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单词 Risk
1. Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease.
2. Investors were unhappy about the risk.
3. The amniocentesis test carries a significant risk of miscarriage.
4. The health risk from drinking unclean water is considerable.
5. Smoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease.
6. Smokers face an increased risk of developing lung cancer.
7. You are taking a big risk driving so fast.
8. I beg of you not to run any risk.
9. Without risk, there is no reward.
10. Do nuclear weapons really reduce the risk of war?
11. Exercise lessens the risk of heart disease.
12. Any business venture contains an element of risk.
13. Any investment involves an element of risk.
14. There's only a minimal amount of risk involved.
15. Hundreds of thousands of people are at risk.
16. If bad posture becomes habitual, you risk long-term effects.
17. The risk cannot be eliminated altogether.
18. The chemicals pose little risk to human health.
19. Such a decision would entail a huge political risk.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. Is there any risk of the bomb exploding?
21. Obesity correlates with increased risk for hypertension and stroke.
22. The greatest risk in life is to risk nothing.
23. Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
24. He saved my life at the risk of losing his own.
25. Very vigorous exercise can increase the risk of heart attacks.
26. There is still a risk that the whole deal will fall through.
27. The risk of infection is confined to groups such as medical personnel.
28. There is a risk that the crisis may spread further.
29. If you try to evade paying your taxes you risk going to prison.
30. Why did you fling your money away on such a high risk?
1. Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease.
2. The amniocentesis test carries a significant risk of miscarriage.
3. The health risk from drinking unclean water is considerable.
4. Smoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease.
5. Smokers face an increased risk of developing lung cancer.
6. Do nuclear weapons really reduce the risk of war?
7. Exercise lessens the risk of heart disease.
8. Any business venture contains an element of risk.
9. Any investment involves an element of risk.
10. There's only a minimal amount of risk involved.
11. Hundreds of thousands of people are at risk.
12. If bad posture becomes habitual, you risk long-term effects.
13. He took a calculated risk .
14. The chemicals pose little risk to human health.
15. He's a bad credit risk .
16. Such a decision would entail a huge political risk.
17. Obesity correlates with increased risk for hypertension and stroke.
18. If you try to evade paying your taxes you risk going to prison.
19. He saved my life at the risk of losing his own.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. Very vigorous exercise can increase the risk of heart attacks.
21. There is still a risk that the whole deal will fall through.
22. The risk of infection is confined to groups such as medical personnel.
23. There is a risk that the crisis may spread further.
24. This is a very minor operation and there is very little risk involved.
25. The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour.
26. There was a risk of genuine refugees being returned to Vietnam.
27. The only physical risk I ran was being bowled over by one of the many joggers.
28. If executives fail to exploit the opportunities of networking they risk being left behind.
29. People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.
30. It seems only right to warn you of the risk.
31. This is a very minor operation and there is very little risk involved.
32. The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour.
33. There was a risk of genuine refugees being returned to Vietnam.
34. The only physical risk I ran was being bowled over by one of the many joggers.
35. If executives fail to exploit the opportunities of networking they risk being left behind.
36. People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.
37. The new test will enable us to identify more accurately patients who are most at risk.
38. It seems only right to warn you of the risk.
39. The man must be bonkers to take such a risk.
40. There is a small risk of brain damage from the procedure.
41. Hard work never killed anybody. But why take the risk.
42. As it was an unsecured loan, their property was not at risk.
43. The West's inaction has put millions of people at risk of starvation.
44. We could probably trust her with the information but it's just not worth the risk.
45. Smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of producing a low birthweight baby.
46. Tenants who fall behind in their rent risk being evicted.
47. It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.
48. If you don't warm up before taking exercise, you risk injuring yourself.
49. Forget the risk and take the fall. If it's what you want(), then it's worth it all.
50. The report underlined his concern that standards were at risk.
51. He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge.
52. To minimize the risk of burglary, install a good alarm system.
53. Dr Lee believes that men who exercise can halve their risk of cancer of the colon.
54. Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes.
55. At the risk of seeming rude, I'm afraid I have to leave now.
56. Eating a good diet significantly lessens the risk of heart disease.
57. You must be mad to risk it.
58. Spread the risk by diversifying into dollar bonds.
59. The building is unsafe?enter at your own risk.
60. This test carries a high risk of miscarriage.
31. The man must be bonkers to take such a risk.
32. There is a small risk of brain damage from the procedure.
33. As it was an unsecured loan, their property was not at risk.
34. The West's inaction has put millions of people at risk of starvation.
35. We could probably trust her with the information but it's just not worth the risk.
36. Smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of producing a low birthweight baby.
37. Tenants who fall behind in their rent risk being evicted.
38. It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.
39. If you don't warm up before taking exercise, you risk injuring yourself.
40. That's an insane risk.
41. The report underlined his concern that standards were at risk.
42. He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge.
43. Dr Lee believes that men who exercise can halve their risk of cancer of the colon.
44. Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes.
45. At the risk of seeming rude, I'm afraid I have to leave now.
46. Eating a good diet significantly lessens the risk of heart disease.
47. We can't risk another confrontation with the union.
48. I'll represent to him the risk he is running.
49. Intravenous drug users are in a high - risk category for hepatitis C.
50. A report recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggested that smoking increased the risk of developing non - insulin - dependent ...
51. I will say I honestly think, even at the risk of offending people.
52. Combat sports such as karate and judo carry with them the risk of injury.
53. There is a risk of transmission of the virus between hypodermic users.
54. The disease is spreading, and all children under five are at risk.
55. You can take a gamble on getting a higher rate of interest by putting it into high - risk shares.
56. With the markets being so volatile, investments are at great risk.
57. They expostulate with him about the risk involve in his plan.
58. Miners are a high risk group for certain types of gastric cancer.
61. She's a poor/good security risk.
62. You're taking a big risk showing this to Kravis.
63. There is no risk of contagion.
64. Few medical procedures carry no risk of any kind.
65. Such a large investment inevitably entails some risk.
66. Obesity can increase the risk of heart disease.
67. The slight risk added zest to the experience.
68. That's a risk I'm not prepared to take.
69. They were willing to risk everything for their liberty.
70. The treatment carries a high risk of complications.
71. Cigarette smoking multiplies the risk of cancer.
72. He would prefer not to risk another embarrassing defeat.
73. Science has determined that the risk is very small.
74. I dare not risk it; it's too dangerous.
75. Having multiple partners increases your risk of sexual diseases.
76. The operation carries an element of risk.
77. We invest broadly to lessen the risk.
78. He was putting himself at risk.
79. The risk is as nothing compared to the gain.
80. Hitting any non-military targets would risk 'collateral damage'.
81. She is game for any risk.
82. Don't go putting yourself at risk.
83. This wire is a safety/fire risk.
84. Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for this disease.
85. The police took a calculated risk in releasing him.
86. There is a risk of passing the virus on.
87. All personal belongings are left at the owner's risk.
88. They may even risk losing their homes.
89. There is no risk to public health.
90. There is a degree of risk in any sport.
91. It's being overfat that constitutes a health risk.
92. That's a risk I'm prepared to take.
93. The officers had run the risk of being dismissed.
94. Flying is less of a risk than driving.
95. Polluted water supplies are a risk to public health.
96. There's not enough people willing to take the risk.
97. Children must not be placed at risk.
98. They've conveniently forgotten the risk of heart disease.
99. Are you prepared to put your children at risk?
100. They regarded her as a security risk.
101. Japan seemed unlikely to risk military confrontation with Russia.
102. He hesitated to take such a big risk.
103. The boatman was willing to risk ferrying them across.
104. He saved the child at considerable risk to himself.
105. The risk of thunder is greatest in those areas furthest from the coast.
106. Anyone travelling without a passport runs the risk of being arrested.
107. There's a high risk of another accident happening in this fog.
108. The group was considered to be a risk to national security.
109. The study showed a significant correlation between the baby's sleeping position and the risk of cot death.
110. I was taking a big risk in lending her the money.
111. A report recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggested that smoking increased the risk of developing non - insulin - dependent ...
112. A high-fat diet correlates with a greater risk of heart disease.
113. Scientists have warned that the use of growth hormones to make cattle grow more quickly may result in a health risk for consumers.
114. Cooked garlic helps to prevent blood clotting, and so reduces the risk of heart attack.
115. We want clean rivers and lakes, where you can swim without risk to your health.
116. It would be suicidal to risk going out in this weather.
117. Pollutants in the river pose a real risk to the fish.
118. Will they go ahead with their plans, even at the risk of offending the Americans?
119. I will say I honestly think, even at the risk of offending people.
120. I couldn't find a parking meter, so I decided to park illegally and risk a tow-away.
121. You put your tenancy at risk if you fall behind with the rent.
122. We had been forewarned of the risk of fire/that fire could break out.
123. The risk of developing heart disease increases with the number of cigarettes smoked.
124. The higher the interest rate, the greater the financial risk - which, of course, cuts both ways.
125. I'm not going to risk my neck playing rugby with you!
126. Healthy eating can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
127. I never walk home alone at night - it's not worth the risk .
128. Are you prepared to risk traveling without an armed guard?
129. There was a risk the brain might be starved of oxygen.
130. My doctor advised me that eating red meat increased the risk of cancer.
131. The treatment is usually given to women with a high risk of relapse after surgery.
132. She was prepared to risk everything on a last throw of the dice.
133. He had shown himself careless of personal safety where the life of his colleagues might be at risk.
134. The director took a calculated risk in giving the film's main role to an unknown actor.
135. Britain did not want to risk a breach with the US over sanctions.
136. Relative to atypical antipsychotic use, conventional antipsychotic use was associated with a higher risk for death at all time points.
137. A report recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggested that smoking increased the risk of developing non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus by more than three times.
138. He puts his administration at risk if he doesn't come through on these promises for reform.
139. If you tell him the truth,(http:///risk.html) you run the risk of hurting his feelings.
140. The fear of violent crime has now risen out of all proportion to the actual risk.
141. Owners are reminded that they leave their cars here at their own risk.
142. At the risk of sounding self-pitying, I'd say it has been harder on me than it has on Joanne.
143. I decided not to risk a second close encounter with the snakes.
144. There is an acknowledged risk of lung cancer from radon.
145. Everybody who goes into this region, whoever they are, is at risk of being taken hostage.
146. It could be argued that a dam might actually increase the risk of flooding.
147. Wearing the correct type of clothing will reduce the risk from radiation.
148. Heavy reliance on one client is not without risk when building up a business.
149. My father was too proud to risk a rebuff, so he simply did not ask her.
150. We were in the invidious position of having to choose whether to break the law or risk lives.
151. Meat from the infected animals is regarded as a serious health risk .
152. At the risk of sounding stupid, can I ask a question?
153. You can use it, but it's at your own risk.
154. The British could afford to reduce defence spending in peacetime without excessive risk.
155. Lack of exercise is a risk factor in heart disease.
156. Smoking is known to increase a person's risk of developing lung cancer.
157. She wondered if she dared risk sullying the gleaming sink.
158. Those old boxes in the corridor are a fire risk.
159. Women are more at risk from the harmful effects of alcohol than men.
160. If a woman gives up her job to look after her baby,() she will risk losing her salary in the medium-term and may seriously damage her long-term career prospects.
161. A certain element of risk is in the nature of the job.
162. Those who wish to come here will do so at their own risk.
163. Make sure that your immunisations are up to date to lessen the risk of serious illness.
164. Some people are worried that electromagnetic fields from electric power lines could increase the risk of cancer.
165. If we go to war, innocent lives will be put at risk.
166. Smoking multiplies the risk of heart attacks and other health problems.
167. At the risk of stating the obvious, people who have not paid cannot be admitted.
168. Patient education is important to minimize the risk of a second heart attack.
169. The trouble with a back injury is that there is a great risk of recurrence.
169. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
170. He was far too canny to risk giving himself away.
171. Small bones should be avoided as the dog may swallow them whole and risk internal injury.
172. Jobs are at risk, not just on the factory floor but throughout the business.
173. The high risk of infection puts a premium on the use of sterile needles.
174. This is something where you can earn such a lot of money that there is not any risk that you will lose it.
175. It was a difficult decision but we decided to risk it.
176. Their children are also at high risk of developing the disease.
177. Lack of exercise is also a risk factor for heart disease but it's relatively small when compared with the others.
178. There is a risk of transmission of the virus between hypodermic users.
179. Advertising is not an exact science - you're always taking a risk.
180. The impurity of the water is a serious health risk.
181. You'd be crazy to risk your money on an investment like that!
182. We've been advised not to risk travelling in these conditions.
183. All the people who know this secret represent a security risk.
184. My heart flew up into my mouth when I saw the risk that the child was taking.
185. Environmentalists say there is a high risk of pollution from the landfill site.
186. Intravenous drug users are at particular risk of contracting the disease.
187. Some people are prepared to risk imprisonment for what they believe.
188. You can take a gamble on getting a higher rate of interest by putting it into high - risk shares.
189. To put it baldly, I can't afford to take the risk.
190. Research has confirmed that the risk is higher for women.
191. Often it was easier to go along with her rather than risk an argument.
192. Being even moderately overweight increases your risk of developing high blood pressure.
193. At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I must refuse your offer.
194. The restaurant has been refurbished — it was found to be a fire risk.
195. The doctor must not allow the patient to be put at risk.
196. We don't want to risk the possibility of losing all our money.
197. I decided to join in with him to take the risk.
198. An entrepreneur is more than just a risk taker. He is a visionary.
199. Refugees in the camps are short of food and at risk from foul water.
200. At the risk of being repetitive,(http:///risk.html) I will say again that statistics are only a guide.
201. You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.
202. Increased levels of fat in the diet could heighten the risk of cancer.
203. They deserve to be punished for putting passengers at risk.
204. Research has shown that hormone replacement therapy can reduce the risk of fracture by 50 to 60 per cent.
205. This is certainly a theoretical risk but in practice there is seldom a problem.
206. At the risk of repetition , it is worth mentioning again that young children are particularly vulnerable to accidents in the home.
207. Restricted circulation of the report will reduce the risk of leaks outside the ministry.
208. Companies that are not market-driven risk falling behind the competition.
209. The benefit of an x-ray far outweighs the minutely increased risk of cancer.
210. Laboratory tests gave conclusive proof that the meat presents no risk to human health.
211. At the risk of sounding rude, don't you think you'd better change for the party?
212. The policy hazarded the islands and put the lives of the inhabitants at risk.
213. Rather than risk breaking up his marriage he told his wife everything.
214. Doctors believe only a tiny number of people are at risk.
215. Their lack of training could put members of the public at risk.
216. There is a real risk of injury in sports such as climbing.
217. The element of risk gave added zest to the adventure.
218. Many people are willing to take that risk in order to protect their families.
219. For the people inside the tunnel there was a serious risk of flooding or a cave-in.
220. I couldn't take the risk of leaving him alone even for a short time.
221. The consensus is that risk factors have an accumu-lative effect.
222. Fire-fighters risk life and limb every day in their work.
223. The trial was kept secret because of the risk of public disorder.
224. They risk losing their homes because they can no longer keep up the repayments.




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更新时间:2025/3/15 4:32:20