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单词 Contributing
1. Heavy snow was a contributing factor in the accident.
2. Human error may have been a contributing factor.
3. Stress is a contributing factor in many illnesses.
4. Everyone in the office is contributing money for his leaving present.
5. Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease.
6. We shall be contributing as much as we possibly can to the campaign.
7. The destruction of forests is contributing to the greenhouse effect.
8. Methane is one of the principal gases contributing to the greenhouse effect.
9. Frank Deford is a contributing editor for Vanity Fair magazine.
10. Heedless destruction of the rainforests is contributing to global warming.
11. The authors reject the hypothesis about unemployment contributing to crime.
12. The US is contributing $4 billion in loans,(sentence dictionary) credits and grants.
13. Anyone interested in contributing articles is invited to contact the editor.
14. He accused broadcasters of contributing to the dumbing down of America.
15. We look forward to contributing to this debate.
16. There was an adventitious contributing cause.
17. The contraceptive pill is also a contributing factor.
18. One of the contributing factors is the collapse in cocoa prices.
19. One factor contributing to this malaise is the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles that can follow heavy drinking.
20. When not in the studio contributing to the success of others, he experimented with Classical music.
21. This is far more intense a challenge than contributing to debates about strategy and design.
22. A further set of issues contributing significantly to globalization concerns the environment.
23. The final factor contributing to departmental growth was the most significant of all.
24. They also use more fuel, therefore contributing more pollution, and use more of an increasingly scarce resource than diesels.
25. The copycat phenomenon is a danger to which the media may be contributing.
26. Stress, both human and mechanical, may also be a contributing factor.
27. He was humming to himself as he drove - occasionally contributing to the conversation - a placid, contented family man.
28. The lack of an efficient railway system was a major contributing factor to the stagnant economy.
29. A pyramid venture was started recently at one licensed dealer, every participant contributing £100, and bringing in more people.
30. Ever tighter regulations are being introduced to protect the environment from emissions contributing to the greenhouse effect or acid rain.
31. That year, Esquire magazine sent contributing editor Philip Caputo to Stockton to discover what might have motivated the mass murderer.
32. Demmons said disability leave was not the only factor contributing to the overtime problem.
33. Some students see it as contributing little or nothing to the overall proposal task.
34. In her adopted desert home, Bombeck was very generous, contributing time and money to a number of charitable organizations.
35. Remaining uninvolved in the conversation By contributing little, listening impassively without showing response or encouragement to the speaker to continue.
36. Rabbits and ducks have been contributing to a population explosion in the park.
37. Other factors contributing to a negative view of Britain were the royal family(/contributing.html), violence in Northern Ireland and racial intolerance.
38. The way he did so was by contributing greatly to the development of the new Lotus.
39. Television has done much for psychiatry by spreading information about it, as well as contributing to the need for it. Alfred Hitchcock 
40. The Bureau carries out regular reviews of each contributing office's mortality and sickness experience against the general experience for all offices.
41. The main factors contributing to this overall position are then listed.
42. With most forms of taxation, there is the consolidation of contributing towards a social purpose.
43. Hopefully, mine will turn out like hers, although just playing on another championship team and contributing would be enough.
44. As well as contributing to declining soil fertility, such high sediment removal are causing problems with water supply by increasing reservoir siltation rates.
45. Even so, a spirit of close cooperation and bonhomie was generated, contributing much to the success of the Workshop.
46. He does it by bringing into focus the various contributing factors.
47. That cabinet came as a huge disappointment to the public and opposition, contributing much to the present unstable atmosphere.
48. Interestingly non-smoking and non-drinking were cited by many fewer respondents as contributing to being healthy.
49. The Salmon and Trout Association believe that the use of driftnets is contributing to the decline.
50. And some of these shifts are already contributing to growth.
51. They claim government changes are contributing towards prison disorder. Government employees have been picketing social security offices in Oxford and Gloucester.
52. Median income growth among educated women, especially those contributing to a two-income household, raised incomes along the upper end.
53. Economists call this the free-rider problem; people can receive benefits from a good without contributing to its costs.
54. Hypogammaglobulinemia and depressed IgG to surface antigens of Giardia have been suggested as factors contributing to chronic infection.
55. Burning these releases stored carbon are CO2 into the air, contributing to the greenhouse effect.
56. He said the continuing difficulties had meant 1,100 jobs going last year, contributing to rationalisation costs of £6 million.
57. We are very fortunate in this country to say that prosperity and suffering, both are inherently contributing factors for unity.
58. It had begun the seventies with the declared intention of contributing 0.7 percent of the gross national product in official aid.
59. It is the largest industry in the Province, contributing 6% of Gross National Product and accounting for 11% of employment.
60. But the loss of traditional jobs is also contributing to consumer unease.
61. Polls indicated education was one of the top voter issues, contributing to the pro-Clinton gender gap among women.
62. The physician must establish a sympathetic rapport with the patient to help elucidate possible causes and contributing factors.
63. When renal failure supervenes with sodium and water retention contributing significantly to hypertension, then a diuretic may be particularly useful.
64. Another key contributing factor is the warmth and wetness of skin.
65. Income tax is by far the most important direct tax, alone contributing almost 26% of government receipts.
66. Voodoo has been a contributing factor in many horrendous incidences in the United Kingdom in recent years.
67. Mondovi provoked severe unrest, contributing to the rebellious mood of the entire region.
68. Lack of resources and strong resistance to breaking down barriers between health care agencies are other contributing factors.
69. Whether caffeine is the root cause of your insomnia or just a contributing factor, your caffeine consumption needs to be addressed.
70. I suspect that this withheld payment has been authorised, contributing to the increased cost.
71. Simultaneously they were Adobe's largest customer contributing over 40% of the revenues at one point.
72. Every landscape bears the traces of this continuous and cumulative labour, generation after generation contributing to the whole.
73. ERS-1 will also measure sea temperature, contributing to studies into the role that the oceans play in determining global climate.
74. Television is only one facet contributing to the violence in our lives.
75. In its condensing mode, the unit achieves up to 95% efficiency, contributing to reduced fuel bills.
76. Contributing to an educational foundation or flood relief wins bonus points.
77. These toxic materials are washed down rivers into lakes and oceans, contributing to freshwater and marine extinctions.
78. The level of investment is not the only factor contributing to growth.
79. In other words, might the level of moisture you feel be contributing to the arousal you are building?
80. He believes perinatal trauma to be a likely contributing factor, because this in theory could produce damage to the right hemisphere.
81. Another contributing aspect of enjoying school in my opinion is an unconscious desire to learn.
82. Porter's Lexington team handled the sales project, with decorator contributing her colour expertise.
83. Every manager has the task of contributing towards what his superior's section must do to achieve its objectives.
84. Rapidly increasing administrative costs are contributing to reductions in service despite increased expenditure.
85. Another contributing factor to the flourishing trade is the rapid destruction of the animal's habitat by mining and logging companies.
86. By then nuclear energy should be contributing more than one-fifth of electricity generation.
87. Manure seepage from storage areas is polluting waterways and evaporating ammonia is contributing to acid rain.
88. This raises the possibility that global warming may be a contributing factor.
89. I have always assumed that Brightside had it right and Dagenham was merely contributing a series of Gouldisms to the discussion.
90. Then you see the massive lobbying efforts by those who simultaneously are contributing mightily.
91. Still another factor contributing to rapid dissemination was widespread travel and mobility.
92. The Edwards family has been here ever since, contributing to the rich heritage and proud history of blacks in northeast Indiana.
93. Glow-of-Television Connections Television often gets blamed for contributing to the decline of family life.
94. But individual choices, structured by family, community and ethnic group efforts and values will be a contributing factor.
95. It is especially difficult given that several of the most important Idealists were also actively contributing to the reinterpretation of Liberal principles.
96. Of course the other important contributing factor to the success of the personal digital assistant will be software.
97. Many other economic factors might be viewed as contributing to the emergence of spatial disparities in economic prosperity.
97. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
98. The compromise plan would require states to spend 75 percent of what they are contributing now for the program.
99. Now they are composite, multi-faceted and potentially more dangerous - and the governments contributing troops tend to be much more demanding.
100. The first group will be concerned with building new knowledge and contributing to an already existing body of knowledge.
101. The klebsiella bug was named on Dean's death certificate as a contributing factor.
102. Objective:To study the anatomically contributing factors of epicanthus.
103. Also contributing to his death were lorazepam and Valium.
104. The importance of the three endopeptidases contributing to the formation of AA-N was metallo-, cysteine, and serine peptidase in turn.
105. "The good run at the World Cup is without doubt contributing to an improved overall consumer climate in Germany," said Rolf Buerkl, an economist at the GfK market research group.
106. The committee also blamed Arab leaders and Knesset members for contributing to inflaming the atmosphere and making the violence more severe.
107. Such a small stress imposed on the low-pressure long turbine blade combined with its evitable corrosive environment contributing to the corrosion fatigue effect.
108. One contributing factor to forgetfulness is the thought form that you do not create your own reality, that you are indeed a victim to some experience that was not created by yourself in some manner.
109. We are looking for a talented, hard-working person that will enjoy contributing ideas and sharing their thoughts while working on this project.
110. Those were indeed dire heat waves, contributing to the Dust Bowl, which dislocated millions of Americans and changed the population structure of the United States.
111. Indeed, there is much concern generally about gamers' health and whether, for example, a lack of light is contributing to their alleged ill-being.
112. Because contributing outstanding, besides getting the cash award, Chen just return to is allowed to be on leave for a month.
113. One of important factors contributing to the powerful and long-drawn-out movement in literary revivalism by the revivalists in Ming Dynasty is that they took a firm stand in literary ontology.
114. A significant contributing factor to the cost of maintenance is the size of the code base in question.
115. Instead of being a critical naysayer, put your mental skills to work by analyzing the details and contributing a practical plan that helps to handle the unanswered questions.
116. The rear frame is now lightweight CF die-cast magnesium, contributing the optimum mass centralization .
117. Another overlooked problem contributing to the global imbalance is factor price distortion in the Chinese economy.
118. Reports suggest overcrowding could have been a contributing factor in the high death toll.
119. The livestock sector , and by implication pastoralism, has been accused of contributing to global warming through methane emissions.
120. In India, nine out of ten workers are in the informal sector, contributing 60% of net domestic product and 70% of income.
121. The Durham study, published in the academic journal Neuropsychologia, suggests visual processing problems may also be a contributing factor.
122. While at the Johor Baharu Tzu Chi Kindergarten in Malaysia, students handed over the bamboo coin bank, they had been contributing to, since the start of the year.
123. In 1829 he conducted the first performance of J. S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion in 100 years, greatly contributing to the Bach revival.
124. When your purpose is contributing or adding value to the world, you will be elevated to a higher level of living.
125. It's well known that abdominal fat is particularly unhealthful, contributing significantly to metabolic disruptions and heart disease.
126. But then, as the AFL-CIO points out, China's workers are due a pay rise: their share of national income has fallen in the past two decades, contributing to China's low rate of consumption.
127. He got no chance to bring about the Confucianism ideality of contributing a well runed country.
127. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
128. This abuse, with its attendant hardening and disconnectedness, must certainly be a powerful contributing factor to substance abuse and to other pathologies as well.
129. Together, China and the United States account for about 40 percent of carbon emissions, with each country contributing roughly 20 percent, or one-fifth, of worldwide emissions.
130. Objective : To explore the incidence of postpartum anxiety and its obstetrical contributing factors.
131. Information blemish, behavior of the blame reason impulse of adventurer, nearsightedness and anticipate agglutinant etc is foamy of rationality of financial capital blame main contributing factor.
132. New art is still contributing a positive share in the research of new architecture and space.
133. Fred Siegel is a contributing editor of City Journal, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and a scholar in residence at St. Francis College in Brooklyn.
134. Rastor was the main contributor to the Jean Sibelius Violin Competition, contributing an estimated EUR 100, 000.
135. The PMO also validates that the program results are contributing to the success of some component of the enterprise business strategy.
136. At the banks, overconfidence in "risk management" methods (which were mostly worthless) and ill-considered compensation practices were serious contributing causes.
137. The people of Darfur depend on the police and troop contributing countries assembled here today to speed up the required preparations and arrive in the theater of operations as soon as possible.
138. Wellborn goes by the operation policy of Innovation and grasp people oriented design as the enterprise Culture, we stick to contributing the high quality products with distinguishing features.
139. The mean sensitivity coefficient and the standard deviation sensitivity coefficient are strongly related and both can be used to identify key contributing random variables.
140. The cost of maintenance and upgrades is distributed, since individual institutes fund local computing resources and retain responsibility for these,[] while still contributing to the global goal.
141. AdvertisementIn addition to improved military relations, the Yama Sakura exercise is contributing "to the implementation of Japan's new dynamic defense capability, " said Lt.
142. Absorbing heat and regulating temperature and humidity, it will keep under control local space micro-climate, contributing at the same time in contrasting the urban heat island effect.
143. Monographic planning is one of the most important factors contributing to the competitiveness of sci-tech periodicals.
144. Companies in good faith, pragmatic and first - class product quality, processing industry for contributing.
145. We know that there are many contributing factice factors to the world coral reefs, we water quality of the reef.
146. We truly hope to spend a memorable week, interchanging experiences, networking and specially contributing to the development of organ donation, preservation and transplantation.
147. The office cited benzodiazepine effect as another condition contributing to his death.
148. Jonathan Thomson, Art Historian and Osage Art Consultant, for contributing the title of the show and his perceptive essay written for this publication.
149. Ocular complications in generalized erythroderma and the possible contributing factors will be discussed.
150. "The jet stream remained locked in place for weeks, bringing an unprecedented two-month heat wave to Russia and contributing to devastating floods in Pakistan at the end of July, " it said.
151. Through the deduction on marginal productivity theory, propose according to contributing on distribution.
152. Therefore, negative ion manufacturing technology aims at contributing to the elimination of particles in the air.
153. Genomic imprinting effect could be a mechanism contributing to the inheritance of osteoporosis.
154. The Eurotium cristatum is the dominant germ in the production of Fuzhuan brick tea, contributing to the special quality of the tea.
155. That may be contributing to people's lack of mobility, said Nic Iomahaird.
156. It can effectively remove aged keratose contributing to coarseness and pigmentation, making hip skin smooth, transparent, firm and lifted.
157. The contributing parties shall, at the request of the parties concerned, provide a security to ensure the contribution to general average.
158. But the oil fields whose major contributing components are undisputedly humic coal have not been discovered so far.
159. Since seeing An Inconvenient Truth I have been asking myself what Anthroposophy is contributing to our finding a way forward through the mess we are in.
160. Also contributing to this eating disorder is a societal ideal slimness that the adolescent strives to emulate.
161. He resuscitated his career by contributing to a finals-bound Dallas Mavericks squad and is now a reserve center with the Charlotte Bobcats.
162. Toxaemia may be a contributing factor in occasional acute cases in which the pigs collapse and die suddenly.
163. It is dedicated to better relationships as well as interactivity between developers and surfers, instilling web-based confidence and contributing to a talented web development community.
164. The coroner's statement said Jackson died from "acute propofol intoxication," but there were "other conditions contributing to death: benzodiazepine effect.
165. This Vision will take time to develop and Arup and Bovis Lend Lease are committed to contributing their expertise and funds to achieve this goal.
166. Mountaintop coal mining in Appalachia clears patches of forest contributing to the decline of birds like the cerulean warbler that breeds and forests in treetops.
167. Conclusion Kv 4.2 is probably a major component contributing to IA in DRG neurons.
168. The tentative biochemical mechanism of the copper, iron(), and magnesium contributing to the different natures was discussed.
169. Foreclosures place downward pressure on house prices, contributing to a vicious cycle of economic pain.
170. Now, we are contributing a well-to-do society. We need to promote another fastigium , and we are provided with vital conditions.
171. Take positions of chief analyst of China agency of U. S. AbleTrend company, contributing column editor of magazine named Financial Union Financing, financing channel special guest of Shanghai TPTV.
172. Exports and property were contributing 6-8 percentage points to GDP growth rate per annum in the last cycle and are now contributing a negative amount of similar magnitude.
173. But a significant contributing factor is that Sendmail is often installed as a monolithic "setuid root" program, with complete control over the system it runs on.
174. Among the selected five ungulates, most exhibited a distinct utilization pattern in environmental factors (e. g. elevation and slope), contributing to their coexistence in sympatry.
175. Darwin and Wedgwood shared a hatred of the slave trade, contributing money and propaganda — in the form of anti-slavery verse and ceramic curios — to the "sacred cause" of abolition.
176. Using the metaphor of train lines, Tom Myers explains how patterns of strain communicate through the myofascial 'webbing', contributing to postural compensation and movement stability.
177. If you are shy about contributing , prepare well and speak longer when you have the floor.
178. Article 18 An entity shall strengthen its control of the links of contributing assets (including cash and non-cash assets, the same in the below).
179. China's tightly managed currency is also contributing to inflationary pressures.
180. Miller and other museum officials said spring break, along with special events like the NCAA basketball tournament in Tucson, Ariz., are contributing to increased foot traffic.
181. Now stocks of octopus, lobsters, tuna and other fish in this part of the Atlantic are dangerously low, contributing to the impoverishment of local fishermen.
182. Objective To investigate the composition and structure of sialolith and explore the contributing factors of sialolith.
183. Sex, BMI, ASF were important factors contributing to the serum leptin.
184. The island, the smallest of the Canadian provinces, is home to a variety of showy fall species: maple, oak, birch, quaking aspen and poplar, each contributing its own hue to the polychrome landscape.




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