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单词 Amnesty
1. An amnesty has been declared.
2. The new emperor declared a total amnesty.
3. The government granted an amnesty to all political prisoners.
4. Amnesty International denounced the failure by the authorities to take action.
5. The opening speech was by Bob Alan representing Amnesty International.
6. A spokesperson for Amnesty, Norma Johnston, describes some cases.
7. He was released from prison under an amnesty.
8. The king decreed a general amnesty.
8. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
9. Amnesty International chronicles cases of torture and mutilation.
10. The government granted an amnesty for all former terrorists.
11. The rebels returned home under a general amnesty.
12. He subscribes regularly to Amnesty International.
13. They announced a general amnesty for crimes committed during the war.
14. Amnesty workers have been barred from Sri Lanka since 1982.
15. A general amnesty for political prisoners may be in the offing.
16. Amnesty International opposes the death penalty as a violation of the right to life.
17. Amnesty International is trying to establish whether the police acted lawfully in shooting him.
18. The president granted a general amnesty for all political prisoners.
19. The government refused to declare an amnesty for people who had not paid the disputed tax.
20. Guerrilla groups have accepted the government's offer of amnesty and have begun demobilizing.
21. The government has announced an immediate amnesty for rebel fighters.
22. A general amnesty was granted(), allowing political exiles to return freely.
23. Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty.
24. Activists who were involved in crimes of violence will not automatically be granted amnesty.
25. The information was published with the full permission of Amnesty International.
26. More than ninety prisoners have been set free so far under a government amnesty.
27. People who hand in illegal weapons will not be prosecuted during the amnesty.
28. 000 knives have been handed in during the month-long amnesty.
29. Several political prisoners have been released through the intercession of Amnesty International.
30. Thousands of weapons were turned in during the national gun amnesty.
1. The new emperor declared a total amnesty.
2. The government granted an amnesty to all political prisoners.
3. Amnesty International denounced the failure by the authorities to take action.
4. Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty.
5. The opening speech was by Bob Alan representing Amnesty International.
6. Activists who were involved in crimes of violence will not automatically be granted amnesty.
31. But they were eventually freed and given amnesty.
32. Amnesty International was not immediately available for comment.
33. Amnesty International protests against injustice and inhumanity.
34. Special Amnesty forget-me-not badges were worn to commemorate all the prisoners on whose behalf Amnest was founded.
35. We have raised the issues, the United Nations has raised the issues, Amnesty International has raised the issues.
36. Morales added that applying for amnesty is not an admission of guilt and that his clients are innocent.
37. Amnesty International opposes the detention without trial of all political detainees, including administrative detention.
38. Also on Jan. 1 Havel declared an amnesty which involved pardoning certain categories of short-term prisoners and reducing the sentences of others.
38. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
39. Amnesty International released another report on the government's use of torture.
40. Amnesty International is protesting against the inhumane treatment of these political prisoners.
41. Some officials, such as Mr Gavin, urge Washington to consider a one-time national amnesty.
42. Video cameras could accompany Amnesty missions to secure unique footage for release to television worldwide.
43. Amnesty International rebuked the British government for its treatment of the refugees.
44. Demonstrations throughout the city have focused on immigration and an calling for an amnesty for illegal aliens.
45. He spared us both by referring me to eye-witness accounts published by Amnesty International.
46. Mzukwa served just four years of his sentence before being released during a general amnesty in 1991.
47. Legalization also appears to have strengthened relationships between amnesty recipients and their relatives living abroad.
48. The final straw came in 1976 when Gregg testified against his personal pusher Scooter Herring, in return for amnesty.
49. There is no historical evidence for the custom of releasing a prisoner at festival time, although such an amnesty was possible.
50. The government has been forced to declare an amnesty for anyone who has not paid their taxes, because there are now too many to collect.
51. Leaders of Latino rights organizations said they would accept an amnesty plan only if it also gives broader protections to guest workers.
52. But the universal character of Amnesty should surely bar the incorporation of any religious observance into its official procedures.
53. Amnesty International believes Williams was imprisoned for acting in accordance with his conscientiously-held beliefs, and calls for his immediate and unconditional release.
54. Karimov issued a general amnesty, but a rally organized by democratic movements on Aug. 26 was broken up by militia.
55. Amnesty International has consistently called for the release of political prisoners.
56. The truth commission intends to subpoena Basson, who has been invited to apply for amnesty.
57. After the revolution there was a general amnesty for prisoners and that included criminal elements.
58. At that time, an amnesty for the holders of illegal guns brought in 42, 725 guns.
59. Congress had granted him another amnesty to contest the 1992 election.
60. Responsibility for the conduct of the affairs of Amnesty International, in the words of the Statute, involves a punishing schedule.
61. Congress granted amnesty to nearly 3 million illegal immigrants in 1986.
62. Recently he was adopted by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience.
63. They also slavishly accepted the amnesty that Pinochet and his generals had granted themselves to avoid trial for their crimes against humanity.
64. Amnesty International opposes abuses by opposition groups - hostage taking, torture and killing of prisoners and other arbitrary killings.
65. Amnesty International and several other groups have given their support.
66. In the 1980s Amnesty International reports listed several Arab socialist countries as sites of torture and killing.
67. An amnesty was also granted to a number of unidentified people being held for breach of national security.
68. Some prisoners benefiting from the general amnesty of March 7 had been detained following earlier incidents in October 1987 and October 1988.
69. But renewed tension in Corsica over recent weeks has again brought demands for an amnesty to the forefront.
70. In February 1977 Serfaty was finally put on trial in Kenitra,[] which Amnesty considered grossly unfair.
71. I remained in prison another two years until the government graciously let me out under the amnesty in May 1983.
72. On March 6 a federal judge, Gabriel Cavallo, repealed two amnesty laws that had guaranteed immunity for 1,180 army officers.
73. Amnesty International has welcomed the releases, but is urging the government to release all remaining prisoners of conscience immediately and unconditionally.
74. The amnesty applies to money sent abroad prior to April 6, 1991, to avoid the Republic's high tax rates.
75. Mr Brown gave warning that there will be no amnesty for these offenders.
76. The amnesty did not include those accused of offences relating to drugs, murder, economic sabotage or armed robbery.
77. In the report, Amnesty called for an urgent review of the guidelines under which troops were permitted to open fire.
78. Amnesty International is also harnessing text messages to apply speedy pressure on governments to release political prisoners.
79. Amnesty International is independent of all governments, political factions, ideologies, economic interests and religious creeds.
80. A tax amnesty would allow unpaid taxes since 1986 to be paid at 15-20 percent of their original value.
81. Congressmen hope that an income-tax amnesty would encourage more people to pay.
82. On March 6 pay bonuses were announced for all soldiers and an amnesty was declared for deserters and draft dodgers.
83. A number of crimes were not covered by the amnesty law.
84. Amnesty International also intervened on her behalf and only days before she was due to leave, she was given a passport.
85. On July 29 a general amnesty was reported for detainees accused of harming state security.
86. We would all say, as Amnesty International members, that people are more important than trees, in one sense.
87. Amnesty International has long campaigned against flogging for whatever crime.
88. An amnesty for convicts, including 2,000 political prisoners, has been set for Tuesday.
89. Amnesty published some recent findings in a report in October 1990.
90. In the overcrowded prisons, Amnesty claimed that 25 prisoners had been deliberately killed by the police and prison guards in 1989.
91. He was released 22 hours after sentencing under a special amnesty declared by the President, Seku Torre.
92. On July 20, 1999, Pasko was given a three-year prison sentence, then released under an amnesty programme.
93. One of Amnesty's earliest releases, in 1964 he came to London to light a candle for Amnesty.
94. The amnesty was reportedly requested by the newly elected local councils of Rangamati, Bandarban and Khagrachbari.
95. Released from prison under an amnesty, he had gone straight back to his political work.
96. The King announces a general amnesty for the country's political prisoners.
97. The report also criticized the government for refusing to allow Amnesty observers into the territory.
98. Amnesty is an organization that fights against torture and injustice.
99. The President issued a general amnesty to all the rebels,[http://] including their leader.
100. Released in the general amnesty of June 1917, she converted to Catholicism.
101. Please complete the back of the ticket counterfoil and send to the Amnesty Fundraising Department, with your request for extra tickets.
102. Naturally, Amnesty International has its own image, reputation and integrity to protect, and sponsorship can have its negative side.
103. Local authorities could be brought into that and such an amnesty would need Home Office funding and improved publicity.
104. Amnesty claims the prisoners are being kept in overcrowded and insanitary conditions.
105. Also alleging rape and torture, Amnesty urged the government to take urgent action against the security forces.
106. A Justice official stressed that amnesty was one of a range of options considered by the task force.
107. The Bristol group collected the signatures of 46 international figures to sell for Amnesty funds.
108. Amnesty International considers Moncef Triki to be a prisoner of conscience.
109. In the past, the family has opposed granting amnesty, demanding that offenders be prosecuted instead.
110. We demanded that every student who took part in the protest be granted amnesty.
111. Under the amnesty law, many illegal aliens were given citizenship.
112. Amnesty International and the International Commission of Jurists were both said to be planning campaigns to monitor progress towards democratic elections.
113. Tens of thousands of Amnesty members and supporters in over 100 countries will be writing letters to governments about these particular cases.
114. Lacking information, many immigrants mistakenly believed that the law was an amnesty.
115. Five days later a general amnesty for prisoners held on security charges was announced.
116. Under the law, amnesty requires full disclosure, which brings into question the amnesty decision.
117. Almost 2,000 knives and other blades have been handed in during the first fortnight of the month-long amnesty.
118. Amnesty International performs a similar function with respect to the treatment of political detainees and the international prohibition of torture.
119. Following parliamentary ratification, Chissano promulgated on Oct. 14 legislation approving the actual peace treaty as well as a general political amnesty.
120. This has resulted in a deadlock where neither side will countenance providing an amnesty for the other for crimes against humanity.
121. We supplicate your majesty to grant him amnesty.
122. Amnesty International often plays the human rights card.
123. The government granted an amnesty to all political prisoner.
124. The political exiles returned home under an amnesty.
125. A tax amnesty can winkle out cash.
126. Some political criminals were favoured with amnesty.
127. Carrie only listened as one who has granted a temporary amnesty.
128. Amnesty said that Usmonov appeared to have been tortured while being held by the Tajik authorities.
129. It was later described by human rights group Amnesty International as a war crime.
130. Not that old - style Amnesty was soft on the West.
131. Amnesty International plays a specific role in the international protection of human rights.
132. Russian approved a draft resolution declaring amnesty for 100 to 200 criminals on the occasion of the 65th Victory anniversary in the Great Patriotic War,[http:///amnesty.html] Itar-Tass reported.
133. Opposition leaders based in the eastern city of Benghazi initially suggested they made an amnesty offer to Gadhafi, but later denied any back-channel negotiations were under way.
134. Amnesty International, which released the leaked document, reckons that the wording is so sweeping that it would “in effect criminalise legitimate dissent.
135. All royalties from this book will be donated to Amnesty International.
136. The city officials will take off the gloves tomorrow when the tax amnesty period ends.
137. Again foolish next go to a milli- nonsense, the amnesty makes her have already canned not make in the short run, take the disorder in nowadays she can be with the break out of family.
138. China again was by far the world's most prolific executioner in putting to death thousands, said Amnesty International in its report on the death penalty worldwide.
139. In addition to these practical difficulties, amnesty is a bad approach conceptually.
140. For popularizing The Water Margin, its writer put in the contents of loyalism and offering amnesty and enlistment to rebels.
141. Amnesty International made her a prisoner of conscience , while Vanity Fair dubbed her Burma's Saint Joan.
142. Order was restored and the king granted amnesty to those who had plotted against him.
143. Nonetheless, Amnesty International believes that the adoption of the draft resolution is a first and crucial step to create a stronger and more authoritative body than the Commission on Human Rights.
144. Amnesty is calling on Obama to create an Office of Maternal Health within the Department of Health and Human Services to improve outcomes and reduce disparities, among other recommendations.
145. Amnesty International said in 2006 that Roxingul had been under house arrest for several months.
146. Caption :Presidential Pardon:In 1868, President Andrew Johnson granted an unconditional amnesty to all those who fought on the side of the south, like these Confederate soldiers, in the US Civil War.
147. Despite an amnesty offer, the mutiny spread to other towns and tanks were mobilised in Dhaka.
148. In 1868, President Andrew Johnson granted an unconditional amnesty to all those who fought on the side of the south, like these Confederate soldiers, in the US Civil War.
149. Amnesty International has said it believes torture and ill-treatment in Iraqi prisons will remain widespread.
150. Amnesty says there are fundamental flaws in their military justice system.
151. Amnesty gathered statements from thirty-seven women in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu Natal provinces.
152. In 1999 agreement was reached on an amnesty and the RUF's participation in the government.
153. Amnesty International says a campaign of ethnic cleansing seems to have started to destabilise the region.
154. Britain London Mayor Johnson then recommended an amnesty for illegal immigrant workers.
155. Some opponents believe that his sister, led the British cabinet pull designed to expand the scope of amnesty to pave the way for him to return the letter and threatened to hold demonstrations.
156. While President Bush favors a guest worker program that would allow Mexicans to enter the United States on temporary work visas, Congress set aside the issue after opponents attacked it as an amnesty.
157. Republicans have in the past branded any attempt to regularise their position as "amnesty", an ugly word that killed the last attempt at reform in 2007.




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