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单词 Consuming
1. Running is a consuming passion with him.
2. Anton has a consuming passion for science fiction.
3. Building model trains is his consuming passion.
4. During this period, politics became his consuming interest.
5. He has developed a consuming passion for chess.
6. He was consuming his final libation.
7. It's just very time consuming to get such a large quantity of data.
8. Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided.
9. Consuming large amounts of alcohol can significantly reduce a man's potency.
10. His autograph ritual and travel are his consuming interests.
11. She was possessed by a consuming rage.
12. Basketball is his consuming passion .
13. Sulphide ores tend to oxidise in aerobic conditions, consuming oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.
14. Bogdanovich is fortunate that his consuming interest and his job are one and the same.
15. Here, a single 90-minute video consuming over 100 gigabytes of storage space must be distributed to a large number of consumers.
16. A system that is too complex and time consuming encourages errors, undermines enthusiasm and can wreck potentially effective intervention plans.
17. Walker had been consuming news space like a movie star in a fever of insecurity.
18. It can be very time consuming and it often depends on unstructured verbal communication because of this.
19. It was an expensive and time consuming task to remove it.
20. You are, you see, still consuming a very high percentage of dietary fibre.
21. , we overheard a woman tearfully tell her husband that she was sorry that her work had been so consuming.
22. While sitting in a coffee shop, we overheard a woman tearfully tell her husband that she was sorry that her work had been so consuming.
23. I think I understood subconsciously that I required a grand consuming passion in life.
24. One could never, in practice, complete such a translation; it would be much too time consuming and difficult.
25. Cooking such small amounts of food can be fiddly and time consuming so try freezing baby-sized portions in ice cube trays.
26. Being vegetarian here also means that we do not consume dairy and egg products, because they are products of the meat industry. If we stop consuming(Sentence dictionary), they will stop producing. Only collective awakening can create enough determination for action. Thich Nhat Hanh 
27. Also, that should he survive this, he had every intention of consuming a great deal more.
28. Nevertheless, the size and wealth of London as a centre for consuming the products of the new industries was important.
29. He defines locality as the space within which the larger part of most citizens' daily working and consuming lives is lived.
30. This would help to account for some of the extra calories expelled in the faeces of those consuming fibre-rich foods.
1. , we overheard a woman tearfully tell her husband that she was sorry that her work had been so consuming.
31. The arms of the dead warrior seemed to flex, moved by heat, twisted by the consuming flame.
32. They may see that it does not have to be time consuming and it doesn't always involve filling in forms.
33. Oddly, consuming countries are also members of the International Coffee Organisation, which policed the old cartel.
34. If you are losing weight, then you are not consuming sufficient calories daily.
35. Triangle 145 indicates the welfare losses that are experienced by individual B because he is consuming more than he would otherwise choose.
36. There have been many with consuming interest for golf who never developed an intrigue for putting.
37. He turned and grinned, the smile consuming his entire face.
38. Consuming the fruits of the Earth unrestrained, we become consumed ourselves by avarice and greed.
39. Full of youthful optimism and his consuming interest in debt, he continued reading and applying for jobs.
40. A Luciferian fire was consuming you - which means that at that moment you were bearing light.
41. Much is explained by the growth of purchasing power and consuming propensities among the middle ranks of society.
42. The task of drawing out the main points from the mass of data takes considerable practice and is time consuming.
43. It was an anxiety so consuming that it overshadowed what actually happened once the war came.
44. We feel that this is a very unnecessary expense and would be very time consuming for us to calculate.
45. When Bernice glanced over her shoulder, he averted his eyes and took a consuming interest in the door hinges.
46. The chestnuts must be peeled first, which is a little time consuming but worth the effort.
47. Now, as well as consuming the dry-roasted peanuts, you have also been making a close study of my wallpaper.
48. Mr Collin thinks that could prove costly and time consuming.
49. Thoroughly braced, desperately consuming carbohydrates against the howling winds of the North Sea, I changed shape.
50. But winning new sponsorship deals can be extremely time consuming and frustrating for the organisers.
51. Freeing teachers from time consuming domestic tasks such as tidying, cleaning and repairing equipment?
52. Analysis of other code systems has shown that the process of coding is time consuming and probably at least 20% inaccurate.
53. This can make editing a time consuming and confusing exercise when working with a large piece of music.
54. Even before his Stockport vision had collapsed, Oldknow had begun a consuming preoccupation with this largely rural community.
55. Writing out 1500 index cards is just as time consuming as producing 1500 letters.
56. Searching endless suppliers for individual components is time consuming and expensive.
57. It is a strange sensation, but many sense it from time to time: a consuming desire to part with money.
58. Vegans: Vegetarians who eat neither eggs nor dairy products may have a tough time consuming enough vitamin B-12.
59. Yet they are often inhibited from doing so by the structure of vertical integration imposed by resource-seeking investors from the consuming markets.
60. Her heart clenched inside her as she thought of Guido and the dizzy, consuming passions he aroused in her.
61. Not only does business continue to demand exploration in technological development, it completes the cycle by voraciously consuming its applications.
62. I kept my head down and pretended to be consuming the scraps left on my dish.
63. The most time consuming part was related to transjugular cannulation of the portal vein.
64. A part of the difficulty in leaving county cricket lies in its consuming characteristic.
65. The people consuming the caffeine demonstrated tolerance in several ways.
66. If you are doing covert sensitization on an outpatient basis, your client could be consuming alcohol prior to treatment.
67. What may be less obvious is how time consuming, expensive, and risky it is to alter such arrangements.
68. A multiple transfer of assets may be time consuming if consents are required and may give rise to unnecessary stamp duty.
69. Therefore they may actually lose weight even though apparently consuming large quantities of food.
70. Active smoking; active drinking Presently consuming or consumed in the previous 12 months.
71. I would not want to mislead anyone into thinking that research is easy: it is hard and very time consuming work.
72. Maybe, but certainly not as the force in marketing, consuming and cultural influence the Boomers were themselves.
73. As Ehrlich hints, wild life resembles that strange loop of the Uroborus biting its tail, consuming itself.
74. A vegetarian, he goes for days consuming nothing but fruit juices and cauliflower.
75. His relief at escaping arrest was entirely overshadowed by the fury that was consuming him.
76. Though he didn't realise it at the time, cricket was his life and consuming interest.
77. We find ourselves consuming our own soup with a care never exercised before or since.
78. A further clinical examination is time consuming since it entails preparing another feed and watching or palpating the abdomen throughout a feed.
79. The songs of Whitman were drowned out in the drone of the new producing. consuming machinery.
80. However, more wine drinkers are consuming Pinot Noir these days, and the biggest reason is sheer pleasure.
81. Practices sought independence in applying for fundholding status and found the preparatory year challenging and time consuming.
82. Drug addiction cannot be cured if the fear of not consuming drugs is greater than the willpower to quit doing drugs. Dr T.P.Chia 
83. A full investigation of title is time consuming and should be started as early in the negotiation process as possible.
84. By slow degrees, the world of the bloodstock sales lost the best part of its consuming interest for Dada.
85. The entire front line, with few exceptions,(http:///consuming.html) went down in the consuming blast.
86. Proposition 187 is consuming the races at the top of the ticket.
87. Will the West cling to the idea of universal worth while selfishly consuming Arab oil wealth and closing its borders to Arabs?
88. The beauty of mountains, taking simple shelter, consuming minimum food and drink and spending time with good friends.
89. The fact that the number of very young women now smoking and consuming alcohol has steadily increased gives grave cause for concern.
90. Multiple sampling for exfoliative cytology has been shown to improve the sensitivity of the technique but is time consuming.
91. It was as if it was harbouring some great consuming sadness and had lost the urge to live.
92. Perhaps the choice was his way of declaring his consuming interest in life, not learning, which was becoming an obsession.
93. Items can be high priority but are uninteresting, time consuming or difficult to resolve.
94. He said arranging flowers and cleaning vases was carried out by crematorium staff and was becoming very time consuming.
95. With fingers stained and mouths puckered and purple, our memories of indulgently consuming these succulent fruits are almost sinful.
96. Yordas Cave is the legendary home of a legendary giant, Yordas, who had a liking for consuming little boys.
97. Her consuming empathy for her subjects became synonymous with her subjects' caring for their children.
98. The fire spread rapidly, consuming many of the pathetic homes that had been erected.
99. This time consuming analytical procedure has the advantage of simplicity and requires little specialist equipment.
100. This means that animals, which live by consuming other organisms, need ways of making do on very little.
101. The discussion method is time - consuming and tangental.
102. This piece of work is rather time - consuming.
103. Consuming rate of benzalacetone was also measured.
104. Manual programming are both complex and time consuming.
105. Consuming too much sodium cyclamate can harm the liver.
106. All - consuming, competitive spirit meets rampant insecurity.
107. For the consumer, the right to know, which is the premiss of consumer's purchase, is an indispensable part of the consuming activity.
108. If the queue is full, the writer thread waits on the _wcond condition variable; the reader thread will need a notification to all threads after consuming data from the queue.
109. To maintain perpetual inventory record in such a business would usually be too time - consuming and expensive.
110. When a consumer maximizes satisfaction by consuming some of each of two goods, the marginal rate of substitution is equal to the ratio of the prices of the two goods being purchased.
111. This time consuming block matching procedure influences speed of fractal block coding.
112. To prevent one block from consuming all available resources one can put a message count limit on it.
113. The information dissymmetry in the real estate market leads to the inferior position of the consumers with lot loss in consuming.
114. "Most people have no idea how much fresh water they're consuming," says Brad Ridoutt, a water conservation specialist from Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.
115. Reliance upon natural epidemics may be both time - consuming and misleading.
116. By the limitation of the cost, silicon area and power consuming,(http:///consuming.html) code size is becoming the bottleneck of embedded system.
117. Note: This is the cost to the information/infrastructure provider for supporting the discovery mechanism; the differences in the cost of consuming the information can be assumed to be negligible.
118. Thirdly, because of the exclusive consuming demand, consumers" requirements of conspicuousness and self-fulfillment for the luxury goods are upward to the top of the pyramid."
119. Break time - consuming tasks into smaller tasks and work on them one at a time.
120. A game theoretic energy balance routing (GTEBR) algorithm was proposed to avoid unevenly energy consuming in wireless sensor networks.
121. Thousands watched Anna Hazare take sips of coconut water and honey handed to him by children - a first step to consuming nutrition after staying off food for 13 days on a hunger strike.
122. Its crux lies in the fact that foe changing enterprise financing system and consuming structure meet tile bottleneck in the economic process.
123. ADS7817 is a new type 12 digits, low power consuming Analog-Digital converter with serial interface, its connection is very easy and it is of micro-package.
124. Red lobes of 40-million-degree gas linger from violent eruptions in the past, when the black hole was consuming matter more voraciously than it is now.
125. Consuming this amount of food could turn these fit players into fatties.
126. Susanne Eman, 32, aims to reach 115st by her forties by consuming enough food to fill six supermarket trolleys every week.
127. We have optimized simultaneously TISAB consuming, heating temperature and time, and made an optimized choice with comparison between pretreatment methods.
128. The wildfire quickly spreads, consuming the thick, dried-out vegetation and almost everything else in its path.
129. According to the marketing survey, the Japanese anime and manga is playing a leading role in the consuming market of Chinese animation and cartoon.
130. Patterns not only help us in sharing and consuming best practices, but also take us forward in the next step of coarse-grained solutions.
131. Creating cross-browser compatible tree structures, tabbed panes, split panes, popup menus, etc is time consuming and at the same time can be best done by an experienced Javascript/DHTML programmer.
132. Dog-eating, they argue, is a time-honoured tradition and China is not yet ready for Western-style prissiness about consuming such animals.
133. The opening of stomata seems to be an energy - consuming process.
134. Binder removal is one of most time - consuming and significant process of injection molded zirconia ceramics.
135. Other tidbits include basic advice regarding self-preservation, such as never traversing at night or refraining from "passing judgment" when consuming alcohol.
136. In the tax price theory, tax is the price that taxpayers pay for consuming public goods, so the exchange relationship of the two sides of tax administration is equal in essence.
137. This sewage - consuming biological process depends on a closely intorrelated succession of species of animal plankton.
138. This process has also have application, but the artifactitious time consuming , difficult this, telecom industry.
139. Eck suggest that this may be, in part, a reaction to taking on the active, consuming, masculine role, something they're not supposed to do.
140. We take the consuming trend seriously at any moment and focus on the manufacturing of creative and special product, So to speak, Beau Ideal is a bright star in Chinese seasoning industry.
141. The cumulation - consuming amount had been allowed a discount could not used for a second member card.
142. Associated logic and clock trees contained in a disabled module will therefore stop consuming power.
143. Increasing demand is not an onerous duty. Consuming more is hardly a chore.
144. Besides, the Court said, defending the suit wouldn't be unduly burdensome or time - consuming for me.
145. When fire starts consuming her body(sentence dictionary), dance as much as you can around her funeral pyre.
146. Adapting current software to older computers is inefficient and time consuming.
147. One way the self-organizing system of culture can survive is by consuming human biological resources.
148. Thus, the federated queries which benefit the most from asynchrony are those whose remote queries are complex and and for which it is time consuming to return the first row.
149. When the color television is in the stand-by mode, the power supply circuit and MCU circuit will still on the power consuming circumstances.
150. New alloy development is expensive and fully characterization is time consuming.
151. For example, if the deployed application is consuming a lot of CPU cycles, this view will show a high CPU usage for the specific VM.
152. And to consuming electronic market, DC/DC switch manostat is used at mobile phone and other shift device normally.
153. Within days, it would become the largest wildfire recorded in Utah history, consuming 363, 000 acres of mostly empty rangeland.
154. Please show your membership cards when checking out at the appointed consuming sites of Hetian Fiesta.
155. In this pa per consuming quantity of diols and the rate of output water were studied by the way of codistillation and one-step feeding.
156. When implementing a server or client that must handle thousands of connections, the only option is to have a smaller pool of worker threads consuming a large number of asynchronous I/O channels.
157. And just so you know, exercising while consuming small calorie intake just makes the situation worse.
158. The trouble with stamp collecting is that it is too time consuming.
159. As a large transportation company, energy consuming and pollution discharge in an unavoidable environmental issue.
160. Experiments show that Enumerate Method is time - consuming, but it can get precise global optimization solution.
161. Consuming foods rich in such as dark leafy greens, beans, red meat, dark meat poultry, blackstrap molasses, pine nuts, and pumpkin seeds on a regular basis can help ensure adequate iron for your baby.
162. Traditional IMOFS implementations use analog circuits , and suffer from several inherent limitations such as component drift error , correcting and networking hardly , and space consuming.
163. As for the consuming industry, the trader suggested the recent ferromolybdenum market is slack, and buyers prefer to watch the market.
164. You'll always be looking for opponents, put the board, pieces and other income and time - consuming?
165. Selling Products or Services - the most time consuming strategy, but in many cases one of the most reliable, especially if you build recurring income streams.
166. The time consuming process for making processed meats creates high bacteria counts and putrefaction of the meat which need to be treated with chemicals.
167. It is something akin to the philosopher's stone: seeming to create extra value without consuming resources.
168. It can input and output data about Input-Output, and create Input-Output table, direct consuming coefficient table, and complete consuming coefficient table by computation.
169. The problem due to grid size among dat a number in index table, time consuming and data validity was solved.
170. Eat a high-protein diet: This is helpful for maintaining muscle and not consuming excess calories.
171. Cross , Gary . An All - Consuming Century: Why Commercialism Won in Modern America . 2000.
172. FISH and RFLP are the most labour intensive, time consuming and more expensive methods. The special PCR markers, in some degree, are effected by the content of template DNA.
173. The hydraulic dynamometer consuming the dynamic energy of the diesel engine with water power can accurately measure the torque and the rotational speed of the diesel engine.
174. The consuming behavior of citizens in present China has become a system of implication and communication, shown in their symbolical consumption tendency.
175. Also for example, the line quality test, in the past by artificial to detect, consuming.
175. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
176. In the wild, grooming is time - consuming and here computerisation certainly helps.
177. I hope it won't cause you consuming discontentment and disdain.
178. The zombie is not running or consuming CPU cycles; it is merely taking up process table space.
179. Overall the verification environment development time turned out to be far less time consuming and more predictable than OKI's previous approach.
180. Image reconstruction is a very time consuming process , which is the bottleneck of real - timeimaging of 3 D CT.
181. In order to avoid time consuming solution of equations in complex structure dynamics analysis, modal truncation method was studied herein.
182. The family had undergone great hardship to let him attend senior high school in county town, which meant a big fellow was consuming food without earning any workpoint.
183. Reversing this trend would be difficult and time - consuming even with political support.
184. At present, there are 38,000 big and small samshu enterprises of our country, so many brands dismember the consuming groups on the limited market, and the fierceness fought for can be well imagined.
185. Therefore, Social development with higher economy developing level and economic-social continuative growing model is at a lower resources and social price, which is aptitude for optimal consuming.
186. Therefore, to strengthen the consciousness of energy saving of profession, to promote the economic performance and the operation level is the effective way to save energy and reduce consuming.
187. We increase the grade of sinter and decrease the energy consuming of sinter by the technologies of low temperature agglomerating, spherule agglomerating and intelligence heaping, etc.
188. For more information about platform invoke, see Consuming Unmanaged DLL Functions.
189. Then fear that he would not be able to about this consuming fever made him panicky.
190. Sewing set even manageable size firmness is good, but its binding time consuming and costly.
191. "You can't control radiation. It's already there, but you can take preventive action (by not consuming any radioactive food that is tainted with iodine-131 for 80 days), " Deb said.
192. Every Tuesday, our restaurant business goes down by about 20% and we are consuming 6 boxes of coffee cream and sugar compared to 2 boxes during peak hours on weekends and holidays.
193. In this new situation, it should make new concept which is called step consumption that it should buy differently baddish houses with the different ability of consuming at the different phases.
194. Tom is a chain smoker, consuming at least five packs a day.
195. Consuming function is the main component that consumer behavior amount studies.
196. Sewing set even manageable size firmness is good, but its binding time consuming costly.
197. She returned in thought to his unreasoning and seemingly consuming enthusiasm for her.
198. The Kings physician often pleaded with him desist from consuming sugar.
199. They have enormous consuming power to pursue higher level of living quality.
200. But they all show that we had consuming interest in Jackson when the news came out but that quickly faded.
201. Fortunately then, reducing methane levels is something that all of us can have a hand in right now by consuming less meat and dairy products.
202. For many detecting instruments and meters, acquiring and recording data on time is very important. Also, the question of consuming energy must be considered.
203. When activated, the AD9856 enters a full shutdown mode, consuming less than 2 mA after completing a shutdown sequence.
204. Location transparency means the consuming application of the pattern does not need to be aware of where the data is stored.
205. Energy consuming in dwelling building occupies quite a few proportion in total energy consumption.
206. Consuming one drink slowly over an entire hour is unlikely to make a person inebriated, he says.
207. The time consuming process for making processed meats creates high bacteria counts and putrefaction in the meat which need to be treated with chemicals.
208. Same social cultural environment may pass between customers for goods overstep practical luxuriousness and extravagantness consuming show off own strength.
209. Vegans can easily get enough B-12 by consuming fortified foods such as nutritional yeast (delicious sprinkled on popcorn), soymilk, meat analogs (vegetarian meat substitutes ), or breakfast cereals.
210. We'll need to drop any squeamishness about consuming genetically modified crops.
211. Based on the data of gas consuming quantum in zinc refining process and some new forecasting technique, a combined forecasting model of index regression and grey theory was established.
212. What am I doing? Well, I'm making preparation to advance in the path of eudaemonia. That process can be very time consuming.
213. The scan method put forward in this paper overcomes such shortcomings as existing blind zone, much computing-time consuming in old method of bending-ray.
214. Control total calorie intake to manage body weight. For people who are overweight or obese, this will mean consuming fewer calories from foods and beverages.
215. Based on technical measurement of a certain fan before and after alternation, energy consuming and noise are compared respectively. The economic and technical analysis is made too.
216. That means that even if most men were to cut 3 g of salt out of their diet each day, they would still be consuming more than the recommended daily allowance of sodium.
217. The ring of snake consuming its own tail first appeared as art adorning Egyptian statuary.
218. It is also faster than economic growth, implying that the world is not just consuming more energy, but also making it ever more dirtily.
219. The effective use of energy in an industrial plant heating system depends on the efficiency of boiler, heat consuming equipment as well as heat transmission in the system.




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