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单词 Allegiance
1. FBI demands its employees absolute allegiance to this bureau.
2. She proudly recited the Oath of Allegiance.
3. Soldiers must swear allegiance to the Crown/the King.
4. You owe allegiance to your king.
5. The allegiance of uncommitted voters will be crucial.
6. He took an oath of allegiance to his adopted country.
7. We will give our full allegiance to the party and everything it believes in.
8. All serfs owed allegiance to a lord.
9. Soldiers must swear allegiance to the King.
10. He affirmed his allegiance to the president.
11. Presidents must swear allegiance to the US constitution.
12. They have sworn allegiance to the crown.
13. His attendance at the rally declared his political allegiance.
14. My allegiance to Kendall and his company ran deep.
14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. We all had to pledge allegiance to the flag.
16. The union needs to retain the allegiance of all its members for the strike to succeed.
17. Every day the schoolchildren pledge an oath of allegiance to their country.
18. Medieval knights took an oath of allegiance/loyalty to their lord.
19. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
20. Barons had to swear an oath of allegiance to the king.
21. The rebels now have to swear allegiance to the queen they hate.
22. He switched his allegiance from the British to the French.
23. They swore their allegiance to the USA and received their naturalization papers.
24. The various splinter groups all claim allegiance to the true spirit of the movement.
25. Catholicism claims allegiance from more than 80% of the population.
26. In many American schools(), the students pledge allegiance at the beginning of the school day.
27. Wearing scarves and hats which proclaimed their allegiance, the football fans flooded into the bar.
28. If you join the armed forces, you have to pledge allegiance to your country.
29. It was his instinct for self-preservation that led him to abandon his former friends and transfer his allegiance to the new rulers.
30. The police are the only civil servants who have to swear allegiance to the Crown.
1. FBI demands its employees absolute allegiance to this bureau.
2. She proudly recited the Oath of Allegiance.
3. Soldiers must swear allegiance to the Crown/the King.
4. You owe allegiance to your king.
5. The allegiance of uncommitted voters will be crucial.
6. He took an oath of allegiance to his adopted country.
7. We will give our full allegiance to the party and everything it believes in.
8. Soldiers must swear allegiance to the King.
31. He owed his allegiance to the organization that had given him all his opportunities.
32. He is now very rich but his allegiance to his working-class origins is still strong.
33. Many towns often found it politic to change their allegiance.
34. New ruling administrators owed allegiance to the state.
35. Their allegiance is still to the Queen.
36. They have sworn allegiance to the Warbutt now.
37. They're successful because of their allegiance to the customer.
38. This intervention reconstituted the boundaries of political allegiance.
39. All those present swore allegiance to Aenarion.
40. We owe no more allegiance, Peter.
41. It represents a radical and all-embracing transfer of allegiance.
42. Should they owe allegiance and obedience to him?
43. The generals are transferring their allegiance to their new leader.
44. In his teens, he learned to drink and swore an allegiance to the pint.
44. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
45. In fact it immortalised them and ensured that all future anti-apartheid movements would vow their allegiance to the heroes of Rivonia.
46. He expressed his admiration for the educational efficiency of the Jesuits and politely renounced his allegiance to their church.
47. Female cuckoos bear more allegiance to a particular host, be it redstart or warbler, than do their males.
48. The amenable supporter who changes his allegiance with each new king.
49. When he is sworn into office he will have to pledge his allegiance to the republican constitution.
50. The home team won 8-0 and hooked Lawson, whose allegiance has never wavered.
51. The reasons they switched their allegiance included anxiety about globalisation, a rejection of political corruption and fear of immigration.
52. She wore it a couple of times, then her husband changed allegiance and went to another make of vintage car!
53. The reality was the allegiance to Rome of the local aristocracies which in turn conditioned the behaviour of their clients and followers.
54. If Henry failed to abide by these terms his barons were to transfer their allegiance to Philip and Richard.
55. Reading the Hansard transcriptions without knowing the political allegiance of each speaker, it would be hard to tell.
56. There was no way in which he could turn a young man's allegiance completely against his motherland in just three weeks.
57. My telephone has not stopped ringing with colleagues accusing me of changing my allegiance and forsaking my birthright.
58. Forbes' allegiance to Wanniski, Kemp and other supply siders who influenced the Reagan administration is unquestioned.
59. Alix continued to attend such things, in unbroken allegiance to her upbringing.
60. The Empire, a loose alliance of city-states and provinces owing allegiance to its Emperor, and the kingdom of Bretonnia.
61. Knights owe their allegiance directly to their lord: the Elector Count of their province.
62. She weighed the advantages of telling him about Nuadu and the terrible crimson mask against the matter of his allegiance.
63. The government, however, did not thereby gain the allegiance of the higher social groups to the Republic.
64. For the bureaucracy, allegiance to the Emperor came before democratic representation.
65. Timman unleashed some tactics and the watching grandmasters switched their allegiance.
66. But it is not only Marxists who argue that bureaucracies may owe their primary allegiance to a particular class.
67. Men, it is often said, give their allegiance not to the government of the day but to the state.
68. Why invest allegiance in a sport that in seven months is expected to embark on another work stoppage?
69. Their task was to take oaths of allegiance from the various semi-independent cities, and to encourage resistance to Milan.
70. The old pull of party allegiance, support for your party through thick and thin, is fading.
71. On the following day he apologized for his actions and pledged his allegiance to the government.
72. Prince Charles could never have dreamed of this twist to his call for respectful allegiance to the past.
73. These might include songs, chants, or activities that express allegiance to political leaders or symbols.
74. Again,[] a substantial withdrawal of allegiance from Aethelred must have occurred.
75. But they adopted it in the first place because Labour's lurch to the left drove them away from their old allegiance.
76. Some employers tried to make potential participants swear allegiance to heterosexuality before they would pay their conference fee.
77. We can maintain with relative certainty that at least some of the mummies owed obedience if not allegiance to the Xiongnu shanyu.
78. If Nietzsche was to come to terms with a specialized academic career, his need of a compensatory allegiance was extreme.
79. It was difficult on everybody and there was an allegiance to Jef, but Steve had his own compelling aura.
80. Feeley, who had not seen the inside of a church in over thirty years, started reciting the pledge of allegiance.
81. This seems a clear example of his allegiance to popular dissent against the Church and social elite who supported the Restoration.
82. Around my area, 50,000 men follow freemasonry and each has sworn to give his utmost allegiance to the Craft. 4.
83. Anything is possible, because the political allegiance of Jennifer and her ilk is up for grabs.
84. With his hand on his heart and tears spilling down his cheeks, Charles Prince pledged his allegiance to the flag.
85. This adventure climbing - so fragile, so uncertain - can it continue to claim our allegiance?
86. The press today lives alongside the power of television and competes with it for allegiance and influence.
87. Does a state law that requires the daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance violate the establishment clause?
88. Moreover, whatever their political allegiance, they in fact did their country a favour by keeping the vanguard tradition alive.
89. These powerful voices have far more allegiance to right-wing causes then they do to Republican leaders.
90. More important, the relation between class location and political allegiance is not linear and unproblematical.
91. New citizens are asked to swear allegiance during the citizenship ceremony.
92. Saving only the fealty which he owed to his father he swore allegiance to Philip against all men.
93. Critics of the charter had reportedly expressed fears that the opposition's allegiance to the monarchy would reduce pressure for further democratization.
94. Did they tease him about his obedience to his parents, his purity, his allegiance to the holy book?
95. Loyalty to the person of the monarch gave way to allegiance to the abstraction of the state.
96. Only 11 senators changed party allegiance while in office in this century.
97. Only those who pledged allegiance to the musicians' brilliance, mesmerized by daredevil improvisations, were welcome.
98. A number of communes were independent of any seigneur, and owed allegiance to the Crown alone.
99. The authors come from a wide variety of backgrounds and owe allegiance to a wide diversity of schools of thought.
100. A three percent swing equates to one million electors changing their political allegiance.
101. Yocum may have been helped by the fact that the chamber audience was more evenly divided in allegiance.
102. There are also indications from other sources that women's basic allegiance to the housewife role is not class-dependent.
103. Should new citizens of Canada pledge allegiance to the queen of Great Britain?
104. I also noticed how Corin and Alleyn, once we had reached Royston[sentencedict .com], switched their allegiance to him.
105. In the moments she had left, the room had changed its allegiance and there was nothing safe here any more.
106. When my friends or classmates pledged allegiance to the flag, I remained seated and silent.
107. I know that yet again there will be a furore about players switching their allegiance as and when they see fit.
108. And West Ham was not the only predominantly working-class area that gave rise to a political authority seemingly remote from popular allegiance.
109. The place of theft of the car is often a pointer to the political allegiance of the bombers.
110. Opposition leaders have proclaimed their allegiance to the new government.
111. Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free.
112. He swore allegiance to the throne.
113. Steadfast in allegiance to one's homeland, government, or sovereign.
114. His allegiance has never been questioned.
115. Any prisoner who will take the oath of allegiance and enlist for Indian service for two years will be released and sent West. Mr. Wilkes refused.
116. In 1964, reports the National Council of Churches, denominational allegiance rose about 2%, compared with a population gain of less than 1.5%.
117. Ceremonial acknowledgment by a vassal of allegiance to his lord under feudal law.
118. Taxpayer: my allegiance is Japan, if I have to pay tax on all sources of income in both China and Japan, Lunette Ray Ban, what should I do?
119. MPs kept up their outward allegiance to the parties they belonged to.
120. How are the American people divided in their allegiance to the two parties?
121. Old Dominion, Tyler, His Family and His Allegiance to the South.
122. A credible source says the head of the gendarmerie, Edouard Kassarate, has gone over to the Ouattara side, with the military police en masse pledging allegiance to Mr Ouattara.
123. We all accumulate gods of materialism, self-centeredness, and anything else that can get in the way of total allegiance to God.
124. Scottish Covenanter who changed allegiance(1643) and led a force of Highlanders in a series of military victories on behalf of Charles I during the English Civil War.
125. He also showed a video of several Syrian rebel commanders pledging allegiance to him.
126. Fixed - Allegiance Subverter was working against ships with Master Computers.
127. The Jews stood forth distinct from all other nations, professing allegiance to God.
128. Today, bin Laden personally exercises near-total control over members of al Qaeda, exemplified in the bayat oath of allegiance sworn to him by the group's members.
129. Country-wide, a total of 22 political parties are competing for the voters' allegiance.
130. When the women's liberation movement appeared, at first only a few housewives gave it open allegiance.
131. Teachers in public schools led their students through the Pledge of Allegiance, a short prayer, singing "America" or the "Star-Spangled Banner," and possibly some readings from the Bible.
132. Although located in the middle, it's this powerful left-side pump that we feel, and the reason we Americans don't touch our sternums while saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
133. He is trying to win the allegiance of the masses.
134. WHEN I went to live and work in Boston for 18 months in 2001,[] the last thing I expected was to forge a die-hard allegiance to the Boston Red Sox.
135. One canvasser, Leeda Sadaat, convinced the manager of a Kabul hotel to switch allegiance from Mr. Ghani.
136. This success enabled him to claim the allegiance of central Burma.
137. Due to his allegiance to King Marke, he escorted Isolde back to Cornwall to be betrothed to King Marke.
138. I asked, For what will you take the pledge of allegiance from us then?
139. Abel: Do you swear allegiance to the prince of darkness?
140. MPs kept up their outward allegiance to the parties they to.
141. They had no spiritual allegiance to the state in which they lived.
142. After getting burned once or twice for failing to cover some base, they develop a fool-proof routine to prevent that from happening again, then swear their eternal allegiance to it.
143. They rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem and consolidated spiritual life by a public ceremony of allegiance to the Torah (Law of Moses) and by stringent rules against mixed marriage.
144. It's true, I had heard that Gaza could be dangerous, in various ways, but had not anticipated that watching a football match on TV, or my allegiance for Arsenal, would be a flash-point.
145. The constitution requires members of parliament to take an oath of allegiance.
146. One who refuses to take an oath, as of allegiance.
147. Lord Blackwood shall be required to confess his treason and abjure his allegiance to the Starks and Tullys.
148. But these historical markers belie a dramatic shift in allegiance in this Caribbean island, which only gained independence from Britain 31 years ago.
149. He explicitly put the Americans outside of his protection, thus, according to the principles of monarchical government, ending their obligation of allegiance.
150. The Vindicator has sworn allegiance to the doctrine and laws of the Holy Empire and has been given the combined battlefield functions of both judge and executioner.
151. And in 1911, three years after her death, revolutionaries owing allegiance to him overthrew both the Qing dynasty and the age-old system of imperial rule.
152. I pledge allegiance to deep-fried Mars bars, cold doner kebabs, and girls who wear mini-skirts in sub-zero temperatures.
153. In the prison Padre Montanelli tempted Arthur to come over and pledge allegiance.




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