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单词 Escape hatch
1 They got out through the escape hatch.
2 Although normally kept shut, there is an escape hatch for the after cabin in each of the cockpit seats.
3 Kids are looking for an escape hatch from the pressures of home.
4 Even more important, birth control has a crucial escape hatch.
5 Some experts suggested that the escape hatch might have been damaged.
6 Another escape hatch that Olson slams shut upon us is the device of distinguishing between Pound-the-man and Pound-the-poet.
7 There was also an escape hatch in the inner hard cocoon.
8 This is an escape hatch for any unforeseen requirements.
9 Nuclear sub escape hatch can be opened, Norwegians say.
10 Leave yourself one escape hatch and get on with it.
11 The most important thing in an argument, next to being right, is to leave an escape hatch for your opponent,[] so that he can gracefully swing over to your side without too much apparent loss of face. Sydney J. Harris 
12 Taking hold of a strong branch, he finally cleared the escape hatch with his legs and dropped to the ground.
13 The two sides were now on a collision course: Khrushchev could not allow West Berlin to remain as an escape hatch.
14 The United States embassy was no longer a haven or an escape hatch.
15 The short cycle, as laid out by Northwestern University assistant professor Victor Shih in his 2007 book Factions and Finance in China: Elite Conflict and Inflation, is the escape hatch.
16 The speediness development of scientific spurs many enterprises to search new escape hatch.




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