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单词 Opportune
1. The timing of our statement is very opportune.
2. I waited, hoping for an opportune moment to discuss the possibility of a raise.
3. This would seem to be an opportune moment for reviving our development plan.
4. Time / The present is opportune for planting trees.
5. Your arrival was most opportune.
6. The law reforms were opportune and important.
7. Chapman decided the time was opportune for talking business.
8. Would it be opportune to discuss the contract now?
9. The timing of the meetings was opportune.
10. It makes it all the more opportune.
11. Most opportune investments in other states have been done.
12. The announcement Tuesday may have come at an opportune time.
13. This seemed like an opportune moment to ask the government to mount a tree-planting program.
14. It would have to wait for a more opportune time, she decided, and replaced the receiver.
15. The timing was opportune because Ned was able to take a year out from his university course.
16. I waited, hoping for an opportune moment to discuss the possibility of my earning a little money.
17. May and June are, realistically, the most opportune time for such projects.
18. The law reform parts of the Act were opportune and important.
19. For those who are waiting for the most opportune time to invest in a home, this is an excellent time to do that.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. Would this be an opportune time to suggest a move to help reduce the fragmentation of the industry?
21. Now, she thought, would be a highly opportune moment to make my departure.
22. Let us wait for some more opportune moment to give her the news that Kokos is back in town.
23. I believe that I have arrived at a very opportune moment.
24. The offer could not have come at a more opportune moment.
25. The publication of this Guide to Exporting is indeed opportune.
26. Porter bought Goat Island and Preserved it at an opportune moment.
27. But he could not have come back at a more opportune time as far as Selkirk are concerned.
28. To her now he was just a young fellow who happened to be in the house at an opportune time.
29. His work - and his mission - comes at an opportune time.
30. Meanwhile, he would take up the matter with Archbishop Perier at an opportune time.
1. The timing of our statement is very opportune.
2. I waited, hoping for an opportune moment to discuss the possibility of a raise.
3. This would seem to be an opportune moment for reviving our development plan.
4. I believe that I have arrived at a very opportune moment.
31. The place was not very opportune for her grief.
32. The call came at an opportune moment for me.
33. We must seize this highly opportune moment for reform.
34. Her arrival was very opportune.
35. The moment seemed opportune to turn the heat on him.
36. We must pick an opportune moment to wipe out the enemy.
37. But It's a limited floating exchange rate system under the Government controltime is opportune.
38. This is an honorable proposal of marriage made at what I consider a most opportune moment.
39. Objective To study the clinical prognosis and opportune time for surgical treatment of patients with asymptomatic cholecystolithiasis.
40. Bertha was devoutly grateful to Miss Ley for her opportune return on Gerald's last night.
41. For example, a compiler may choose to optimize a loop index variable by storing it in a register, or the cache may delay flushing a new value of a variable to main memory until a more opportune time.
42. When the opportune chance come, he would catch hold of them.
43. The invention of the guillotine was opportune to this mood.
44. Opportune and successful strategy transformation is absolutely indispensable for every enterprise.
45. The opportune arrival of the bus cut short the boring conversation.
46. Market conditions have not been this opportune for 16 years.
47. Still you have to choose a moment opportune for such enjoyment.
48. Objective To study the clinical characteristics of congenial preauricular fistula complicated with infection and to select the opportune moment of surgical operation.
49. Easily his best performance in a black and white shirt may just have come at a very opportune time for both Lee Bowyer and Newcastle United.
49. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
50. An opportune launching moment of swim-out acoustic decoy is an important factor when submarine defends against acoustic homing torpedo with a swim-out decoy.
51. In effect, both sought to keep the possibility open until the opportune moment.
52. Objective To investigate the prognosis of penetration needling and kinesitherapy for treatment of peripheral facial neuritis and select acupuncture opportune moment.
53. In fact, Baidu's seeing enough problems of its own to suggest investors' ebullience about its prospects is overdone, even if [gm99nd]'s potential retreat comes at an opportune moment.
54. The factors influencing the prognosis on omphalocele include the opportune moment of surgical repair, the type of omphalocele, the weight at birth, the accompany malformation and complication.
55. Thellos is an honorable proposal of marriage made at what I consider opportune moment.
56. Base on abstergent opportune problem of the summer homework launch machine cooling system, it puts forward a project to measure cooling water conductivity rate to estimate degree of scale produce.
57. This paper analyzed the reasons of the hysteretic water out of the central air shaft in Guqiao Colliery and the waterhead, proposed the opportune time of water control behind shaft wall.
58. Make your plan - then wait for the opportune moment to submit it.
59. The election of Dmitry Medvedev as Vladimir Putin's handpicked successor to be president of Russia provides an opportune moment to initiate a long-overdue review of America's strategy toward Russia.
60. An opportune absence might be the first step toward rehabilitation.




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