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单词 demerit
释义  Related topics: Schoolde·mer·it /diːˈmerɪt/ noun [countable]  1  formalGOOD POINT OR CHARACTERISTIC a bad quality or feature of something 缺点,短处demerit of The merits and demerits (=the good and bad qualities) of this argument have been explored. 对这一论点的优缺点已经作了探讨。2. American EnglishSES a mark showing that a student has behaved badly at school 过失〔学生在校行为不良的记录〕 → meritExamples from the Corpusdemerit• With the particular merits and demerits of these proposals I am not here directly concerned.• And Lord Hodson was concerned primarily with the substantive merits and demerits of the Bill, not with its legal technicalities.• You get demerits if you miss a meeting or come late to dinner without calling beforehand.• We sort of kept this demerit scoreboard for the last eight years, until we ran out of·mer·it nounChineseSyllable   Corpus a quality bad or of feature




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