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单词 Subset
1. The idea is to gather data from a subset that reflects the most interesting characteristics of the larger population.
2. The solid outline encloses the subset of the array that we were able to characterize fully.
3. FIG. 1 Lymphocytes in each subset disappear at differing rates from the periphery.
4. Now what about the subset which represents the true propositions of our formal system?
5. Then compare the maximal profits on each subset,[/subset.html] and choose one with the highest profits.
6. You may print either a subset or all of your oldest 16 mail messages.
7. In the subset of oral studies, ECGs were obtained in 1733 of 2786 patients with 24,000 attacks.
8. You may copy either a subset or all of your oldest 16 mail messages.
9. You may inspect either a subset or all of your oldest 16 mail messages.
10. The subset who benefited from disulfiram treatment were older and more socially stable than others who relapsed.
11. Invention is best treated as the subset of patentable technical innovations.
12. The subset containing fabliaux with lavatory humour, tales concerning basic bodily functions of excretion or flatulence, are fewer in number.
13. The null set is any set subset.
14. The null subset corresponds to the term 1.
15. It can backup any subset of files and directories.
16. GPJ _ Pascal is a subset of Pascal.
17. And we're a subset of fields.
18. BCH codes are a subset of the class of linear block codes that have good error correction capability. Information hiding is a new technique in information security field.
19. In a subset of patients, this results in amiodarone - induced hypothyroidism or thyrotoxicosis.
20. Indeed, Tivoli says it may even adopt the Object Model as a subset of its own future offerings.
21. First and foremost, we are intentionally considering a limited subset of the potential causes of recent longer-term climate change.
22. It is a necessarily existing source of all actuality, which actualises a subset of possibilities by a contingent act of will.
23. This may be based on the core vocabulary, or a subset thereof.
24. Alternatively, significant levels of expression may be limited to a subset of cells or developmental stages.
25. The effects of other genes and environmental factors may influence the different course of the disease in this subset of patients.
26. The actual animals that have ever lived on Earth are a tiny subset of the theoretical animals that could exist.
27. The set of all possibilities clearly includes, as a subset, all possible values that could ever exist in any universe.
28. This consists of the statistics values for counts, total time, maximum time, and the reset operation, which is a subset of the PerfStats interface.
29. No non-prime attribute in the table is functionally dependent on a part (proper subset) of a candidate key.
30. You can, for example, "strip down" a process to contain a minimal subset of its content by removing packages that contain elements of work that you do not want to perform.
31. Metadata interfaces and XML: The JOLAP metadata interfaces are a subset of the CWM and include extensions for requirements specific to JOLAP.
32. The old interface is no longer a proper subset of the new one.
33. Store information that applies only to a subset of the main table.
34. This paper discusses the use of fuzzy synthetic evaluation in the system of student's quality. The Delphi Method is used to get the fuzzy subset of importance.
35. This is also true in the third transaction,[http:///subset.html] where the system part of the credit bureau transaction is a subset of the actor part of the third transaction.
36. There ? ? s a subset of customers who want to touch and feel.
37. A subset of vacuoles are the organelles known as lysosomes, which contain digestive enzymes (packaged in lysosomes in the Golgi complex) that can break down most biological macromolecules.
38. The paper focuses on the use of the fuzzy subset theory to deal with the question of integrative evaluation in calibration laboratory quality system.
39. A subset S of a ring A is a subring of A.
40. CONCLUSION Right ventricular restriction exists in a significant subset of patients with tetralogy of Fallot following surgical repair and exerts unfavorable effects on post-operative course.
41. These 2-D lovers, as they are called, are a subset of otaku culture— the obsessive fandom that has surrounded anime(), manga and video games in Japan in the last decade.
42. Baseline bloods for cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone levels were collected and in a subset of infants a metyrapone test performed.
43. This paper differentiates the grade of flood and drought using the rainfall classification method of fractile of standardized normal distribution and fuzzy subset , t...
44. The above-mentioned process is called analytic technique automation and can be achieved through analysis of the special solution subset in the solution sets of the logical equation.
45. PPV, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, diagnostic upstaging, and treatment management changes were determined from subset analysis of 123 previously untreated patients with HN cancer.
46. A programming strategy in which a station or network schedules content of the same type or appealing to the same subset of the audience.
47. By definition, the ASCII character set is a subset of all multibyte character sets.
48. However, these cryptosystems are vulnerable against low density subset-sum attack, subset of and attacked, GCD attack, simultaneous Diophantine approximation attack and the orthogonal grid attack.
49. The compact theorem is proved, which states that theory T has model if and only if any finite subset of T has model.
50. Central to this technique is the problem of searching for a reduct which is a minimal subset of information that has the same ability to classify data as when the full set of information is used.
51. Therefore, if call by reference is enabled, it applies to all of the remote interfaces in the application, not only to a subset of them.
52. In this paper, by means of fuzzy mathematics, the length of electron product lifetime is considered as the fuzzy subset A of the set U of electron product lifetime.
53. SVG, which is a subset of XML, is an open text-based vector graphics standard developed by W3C.
54. Absrtact: The problem of repetitive computing exits in the process of transition from non-deterministic finite automata to deterministic finite automata using the subset construction method.
55. It is a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML); it offers a text-based means to apply and describe a tree-based structure to information.
56. For a certain subset of the attendees, the high-minded conferences during the day are simply prologues to a series of receptions, dinners, nightcaps, and after parties.
57. If you define new text entities in your internal subset at the beginning of the document, you will need to reparse the DTD to pick up the newly defined entities during your editing session.
58. This paper introduces embedded multivalued dependency, generalized join dependency, subset dependency under fuzzy null value circumstances and corresponding axiom.
59. During the development iterations, a subset of stress-related and memory leak defects were removed before the formal system test entry time due to the early testing by the system test core team.
60. In this paper a new subset of the LR(k) grammars called KLR(k) grammars is defined and a method for constructing the KLR(k) parsing table is presented.
61. I must confess there is an element of braggadocio : a marathon is something that will be accomplished only by a small subset of society.
62. A water mass in the sea area under investigation is defined as a fuzzy subset in the discourse universe.
63. A subset of possible encodings are presented in the Encoding submenu.
64. A model verification algorithm based on DTMA and the subset of DTMA modal logic is devised, and the decidability of the model verification is proved.
65. This paper applies fuzzy subset theory puts forward a new fuzzy logic controller and accomplish machining quality fuzzy automatic control.
66. A character subset that contains letters and may contain control characters, special characters and the space character, but not digits.
67. The original IUPAC code remains useful in all its previous applications and is also compatible as a subset of the extended code proposed here.
68. The toolbar contains a subset of the actions available from the pull-down menus, and you can customize it to add, reorganize, or remove toolbar actions to suit your preferences.
69. These are the components that decorate the peripheral view in your application and provide domain-related information, but in a context-specific way or by belonging to a particular information subset.
70. Protecting children from intentional injury is a central task of pediatricians, he said, and "bullying prevention is a subset of that activity."
71. By definition, a data mart is a subset of a data warehouse designed for a specific group of users or a particular subject area.
72. And finally we prove that let A be a subset of real numbers, if every continuous function which is defined on A and taken value in A has fixed point, then A is a finite closed interval.
73. The response template contains a type safe subset of the value object information graph requested by the user in the request template.
74. Argument: So Love is a subset of the set of Like?
75. It has been suggested that there might be a predisposed subset of individuals with impaired ability to clear aluminium from the deltoid muscle.
76. A subset of veganism, fruitarians eat nothing but fruits, nuts and seeds, without meat, vegetables or grain.
77. The load balancer uses this information to dispatch requests to the proper server subset.
78. A plausible possibility is the existence of a predisposed subset of individuals with impaired ability to clear aluminium from the deltoid muscle.
79. The cancer stem cell hypothesis suggests that malignant growth depends on a subset of tumor cells with stem cell-like properties of self - renewal.
80. Aiming at the complexity of the compositional rule of inference (CRI), the functioning fuzzy subset inference (FFSI) has been put forward at first.
81. An EBI or REBI is almost a proper subset of a ballot file -- that is, you create an EBI simply by removing non-selected choices from a ballot file and renaming the root element from to .
82. The hydropower station dispatching factors can be looked up in the Control Rule Table and the affiliation of each factor to the fuzzy subset is determined so as to get the dispatching decision.
83. Whatis clear is that for a small subset of people, excessive use of theinternet could be a warning signal for depressive tendencies.
84. The complete OCCL compiler can correctly compile programs conforming to a specific ANSI C language subset.
85. Index of fuzzy cluster and fuzzy subset can be obtained through linear transform.
86. The uncertainty coefficient is an information measure for a feature subset, and it is monotonic, so it can be taken as the feature selection measure.
87. The identifiability of geometric parameters of 6-DOF parallel kinematic machines is studied using a subset of pose error data.
88. The concepts of strong convex fuzzy subset and strict convex fuzzy subset are given.
89. Description Logics(DLs) is a decidable subset of first-order predication logic which possesses powerful function of knowledge expressing and reasoning.
90. By using a subset of all the text-searchable parts, you can obtain the desired result from search and present to the user the expected result, without needing to take an heuristic approach.
91. Learning from examples and feature subset selection are the two basic problems and also the bottle-neck in concepts extraction of machine learning.
92. Each event is in the domain of the transition function belonging to the "current" node, where the function's range is a subset of the nodes.
93. With this method, all minimal subset can be resolved and the computational complexity is less than solution from definition.
94. This paper presents a method on dictionary look-up and fast input word by subset letters in a word.
95. The reasoning results of the method CRI and functioning fuzzy subset have been compared and analyzed.
96. Types, Values, and Variables: Chapter 4 of the Java Language Specification defines the subset of IEEE 754 arithmetic used in the Java programing language.
97. In this mode field values are restricted to a subset of the grammar appropriate for input in a specific field.
98. Lexical analysis design, develop and debug the C language subset of the lexical analysis procedure that requires results to binary form group to preserve the documents.
99. This would enable the production of subset catalogues by subject.
100. Motivated by reducing the training patterns, a grid-based algorithm is proposed to pre-select a subset of patterns near the decision boundary.
101. This method of access extends further to a subset of XML Path Language (XPath).
102. A cut of a tree is a subset of its nodes with the following two properties.
103. Autoimmune urticaria is a special subset of chronic idiopathic urticaria ( CIU ).
104. The conception of mass subset is proposed for aerosol which also has been extended to the equivalent mass subset corresponding to counting signal channel.
105. CLS compliance is a new twist on that least common denominator approach to interoperability. The CLS specification is a subset of operations that every language must support.
106. The value of the test attribute of the xs:assertion element facet is an XPath 2.0 expression or XPath 2.0 subset as defined by the XML Schema 1.1 specification that evaluates to either true or false.
107. Attempto Controlled English is a rich subset of standard English designed to serve as specification and knowledge representation language(), including for business rules.
108. In well - designed systems, exceptions represent a subset of the program's error handling.
109. Description logic is a formal language for representing knowledge and it is a decidable subset of first-order logic.
110. The printed documentation is a subset of what is available online.
111. The mathematic models of the support vector computation complexity and the sample segmentation subset amount were established, the optimum choosing method of the subset amount was gi.
112. The Frame Relay frame is a subset of the HDLC frame type. Therefore it is delimited with flag fields.
113. It is performed by the identification of the minimal subset of applications used by each functional segment, which covers at least the minimal required functionality.
114. A mathematical model describing one kind of solar desalination unit is established. A relation rule to modify the fuzzy deduction model based on statistics of fuzzy subset is proposed in this paper.
115. In multiple subset analyses, the two classes of medication were comparable.
116. In order to obtain minimal subset of support vectors and avoid movement of support vectors, the improvement on the method is presented.
117. Elements of the logical model have properties and relationships reflecting a subset of their characteristics as defined in the underlying document.
118. If you want to move a subset of data, you should modify the SELECT clause accordingly.
119. Methods In 43 children with gluteal muscle contracture and 22 normal control cases, peripheral blood T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocyte and its subset were analyzed with flow cytometry.
120. If you require c14n to be strictly limited to a document subset, then you must use the related algorithm Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0 [W3C Recommendation].
121. A pass-through session allows you to submit SQL statements and some subset of commands directly to a remote server.
122. Instead it will serve mainly to marginalize you - though you may gain a devoted following among a specific subset.
123. A maximal independent set is an independent set that is not a proper subset of any other independent set.
124. Finally, the dimensional reduction and selection of feature space for ultrasonic and the optimum feature subset have been successfully implemented using the method mentioned above.
124. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
125. XML is a subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and is designed to provide meta-information about the content of a given XML document.
126. The product from the elicitation phase is a subset of the goals from various parties.
127. Limited CPU and memory power supports only a subset of available game functions.
128. This paper investigated systematically the effect of fuzzy subset number in the fuzzy control of an induction motor drive.
129. The effects of clustering the rows by their spatial properties rely on accessing just a subset of the data during query time.
130. The partial function partially applies a function with a subset of its arguments and returns a new one that takes fewer arguments.
131. E. coli and streptococci are subsets of fecal coliforms, which a subset of the total coliforms.
132. In this paper, the method of appraising students, medical chemistry experiment by fuzzy subset theory is introduced, by which a lot of disadvantages in normal tests can be avoided.
133. It blocks any simulation run in which only a subset of the branches is chosen by the inclusive decision, i.e., a deadlock occurs.
134. Each subset is determined by some occurrence of these three events.
135. This section introduces a subset of the UML profile through an example that defines a simple loan approval process.
136. Starting at the top of the hierarchy, you would choose a specific node that represents a container object such as a region or a branch that contains a subset of all your database data.
137. About a quarter of those surveyed thought there was still hope for the marriage; in 12% of a subset of 329 couples, both partners independently indicated interest in reconciliation.
138. More precisely, a UA may, but is not required to, read an "external subset" of the DTD but is required to look for default attribute values in the document's "internal subset.
139. To discern positive and negative example fully, feature subset selection plays a great role in learning from examples.
140. While non-threaded applications that use a smaller subset of common libraries have a better chance of maintaining binary compatibility between SLES releases, do regression testing to ensure quality.
141. XML is a drastically simplified subset of the W 3 C's Structured General Markup Language ( SGML ).
142. Howeer, a subset of patients hae deelopment of glenoid arthritis and rotator cuff deficiency due to tuberosity failure.
143. XML is a more refined subset of SGML, and forms the basis for XHTML.
144. Demonstrates how to display a subset of data from within your database.
145. BusyBox: BusyBox is a multicall binary used to provide a minimal subset of POSIX-style commands and specialized functions.
146. However, considering there are only two regulation subset with active condition as time goes, this will be able to cover all subtasks with pragmatic interest.
147. Digital signal processing and analog signal processing a subset of signal processing.
148. This paper describes the partitioning of the set pf the Boolean equations generated by the hardware logic translator and the conversion of the subset into cube arrays.
149. The method of the functioning fuzzy subset inference has also been put forward based on the principle of the generation, transfer and receiving for the true value in the fuzzy reasoning.
150. The cut - off bits mask should be subset of the info bit mask.
151. A minimal subset of electrocardiogram leads is identified from which the voltage-time measurements can be calculated with acceptable error.
152. Telomerase is an attractive cancer target as it appears to be required in essentially all tumours for immortalization of a subset of cells, including cancer stem cells.
153. These results suggest that HBV is more T8 cell subset cytotropism and HBV intruding into immunological cell is an important reason of cellular dvsimmuno-function.
154. I also reviewed how to consume Web services, the JAX-RPC subset API, with a short code example included.
155. For a universal set, the set of all elements in the set that are not in a specified subset.
156. It looks like a reasonable assumption that it works because the read-only interfaces are purely a subset of the read-write interfaces.
157. Prepending a simple selector and combinator to a chain imposes additional matching constraints, so the subjects of a selector are always a subset of the elements matching the last simple selector.
158. I'm actually going to use a subset of the WordNet model here, containing only those nouns beneath "plant life" in the hyponym hierarchy.
159. The main distinction between "subset" and "uses" is that a "uses" relationship applies when a use case is a subcase that is also a standalone use case.
160. This paper provides a denotational semantics to a subset of Timed RAISE Specification Language (RSL) using Extended Duration Calculus (EDC) model.
161. With the aid of sticker model, the minimal set covering problem can be solved by transforming the subset to memory complex and utilizing the massive parallelism of sticking operations.
162. As an example, a natural language interface(NLI) having a limited subset of English to a specific expert system for database design (ERGTORS) is designed and implemented with TURBO PROLOG on IBM PC.
163. The method for detecting radar signal in Complicated clutters by using fuzzy subset theory is presented.
164. Objective: To compared the influence on lymphocyte subset among three type of transfusion acute normovolemic hemodilution, intraoperative blood salvage, allogenic transfusion.
165. Given an undirected graph with weights on the vertices, the maximum weight clique problem is to find a subset of mutually adjacent vertices(i. e. , a clique) having the largest total weight.
166. Finally, a new partial ordering in the subset of universal nonnegative definite matrices is defined and.
167. A subset of the letters, revealed for the first time, offer insight into the in-fighting behind the ground-breaking DNA research.
168. First, semi ring of fractions of a semi ring about a multiplicative closed subset in it is constructed.
169. We are also working on query support which will start with a subset of JP-QL and grow over time.
170. A subset of contributors have made their contributions available as public domain.
171. Even if the processor type is determined correctly,[http:///subset.html] the JIT might not have provisions for producing a subset of PPC instructions for a non-supported processor.
172. The data showed statistically significant improvement in the primary and all key secondary efficacy endpoints in both the 6 to 11 age group (primary subset) and the entire population.
173. Thus, the actor part of the credit bureau transaction is a subset of the system part of the second transaction of the loan submission system.




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