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单词 Distributed
1. The company distributed its profits among its workers.
2. In a co-operative profits are distributed among the work-force.
3. The money was distributed among schools in the area.
4. The farmers distributed seeds over the field.
5. Clothes and blankets have been distributed among the refugees.
6. The process was distributed into four stages.
7. The leaflets have been widely distributed.
8. He distributed his possessions among his heirs.
9. They distributed political pamphlets in the hall.
10. The books will be distributed free to local schools.
11. Pamphlets were distributed among the audience.
12. Students shouted slogans and distributed leaflets.
13. The newspaper is distributed free.
14. Tons of internationally donated food was distributed to the starving peasants.
15. The organization distributed food and blankets to the earthquake victims.
16. Higher education is unequally distributed across social classes.
17. Make sure the weight is evenly distributed.
18. The budget was unequally distributed between the departments.
19. Students distributed handbills calling for better funding for schools.
20. Wealth is not evenly distributed between age groups.
21. These books are distributed freely.
22. The demonstrators distributed leaflets to passers-by.
23. We distributed the money equally among the team members.
24. The population is unevenly distributed.
25. Fuel resources are very unevenly distributed.
26. Pressure must be uniformly distributed over the whole surface.
27. Their teacher distributed a review for the exam.
28. Cases of the disease are widely distributed through Europe.
29. These animals are distributed into five genera.
30. A limiting factor in health care is the way resources are distributed.
1. The company distributed its profits among its workers.
2. The money was distributed among schools in the area.
3. The farmers distributed seeds over the field.
4. Clothes and blankets have been distributed among the refugees.
5. The process was distributed into four stages.
6. The leaflets have been widely distributed.
7. He distributed his possessions among his heirs.
8. They distributed political pamphlets in the hall.
9. The books will be distributed free to local schools.
10. Pamphlets were distributed among the audience.
11. Students shouted slogans and distributed leaflets.
12. The newspaper is distributed free.
13. Tons of internationally donated food was distributed to the starving peasants.
14. A limiting factor in health care is the way resources are distributed.
15. The organization distributed food and blankets to the earthquake victims.
16. These books are distributed freely.
17. Fuel resources are very unevenly distributed.
18. The prizes were distributed among five winners.
19. The wreck of the crashed plane was distributed over a wide area.
20. During the war, all foods were distributed in a planned way.
21. Stand with your legs apart and your weight evenly distributed.
22. There are over 35 000 species of orchid distributed throughout the world.
31. The relief agency distributed food among the poor.
32. The prizes were distributed among five winners.
33. Smokers were randomly distributed in the sample interviewed.
34. The soldiers were distributed into five ranks.
35. The population is distributed in a very uneven pattern.
36. Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed.
37. Those plants are distributed into 15 classes.
38. These cells are widely distributed throughout the body.
39. The students were distributed into four ranks.
40. Baggage loaded onto an aircraft must be evenly distributed.
41. Today's work is distributed for speedier handing.
42. This species of dolphin is widely distributed throughout the world.
43. Within a free enterprise capitalist society,(http:///distributed.html) resources are very unevenly distributed.
44. The wreck of the crashed plane was distributed over a wide area.
45. In the move most of the furniture was left to the neighbours or distributed among friends.
46. During the war, all foods were distributed in a planned way.
47. The blood vessels in the skin are not evenly distributed around the face and neck.
48. It's thought that the pornographic films are being distributed by an international vice ring.
49. Make sure the weight of the load is evenly distributed .
50. A great deal of food is distributed and sold privately without ever reaching the shops.
51. Stand with your legs apart and your weight evenly distributed.
52. The task of the organization is to ensure fair play when food is distributed to the refugees.
53. There are over 35 000 species of orchid distributed throughout the world.
54. Most of the furniture was left to the neighbours or distributed among friends.
55. Copies of the book were distributed free to each school in the district.
56. Milk is distributed to the local shops by Herald's Dairies.
57. Parallel distributed computing excels in perception, visualization, and simulation.
58. Both books are distributed by Harry N. Abrams.
59. Other literature is distributed by the unpaid party activists.
60. These birds are not evenly distributed along the coast.
61. Your weight should be evenly distributed between both legs.
62. These are widely distributed within the region.
63. Lontano Records is distributed by New Note.
64. Moreover, unemployment has not been evenly distributed.
65. Eight seats were distributed among the four smaller islands.
66. These are distributed through libraries, schools and bookshops.
67. These jobs are not evenly distributed over the country.
68. The rest is to be distributed by June.
69. Also, computer industry trends toward distributed computing, and nomadic or mobile computer users, only exacerbate security challenges.
70. The Church distributed 16,000 copies before it was declared seditious.
71. Stroke the Luminescent Mousse quickly through your hair and comb through, making sure that it is well distributed at the roots.
72. This was after all, Gerald explained to his wife, how most overseas aid was distributed.
73. Here, a single 90-minute video consuming over 100 gigabytes of storage space must be distributed to a large number of consumers.
74. And inside, his biography, copies of which were distributed to the media attending the news conference.
75. Entrepreneur Sunny Cloud distributed the test without going through the FDA approval process that Brown completed.
76. Afterwards, police distributed 2,500 copies of a letter explaining their actions to local residents.
77. The small annual profits of the Edinburgh and Dundee clubs were interspersed with losses and no dividends were distributed to shareholders.
78. Copies of the report were distributed shortly after the meeting.
79. Research and development of new distributed network techniques and software applications 2.
80. The perceptive consultant should also be alert to the way power is distributed in the organization.
81. Of course, if no value-increasing projects are available to the company profits should be distributed to the shareholders.
82. The incident became the basis for the widely distributed composite drawing of the suspect.
83. Copies of the leaflet are being distributed to members today and will be available at public counters at Headquarters and Chesser House.
84. The major benefits of inter-networks include communication between separate networks and access to computing resources distributed throughout an organization.
85. The money was not distributed fairly, but too often financed artificial luxury on the part of a particular caste.
86. A booklet is being distributed to advise city authorities on how to organise a mass clean-up.
87. Inequality is not something which is randomly distributed between individuals in society.
88. In a sparse distributed network, memory is a type of perception.
89. Common sense is the most fairly distributed thing in the world, for each one thinks he is so well-endowed with it that even those who are hardest to satisfy in all other matters are not in the habit of desiring more of it than they already have. Rene Descartes 
90. Newcastle-based Northern Arts distributed the money during January to help 21 dance, music and theatre projects.
91. The twenty slides are evenly distributed by gender, with a good mix of age and race.
92. Many of the products described above are produced and distributed by the systems operators or the database vendors.
93. Transparency is accomplished using middleware that facilitates a distributed computing environment.
94. Nellist has fought an aggressive campaign on his Parliamentary record and flooded the area with leaflets - 20,000 distributed yesterday alone.
95. The third category was eventually broken up and distributed into the yes/no compartments through consultation with those involved and colleagues.
96. His property is sold and the proceeds distributed among his creditors.
97. It measures the degree of consensus which exists, if any, over how rewards are distributed in society.
98. A preparatory public consultation paper will be issued this autumn and a more fundamental public discussion paper will be distributed next spring.
99. These databases are distributed to molecular biologists throughout the world, reaching a user community of some 10,000 researchers.
100. I attach a note which I hope you will find useful and which could be distributed to appropriate members of the Trust.
101. To break down such barriers, Bow Valley last year decided to re-engineer the way in which it processed and distributed information.
102. Choice is a resource itself which is not equally distributed throughout society.
103. A handout or employee brochure with the basic facts can be distributed.
104. This money is not usually distributed on a truly competitive basis, a process that is widely criticized.
105. The Hereford is probably the most numerous and widely distributed beef breed in the world.
106. His articles, printed in the New York and Boston press, were widely distributed in pamphlet form.
107. However, please do not hesitate to contact me if further clarification is needed prior to it being distributed.
108. The object-oriented software is targeted at companies that are rightsizing into client/server and distributed computing environments and re-engineering their processes.
109. Information is not stored in a single memory location, as in conventional computing, but is distributed throughout the sys-tem.
110. None the less by 1994 Buckland believes that Lan Server should comply to this new standard for distributed systems.
111. Super Bowl tickets initially will be distributed by the National Football League.
112. The software includes multi-tasking capabilities, internet communications and a distributed file system via Network File System.
113. This will enable distributed computing over heterogeneous platforms, from workstations and clusters to large-scale, high-performance systems.
114. The tape costs $19.95 and is distributed by American Video.
115. The dough should be elastic, soft, tacky, but not sticky and the seeds should be evenly distributed.
116. No provision is made for any additional taxation which might arise should the retained reserves of overseas subsidiary companies be distributed.
117. The enhanced Distributed Transaction Recovery System-based distributed computing application that provides ensured integrity for distributed computing transactions.
118. A distributed, decentralized network is more a process than a thing.
119. As might be expected from the study of mortality data acute health problems are not equally distributed throughout the population.
120. It was, in essence, a system of power-sharing in which offices were distributed according to the notional strength of the communities.
121. This past year, the group distributed half a million books in 46 states, and their work has only just begun.
122. Mean and standard deviation of normally distributed results are shown; otherwise median and range are given.
123. Mute Swans are fairly widely distributed breeding birds in Sussex, but little up-to-date information about numbers is available.
123. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
124. Although nationally distributed boxes do not change fronts often, the regional ones do, making them a prime target for collectors.
125. This pattern of irregular loading subjects the vessel to quite different stress from that exerted by an evenly distributed load of coal.
126. And this document will be distributed among the people, it will be made public.
127. The publication also is distributed to youth clubs, clinics, school libraries, drug treatment centers and churches across the country.
128. His arms and legs were eaten by the principal chiefs of the nation, and the rest distributed among the people.
129. Distributed Relational Database Architecture also makes information access, data modification and application development more manageable, the company claims.
130. The immunoreactivity for each enzyme seemed to be homogeneously distributed throughout each tumour.
131. Because knowledge is distributed, the system uses many connections to retrieve solutions to particular problems.
132. For very dilute concentrations, the convection distributed the particles uniformly throughout the tank.
133. We can not be sure whether creatures with the distributed nervous system of a lobster feel pain, however they are killed.
134. However, they are not equally distributed in the various pay grades.
135. But the question of how that electricity was to be distributed remained unanswered.
136. The coils warm the air, and it is distributed by the duct system.
137. With their dissolution the health and welfare functions would have to be distributed between the newer health and social services administrative entities.
138. Not surprisingly these devices are distributed with little or no instruction on correct use - thus increasing women's health problems.
139. Thus by the sixth year about half of all the block grant money would be distributed on a discretionary basis.
140. This is a time-consuming task as the information on software is widely distributed between the printed and institutional sources.
141. Stores were distributed in pony treks that carried not only ammunition and food but also mail and the force's own newspaper.
142. No good reason, that is to say, provided that the resultant marginal over-representation of those parties is fairly distributed between all of them.
143. Power and reward are distributed unequally in most societies, and so the privileged will be much freer.
144. Students leafleted public gatherings, covered walls with anti-government graffiti and distributed phony news articles written by CIA operatives.
145. The Versant client-server database gives transparent multi-user access to objects distributed anywhere in a network.
146. Table 11, below, shows how 3978 items issued in the course of the exercise were distributed among the various categories.
147. In times of unemployment and distress flax and hemp for spinning were distributed to the villagers.
148. Freeware, shareware and public domain software can all be legally copied and distributed by anyone.
149. Medical supplies have been distributed among families affected by the epidemic.
150. Gold is distributed throughout mineralised quartz veins, not just in sporadic shoots.
151. The most widely distributed Shas tract shows a smirking Weizman standing next to a grim-looking Deri behind bars.
152. The new Model extends the capability to a distributed environment, so that objects can be shared among networked systems.
153. Pensioner's incomes are not, of course(), evenly distributed and important inequalities exist.
154. After being washed in the river the clothes were then distributed to charitable institutions.
155. It may be distributed to members of the review committee.
156. It is also distributed for appropriate action to subject committees.
157. To do this would require an analysis of how decision-making and power is distributed in society.
158. All data sets obtained were initially analysed to determine whether data were normally or abnormally distributed.
159. As a result, enterprise networks, distributed network management, and unusual software applications were implemented in parallel worldwide.
160. In late June anti-government leaflets distributed in Yangon denounced the military-directed constitutional negotiations.
161. If a process is distributed across a number of elements of a system then the situation is much more complex.
162. All they would need is a way to coordinate work and memory in a very distributed system.
163. The simple proposition behind all agrarian reform was that surplus land should be distributed to surplus labour.
164. Cataloged below are some traits I believe a networked-based economy would exhibit: Distributed CoresThe boundaries of a company blur to obscurity.
165. Dialogic describes this as a comprehensive multilayered open architecture for building distributed communications systems from multiple technologies.
166. The reward money was to be distributed among the poor.
167. They were distributed across nine Tutorial Classes, twenty-five other courses and ten study circles.
168. In Gloucestershire and Wiltshire cloth workers destroyed mills and took grain which they distributed among themselves.
169. When they developed, they were distributed throughout the oxyntic mucosa.
170. The total is then distributed among local authorities on the basis of the number of people listed on the Poll Tax register.
171. Data are now distributed across organizations and even across companies.
172. With, if only 60 percent of total current income were equally distributed it would be socially valued as equivalent.
173. If the receipt is distributed to shareholders as dividends then the capital base of the business has been eroded.
174. A network is a distributed thing without a center of control, and with few clear boundaries.
175. Who decides how resources and goods will be distributed? 5.
176. Sequent, too, he suggests, is looking closely at problems with bus bandwidth and distributed computing.
177. The personal sector's disposable income of £10,500 million is distributed between £10,000 million consumer purchases and £500 million saving.
178. Patients who suffer a myocardial infarction may not have widely distributed coronary disease.
179. The bank therefore has an incentive to ensure that the paper is widely distributed among investors.
180. Each species was loosely interconnected to the others in a kind of vast distributed network.
181. If guides are to be distributed to students, the timing of this should be planned.
182. My understanding of shareware is that it can be freely distributed but requires registration by the user for a clear conscience.
183. Very little activity in the ark, either natural or man-made, happened without the distributed computer knowing about it.
183. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
184. This is the true nature of democracy and of all distributed governance.
185. Mr. Clarke I am aware of no evidence that pupils with special educational needs are distributed unevenly across the country.
186. The first SBus solution supporting distributed voice processing applications, it will be generally available by June following a May beta.
187. Knowledge is distributed throughout the system; it is the dynamic response to the inputs and the network architecture.
188. If women were evenly distributed across the spectrum of employment, their pay levels would be much closer to those of men.
189. Many other small relics were distributed to the churches dedicated to her memory.
190. The statewide budget would be distributed by region and broken down further into budgets for certain kinds of medical care.
191. Scripts were distributed to everyone, and they were told that they were leaving on location in two weeks.
192. Tivoli's aim is to reduce the cost and complexity of managing heterogeneous distributed environments which include Unix systems and personal computers.
193. Computer software, distributed networks(), and most vivisystems are discontinuous systems.
194. One of the issues for us here is who does this work and whether it is equitably distributed between different family members.
195. A competition was also held and souvenirs were distributed to mark the centenary.
196. However, it is clear that we still need to distinguish between different advantages which can be distributed unequally.
197. Moreover, once the cases were distributed to each member, the reactions were jocular.
198. The benefits of local economic development are alleged to be widely distributed.
199. The vulnerability of data communications and message data to interception is exacerbated with the use of distributed networks and wireless links.
200. Again, the distributed associative memory model may well suggest efficient and plausible ways of doing this.
201. Good sense is the most equitably distributed of all things because no matter how much or little a person has, everyone feels so abundantly provided with good sense that he feels no desire for more than he already possesses. Rene Descartes 
202. Despite the presence of more than five dozen priests, it was the laity and the celebrants who distributed Communion.
203. Table 4 shows further that ethnic / nationality groups are not evenly distributed through subject areas.
204. The income would then be distributed to performers, composers and record companies.
205. It is widely distributed in space among different individuals, and widely distributed in time over many generations.
206. The nutrients have to be evenly mixed with this carrier to ensure that they are well distributed throughout each dose.
207. He had held his Christmas court at Talmont, north of La Rochelle, and distributed gifts on a lavish scale.
208. Dogtags were distributed among urban dwellers to make identification of the dead easier in the aftermath of what seemed inevitable.
209. The random haemoglobin A 1 value was a continuous variable, which was shown in a histogram to be approximately normally distributed.
210. A committee decides how money is distributed but members can choose charities they want to support.
211. UniTree is a distributed client/server program that provides automatic and transparent file and storage management for networked, heterogeneous computing environments.
212. Commodities such as clothing, shoes and toiletries are distributed to members according to their need.
213. The workbook should be distributed at the beginning of the weekday, together with the aims and objectives for the shop.
214. Copies were distributed far beyond West Virginia to scientists and officials concerned with the effect of air pollution on Eastern forests.
215. The fund-raiser provided children with gifts distributed through the Red Cross and Salvation Army.
216. Only 100,000 tonnes of an estimated 500,000 tonnes of food aid required throughout the country had been distributed by early July.
217. Was it they who distributed the products of their workshops to the remainder of society?
218. Unfortunately, these 13 million words are not evenly distributed across the 10 superfields.
219. Most classes began with a discussion of readings that Gordon had distributed the week before.
220. Distributed Raman amplification is well known in the art.
221. The organization distributed food to the earthquake victims.
222. Cannot change the compatibility level of replicated or distributed databases.
223. We are determined to set up a complete,(http:///distributed.html) rationally distributed scientific and technological research system.
224. The official distributed written material about the election to every voter.
225. B. Open Computers folder, open My Computers, open Distributed Transaction Coordinator folder.
226. It is possible to communicateseri - ally between distributed MCS —48 and IBM — PC.




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