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单词 Strewn
1. The front room was strewn with books and clothes.
2. There were dirty clothes strewn around the beds.
3. The shores are strewn with wrecks.
4. The street was strewn with broken glass.
5. The house was filthy, with clothes and newspapers strewn everywhere.
6. There were dirty clothes strewn around the bedroom.
7. Wreckage was strewn over a wide area.
8. The black sky was strewn with twinkle stars.
9. The runway is still strewn with wreckage.
10. The streets were strewn with rubbish after the carnival.
11. The road is strewn with abandoned vehicles.
12. The park was strewn with litter after the concert.
13. The streets were strewn with corpses.
14. Litter was strewn all over the field.
15. There was litter strewn all over the pavement.
16. The papers were strewn about the room.
17. The way ahead is strewn with difficulties.
18. Her clothes lay strewn on the floor.
19. There was rubbish strewn around everywhere.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. The riverbed was strewn with big boulders.
21. Clothes were strewn across the floor.
22. Files were strewn higgledy-piggledy over the floor.
23. There was paper strewn all over the floor.
24. The floor was strewn with clothes.
25. The contents of the drawers were strewn all over the place.
26. By the end, bodies were strewn all round the headquarters building.
27. The streets were strewn with flowers for the royal visit.
28. Wine bottles and dirty dishes were strewn across the lawn.
29. A litter of notes, papers, and textbooks were strewn on the desk.
30. Champagne bottles were strewn about the floor.
1. The front room was strewn with books and clothes.
2. There were dirty clothes strewn around the beds.
3. The street was strewn with broken glass.
4. The house was filthy, with clothes and newspapers strewn everywhere.
5. The way ahead is strewn with difficulties.
6. The floor was strewn with clothes.
31. The yard was strewn with garbage.
32. Every yard of advance was strewn with the fallen.
33. His room was strewn with books and papers.
34. The track-bed was weed-ridden and strewn with rubbish.
35. There was socialist literature strewn about.
36. Trash and food were strewn about the room.
37. There were clothes strewn around on the floor.
38. Hyde Park was a green beach strewn with sunbathers.
39. Serban's work is strewn with symbolism.
40. Baggage and bodies were strewn across the roadside.
41. The mountainsides were strewn with spring flowers.
42. The night had strewn a carpet of dew-beaded cobwebs across the lawn and mist was rising from the river.
43. Ways strewn with thorns and brambles and alive with venomous snakes!
44. Dead trees and other wood, plants and debris carried by the raging water was strewn in many places across the park.
45. Diving below the dusky water's surface I see twenty chairs or so strewn about on the pool floor.
46. Enemy redoubts were strewn with booby traps as a matter of course.
47. The wreckage was strewn over an area of 150-yard radius, confirming the official's description.
48. The barn was as high and big as a huge hall, an earthen floor strewn with finely scattered straw.
49. We were at a little secluded cove, with large boulders strewn about, the debris of some long-past hillside.
49. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
50. It's not so much the snow; more the salt that gets strewn around.
51. All the signs of this malaise are here, strewn about like empty Guinness cans on a Sunday morning.
52. With deliberation, I pulled up all my orchids and threw them, strewn with crumbs of earth, into the wheel-barrow.
53. The room was badly ventilated, and the floor was strewn with nut shells and orange peel.
54. The path of the law is, as Megarry J. stated, strewn with examples of unanswerable charges which were completely answered.
55. Odd pieces of broken and split machinery were strewn about or propped against the walls.
56. At the end of last week 116 had returned for classes on plastic sheets strewn with leaves.
57. The first paper bag, by my left knee, had held the four little packets now strewn beside it.
58. Two unsightly slush machines mar the ambience, and tacky little bowls of pretzels are strewn throughout.
59. He and Miles had last faced each other across a battlefield strewn with the dead and dying.
60. And there are flowers in their hair and loose yellow flowers strewn about under their bare feet on the ground.
61. I went into the bedroom first and saw all the drawers pulled out, the clothes strewn everywhere.
62. Lots of half-chewed Yorkie plastic distractions are strewn across the floor.
63. The land was flatter here and there were fewer boulders strewn around.
64. We walked across the street, which was strewn with gum wrappers and cigarette butts.
65. Splitting such obvious assets as the matrimonial home may be strewn with problems, but what about an accrued pension fund?
66. Underwater wrecks are strewn along the coast and downed planes and tanks emerge from the jungle overgrowth.
67. There are also diamonds strewn around the landscape: collecting 100 earns Turry a continue-play.
68. Giant, half-formed creatures were coming out of logs like the ones strewn in the yard behind me.
69. Dolly's limbs lay strewn about the carpet but Dolly's assailant had gone to take a nap and slept.
70. She greeted Charlotte in a drawing room strewn with plants and pictures where an impassive bloodhound dozed before a blazing fire.
71. Nearby, blue-painted rocks are strewn on the dirt road known as the Gravel Pit.
72. For some managers a busy looking, paper strewn desk, seems to convey that they are very busy and working hard.
73. His dock was strewn with beer cans, oil drums, fishing nets.
74. Those few yards from side to centre stage are strewn with obstacles and few are able to complete the journey unscathed.
75. Diamonds and rare jewels were strewn across the floor as if they had been there for millennia.
76. Rubbish, including gas bottles, was strewn across the land and the entire site was a health hazard.
77. The trestle tables down each side were stained with wine and strewn with the stale remains of various meals.
78. The interior of the stricken aircraft was chaotic, with the passengers' belongings strewn around clogging the gangway.
79. Furniture is strewn down the road,(http:///strewn.html) but there is no sign of the hapless hero.
80. I followed him to a room in which bundles of magazines lay strewn on the floor.
81. The lilac tablecloths were still strewn across the floor where they had been pulled to the ground.
82. My sister has enough knights strewn across history to re-enact Agincourt.
83. She is wearing a black dress and pearls, and a stole is strewn on the front seat.
84. But however great their desire, the path to arms control and detente was strewn with unanticipated obstacles.
85. On the kitchen table are strewn the body parts of a dismantled wooden Easter bunny.
86. Empty food dishes were strewn across the floor and two milk bottles were in the bath, one full of solidified milk.
87. The 1995 team saw body parts strewn about callously by the robbers in their mad quest for anything of value.
88. His portrait and chair have been garlanded with marigolds and strewn with crimson rose petals.
89. The magazines, strewn haphazardly over various sections of shelving, served to divert her temporarily.
90. Depleted uranium shells used by the Allies are strewn around.
91. Lafayette Square was strewn with the stuff of deconstruction: moving vans, cherry pickers, lumber and paper.
92. Information baubles and still usable pop-culture tidbits are strewn about.
93. Consequently the streets of these poorer areas are strewn with rubbish and in hot weather there is frequently a most unpleasant smell.
94. Houshold rubbish and builders waste strewn around some of the most picturesque parts of the forest.
95. Kidskin sofa, a satinwood desk strewn with papers, overturned plastic cups, the surrounding chairs askew.
96. Now, outside tightly packed row houses in Boston, Cambridge and Somerville, the streets are strewn with debris.
97. There was a small desk, strewn with books and papers.
98. There was a little park - well, a few trees and some grass strewn with litter.
99. The bottom of the mountain was strewn with rocks and debris.
100. The walls are splashed with blood, Ann's pot plants strewn everywhere.
101. Body bags lay off to one side of the big intersection, while the corridors leading off were strewn with wreckage.
102. The way is strewn with fallen masonry, coconuts, sacks of rice, bangles and mangled bicycles.
103. Skid marks crisscross the center, which is strewn with broken glass and tire chunks.
104. The room was strewn with clothes and shoes and bags and stank like a school cloakroom.
105. The bed was rumpled and strewn with phonograph records.
106. All the papers were haphazardly strewn on desks.
107. Or, is it a rumpus room strewn of rummage?
108. The ground was strewn with sharp-edged pebbles.
109. The United States appears to be strewn with evidence of managerial failure.
110. Except for the more dogmatic introduction (i, 3-12) and a few short instructions strewn throughout the letter and intended to support moral exhortations,(Sentencedict) the Epistle is hortatory and practical.
111. It found us in a prodigious valley, strewn with rocks and where ran a foaming river.
112. Forty white roses were strewn atop the granite stones that mark his grave site, left by Kennedy family members during a private early morning prayer service.
113. The worship hall may be strewn with pigeon droppings and the courtyard covered with moss, but he pays no attention to these things.
114. A dozen cartons of books had been overturned and strewn about the floor.
115. This room is the room that the front door opens into, so anyone who comes over sees it first. Toys strewn all over depending on the moment.
116. Anyhow, of furniture decorate should size look line, on any account is conterminous , strewn at random have send.
117. Perhaps the series eight finale will conclude with the housewives' bodies strewn across the lane, as Mary Alice delivers a soliloquy straight off a tea towel.
118. Then there are the Most Valuable Player articles strewn across the page.
119. 29The bodies of Japanese soldiers lie strewn across a hillside after being shot by U.S. soldiers as they attempted a banzai charge over a ridge in Guam, in 1944.
120. A good mine site will be not only densely strewn with nodules, but also benign.
121. Page after page is strewn with notes that the ear cannot possibly unravel.
122. The NDTV network broadcast footage from the scene, about 170km southeast of New Delhi, showing debris strewn across the tracks and police officers carrying bodies covered with sheets on stretchers.
123. Entering the grove, he strolled along the petal - strewn ground, pushing aside the lowhanging branches.
124. Thousands of corpses are strewn along the streets of Port au - Prince and environs.
125. After the horseplay by the wicked students, the classroom floor was strewn with crumbled chalk dust.
126. They are found in seagrass, rubble - strewn sand bottom , and coral reef.
127. Several more arrows and a bow of slim, dark wood lay strewn on the turf beneath his dangling feet.
127. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
128. They placed two wicker rockers in the center of the lawn and sat quietly as the stars dissolved out of darkness in pale crushings of rock salt strewn from horizon to horizon.
129. That image, shown above in false color, shows a remarkable world strewn with strange craters surface.
130. Building a Nest in the Sand: A stretch of sand strewn with litter and miscellaneous objects is the plover 's preferred nesting place.
131. Thousands of years of erosion left this lunar-like landscape of boulders strewn across a canyon on Hawaii's Lanai Island, known as the Garden of the Gods.
132. Can our dim intelligence read the secrets of that star - strewn sky?
133. Sudan is strewn with the ruins of Nubian kings, who once ruled all of Egypt.
134. The beach was strewn with countless shells, and they crumbled underfoot.
135. Of furniture decorate should size look line, on any account is conterminous , strewn at random have send.
136. The wind off the sea blows in across floors strewn with broken glass.
137. He spied his friend's bicycle leaning against a tree at the edge of the playing field. Nearby(), other bikes were strewn about on the ground. On a holiday the usual rules of order could be disregarded.
138. The room was strewn with various possessions smattering of rubbish.
139. I stumbled through mud to a yard strewn with straw.
140. Of furniture decorate collocation to still answer size look line, on any account is conterminous , strewn at random have send.
141. Clothes were everywhere; hanging out of drawers, strewn across the floor, even spilling from the wastepaper basket.
142. Today's coast is never clear but always strewn with plastic and other detritus.
143. On a darkling plain in a far away place the skeletons of hundreds of unnamed people lie strewn over the land amidst the red dirt and brown grasses scorched by the equatorial sun.
144. Around another corner is a vacant lot, strewn with old brick and some of the beautiful crenelated tiles that make up the roofs of hutong houses.
145. The road to positivity is strewn with the abandoned vehicles of the faint-hearted.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:41:54