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单词 Scrub brush
1. Father would give you a belt over the head with the scrubbing brush.
2. Stains are removed with buckets of soapy water and scrubbing brushes.
3. She used the soap, but not the scrubbing brush.
4. Another is a yogi on the scrubbing brush.
5. A fork and a couple of shining spoons lay beside it, along with the washboard and scrubbing brush.
6. I can't quite picture Veronica down on her knees with a scrubbing brush.
7. Washing dollies Warm water, washing-up liquid, scrubbing brush and cloths, plus waterproof dolls, are an irresistible combination.
8. Grids, bits of oven, bowls of scummy water, soap, scrubbing brush, lay all around her.
9. Scrub the floor with a scrub brush.
10. The bottle with the bottle inside scrub brush, wash all the milk stains.
11. Should not use a hard scrub brush air conditioner, so as to avoid damage to casing, resulting in paint stripping, bleaching, etc... 4.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. Rinse while using a scrub brush to remove dirt, debris, and germs; toss the brush into the dishwasher afterward.
13. Use a scrub brush if it looks as though the latex paint isn't coming off of your skin.
14. We follow a number of faint tracks that disappear on the flat and run into barriers of scrub brush and trees.
15. Original or diluent will directly drops or gush in besmirch, wait 1-2 minutes, with soft cloth to wipe the scrub brush or, and then rinse clean can.
16. The largest tribe of American Indians lives on a 6,000,000-hectarepatch of desert and scrub brush that covers much of northern Arizona and New Mexico.
17. You can also lightly mist a natural basket and use a vegetable scrub brush or toothbrush to remove accumulated dirt and dust.
18. The twin-engine plane was shattered to bits upon impact, leaving only its tail largely intact and a swath of charred ground amid scrub brush at an altitude of 13,500 feet.
19. Cleaning carefully, because chimney is very clear, easy to damage, scrub brush, particularly easy to chimney, become the chimney brush pieces.
20. Turning off the highway from Roses we drove into the Cap de Creus nature preserve, a moonscape of scrub brush and hardy mountain trees clinging to a mountain striped with hiking trails.
21. And the bearings into the oil cleaner, the use of soft scrub brush, ball and put the oil to clean the cracks, and then put gasoline in cleaning one times out on a clean piece of paper after.
22. You can clean vinyl siding with regular soap and a scrub brush.
23. Scrub typhus is a common cause of fever among susceptible persons who engage in occupational or recreational behavior that brings them in contact with larval-miteinfested scrub brush habitats.
24. The rest he piles up by the kitchen sink at his family home in Ventura, and using a scrub brush and dishwashing liquid, he "gets in the zone, " he says.
25. If organic fruits and vegetables are unavailable or too expensive, wash your produce thoroughly using a scrub brush.
26. In the event of stubborn oil, stains, cleaning agents and can be used to scrub brush.
27. Cleaning Product Series is including special scouring pad, sponge scouring pad and multi functional scrub brush.




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