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单词 Communal
1 There was a communal toilet on the landing for the four flats.
2 Communal violence broke out in different parts of the country.
3 The inmates ate in a communal dining room.
4 As a student he tried communal living for a few years.
5 Communal riots/disturbances have once again broken out between the two ethnic groups.
6 The flat has four separate bedrooms and a communal kitchen.
7 The toilets and other communal facilities were in a shocking state.
8 The communal land is cultivated by the womenfolk in the tribe.
9 In Magdalen's communal life I took little part.
10 The college has communal dining rooms,[] nurseries and clinics.
11 The pasture is located on communal land.
12 Second, communal work has increased in complexity.
13 Communal living flowered briefly in the 1960s.
14 They washed with cold water at long communal sinks.
15 What was she, a communal slave to be passed around at their pleasure?
16 This, of course, excludes those people living in communal establishments such as prisons, hospitals or residential homes.
17 The communal borderline between Chouilly and Cramant slices through the middle of these slopes, the higher vines belonging to Chouilly.
18 We each have a separate bedroom but share a communal kitchen.
19 They are believed to have been family shrines rather than communal burial places.
20 Within the limits of the canons' active pastoral life, Chrodegang stressed the communal liturgy.
21 Make me dictator for five years and I'll show you what I can do. I'll clean the dirt out. We need to bring law and order and should bring about the necessary changes in the constitution to achieve this. And we should stop vote bank politics done in the name of communal harmony. People have stopped loving their country. Everybody has forgotten the "mother" in motherland. Dharminder 
22 Thus collectivism has historical roots in religious or intellectual ideals, and in communal social practices.
23 Java Joe and his friend Bic chopped up potatoes and began frying them with onions and garlic in a communal kitchen.
24 There were efforts to democratize school management structures, encouraged by the establishment of communal villages and co-operatives.
25 The existing caravans, and particularly the new brick and stone built communal facilities already obtrude unacceptably into the landscape.
26 Lunchtimes at the Victoria Centre are intended to be a communal affair but at the Delphi Centre they are strikingly different.
27 This is because of their legitimate keenness to stress the presence of a communal principle in the history of mankind.
28 If at all possible, it's wise to discuss attitudes to communal living before jointly moving in.
29 At first, social organization is limited to the family, it is therefore dominated by kinship, and property is communal.
30 But it was an entirely different matter to attempt a communal discernment in a large and already polarized parish.
1 There was a communal toilet on the landing for the four flats.
2 We each have a separate bedroom but share a communal kitchen.
3 Communal violence broke out in different parts of the country.
4 The toilets and other communal facilities were in a shocking state.
31 The freehold maisonettes, proposed in 1922 were to have communal facilities run by servants in three shifts.
32 Much of the land withdrawn from communal tenure continued to be farmed in strips under the three-field system.
33 Even Aristotle complained that communal property always looked worse than private lands.
34 Most important, the Sangh was the one force prepared to play the polarising politics of mass mobilisation for communal status.
34 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
35 The northern playground is in the process of being transformed into a communal garden as earth and foliage replace characterless tarmac.
36 The settlement followed three weeks of mounting tension which triggered communal rioting and disrupted government and parliamentary business.
37 In addition to one communal hot tub and sauna, there are eight private tubs at the Waves.
38 Even while acknowledging such visible community cues, family stories may cut across communal meanings.
39 Here again the main focus is the contradiction between communal property and the growth of individual property.
40 The residents are able to enjoy the privacy of their own accommodation together with the communal facilities offered within these projects.
41 During this period, it is estimated that half a million people were slaughtered in the communal violence that flooded the country.
42 There was a dressing room adjacent to a communal shower, and there was a lot of steam.
43 Personally, I doubt that I have ever completely recovered from my first experience of a communal shower almost 20 years ago.
44 He had resolved to begin the communal discernment that he hoped would end the Standing on the Sunday after the Epiphany.
45 The caterpillars normally live in large communal nests in tree branches.
46 Soon after Sri Lanka experienced another series of riots and communal disturbances which left thousands of refugees in temporary homes.
47 The gens was the communal group which Marx, following Morgan, considered as ante-dating all known history.
48 The sounds of communal slumber murmured and sighed through the cloth walls.
49 In experiences of communal disaster or of shared pain we can gain support from those who suffer with us.
50 The violent communal riots of 1969 precipitated his resignation as Prime Minister in 1970.
51 The party nearly doubled its support to 21.5 percent in communal elections in Carinthia on March 10, 1991.
52 He went to the window, made sure her car wasn't coming, or turning into the communal garage.
53 There is always something rather depressing about the communal areas of multiple-household houses.
54 Healing spas were based on a local cult figure and the devotees underwent rituals which included bathing and communal eating.
55 Loyalty in the emerging business organization, which will be personal and communal, will be satisfying in its own right.
56 The wide current appeal of such music seems to touch a nerve of communal masochism.
57 At Hollybush we took information on board in a democratic, communal fashion, grouped with notebooks and pencils around visual aids.
58 Beside the kitchen a communal bath, fed from a hot sulphur spring, was built into the wall.
59 We have all felt the howling wind of that great communal sigh which emanates from the queue behind you.
60 In patrilineal descent groups, he argued, the individual family and private property were prominent and the communal principle already moribund.
61 A further stage in the scheme is much more interesting: this is the stage of the communal gens.
62 At times he conceived of his role at Holy Trinity as less a pastor than a communal spiritual director.
63 Labour, however, is not, nor are people's daily individual and communal lives.
64 This section will focus on these two perspectives and their relationship with non-violent aspects of communal group protest activity.
64 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
65 The Development Wheel is a circular chart divided into three sections; personal well-being, communal well-being and material well-being.
66 The Marais Communal of Curzon lies in the lap of low scrubby hills, like a green sea of stillness.
67 The Synagogue and communal agencies, as has already been pointed out, should have a direct causal relationship.
68 My aching back woke me around 7.30, but that gave me plenty of time to use the communal bathroom and kitchen.
69 His procession left behind it a trail of communal violence and death.
70 Women can form a communal bond quickly, but may be reluctant to stand up for their personal views.
71 Local social structures are characterised by particular configurations of skill, by gender relations and by communal bonding.
72 It was the hog-butchering season, a time of communal festivals which ended the long harvest season.
73 Most of the remaining communal flats are in less desirable buildings in less fashionable parts of town.
74 Thus, their solicitor drew up a document detailing joint responsibility for communal maintenance of roofs, courtyards and external paintwork.
75 The idea centres around using wasteland and parks as communal gardens.
76 There are also communal exercises, on B-Deck, which John leads in association with a swarthy purser called Togliatti.
77 We kept guard against the security forces and helped in the communal kitchen which was set up for the support committee.
78 The gens for Morgan is a grouping within which marriage is communal and where children and wives are pooled.
79 Simultaneously, they chose block committees, established communal kitchens, organized working parties, and formed a camp welfare committee.
80 Christians, Muslims and Jews came together for an act of communal worship.
81 A lot of these buildings are co-housing: private apartments with communal kitchens and so on.
82 I am in the sacred grove with a priestess in the last surviving matriarchal, communal culture on earth.
83 A disused sugar plantation is now the site of thriving communal maize plots.
84 For four days and nights, communal frenzy added a tragic dimension to this hapless and beleaguered city.
85 It was the commonly held belief then that never again would this communal beast be allowed to rear its head.
86 He found the animals to have a marked preference for woodland borders where they would build their communal nests.
87 In its purest form, the doctrine advocated a return to subsistence economy but on a less individualistic and more communal basis.
88 It supports communal groups of various sorts but does not fund individuals.
89 The atmosphere and the seas are, like the classroom, communal property without clear lines of ownership.
90 The residents are able to enjoy the privacy of their own accommodation, together with the communal facilites offered within these projects.
91 There are four bedrooms in the house, and a large communal kitchen.
92 Even the parents had stopped chattering, watching with communal pride the appreciation of their efforts by the reprieved animals.
93 We forget that early experiences of grief must have been communal, and still are in many societies.
94 This was also her town; not particularly well-off tourists, Londoners on a free outing, cheap and cheerful communal recreation.
94 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
95 Slowly he hung his trousers on a hanger, which he placed on the communal rail which ran through the dressing room.
96 The ensuing communal violence was the worst since the massacre of about 200 people in Hyderabad in October 1988.
97 Municipal and communal elections also due on May 6 would still be held on that date.
98 Our communal phone is on the hallway wall by the front door.
99 The misery was worsened by the massacres that followed, the result again of communal madness.
100 There was a great deal of communal self-help in the Engineering School.
101 They are also waging a legal battle to try to re-establish traditional communal rights on the mountainside.
102 She had prepared a large stew, or thick soup, her speciality, brought to perfection in years of communal living.
103 Communal, racist, and antisocial.
104 By itself, this denial of Filmer's view could entail a theory of communal property.
105 Researchers did a study of children raised in communal situations.
106 In addition the assembly made the vital decisions regulating the communal conduct of agriculture.
107 They were going to a communal kitchen for supper for all.
108 On the other side of the door, the restaurant was experiencing a communal release of inhibition.
109 Vindicate communal order, respect other people.
110 The responsibility is individual, not communal.
111 It is essentially a practical and communal religion.
112 Sometimes social conditions spawn great numbers of communal groups.
113 Cherish communal establishment, not to mangle public property.
114 The communal facilities are everybody, we cherish it together.
115 Back then woods had been communal, NO TRESPASSING signs an affront, but after his great-aunt's death, neighbors soon found places other than the gorge to hunt and fish, gather blackberries and galax.
116 In the national movement of India, Muslim elite turned to communalism road that they thought of the communal interests at the first step.
117 Much of early American family life took place within communal or Utopian societies.
118 A high communal intelligence quotient does not always, It'seems, insure communal efficiency.
119 Even if the squat toilet leaves you squeamish, you might prefer it to communal facilities like the ones at the Roman site of Ostia Antica.
120 Dr Sosis and Dr Ruffle picked the common-pool-resource dilemma because the communal lives of kibbutz members mean they often face similar dilemmas over things such as communal food, power and cars.
121 What should hold private part at ordinary times is clean, do not wash communal tub, have the woman of sufficient tinea, wash foot and the towel that wash vulva, basin to want to be used apart.
122 Our struggles are individual and familial but hardly communal or political.
123 Have you add friendship accompanying family, let sunshine and flowers, enfolding life path singing the heart of the eternal beauty a communal song.
124 Peasants there met secretly 30 years ago and agreed to parcel out communal land to individual households.
125 Unlike its relative the ring-necked parakeet, which is the UK's only naturalised parrot,[http:///communal.html] the doomed species builds huge communal nests.
126 In pursuit of romantic love, men may feel discouraged from pursuits that are stereotypically "female" -- those that involve being nurturing and communal.
127 Chinese ancient marriage system had come through the historical changes form miscegenation, communal marriage, allelomorph marriage to plunder marriage of patriarchy.
128 The Plaintiff and the Defendant do not buy any communal estates while their spousal relationship subsists.
129 As much as I love to sink a trick shot alone on a public court, nothing matches the adrenaline rush and communal feeling of joy that I experience when I make a lay-up for my team.
130 The ancient Germanic, Slav and Celtic tribes in Europe celebrated Midsummer with communal bonfires.
131 The housekeeping is communal among several and often many families.
132 Zealously welcome national each cowboy wholesaler with this factory relation, establishes the long - term partner, communal development.
133 Communal product is the important research target of western welfare economics.
134 When any commerciality websites or online service business offer fictitious earth to serve to the public, must not provide vista and picture of communal architectural details.
135 Girls from the Ute tribe participate in a communal Bear Dance in Randlett, Utah.
136 Their action led to communal strife between Greek and Turkish in Cypriort communities.
137 Romanism and idealism fervor are the communal characteristics of these heroic characters.
138 In the graduate student matriculation that changes fierily increasingly, professional class made the central point that everybody competes stage by stage with communal class.
139 A conclusion about explanation to the communal intentions of the parties can be reached that agreed guaranty period is a extinctive prescription.
140 Open spaces like plazas, parks, and promenades are publicly accessible, often not only as the sole product of communal activities but also as a co-product of several public and private stake-holders.
141 Communal facilities such as swimming pool, gym and children's playground are provided.
142 Lest anyone get the wrong idea, it is also made clear that there is to be strictly no sexual harassment of fellow guests and no smutty behaviour in communal areas.
143 Surprisingly, sadness made very little headway within social networks, paling in comparison to the communal effects of happiness.
144 However, in latter-day China, poverty of the country and penury of its people, and lack of communal awareness of the society became the key restrictive factors of the donative effects.
145 Serves for you, with your absolute sincerity cooperation, the communal development, is our without limits pursue.
146 The yoga centre comprises of three yoga rooms totaling 1200 meters squared, four massage rooms, a meditation room and a number of communal facilities including a shop and cafe.
147 Underestimation of the space required for future communal needs is a common problem in camps of limited area.
148 During the fighting, a Palestinian sniper shot and killed an Ecuadoran volunteer who was working in a potato field at an Israeli Kibbutz (communal farm) about 100 meters from the Gaza border.
149 Summary The design of the communal facilities of residential community influences people's psychological or physiological and cultural life.
150 The communal system could not respond adequately to these problems.
151 He said that communal carnage was ripping the country apart.
152 It successfully meets the need of these large communal greenbelt projects through integrating computer automatic graphing and earthwork valure calculation into a uniform system.
153 The biologic unit of material life is the protoplasmic cell, the communal association of chemical, electrical, and other basic energies.
154 Communal space does not have original city is the city with cadaverous culture.
155 Their opposition to communal landholding was motivated by the obstacles this form of tenure placed in the way of acquiring land for the Jewish National Home.
156 Check section towards defying a superintendence, obstructing state agency functionary ipso jure functus officio of, from communal security's institution being by law.
157 Associatoin with the Orthodox Union, which is a non-profit communal organization.
158 In high-energy physics, "the investment necessary is so great that in general from now on it will be a communal sport and it will be centered at CERN."
159 Only no matter communal, inspect divine property demesne, existence of socialistic society ability, ability progresses.
160 "I definitely think folk music in its very essence is communal," Pipkin said.
161 people have to pay even to use the rare communal lavatories that often overflow or to take a shower, so their ablutions often take place on sidewalks riven with makeshift drains.
162 Communal solicit contribution refers to a special donation conducted for the interest of a specific natural person and realized through the contract between collector and donator.
163 The Plains Indian has a plentiful and regular supply of meat and skins by the communal buffalo hunting.
164 As the colony prospered, stresses in the communal arrangements grew greater.
165 Chinese ancient marriage system had come through the historical changes form miscegenation, communal marriage, allelomorph marriage to plural marriage of patriarchy.
166 There's a communal shout of admiration from the crowd watching the display on the army's home territory, which is opened up once a year to the public as a goodwill gesture.
167 He would be taking part in some kind of communal recreations.
168 When communal natatorium swims, want to notice the disinfection of the eye.
169 Come to receive vote, but cannot importune others to poll for a certain person, but it is to want communal circumstance to establish ballot box commonly.
170 But the system still relies on a high degree of intrusiveness and communal pressure to achieve targets.
171 Paul, alarmed that such ritualism is now serving as a wedge between communal affirmation of the salvation shared by people of all races and cultures, critiques the misuse of the Law in this way.
172 The hostel's communal bathroom was so humid and the squat toilet reeked so foully that the predominately young clientele had nicknamed it "The Pit".
173 According to Karl Marx, the Asiatic ownership which is universal, is the remain of primitive communal ownership as well as the antitype of ancient and Germanic ownerships.




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