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单词 Conserve
1. Conserve your energy, you'll need it!
2. To conserve electricity, we are cutting down on our central heating.
3. To conserve resources, please reuse this carrier bag.
4. Help to conserve energy by insulating your home.
5. Foods are dehydrated to conserve them for future use.
6. The building is expressly designed to conserve energy.
7. It is important to conserve energy.
8. We must conserve our woodlands for future generations.
9. The nationalists are very keen to conserve their customs and language.
10. I set off at a snail's pace to conserve my energy for later in the race.
11. We need to conserve our supplies so we can get through the winter.
12. We should conserve oil and gas by making full use of other energy sources.
13. Everyone needs to make efforts to conserve water.
14. That's to encourage all San Diegans to conserve energy....
15. We must do our utmost to conserve them.
16. Try and rest frequently to conserve your energy.
17. Recycling helps conserve natural and often limited resources.
18. Mulch plants each spring with straw to conserve moisture and keep weeds in check.
19. Television, it should be remembered, can conserve and celebrate just as it can abbreviate and denature.
20. As expected, rural residents will value and conserve water if they pay for it.
21. Right: Lord Hunt delivers his potent plea to conserve the mountain environment./conserve.html
22. The best rule is to conserve energy and to increase funding for research into renewable energy sources.
23. He writes on both sides of the sheet to conserve paper.
24. The republic's factories have closed for the weekend to conserve energy.
25. For more than 10 years voluntary organizations around the world have been working to collect and conserve genetic diversity in community seed banks.
26. The government on Dec. 30 suspended coal exports from Jan. 1, 1993, in order to conserve supplies for domestic power generation.
27. Sleep is also a time when some animals purposely conserve energy because it would be wasteful not to do so.
28. Higher duties were placed on luxury imports as part of a plan to curb consumer spending and to conserve foreign exchange.
29. Anyway, his push-bike would help to keep him for and conserve the precious petrol for more exciting excursions.
30. The rich man who deludes himself into behaving like a mendicant may conserve his fortune although he will not be very happy.
1. Conserve your energy, you'll need it!
2. To conserve electricity, we are cutting down on our central heating.
3. He writes on both sides of the sheet to conserve paper.
31. He was planning later in the week to make three major speeches, and he would need to conserve his energy.
32. Rural industry and agriculture could help to conserve our countryside and its people.
33. Truth is the most valuable thing we have, so I try to conserve it. Mark Twain 
34. They became cranky and quarrelsome, and stopped most of their activities in order to conserve energy.
35. Those who conserve animals in the hope of returning their descendants to Nature may be disappointed by what they let loose.
36. It is the kind of work that museums do to conserve their furniture collections and bring their acquisitions up to snuff.
37. Money could then be ploughed into smaller projects which create jobs, meet the needs of local people and conserve the environment.
38. First, by minimizing conversion capital costs while backing out of expensive oil we conserve both capital and consumer resources.
39. With a cordless trimmer it is important to use an efficient cutting technique to conserve power.
40. There are those concerning the nature of the state and the extent to which governments can conserve the environment.
41. There was, however, still no agreement on increasing net mesh size to help conserve stocks.
42. Why then should anyone want to conserve examples of modern architecture?
43. This is the launch of the government's latest attempt to conserve the endangered countryside.
44. To encourage a fuller hedge, increase the organic matter in the soil, water, then mulch to conserve soil moisture.
45. To conserve your time, your energy, and gasoline, shop as infrequently as your storage facilities permit. 3.
46. Recommendations are made for increased constraints to conserve upland habitats threatened by agricultural change.
47. Their finding could lead to new treatments for muscle wasting in humans, or ways to conserve muscle tissue during space flight.
48. From them, mixed with redcurrants and blackcurrants, Victorine produced a notable conserve.
49. One-day webs are eaten daily by the spider to conserve proteins.
50. In addition they help conserve the existing soil structure by protecting the surface from the destructive force of winter rain.
51. Despite suffering from Motor Neurone disease, he's compiled valuable information to help conserve the forest and halt it's destruction.
52. Why not plant millions of them on the high plains to break the wind and conserve the soil?
53. We learned to recycle; we could learn to conserve energy-but it would take a little political leadership.
54. However, objects decay despite our best efforts to conserve them.
55. The Act is designed to conserve and enhance the land and prevent undesirable uses or developments.
56. Conclusion Data archiving is essential to conserve very expensive resources.
57. The palmtop edition will offer enhanced modem dialling and screen handling and will be streamlined to conserve memory.
58. An awareness of number invariance would imply the ability to conserve number and that corresponding schemata have developed.
59. He killed the engine to conserve fuel.
60. Dim little men try to conserve.
61. Foods are dehydrated to conserve them for future us.
62. The took extreme measures to conserve fuel.
63. Conserve your energy for the ascent to the summit.
64. Officials are urging people to conserve electrical power and stay indoors.
65. ON/OFF switch Conserve more battery power by turning your mouse off when not in use.
66. Although landscape miniascape is given priority to with hill stone , but because the plant was adorned on hill stone , because this and arboreous miniascape need no less , have conserve government .
67. The problem for builders is knowing which Micawberism to follow: how much cash to conserve and how much to invest in anticipation of recovery.
68. Efforts to conserve the environment sometimes clash with the advancement of technology.
69. When it's cold, the arrector muscle pulls the hair up. The duct to the sweat glands gets small to conserve heat.
70. The objective of resource management is to conserve our resources.
71. Promoting the use of aluminum containers in preference to others might actually conserve resources.
72. It may be that Owen can help United win the run-of-mill matches more easily, so allowing his team - mates to conserve energy for key fixtures in a long campaign.
73. It is current things of relatively advanced conserve change of one seed coat.
74. Rule of Economy : Programmer time is expensive ; conserve it in divferenc to machine time.
75. Cooling tower above 175 T is of module structure combination easystart up and to conserve energy.
76. We need to know where the stag beetle lives, and in what numbers, to be able to conserve it effectively.
77. Such laws exist only to conserve the privilege of this selfish minority.
78. Or, to conserve space, you can arrange them in paragraph format, with a period after each one.
79. When speculators foresee bid up the price, they are also helping to conserve the present supply.
80. He thought of riding a camel to conserve his strength and stave off hunger.
81. We turned the bicycle lights off to conserve the batteries.
81. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
82. The stand or fall that conserve works is a when measure highway job important level.
83. The results shows Chamaecrista rotundifolia can improve red soil ecological situation, that including: conserve soil and water, improve soil moisture, ameliorate soil conditions and soil temperature.
84. Rule of Economy: Programmer time is expensive; conserve it in preference to machine time.
85. Produced by the hypothalamus and secreted into the bloodstream by the posterior pituitary gland, vasopressin instructs the kidneys to conserve water.
86. The object of strategic retreat is to conserve military strength and prepare for the counter - offensive.
87. These reactions can conserve three of every four carbons diverted to glycolate by forming triose.
88. New legal fare collects fees method, it is to conserve 1 % of mark bottom.
89. Two mechanisms exist for removal of senescent RBC; both conserve the principal constituents of the cell for reuse.
90. At another point he asks, in a tone that also verges on plaintiveness, 'I'm trying to conserve my voice.
91. Whoever was in command for the landing should conserve his energies.
92. It is hoped that efforts to better conserve the country's myriad sites could also boost tourism, which is now heavily dependent on Shiite Muslim pilgrims visiting Iraq's various religious shrines.
93. But the likely outcome in that case would be for banks to conserve cash to cover losses, which also would reduce the capacity to pay dividends.
94. Objectives To analyze the molecular evolution of DIF14/LMBR1 protein and the conserve domain of the homologues by using bioinformatics.
95. To conserve energy, hirer(s) should switch off air-conditioners, lighting and audio systems.
96. Bangladesh has created its first ever national plan to conserve the Royal Bengal tiger.
97. However, to conserve fresh water, especially on small vessels with limited tankage, you might want salt water for dishwashing.
97. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
98. Using a kind of fluorine polymer and HDI trimer to reinforce and conserve the paper documents was studied.
99. Yet another way to conserve CPU cycles is simply to reduce the amount of rework required to run your PHP application.
100. Perhaps, then, slower population growth would reduce the pressure on fragile environments and conserve unpriced resources?
101. After the energy crises of the 1970s, the country forced itself to conserve with government-mandated energy-efficiency targets and steep taxes on petroleum.
102. The graph plotter is an in common use equipment to output graph, and it can conserve pattern on plot paper which make by computer.
103. Thus, the authors suggest that particular attention should be paid to conserve and augment the natural control of this wasp on the melon worm under these weather conditions.
104. They had to conserve the candles now with winter upon them.
105. This paper describes production of small blocks under steam conserve based on experience. The material of small blocks is made up of fly-ash, quick lime and slag.
106. Some experts have speculated that sleep may be an evolutionary mechanism to conserve energy.
107. Inca version of thin, favour of economical of plate material consumption, conducive to conserve resources.
108. After surgery to conserve the breast, 90% of cancer recurrences occur very near to where the removed tumor was (index quadrant), despite the presence of multicentric cancers elsewhere in the breast.
109. Methods:72 teeth with exposed pulps in crown treated by pulpotomy to conserve the vital pulps and promote the growth of roots of teeth.
110. Green stuff is recognisable and feeds our drive to conserve.
111. This method uses some relative simple data structure to conserve XMLs dynamic information and correlational information.
112. In the process of mountaineering, you should learn to conserve your strength.




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