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单词 Synonymous
1. His deeds had made his name synonymous with victory.
2. Oscar Wilde's name is synonymous with wit.
3. Nixon's name has become synonymous with political scandal.
4. Wealth is not necessarily synonymous with happiness.
5. 'Slay' is synonymous with 'kill' .
6. Paris has always been synonymous with elegance, luxury and style.
7. Until the late eighteenth century, "opera" was almost synonymous with Italian opera.
8. Education and socialization were almost synonymous in his view.
9. Illiterate and undesirable are treated as synonymous.
10. Activity, they suggest, is not synonymous with learning.
11. Ferns are virtually synonymous with shade.
12. Present and past were less continuous than synonymous.
13. Measuring a variable is synonymous with defining that variable.
14. For many people conservation is synonymous with nature reserves.
15. The town is synonymous with stone.
16. Guy Salmon is a name synonymous with fine cars and service for over 50 years.
17. This company bears the name Royalbion, which is synonymous with Britain itself.
18. Today, it's synonymous with aviation and makes a bold statement wherever you go.
19. It was once synonymous with independence, self-determination and black achievement.
20. At a time when change was almost synonymous with evil, or at least decline,[http:///synonymous.html] this was indeed provocative.
21. A man whose name is so synonymous with a suntan that it is a running joke in Doonesbury?
22. The words 'annoyed' and 'irritated' are more or less synonymous.
23. The difficulty this offered Franco was that, to his authoritarian mentality, loosening control was synonymous with losing it.
24. For some groups in Britain today, evangelism is almost synonymous with church planting.
25. The gambling issue underlined the central fact that professionalism and commercialism were not synonymous.
26. It has shifted to the mere expression of a wish, so that would have is almost synonymous with would like.
27. The Nixon lawyers confirmed the under-lying suspicions of the country-that lawyer was synonymous with shyster and crook.
28. The region of the Galaxy commonly referred to as the bulge is thus synonymous with the bar.
29. They've achieved fame all over the world and have become synonymous with Oxford.
30. Indeed, for many other writers the two are seen as virtually synonymous.
1. His deeds had made his name synonymous with victory.
31. Virtually everywhere today, democracy is taken to be synonymous with some kind of representative system.
32. No president since Nixon leaves office so synonymous with a major scandal.
33. Research and higher education seem so inseparable that they are almost synonymous.
34. Focusing attention on constitutionality tends to make constitutionality synonymous with wisdom.
35. But the good news is that the word jazz is no longer synonymous with earnest types in black polo necks.
36. Terms such as alternative, natural, unorthodox, or unconventional are closely related but not synonymous.
37. Words that have in the last fifteen years or so, become synonymous with the name of Hood Yacht Systems.
38. The popular use of hierarchical is of a system which is synonymous with the popular usage of bureaucratic.
39. How significant is the development of fairness, whether it be seen as synonymous with natural justice or in juxtaposition thereto?
40. Sweet Caroline Inter is a name synonymous with functional, practical footwear for the leisure sports market.
41. Thus, on a Lacanian view, self-insufficiency becomes synonymous with the illusory nature of connectedness with others.
42. This striping becomes synonymous with social attachment and is therefore the ideal pattern for evolution to exaggerate with contrasting colours.
43. Effectiveness and mistake avoidance are treated as synonymous, which is often overly simplistic.
44. These studies gave rise to the view that children went through a stage of treating less as if it was synonymous with more.
45. Xerox was literally synonymous with copying machines; the revenues piled in and the profits piled up.
46. Even more damaging to their theory is the fact that sports spectator disorder is not always synonymous with economic problems.
47. You are not likely to see feet photos on page three, which has become synonymous with mammaries.
48. It was not until the eighteenth century that the word Champagne became synonymous with the sparkling wine of the region.
49. The upper classes were synonymous to him with the greatness of his country.
50. They not only believe in the necessity of mistakes, they see them as virtually synonymous with growth and progress.
51. As long as globalisation is synonymous with economic imperialism it is worthy of the most vociferous opposition.
52. A prevalent, though completely erroneous, idea often held by students and laymen is that theory is synonymous with speculation.
53. In most countries these activists are members of political parties, although party membership is not necessarily synonymous with political activism.
54. Her consuming empathy for her subjects became synonymous with her subjects' caring for their children.
55. The point is that the word fresh used to be synonymous with high quality.
56. Going grey is not necessarily synonymous with growing old.
57. It was synonymous with speculation before.
58. Today, he's almost synonymous with Chinese modern dance.
59. In politics, power and popularity are not synonymous.
60. Hedging in futures markets in synonymous with shifting risk.
61. For many people, sumo is synonymous with Japanese culture.
62. Eveningwear is practically synonymous with sexy.
63. OBJECT CODE : Term synonymous with machine code.
64. Vampires and the Antichrist: Synonymous or Coincidence?
65. Hedging in futures markets is synonymous with shifting risk.
66. In those days botany was virtually synonymous with herbalism.
67. The artist Salvador Dali is synonymous with surrealism.
68. Synonymous with illegal: used with instruction code, character, etc.
69. Death house is synonymous with suffering.
70. His richly detailed, hand-rendered designs pull much of their inspiration from the Los Angeles of Cartoon's youth. At one time, the black and grey, fine line style was synonymous with LA street life.
71. Transformational synonymy and lexical synonymy show important synonymous relationships in discourse analysis.
72. The New Scotland Yard, synonymous with criminal investigation, is located in the city.
73. "The cartoon in today's New York Post is troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African Americans as being synonymous with monkeys," civil rights activist Al Sharpton said.
74. Through the language element analysis and synonymous words comparison , we can inspect the pronunciation and the meaning of the word.
75. The numerical results for a group of roughly estimated parameters show that the proposed model may be able to explain the nonrandom usage of synonymous codons.
76. His uniform of Levi's 501s and a black turtleneck was synonymous with innovation in the '90s; now, in the tech world, dressy pants can be viewed with suspicion.
77. Bob Marley, ganja, dreadlocks, cliff jumping and Montego Bay are all synonymous with Jamaica.
78. Proved by experiments, this method can resolve the synonymous and polysemantic problems commendably, improve the precision and recall to a great extent.
79. Because deep-sea coral red coral, and therefore, red coral has become synonymous with the precious corals.
80. Although his name is synonymous with swashbuckling pirates, New York sea captain William Kidd denied to the end of his life that he ever acted like one.
80. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
81. Its name became synonymous as a gathering place of the rich and famous.
82. In the 1990s, through the transfer of his brand, and took the way of design styles introduced in China in his name clothing, so Pierre - Cardin became synonymous with high-end apparel.
83. No pathogenic mutation was detected in the exon and franking regions of MYH9 gene except a synonymous mutation(A1143A) in the exon 25.
84. We further explored the correlation between synonymous codon bias and gene expression level and gene length.
85. An icon of the Swiss school of typography, Helvetica swept through the design world in the '60s and became synonymous with modern, progressive, cosmopolitan attitudes.
86. Obviously they BEYOND as synonymous with rock and roll in Hong Kong.
87. London has just hosted the annual Frieze Art Fair, which has become synonymous with the big-spending rich and super-rich as they pay astronomic sums for choice paintings and sculptures.
88. Robotics is so closely associated with cybernetics that it is sometimes mistakenly considered to be synonymous.
89. Indeed, in may regions " forestry " is synonymous with " plantation culture ".
90. "Made in Japan" and "Made in Korea" were once synonymous with shoddiness.
91. As a consultant the word client is synonymous with the word customer.
92. The Rainforest name has become synonymous with excellence in quality and innovative technology climate control.
93. " Being single is no longer synonymous with being immature, unsettled in life and irresponsible.
94. The reaction is catalysed by a transaminase or an amino transferase ( the terms are synonymous ).
95. Incremental costs are sometimes regarded as synonymous with the economist's marginal costs, but a distinction should be drawn between the two concepts.
96. Thus both photography and fashion are synonymous with artificiality and pure superficiality.
97. Synonyms systems in Er Ya include synonymous words system and synonymity arrangment system.
98. " Today, " he said(), " microincisional cataract surgery is no longer synonymous with bimanual procedures. "
99. Along with Japanese products is synonymous with cheap goods , and defective.
100. It's also pretty impressive that he has become as synonymous as he is with the role and the horror community in general, since the Phantasm series is on the lower totem of the horror classic spectrum.
101. Many individuals consider career counseling to be synonymous with assessments.
102. These adjectives are synonymous when they refer to keenness and forcefulness of thought, expression, or intellect.
103. This term is synonymous with the term main station or Direct Exchange Line (DEL) which are commonly used in telecommunication documents.
104. Wealth and money in short , are, in common language , considered as in every respect synonymous.
105. Known for its baroque monuments and lush gardens, Lucknow could face the same fate as Mumbai and Kolkata, which became synonymous with poverty and decay in the 1970s and 1980s.
106. To many, the name of Coco Chanel is synonymous with success.
107. Mechanical composition: Setting type with machine such as Linotype or Monotype. Synonymous with Machine composition.
108. Provides testing status information on tetrachloroethylene, a synonymous chemical to perchloroethylene.
109. Meta - morphosis and resurrection are not synonymous with transmigration.
110. These adjectives are synonymous when they refer keenness and forcefulness of thought, expression[ ], or intellect.
111. Since Southern-Northern Dynasties, the Diabolism has become synonymous for some heretic Taoists. Hand in hand with the development of Taoism, it still exists in the minds of a lot of people.
112. First, osteopathic medical training is not synonymous with practicing "alternative" forms of medicine.
113. A peninsula of western Asia between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. It is generally coterminous with Asian Turkey and is usually considered synonymous with Anatolia.
114. Papuan activist Dorus Wakum says that for many native Papuans, the government and Freeport have become synonymous with human rights abuses and growing inequality.
115. Hardback: Book sellers'term to mean case - bound book as distinguish from paper - back . Synonymous with Hard - cover .
116. The impression has been that Umno is synonymous with Malays.
117. Casanova the famous writer who had lots of love affairs, so his name has become synonymous with a Don Juan type of character.
118. The high-frequency codons were selected by high-frequency codon analysis according to relative frequency of synonymous codon (RFSC) which is calculated by RFCS program written by ourselves.
119. Synonymous with freshness, hygiene and conviviality, the individual cream portions are also economical and practical.
120. The image of the plump and jolly Saint Nick has pretty much become synonymous with the Christmas Holiday.
121. Working solo does not have to be synonymous with stress.
122. For many Indians, Dow is synonymous with the 1984 industrial accident at Bhopal in central India, when tonnes of toxic gas leaked from a Union Carbide pesticide plant, killing nearly 3,800 people.
123. Three-dimensional printing is either synonymous with or a subcategory of additive manufacturing, depending on whom you ask.
124. Side note Short lines of text set in the margins. Synonymous with Marginal note.
125. Optical brightener ( Optical brightness agent ): Synonymous with Optical bleaching agent.
126. IT IS A SELDOM RECOGNISED FACT that if England's national stadium had been built a couple of miles farther south, the place-name synonymous with glory would be Neasden.
127. Wearing a long scraggly beard and the white headgear, so synonymous with the al-Qaeda leader, the imposter was greeted with cheers and jeers.
128. Social entrepreneurship has come to be synonymous with the individual visionary-the risk taker who goes against the tide to start a new organization to create dramatic social change.
129. Tyson's behavior sullied boxing's always precarious reputation, making the sport synonymous with freakishness.
130. Linguostyle is based upon synonymity. It's also defined as the choices of the different synonymous deformity on some occasions.
131. Punch tape : Synonymous with Paper tape , Perforated tape.
132. Maintaining or severing diplomatic relations is not synonymous with recognition or non-recognition respectively.
133. Traditionally the term "food" in China is synonymous with "food grain" and, thereby, "agriculture" with "crop production".
134. Shylock Holmes is created by the novelist Conan Doyle's detective, GM has now become the world's best detectives were synonymous!
135. In these two - syllabic words, there are 78 synonymous - paratactic multiple words ,() 25 additive and 13 other words.
136. For Frye, comparative literature is synonymous with literary criticism or literary research.
137. For the purposes of this article, an Integration Developer application is synonymous with a Process Server application.
138. Asia minor(A peninsula of western Asia between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. It is generally coterminous with Asian Turkey and is usually considered synonymous with Anatolia.
139. BEFORE becoming synonymous with conflict, the word Kashmir evoked wildflower meadows and crystal mountain lakes.
140. "Androgyny" is by no means synonymous with "neither male nor female or transexual person". It has a realistic significance in seeking the cultural and social harmoniousness between males and females.
141. For many doctors, retinopathy—microaneurysms, haemorrhages, "hard" lipid exudates, microinfarcts of the retinal nerve fibre layer (cotton wool spots)—is synonymous with diabetes.
142. Modern ale (now largely synonymous with beer) is made with top-fermenting yeast and processed at higher temperatures than lager beer.
143. Lucie's face, any other, would eventually become synonymous with millennial Tokyo's anxieties, aspirations and in securities.
144. In 1924 the Teletype Corp. introduced a series of teletypewriters so popular that the name Teletype became synonymous with teleprinters in the U. S.
145. A name synonymous with the hardboiled genre, Chandler's most famous character is Philip Marlowe, a tough private eye with a smart mouth.
146. Hard - cover : Book sellers'term to mean case - bound book as distinguish from soft - cover . Synonymous with Hardback.
147. Tardiness is synonymous to laziness, however, it is different from easiness and slowness.
148. A minimal product is not synonymous with a half-baked or buggy product.
149. HIS name is synonymous with Mandopop in the 21 st century.
150. I have argued further that we can view utterances as significant, and as synonymous or heteronymous with one another, without countenancing a realm of entities called meanings.
151. Corporate goal: To make Cisco Systems'name synonymous with the Internet.
152. Wisdom, in Ben Sira's view, is synonymous with the fear of God, and sometimes is confounded in his mind with the Mosaic law.
153. The weight of adulthood becomes synonymous with conformity and pedestrianism.
154. GALE: Your name will be synonymous with cynical opportunism and blackmail. You won't get a cent.
155. In fact, wifely obedience was pretty much synonymous with marriage.
156. The Kumbha Mela and the Ganges River have become synonymous in the minds of many people due to their being inexorably linked through Indian religious tradition.
157. To study the matter of Gao's annotations is to study the matter of yi-xun as well, which included, synonymous explanation, antonymous explanation, definition and so on.
158. The history of MAN is synonymous with the history of trucking and transport in Germany.
159. Michael Milken will always be synonymous with the term junk bond king.




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