单词 | Remedy |
例句 | 1. Patience is the best remedy (or medicine). 2. Danger itself is the best remedy for danger. 3. The remedy is worse than the disease. 4. The remedy for injuries is not to remember them. 5. No wrong without remedy. 6. The best remedy against an ill man is much ground between. 7. The remedy lies in the hands of the government. 8. The best remedy for grief is hard work. 9. There is no simple remedy for unemployment. 10. There is no remedy for love but to love more. 11. These tablets will do nothing to remedy my sore throat. 12. I don't suppose there'll ever be a remedy for that. 13. He took a herbal remedy for his hay fever. 13. try its best to collect and make good sentences. 14. Their remedy lay within the range of existent technology. 15. Their proposal seeks to remedy these shortcomings. 16. Is there a sovereign remedy for this condition? 17. An engineer could remedy the deficiencies in the design. 18. One dose of the remedy is sufficient. 19. There is as yet no known remedy for cancer. 20. Your only remedy is to appeal to law. 21. They're hoping to find a remedy for the condition. 22. It's a desperate situation demanding a desperate remedy. 23. The builders agreed to remedy the structural defects. 24. You'd better wear glasses to remedy bad eyesight. 25. Love is a sovereign remedy for unhappiness. 26. Warmth is the best remedy for colds. 27. Every fool can find faults that wise man cannot remedy. 28. The player insists that he merely took a cold remedy and not a banned substance. 29. The problems in our schools do not have a simple remedy. 30. The woman went out and forgot to make-up, the best remedy is to show your smile. 1. The remedy lies in the hands of the government. 2. The best remedy for grief is hard work. 3. There is no simple remedy for unemployment. 4. The player insists that he merely took a cold remedy and not a banned substance. 5. The problems in our schools do not have a simple remedy. 6. I don't suppose there'll ever be a remedy for that. 7. Ten days passed from the court's acceptance of the case to its resolution, expeditious remedy much appreciated by the American plaintiff. 31. There's no easy remedy for unemployment. 32. The program is one remedy for discrimination. 33. You have a remedy in civil law. 34. What's my remedy in law in this case? 35. The remedy seems worse than the disease. 36. Ginseng is used as a restorative and preventive remedy. 37. Holding copyright provides the only legal remedy against unauthorized copying. 38. The herb is used as a folk remedy for a baby's teething pains. 39. Have you ever used a homeopathic remedy for any of the following reasons? 40. The government should have taken steps to remedy the situation. 41. We shall try our best to remedy the conditions in the slum area. 42. A great deal has been done internally to remedy the situation. 43. They will have to seek a judicial remedy for breach of contract. 44. Ten days passed from the court's acceptance of the case to its resolution, expeditious remedy much appreciated by the American plaintiff. 45. The agreement states that he has a remedy against the subcontractor. 46. To remedy the situation, the water must be chemically treated. 47. He found a remedy for his grief in constant hard work. 48. When the reservoir becomes blocked, the only remedy lies in cleaning the entire system. 49. We have to resign ourselves to fate since we cannot think out an effective remedy. 50. The remedy was given in different strengths to a group of volunteers. 51. Your best remedy is to go to the small claims court. 52. She felt as if her marital problems were beyond remedy. 53. They failed to remedy the grievances from which these disorders sprang. 54. Managers would make every effort to remedy individual grievances as they arose. 55. The quality assurance coordinator pro-posed to remedy that. 56. Congress should remedy both of those deficiencies. 57. To do nothing is sometimes a good remedy. Hippocrates 58. Don't find fault, find a remedy; anybody can complain. Henry Ford 59. His remedy was to sue for breach of contract. 60. Belatedly, the government adopts the remedy. 61. Your sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a defect is expressly limited to replacement of the diskette as provided above. 62. Take the normal Law Commission Report which analyses the problem and then annexes a draft Bill to remedy it. 63. Legislators are the elected officials who pass laws or amend existing ones in order to remedy problems or to promote certain activities. 64. And now those charged with crafting a specific remedy have declared themselves at a crossroads. 65. The research to be undertaken will attempt to remedy this deficiency. 66. I confined it to a hospital tank for two weeks and treated it with Aquarian Whitespot Remedy. 67. Moreover, once the elements of theft are satisfied, it does not matter that the victim has no civil law remedy. 68. Some of its politicians were backward-looking in that their major objectives were to remedy inter-war problems. 69. Attempts to remedy the deficiencies in these statistics suffer from a number of problems and difficulties themselves. 70. Those ordinances and Cromwell's later reforms of 1539-40 attempted to remedy the defects. 71. For a deeper cure this can be followed up with the constitutional remedy. 12 Can homoeopathy help with chronic disease? 72. Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything. Kurt Vonnegut 73. The remedy is to keep a clear head and remain in control. 74. It would seem that in this case the remedy had corrected a biochemical imbalance. 75. The inevitable reduction in the amount of time likely to be given to singing challenges the Church to remedy this deficiency. 76. A seller will prefer that the buyer's only remedy in respect of defective goods should be the express one granted under the contract. 77. The disadvantage of a bad debt warranty and indemnity is that all it does is provide a remedy for the purchaser. 78. In the present case,(http:///remedy.html) the concept of unjust enrichment suggests that the plaintiffs should have a remedy. 79. By so doing they colluded in the evils that they would have wished to remedy had they faced them fair and square. 80. No doubt the missio, with its insistence on proving bad faith, had not been a wholly satisfactory remedy. 81. This soon degenerated into disorder for which there was no remedy. 82. The contractor's financial remedy will be defined in the contract. 83. In the first case the remedy would be belladonna and in the second, aconite. 84. However, rescission is an important remedy for the period between exchange and completion. 85. Paragraph 11 is objectionable also, in my opinion, in that it appears to contemplate the possibility of a class remedy. 86. In treating acute illnesses there are only two outcomes to giving the wrong low potency remedy. 87. The subsection combines, therefore, a restitutionary remedy and a compensatory remedy. 88. Finding a remedy may be easier because there is less of a genetic component. 89. Can the reversal of the result of the contravention be regarded as a step taken to remedy the contravention? 90. What is more, the remedy advised is likely to compound the problem. 91. The only effective remedy is to install hardened valve seats or a replacement cylinder head, both expensive options. 92. It is a summary remedy which should enable a person in default to be brought swiftly to account. 93. Affirmative action programs were the remedy of major institutions and corporations. 94. She felt so good she stopped the remedy of her own accord but within 2 weeks began a period. 95. Are you puzzled by the fact that Congress does little to remedy those defects in the bureaucracy against which it constantly rails? 96. The remedy can even be made into a paste and applied directly to the sting. 97. Many provisions of the Sale of Goods Act were designed to remedy such deficiencies in the contract. 98. While it may not provide a specific remedy for the complainant, it can force public bodies to alter policy and procedure. 99. Until the late 1950s it was practically the only effective remedy for a most distressing disorder. 100. Are there adequate and appropriate resources to remedy any deficiencies which are exposed? 101. If this also causes aggravation, the remedy can be further diluted in a third cup, and so on. 102. The remedy is to take plenty of rest, and wait until your natural red blood count recovers before having more treatment. 103. This remedy has an affinity for fibrous tissues, joints and tendons. 103. Wish you will love and make progress everyday! 104. Processes were scrutinized to remedy deficiencies internal to physical geography. 105. For over a millennium believers have chipped off pieces in a faithful attempt to remedy their deficiencies. 106. But affirmative action is clearly going to be a more constrained remedy in future years than in past decades. 107. To counterbalance this earthly anchor the only remedy has been self-discipline and mortification of her natural inclinations. 108. In some cases, recent spelling reforms have helped to remedy the existing discrepancies between writing and language. 109. Rye whiskey, mixed with rock-sugar syrup, remained a popular cough remedy into the early twentieth century. 110. But this remedy fails to confront the reality of a male youth culture nearly immune to all the blandishments of established society. 111. His remedy was to divide the garden with a wicker arch into two sections, to create an illusion of space. 112. If you don't want direct mail from any company there is a surprisingly easy remedy. 113. No patent remedy exists for these, no chicken soup for the soul, however much we may yearn for ready comfort. 114. The best remedy for a creditor owed more than £50 was to make his debtor bankrupt. 115. A standard which has not been attained in a compliance system needs remedy. 116. Should monetary compensation be made available as a remedy in public law, and if so, on what basis? 117. He can not alter a departmental decision or award compensation but may suggest an appropriate remedy to the appropriate Minister. 118. His remedy, modest given his rhetoric, is that professors should be held more accountable for what they do. 119. The descent to the Main Cliff and Upper tier remains serious, but no workable remedy has been found so far. 120. Sound organizational training is designed to remedy a specific performance problem or knowledge discrepancy. 121. There is always some magic remedy that will cure it, or some whizz-kid quack with a patent method. 122. It may be used to supplement the action of the indicated remedy in such anaemic or malnourished people. 123. The best remedy for a short temper is a long walk. Joseph Joubert 124. The airways, although they exist everywhere, serve only as a partial remedy. 125. Is there a remedy picture which most closely resembles the important features of the case? 126. To remedy these defects a new student management system was designed and introduced in stages from 1980-81. 127. The period saw in most Western countries a series of intermittent and disjointed efforts to remedy this state of affairs. 128. Whenever I had a cold, my grandmother would concoct a remedy out of herbs, ginger, lemons and garlic. 129. Is there no remedy for this self-destructive behavior? 130. There is no specific remedy for the malady. 131. Virture can remedy the defect in one's wisdom and never vise versa. 132. Great earthquakes bring tremendous losses to mankind, and earthquake insurance is a matter of great interest to the people in earthquake disasters remedy and rehabilitation. 133. This natural remedy can be enhanced with repeated applications of warm washcloths to both ears. 134. Her OB-GYN gave her static for trying the herbal remedy black cohosh to deal with menopausal hot flashes. 135. Pfizer faces frequent patent challenges on Lipitor, the cholesterol - reducing remedy that is the world's bestselling drug. 136. Agency action made reviewable by statute and final agency action for which there is no adequate remedy in a court are subject to judicial review. 137. Comment on: Art of stream of people is contraceptive failure remedy measure, this kind of operation but can appear the near future and long-dated intercurrent disease. 138. German woman lost more than 5,000 euros ($6,000) after a would-be soothsayer convinced her she was possessed by evil spirits and prescribed an expensive exorcism as a remedy, authorities said. 139. Caffeine is known more as a pick-me-up than a home remedy, but for years scientists have wondered whether it may have benefits for people with asthma. 140. Based on the development of digital neutron imaging system, the restoration algorithm was presented to remedy the geometric unsharpness of digital neutron radiation images. 141. The warming effects make it a natural decongestant as well as an antihistamine making it the perfect remedy for colds. 142. This research is aimed to discuss the root cause, symptom, treatment, remedy and preventive action of the Macaca Fascicularis. 143. This article explores the remedy of rights in Corporation Law in the angle of corporation self-government and is to benefit leg. 144. In the end, the paper explains the legal remedy for IPR from the perspective of property right protection(), i. e. the prevention from the infringement of IPR. 145. In addition, can use the remedy such as phosphatide of glutamic acid, vitamin, head, stimulative cerebra metabolizes, improve and improve intelligence. 146. Recurrent aphthous ulcer is the most common oral mucosal disease, but the pathology of recurrent aphthous ulcer is not definite, so there is not an effectual remedy to recurrent aphthous ulcer. 147. For centuries the dark berries of European black elder (Sambucus nigra L. ) have been traditionally used as a winter remedy. 148. To get remedy is the last defensive measure for the criminal suspect to enjoy their rights. 149. Conclusions It is very important which the hospital have strict administration and rigorous organization structure and consummate emergency program to meet an emergency medical treatment remedy. 150. Traditional theory of human rights thinks that social rights is not general individual rights, and also has not judicable in remedy. 151. The civil retrial procedure which is initiated, examined and tried in some condition is a final line of defense to remedy the legal rights and interests of a party judicially . 152. The right of the real claim is the right of claim, which gives the holder of the right in rem the remedy. 153. The normative appro ach establishes a logic al link between facts and the corresponding actions th atc an remedy a situation. 154. Second is to set up the system of entitative execution remedy in objection action of the obligor and the third party. 155. "In our opinion, these tariff levels would remedy the market disruption that we have found to exist, " the four said in a statement. 156. This article discusses the impact of common law on international trade law by means of comparing the remedy methods of common law with those of C. I. S. G. 157. For some problems and shortcomings in the present legal remedy system of our nation, this author raises the relevant legislative conceptions. 158. MEBO has good anti- pruritic effect. It promotes wound healing and is easy to apply. MEBO is a good remedy for treating cold injury. 159. So, found out the reason that procreant the frustration in order to suit the remedy to the case will help to the student come ... 160. II. RECAPTION or reprisal is another species of remedy by the mere act of the party injured. 161. In addition to any other remedy contained in this section, injunctive relief shall be available to require compliance with the procedures of this section. 162. Army and OSS personnel and testing was also disguised as a remedy for shell shock. 163. Another girl's hobby is finding folds in the space-time continuum, through which she slips to remedy the world's past injustices. 164. Piebald light were covered with cream can be used to cover serious cases, surgery must be carried out, free skin graft to remedy. 165. The ways of civil execution includes procedure execution remedy, entitative execution remedy, turning round of execution and judicial compensation. 166. Stephen defined crime as a legal wrong the remedy for which is punishment of the offender at the instance of the society. 167. Objective To explore the clinical remedy of facial muscle dystonia. 168. This new collotype sensitive glue suitable for summer use is prepared with the purpose of making a remedy for the default of the previous collotype sensitive glue which is apt to stick to paper. 169. If The Premise is not tenantable during the period of repair or remedy, the rent fees for the period shall be deducted, or the tenancy period shall be extended accordingly. 170. Courts in the United States and Canada have rejected injunctions as a remedy for libel, finding them to be incompatible with free-expression principles. 171. In the case of a breach of the speed warranty, it has been suggested that an alternative remedy might be to treat the vessel as off-hire for the appropriate period. 172. He points out that the flu drug Tamiflu contains an extract of the star anise plant[sentence dictionary], which has long been used as a traditional remedy in China. 173. Claimants, previously referred to as plaintiffs, may seek a legal remedy for some harm or injury they have suffered. 174. The right of revocation relates to the consensual characteristic of donation contract closely, and it is the remedy to relieve the burden of the donator after the conclusion of contract. 175. Conclusion: MEBO is easy and simple to apply . It is an ideal remedy for treating bedsore. 176. From the view of ontology, legal remedy is endemic to the right, justice and rule. 177. Glucoside peptide injecta was a new animal remedy, which was worthy of development and application. 178. Hello, the hospital on the proposal is checked, suit the remedy to the case, interrogatory doctor! 179. It's a kind of compensatory remedy, which aims to compensate the damages of the creditors of subsidiary and subordinate the claims of controlling company within necessary range. |
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