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单词 Rumble
1. The door slid shut with a rumble.
2. We could tell from the rumble of the thunder that rain was coming.
3. How did you rumble them?
4. We could hear the rumble of distant thunder.
5. We could hear the distant rumble of thunder.
6. The rumble of thunder died off.
7. We could hear the rumble of distant guns/thunder.
8. The dull rumble of traffic woke her.
9. A rumble came from the bowels of the earth .
10. Discussions rumble on over the siting of the new airport.
11. Suddenly, they heard the rumble of thunder overhead.
12. There was a long, distant rumble.
13. Sonic booms rumble in the valleys at all hours.
14. Soon the tunnels echoed to the rumble of many booted feet.
15. Only a rumble like distant thunder and a microscopic clink of bricks reached him.
16. The rumble of the taiko drum resonated through the air.
17. Upriver came a rumble and boom like the dynamite explosions that broke up the log jams.
18. Occasionally would hear the cart rumble as the ground became firm.
19. If society were a train, the etiquette would be the rails along which only the train could rumble forth; if society were a state coach,() the etuquette would be the wheels and axis on which only the coach could roll forward.
20. The silence of the night was punctuated by the distant rumble of traffic.
21. Inside,(sentence dictionary) the noise of the traffic was reduced to a distant rumble.
22. The deafening noise of the machine dropped to a rumble, then stopped.
23. With the feature program about to begin, the monsters rumble through the dusk.
24. Mysterious white beams stream down into the cold desert from saucer-shaped craft. Sonic booms rumble in the valleys at all hours.
25. Then he felt the floor tremble beneath his feet, and a deep throated rumble rose from the bowels of the building.
26. The old building creaked occasionally, but apart from that and the occasional rumble of distant thunder, there was silence.
27. The long silences were often broken by the roar of bus engines and rumble of bus announcements downstairs.
28. He knew it as soon as he heard the wheels rumble over the metal planking of a bridge.
29. Lightning flashed, an enormous zigzag of it ripping across the sky, followed by a deep rumble of thunder.
30. There was a flash of lightning and then the rumble of distant thunder.
1. The door slid shut with a rumble.
2. We could tell from the rumble of the thunder that rain was coming.
31. Just inside, visitors hear a rumble that grows louder as they pass through the lobby.
32. This drew a rumble of protest, as Tyler had expected it would.
33. The war was all but over, although bitter fighting was to rumble on in the islands for many decades.
34. A little further on the quiet was broken by the rumble of a truck.
35. I can hear them rumble into cold storage down the coal chute.
36. No sound except the rumble of an invisible train clattering through the night.
37. We gon' float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. AH! Rumble, young man rumble! AH! Muhammad Ali 
38. He looked up at the sky and heard the rumble of planes flying above the cottony blanket of sky.
39. Rumble rumble, shout and holla, came the sudden commotion in the corridor.
40. The underground explosions created a deep rumble in the ground, something akin to a 2. 0 earthquake, Wernicke recalled.
41. A dull rumble of thunder reached them from the north.
42. Even in pedestrian areas where cars are banned, the rumble and the smell are everywhere.
43. Let us hope the Medical Research Council can rumble a few answers.
44. I could faintly hear the distant rumble of commuter traffic from my bedroom - a reminder of what I had temporarily escaped.
45. He spoke in a barely audible, husky growl - but it overlay the rumble of a harshly controlled anger.
46. The rumble of the train going by woke me up.
47. Those that can be discounted are probably boat wakes that often rumble for hours from side to side across the narrow lake.
48. A wave of panic tore through the building when the industrial-sized apple-cutting machines began to rumble.
49. The words tumble out, making a sound like the rumble of distant thunder, taking shape, depth, and substance.
50. In the distance he could hear a familiar rumble growing louder.
51. The first low rumble of thunder sounded from behind them.
51. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
52. Lesser equipment can make the walls tremble, the floors rumble, too.
53. When the wind dropped an occasional rumble in the distance reminded them of their first taste of war's excitements.
54. From inside the car came the deep bass rumble of a two megaton audio system.
55. It was a far cry from the sinister sonic overload, and brooding, hypnotic effect of Rumble.
56. The arena was almost full and it had all the makings of a full scale rumble.
57. A new sound was growing in the tunnel, a distant rumble.
58. What began as a rumble became a powerful roar as the volcano erupted.
59. The next running back to rumble for 200 yards in a game this season will set a league record.
60. The moan of a sax, earnest voices, the rumble of laughter.
61. In the distance we could hear a faint rumble of thunder.
62. I sat there contented a minute that night, quite lost in the maddening rumble.
63. In the distance I can hear the rumble of thunder and see lightning flash from cloud to cloud.
64. He turned the engine over, the warm rumble of his Baby rejuvenating him.
65. A bolt of lightning ripped it open, and the light was followed closely by a deep rumble of thunder.
66. The only noise was the distant rumble of traffic on the coastal road.
67. Isabel started up, bewildered, as the low rumble faded away.
68. A low rumble of a cramp circles deep inside me like a fly, but it remains benign.
69. Woke up to hear bulldozers Rumble through vacant lots, Saw houseplants we forgot to water Shrivelled in their pots.
70. He could hear the rumble of heavy traffic only a few kilometres away.
71. Chariots rumble and roll ; horses whinny and neigh.
72. We heard the occasional rumble of a passing truck.
73. We heard the rumble of thunder in the distance.
74. Slapper: We got a rumble on our hands.
75. A rumble over inflation arose across the country.
76. I hear the rumble of thunder in the distance.
77. Streetcars rumble down Tokyo's Arakawa tramline.
78. The celebrated rich rumble charmed and soothed the ear.
79. He has three cats named Lilith , Mushka and Rumble ( one of which is missing a leg ).
80. It began as a deep rumble, shattering the predawn silence.
81. The founder of Politifact, another nonpartisan referee to the daily rumble, said two of the site's five most popular items on its Truth-o-meter are corrections of Glenn Beck.
82. Rumble, rumble -- beneath the jetty a battle cry bursts forth.
83. Unlike, say, an electric milk float, EVs are astonishingly silent, with just the wheel rumble and an occasional electric whine to alert you to their approach.
84. He heard the rhythms of iambic pentameter and chanting, Hieros Gamos and sacred rites, resonating with the rumble of the jet.
85. In one embodiment, the peripheral device includes three motors: a high torque motor, a low frequency rumble motor and a high frequency rumble motor.
86. Along the Paris streets, the death - carts rumble, hollow and harsh.
87. A switchable 40Hz HPF allows for removal of unwanted low end rumble that in turn increases overall system headroom.
88. The tireless rumble of reaping machine is reminding these poor farmers not to forget to prepare money for renting the machine.
89. The sound of their motors filtering back in a subdued gentle rumble.
90. Outside the house, the soft rumble of wheels and the clip-clop of hooves echo through the still night.
91. As I waited, trying to pretend that the earsplitting rumble was coming from someone else's car, I saw the two Cullens and the Hale twins getting into their car.
92. A few seconds later a rumble of thunder was heard in the distance.
93. As she spoke, a low-pitched rumble could be heard in the distance.
94. After moment , see fulminate only, rumble a big thunder, break off that nun at once.
95. You heard the ground rumble and fucking debris was chasing you.
96. He speaks in a low bass rumble, just like Imhotep, the mummy in the two earlier pictures (whose name continues to remind me of an Egyptian house of pancakes).
97. The random signals sent out will either be positive, indicating a seismic rumble, or negative, meaning nothing at all is played.
98. Though Wenzhou's streets rumble round-the-clock with heavy truck traffic and its skyline is studded with cranes, many workshops and smaller factories stand idle and padlocked.
99. But in 1974, Ali came back, pulling the "rope-a-dope" on George Foreman in "The Rumble in the Jungle" and regaining the belt.
100. Already the hard rumble of the city through the open windows became pleasant.
101. Each rumble seemed to tie us closer to a son so far from home.
102. Their room overlooks a car park, but is also within sight of a slip road that trucks rumble down day and night.
103. Outside the fancily decorated sales office, a few trucks rumble in and out of a vast, dusty construction site in the outskirts of Hangzhou, nicknamed heaven on earth for its picturesque West Lake.
104. Far below I could hear the rumble of tube trains carrying commuters to the West End.
105. The correlation between judder and rumble was analyzed. It was proposed that brake judder problem can be solved along with some other relative problems.
106. It conveyed a subversive way of thinking, as if to cast a tear gas bomb exploded one after another rumble, warning the world: a new wave of globalization, flatteners are all borders.
107. An honour guard stands to attention as missile carriers rumble through Red Square, Moscow, in a return of the Victory Day parade.
108. But in the early spring three decades ago, Mount St. Helens began to rumble.
109. Its body shell is voluptuous, the throaty rumble of its engine intoxicating, the detailing of its interior exquisite.
110. In the roaring of combine harvester rumble, they are laughing tenaciously.
111. Imagine the society is somewhat like a train, etiquette is quite like a track on which allows the train rumble forth.
112. There was a rumble of wheels at the door, and the tranter's cart came up.
113. The rain was teeming down and she thought she heard a rumble of thunder.
114. Moments later, he heard a low moaning rumble over the hills, a sound like a foghorn.
115. Helps eliminate stage rumble or other low-frequency room noise such as that coming from heating, ventilation, or cooling (HVAC) systems.
115. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
116. He heard the clip-clop of horse's feet and the rumble of wagon wheels.
117. Rose's voice dropped and was interrupted by the rumble of Dagmar's.
118. A distant flash, a rumble, and large drops of rain spattered on the thatch above him.
119. The scandal surrounding the collapse of the bank looked set to rumble on for a third year.




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