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单词 Disease
1. Folly is an incurable disease.
2. A disease known is half cured. 
3. To know the disease is half the cure. 
4. The remedy is worse than the disease
5. Disease, enemy, and debt --these three must be cut off as soon as they begin to grow.http:// 
6. Disease of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body. 
7. Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease.
8. The disease ping-pongs through the population.
9. The troops were severely debilitated by hunger and disease.
10. The refugees were dying off from disease.
11. The organization works to alleviate world hunger and disease.
12. The disease has continued to perplex doctors.
13. She suffered from a deadly disease.
14. It seems that the disease is now under control.
15. There's a direct link between diet and heart disease.
16. Some plants are very prone to disease.
17. A healthy diet creates a body resistant to disease.
18. Smoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease.
19. Most people are not very well-informed about the disease.
20. They studied the geographical distribution of the disease.
21. The doctors are trying to stamp out the disease.
22. Heart disease is the biggest killer in Scotland.
23. She suffers from a rare disease of the brain.
24. No one knew how to treat this dreaded disease.
25. There is a danger that the disease may recur.
26. The doctor concluded that the patient's disease was cancer.
27. Once we've had the disease(), we're immune for life.
28. We can eradicate this disease from the world.
29. He emphasized how little was known about the disease.
30. The doctor is often more to be feared than the disease
1. Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease.
2. The troops were severely debilitated by hunger and disease.
3. The organization works to alleviate world hunger and disease.
4. The disease has continued to perplex doctors.
5. Some plants are very prone to disease.
6. A healthy diet creates a body resistant to disease.
7. Smoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease.
8. They studied the geographical distribution of the disease.
9. Heart disease is the biggest killer in Scotland.
10. We can eradicate this disease from the world.
11. He emphasized how little was known about the disease.
12. The disease has affected her sight.
13. My doctor takes a holistic approach to disease.
14. It reduces the risks of heart disease.
15. The medicine had a potent effect on your disease.
16. Early detection of the disease is vital.
17. The disease causes thousands of deaths a year.
18. Smoking is the prime cause of lung disease.
19. The disease was discovered in an early phase.
20. There are various types of the disease.
21. The disease follows a highly predictable pattern.
22. She's got a disease of the eyes.
23. The plants are regularly inspected for disease.
24. Mortality from heart disease varies widely across the world.
25. Inflammation is a phenomenon of disease.
26. She fought the disease with unfailing good humour .
27. In extreme cases, the disease can lead to blindness.
28. The purpose of the research is to try and and find out more about the causes of the disease.
29. The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally attributed to improvements in diet.
30. Early identification of a disease can prevent death and illness.
31. Exercise lessens the risk of heart disease.
32. We need to increase public awareness of the disease.
33. The disease has affected her sight.
34. My doctor takes a holistic approach to disease.
35. She has a rare, incurable disease.
35. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
36. It reduces the risks of heart disease.
37. The medicine had a potent effect on your disease.
38. The disease is totally unresponsive to conventional treatment.
39. Early detection of the disease is vital.
40. The disease causes thousands of deaths a year.
41. He has a serious lung disease.
42. Disease is no respecter of persons.
43. Smoking is the prime cause of lung disease.
44. The disease was discovered in an early phase.
45. The disease is still in its primary stage.
46. The disease originated in Africa.
47. The disease blighted oaks and elms.
48. He is suffering from an incurable skin disease.
49. There are various types of the disease.
50. The disease follows a highly predictable pattern.
51. Keeping clean is a safeguard against disease.
52. Disease is usually caused by germs.
53. She's got a disease of the eyes.
54. The plants are regularly inspected for disease.
55. The disease robs you of muscle control.
56. The disease spread rapidly throughout Europe.
57. Mortality from heart disease varies widely across the world.
58. Heart disease is America's number one killer.
59. People used to believe that dirt spontaneously generated disease.
60. The doctor examined him for possible heart disease.
31. How the disease started is one of medicine's great mysteries.
32. Parkinson's disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system.
33. Doctors are worried about the possible spread of the disease.
34. The disease mostly affects people over 50, causing paralysis and uncontrollable tremors.
35. The organization's aim is to link up people from all over the country who are suffering from the disease.
35. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
36. People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.
37. Brain scans have confirmed that the disease is in remission.
38. A move towards healthy eating could help eliminate heart disease.
39. We must use shock tactics if we are to stop Aids becoming another accepted 20th-century disease.
40. Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease.
41. The plastic surgeon diagnosed my illness as a rare bone disease.
42. An excess of fat in one's diet can lead to heart disease.
43. It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease.
44. The new test should enable doctors to detect the disease early.
45. One of the symptoms of the disease is water phobia.
46. Any disease which undermines a man's general health will interfere with his sperm production.
47. According to official statistics the disease killed over 500 people.
48. Some members of the family may remain unaffected by the disease.
49. Eating a good diet significantly lessens the risk of heart disease.
50. The new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease.
51. She got a very dangerous disease of kidneys.
52. Disease is rife in the area.
53. The disease ranges widely in severity.
54. Fellowing the outbreak of the disease, several sheep and lambs were destroyed on veterinary advice.
55. Any infectious disease must be notified at once to the Health Ministry.
56. The disease is spreading, and all children under five are at risk.
57. Disease often follows on starvation because the body is weakened.
58. Experts fear that there will be new outbreak of the disease.
59. Unemployment and lingering disease cooperated to make his family broken.
60. The newcomers lacked immunity against local strains of the disease.
61. The disease cannot be transmitted through coughing or sneezing.
62. The new disease proved contagious.
63. Disease has decimated the population.
64. Inflammation is a phenomenon of disease.
65. She fought the disease with unfailing good humour .
66. In extreme cases, the disease can lead to blindness.
67. The purpose of the research is to try and and find out more about the causes of the disease.
68. The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally attributed to improvements in diet.
69. Standards of hygiene have fallen with all the attendant risks of disease.
70. Missing is like a disease, take much medicine or not.
71. I am immune from the disease, for I had it once.
72. Some people think drinking in moderation can prevent heart disease.
73. You may have some strange disease that may not show up for 10 or 15 years.
74. The author uses disease as a metaphor for the corruption in society.
75. Many a night, you and the death and disease resistance, when treatment is the doctor 's arm, patrol is the relatives of the patient, monitoring health Messenger, rescue is the life guard.
76. The celebration's is a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year. It is done so by different practices such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking nutritious concoctions, and displaying portraits of evil's nemesis, Chung Kuei. If one manages to stand an egg on it's end at exactly 12:00 noon, the following year will be a lucky one.
77. There is a real danger that the disease might spread.
78. The common cold idles more people than any other disease.
79. Early identification of a disease can prevent death and illness.
80. The smoker has been labouring under lung disease for many years.
81. The deer in the forest are all dying off from disease.
82. Dirt and disease are adverse to the best growth of children.
83. We hope the programme will dispel certain misconceptions about the disease.
84. How the disease started is one of medicine's great mysteries.
85. Parkinson's disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system.
86. Doctors are worried about the possible spread of the disease.
87. The doctor was able to treat the disease although he could not put his finger on the exact cause.
88. 5,000 head of cattle died of the disease in one month.
89. They reported a sudden outbreak of the disease in the south of the country.
90. The disease mostly affects people over 50, causing paralysis and uncontrollable tremors.
91. The organization's aim is to link up people from all over the country who are suffering from the disease.
92. People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.
93. The doctor was able to treat the disease although he could not lay his finger on the exact cause.
94. Brain scans have confirmed that the disease is in remission.
95. The reduction in white blood cell counts lowers resistance to disease.
96. When John was 17, he died of congenital heart disease.
97. A move towards healthy eating could help eliminate heart disease.
98. We must use shock tactics if we are to stop Aids becoming another accepted 20th-century disease.
99. If disease is allowed to spread among the crops, it will cause wide spread devastation.
100. There is more to good health than the mere absence of disease.
101. Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease.
102. Heart disease is one of the commonest causes of death.
103. The disease destroys much of the inner-ear, disturbing the animal's equilibrium.
104. The plastic surgeon diagnosed my illness as a rare bone disease.
105. The effects of this disease are horrible. You wouldn't wish them on your worst enemy.
106. An excess of fat in one's diet can lead to heart disease.
107. It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease.
108. If present trends go/continue unchecked there will be a major epidemic of heart disease in the next five years.
109. The new test should enable doctors to detect the disease early.
110. One of the symptoms of the disease is water phobia.
111. Any disease which undermines a man's general health will interfere with his sperm production.
112. By this time, the disease was too far advanced to be treated.
113. Recent research has cast new light on the causes of the disease.
114. After the scourge of war came the scourge of disease.
115. They claim to have discovered a cure for the disease.
116. When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually isolated .
117. According to official statistics the disease killed over 500 people.
118. His research has contributed enormously to our understanding of this disease.
119. Doctors are trying to confine the disease within the city.
120. Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes.
121. Some members of the family may remain unaffected by the disease.
122. Eating a good diet significantly lessens the risk of heart disease.
123. The new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease.
124. Loss of weight is directly proportional to the rate at which the disease is progressing.
125. Birds and monkeys can carry disease.
126. Will science finally rid us of this disease?
127. Hepatitis is a potentially fatal disease.
128. He's in recovery from the disease.
129. Dirt and disease go hand in hand.
130. Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disorder.
131. The disease could depopulate this whole region.
132. The disease spreads by sexual contact between infected animals.
133. Starvation and disease have killed thousands of refugees.
134. They watched her gradually weaken as the disease progressed.
135. They took action to prevent the disease from spreading.
136. She'll never be completely free of the disease.
137. Not much is known about the disease.
138. Loneliness is a disease of our urban communities.
139. These plants are peculiarly prone to disease.
140. The immune system is our main defence against disease.
141. Disease is nature's way of keeping the population down.
142. The disease can cause sterility in men and women.
143. Depression lowers the human ability to cope with disease.
144. There is no known cure for the disease.
145. War and disease had thinned the population.
146. Flies in food shops breed disease.
147. He is dead of a disease.
148. They want to stop the disease spreading.
149. The blindness that the disease causes will be permanent.
150. The disease has been eradicated from the world.
151. Disease had thinned out the population.
152. The crowded factories are rife with disease.
153. Heart attacks have become Britain's No. 1 killer disease.
154. This disease is very hard to nurse.
155. Damp,(Sentencedict) dirty houses are a breeding ground for disease.
156. With this disease the patient bruises easily.
157. He had all the classic symptoms of the disease.
158. The disease has spread at an alarming rate.
159. Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for this disease.
160. She became quite incoherent as the disease got worse.
161. The disease spread rapidly amongst the poor.
162. A good diet will safeguard against disease.
163. Symptoms of the disease include fever and weight loss.
164. AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease.
165. Drugs can slow down the progression of the disease.
166. Causes of the disease have been well documented.
167. The disease releases toxins into the bloodstream.
168. She suffers from a little-known muscle-wasting disease.
169. Tobacco lowers the body's resistance to disease.
170. 90% of patients can be cured of the disease.
171. The disease can now be prevented by inoculation.
172. He had the disease of alimentary canal.
173. Poverty often goes along with disease.
174. They've conveniently forgotten the risk of heart disease.
175. The disease has no known cure.
176. The disease has reduced her to a skeleton.
177. He fought the disease bravely for three years.
178. The disease is communicated through dirty drinking water.
179. He fought against the disease for a long time.
180. The disease can cause havoc in commercial orchards.
181. Smoking is one of the causes of heart disease.
182. The symptoms of this disease are fever and sickness.
183. In an ideal world there would be no poverty and disease.
184. It is not easy to estimate how many people have the disease.
185. The study showed that women with the disease have had fewer children than normal controls.
186. It is difficult to test a potential cure when a disease is ill-defined.
187. Years of research work have failed to produce a cure for the disease.
188. Exercise has a major part to play in preventing and combating disease.
189. The Cambridge World History of Human Disease is a magisterial work.
190. Extensive research is being done into the connection between the disease and poor living conditions.
191. Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease.
192. Poor hygiene may have accounted for the increase in cases of the disease.
193. The charlatan boasted that he could charm off any disease.
194. Education is the only weapon to fight the spread of the disease.
195. Authentic Italian cooking is very healthy-witness the low incidence of heart disease in Italy.
196. The race is on to find a cure for this disease.
197. As yet little is known of the causes of the disease.
198. He postulated that a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2000.
199. The public should be on the lookout for symptoms of the disease.
200. The risk of developing heart disease increases with the number of cigarettes smoked.
201. Healthy eating can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
202. Vets took precautions to prevent the spread of the disease.
203. Considerable progress has been made in finding a cure for the disease.
204. Researchers are convinced of a genetic cause for the disease.
205. The research showed beyond doubt that smoking contributes to heart disease.
206. The discovery of the disease among sheep spells financial disaster for farmers.
207. How can a loving, omnipotent God permit disease,(http://) war and suffering?
208. Disease cut Brooks off in the best part of life.
209. Under the new regime, all sheep and cattle will be regularly tested for disease.
210. There is no cure for the disease, although drugs can slow down its rate of development.
211. Gina put up a real fight to overcome the disease.
212. Experimenting on mice can give us an idea of the effect of the disease in humans.
213. Attempts are being made to arrest the spread of the disease.
214. She worked with great dedication to find a cure for the disease.
215. A hundred years ago coronary heart disease was virtually unknown in Europe and America.
216. He was highly praised for his research on heart disease.
217. The chief problem we have in the area now is the spread of disease.
218. The cattle disease occurs more or less anywhere in Africa where the fly occurs.
219. Doctors told him the disease could have been caused by years of working in smokey clubs.
220. A high cholesterol level in the blood can cause heart disease.
221. He communicated the disease to the rest of his family.
222. He's got a terrible disease and will not live long.
223. The greatest occurrence of coronary heart disease is in those over 65.
224. The disease was commonly referred to as "the green sickness".
225. Recent research has shed light on the causes of the disease.
226. There is a history of heart disease in my family.
227. She got a rare liver disease when she was only twenty.
228. Her body had been almost entirely devoured by the disease.
229. Some dogs are thought to be genetically susceptible to the disease.
230. The disease wiped out 40 million rabbits at a stroke.
231. Many doctors fail to report cases(), even though food poisoning is a notifiable disease.
232. There is a 60% probability that the population will be infected with the disease.
233. A few shots of this drug cleared up the disease for good.
234. He's renowned as the fount of all knowledge on the disease.
235. The test used in detecting the disease carries its own risks.
236. Indirect effects of the fighting include disease and food shortages.
237. The occurrence of the disease is apparently related to standards of hygiene.
238. In her paper she goes on to argue that scientists do not yet know enough about the nature of the disease.
239. This area has a high incidence of crime, disease, unemployment, etc.
240. If the animals have died from a notifiable disease, their bodies must be burnt.
241. This is only one of the many strains of the disease.
242. People with coeliac disease need to keep to a gluten-free diet.
243. Both drugs slow the progression of HIV, but neither cures the disease.
244. The arrival of warm weather raises the spectre of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage.
245. The recent outbreaks of cholera are a timely reminder that this disease is still a serious health hazard.
246. Heart disease is reversible in some cases,() according to a study published last summer.
247. You could only really tell the effects of the disease in the long term, and five years wasn't long enough.
248. The sufferer may have to make major changes in his or her life to arrest the disease.
249. It is important to recognize how little we know about this disease.
250. Intravenous drug users are at particular risk of contracting the disease.
251. In Britain, BSE is popularly known as Mad Cow Disease.
252. Arthritis is a crippling disease which affects people all over the world.
253. The relation of disease to poverty and ignorance is easy to see.
254. The new drug is a major step forward in the treatment of the disease.
255. The study provided valuable insight into the development of the disease.
256. It is probable that the disease has a genetic element.
257. Disease often goes with poverty/Disease and poverty often go together.
258. Public ignorance about the disease is still a cause for concern.
259. Red marks on the skin may be a warning sign for this disease.
260. The disease can spread from one mammalian species to another.
261. The drug has had no significant effect on stopping the spread of the disease.
262. The first symptom of the disease is a very high temperature.
263. Heart disease often shows itself first as pain or tightness in the chest.
264. The chest disease is endemic among miners in this area.
265. Having this disease does not necessarily mean that you will die young.
266. The disease rubella can cause pregnant women to have malformed babies.
267. In the vast majority of cases the disease is fatal.
268. It must be stressed that this disease is very rare.
269. The disease affects fully 30 per cent of the population.
270. Their many years of research have finally culminated in a cure for the disease.
271. This disease threatens to destroy many of our native trees.
272. This research has been enormously fruitful in helping our understanding of the disease.
273. People with the disease were often treated as social outcasts.
274. As regards a cure for the disease, very few advances have been made.
275. The doctor must always guard against passing on disease to his family.
276. According to the latest surveys many Britons suffer from heart disease.
277. The first symptoms of the disease are vomiting and a slight fever.
278. One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory.
279. Within the umbrella term "dementia" there are many different kinds of disease.
280. The campaign aims to inform the public of the dangers of this disease.
281. The government used scare tactics to get parents to have their children vaccinated against the disease.
282. The old man became incoherent as the disease got worse.




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更新时间:2025/3/15 4:10:23