two main strengths led him astray: a nimble mind attuned to the variables of sabacc, and a suavely mature way with women that inspired awe and admiration.
140 Brought before the evidence of his crimes, he was awe - struck and could say nothing in his defence.
141 We were awe - struck by this outpouring of love, inspiration, and energy.
142 The group gapes in awe at a full- masted wooden ship perched in the highest branches of one of the tall trees.
143 One examines the bud in awe: Where were those seeds a month ago?The apples display their milliner's scraps of ivory silk, rose-tinged.
144 I was always a little in awe of Great - aunt Stephina Roos.
145 As the other boarders stared in awe, Todd blew by them on his new cranio- board.
146 He had a feeling of awe as he was taken before the judge.
147 Awe is a sapiential strategy of human beings to survive on the world, and it is a virtue.
148 Ever since Tacitus, the Roman historian, noted with awe the flame-headed natives of Caledonia, observers have wondered at the prevalence of ginger hair among the Scots.
149 The spaciousness and gloom of this vast edifice produce a profound and mysterious awe.
150 Princes persecute me without cause, But my heart stands in awe of Your words.
151 I felt a stirring emotion, and not a little awe.
152 I am usually a less in awe of Great-aunt Stephina Roos.
153 President Nicholas Sarkozy just suffered his own bout of shock and awe when polls showed his conservative party trailing the hard right National Front of Marine LePen.
154 My flesh trembles in fear of you; I stand in awe of your laws.
155 People are in awe and praise to the heart, called the diamond dust.
156 As Scoones agrees, a vital component of their success has been the sense of awe they inspire, which is a vanishingly rare commodity in the secular, postmodern world.
157 Perhaps it was this peculiarity that invested him with a species of ghastliness and awe.
158 With this in mind, imagine how amazing Google Earth must be for it to elicit awe from the online community and cause South Korea to demand changes to the program.
159 Want to object all corrupt phenomena stoutly, foster awe - inspiring righteousness - consciously.
160 The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe the sight the gentry ( George Eliot ).
161 Being so near the august person of the Empress, he was overcome with awe.
162 An upshot lends authority, evoking feelings of awe or fear.
163 Awe - inspiring inside the hall is the fresco titled Five Hundred Arhats Worshiping Vairocana Buddha.
164 Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore stand in awe of God.
165 Therefore love the Word of God exceedingly and forever be in awe!
166 A Cree exclamation of awe, “Yoho” applies perfectly to the park’s big peaks, expansive glaciers, and impressive waterfalls.
167 He was in awe of her; she held him spellbound.
168 Caroline hardly dared talk in Alex's presence, she was so in awe of him.
169 Every day, I am in awe of the sweat equity that my husband puts into this house, and I'm confident that the our investment will pay off in the end and make up for all his years of hard labor.
170 With the 64-bit version, DB2 naturally supports any size of memory that the operating system supports, without using the previously mentioned AWE and MLN approaches.
171 Meanwhile, we still carry case of propagandist typical case, awe law-breaker, formed powerful public opinion momentum.
172 I passed by a number of envious little girls, dressed in their powder-blue shirts, and spotless 20) jodhpurs , watching me in awe.
173 Instead of feeling happiness and awe from staring at an anthill and watching the mysteries of life unfold, you decided to forget those small pleasures.
174 To consider or treat with profound awe and respect; venerate.
175 Actually, this word is really unapt now let us with reverence and awe, also can need not let our be filled with indignation or detest.
176 She surveyed him with a glance of awe and horror , then burst forth anew.
177 I wasn't that overwhelmed, untilI got back into a close-fitting dress that I'd been wearing and I wasin awe at the difference.
178 The RCS of the two-dimensional PEC cylinder can be calculated by using AWE technique.
179 Awe - inspiring with racing fascia across its white body.
180 I have two thoughts, one is that in Hebrew the word yare, both the word for fear and the word for awe.
181 Numberless and inexpressible frustrations combined to make his rage elemental and awe - inspiring.
182 First He has given us the days of Awe and the Day of Atonement (I am writing this on Yom Kippur) as a way to cleanse our palate from the bitterness of past and current circumstances.
183 With deep and reverent awe I replaced the candelabrum in its former position.
184 From that peak in Darien, Balboa looked down with mingled feelings of awe and exultation.
185 I passed by a number of envious little girls, dressed in their powder-blue shirts and spotless jodhpurs , watching me in awe.
186 Just to be included in the company of these amazing women I have so admired through the years, has left me slack-jawed with awe.
187 This delightful composition evokes the magic and mystery of a starlit night in the desert—the awe and wonder of nature and the cosmos.




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