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单词 Choke off
1. They'd ruthlessly choked off all opposition to their plans.
2. The army has choked off the enemy's supplies.
3. His words were choked off by the sudden screams.
4. The murderer choked off her scream.
5. He got choked off for being late.
6. High interest rates have choked off investment.
7. Her screams were suddenly choked off.
8. High prices have choked off demand.
9. It is feared that higher interest rates might choke off economic recovery.
10. That would choke off exports and risk tipping the economy back into recession.
11. Some investors assert that the lack of a spending accord, for now(http://), will buoy bonds by choking off economic growth.
12. However, a full 20 % increase will likely choke off the fragile Chinese economic recovery.
13. Some people want to choke off the very thing that makes us strong and unique.
14. If those banks fail, it could choke off credit for smaller companies.
15. The dry spell choke off the supply of water in that area.
16. “It’s important that tightening of credit does not choke off small businesses and microfinance institutions,” says Zoellick.
17. They warned the Chancellor that raising taxes in the Budget could choke off the recovery.
18. Such critics have argued for the imposition of transaction taxes to choke off short-term capital flows.
19. As at Trappers Point so here at the Funnel; incremental human activities are accumulating toward a crisis for Grand Teton's pronghorn—threatening to choke off their passageway.
20. But they said they're also looking to develop mechanisms to choke off the exports of North Korea's ballistic-missiles and nuclear technologies to countries such as Iran, Syria and Pakistan.
21. Investors also worry about the danger of a 'double dip' European recession if governments get the timing and pace of budget consolidation wrong and choke off the recovery.
22. It also means that local party officials can effectively choke off information to Beijing, blinding the central authorities as to exactly how their mandates are carried out.
23. That would help stop the debt-to-GDP ratio rising, and would also ensure that the authorities did not prematurely choke off a recovery because of concerns about inflation.
24. That said, if the troubles in Greece lead to a slowdown across Europe, it could choke off our economic recovery as Europe as a whole is a major trading partner.
25. Just as parasites do, cancer depends on its host for sustenance, which is why treatments that choke off tumors can be so effective.
26. Yet it is also essential that nations resist the temptation to overcorrect by imposing regulations that would stifle innovation and choke off growth.
27. When governments do that...they impose costs on households, they impose costs on businesses, they choke off markets and they get the exact opposite effect of what they want.
28. I understand that prices cannot stay low forever, but have China's real estate prices risen so far so fast that they are beginning to choke off business?
29. But premature fiscal tightening is worse because it is liable to choke off the recovery prematurely.
30. For its part, Iran, in its stand-off with world powers over its nuclear programme, has threatened to choke off oil shipments through the Persian Gulf if it is attacked.
1. They warned the Chancellor that raising taxes in the Budget could choke off the recovery.
31. "As markets revive, fear of inflation will drive up interest rates, which will choke off recovery," he said.
32. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billionaire investor George Soros on Tuesday predicted a "stop-go" economy for the United States, saying fears of inflation will drive up interest rates and choke off growth.
33. But Beijing's latest policy move targets just those smaller-tier cities and could now choke off that growth.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:37:30