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单词 Dumb
1. Dumb dogs are dangerous.
2. He's been deaf and dumb since birth.
3. Don't make dumb mistakes again.
4. Deaf people and dumb people are disabled.
5. The programme producers claimed they had to dumb down.
6. We all sat there in dumb silence.
7. We were all struck dumb with amazement.
8. She's not just a dumb blonde.
9. She's been dumb from birth.
10. Being deaf and dumb makes communication very difficult.
11. They were struck dumb by some sort of shock.
12. She is very kind to the dumb children.
13. She was struck dumb at the news.
14. What a dumb question.
15. It was dumb of you to say that.
16. He is dumb on the subject.
17. She sat there, dumb with rage.
18. She's no dumb blonde .
19. They begged him to explain, but he remained dumb.
20. I'm sure my question sounded really dumb.
21. We were all struck dumb for a minute.
22. He is handsome, but a dumb cluck.
23. Never inflict useless pain on dumb animals.
24. Deaf people and dumb people are disabled too.
25. She was born deaf and dumb.
26. You dumb cluck, why'd you tell him?
27. I came up with this dumb idea.
28. If the police question you(Sentencedict), act dumb .
29. Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the dumb understand. 
30. The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.
1. He's been deaf and dumb since birth.
2. Don't make dumb mistakes again.
3. Deaf people and dumb people are disabled.
4. We all sat there in dumb silence.
5. We were all struck dumb with amazement.
6. She's not just a dumb blonde.
7. They were struck dumb by some sort of shock.
8. She was struck dumb at the news.
9. What a dumb question.
10. Never inflict useless pain on dumb animals.
11. We do not wish her to grow up dumb like the average doll.
31. She was unfairly caricatured as a dumb blonde.
32. She was struck dumb by what she had seen.
33. That was a pretty dumb thing to do.
34. Are they brave or just dumb?
35. I decided to act dumb.
36. The witnesses were struck dumb with terror.
37. She's deaf and dumb and communicates using sign language.
38. 'What is it?' I asked, playing dumb .
39. She was struck dumb with terror.
40. He's kinda dumb, isn't he?
41. He stared at the burnt-out car in dumb disbelief.
42. In all her early movies she always played a dumb blonde.
43. We were struck dumb at the sight of three armed soldiers in the kitchen.
44. We do not wish her to grow up dumb like the average doll.
45. It was just dumb luck that no one got hurt.
46. It was just dumb luck that we found the place at all.
47. The film reinforces the idea that women should be pretty and dumb.
48. She didn't want to be typecast as a dumb blonde.
49. She never seemed to completely shake the dumb blonde image off.
50. What a dumb idea!
51. The questions were set up to make her look dumb.
52. I was struck dumb by this and had to think it over for a moment.
53. I've heard some pretty dumb ideas, but that takes the cake!
54. He had not a peg to hang on and got dumb for some time.
55. We were struck dumb when she announced she was pregnant.
56. But she isn't just a dumb blonde.
57. The dumb ones are too smart to fight.
58. His dumb loyalty brought tears to my eyes.
59. He's not so dumb(/dumb.html), you know.
60. And um, questions, there are no dumb questions, right?
61. No such thing as a dumb blonde?
62. I can't get my dumb car to start.
63. She's always asking such dumb questions.
64. I like around me dumb barmen and respectful customers.
65. Yes, we serve dumb people, too.
66. I know you're not as dumb as you seem.
67. I can't brush this dumb cowlick down.
68. I saw that dumb interpreter smiling broadly.
69. How did adults get so dumb?
70. I amble over to Odd-Knut to ask a few dumb questions.
71. He knew they were trying to tell him something in the sign language used by the deaf and dumb.
72. It was definitely an intelligent thing to do, but so dumb.
73. Is that not where all stories lie, in the dumb dell of the pudendum?
74. You had a good reason for every dumb thing you did which you said I would understand someday.
75. Would that as many animal lovers were as quick to speak and defend dumb animals instead of staying silent as so many do.
76. The kitchen is equipped along old-fashioned lines, and meals reach the dining room via a dumb waiter.
77. Captors and captives stood in dumb impatience for the roll-call to be finished.
78. Monroe herself, of course, was a smart cookie, but she knew enough to play dumb.
79. I had given my replacement my helmet(), and I sat on the bench seat deaf and dumb.
80. Physically and mentally disabled Beverley was deaf dumb and blind and weighed just four stone when she died.
81. The big thing about Butch is that she isn't just a dumb blonde, as she herself stressed.
82. If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. George Washington 
83. Alice herself was deaf and dumb until - she claims - she saw a vision of the Immaculate Conception.
84. She told him Jeff was just a friend, and he was dumb enough to believe her.
85. They want obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept it. George Carlin 
86. Harvester was delighted, amazed, that the Union could be so dumb.
87. If I hadn't been too dumb I could have come to Mars-U as well(), then I wouldn't have been alone.
88. The dumb thing is, this is your cameraman mentality, he goes up with these guys who are ice climbing.
89. Sleight was a genuine friend of deaf and dumb people.
90. Bates is intense as the lonely homosexual whose obsessive selfless love is only reciprocated by a dumb animal.
91. Banking is very good business if you don't do anything dumb. Warren Buffett 
92. If we look dumb enough, someone's bound to come and help us out.
93. Dole finally acknowledged that smoking was probably a dumb thing to do.
94. It is just like man's vanity and impertinence to call an animal dumb because it is dumb to his dull perceptions. Mark Twain 
95. The deaf and dumb one, who seemed about to speak or make a noise as he came.
96. The second related to the difficulties experienced by deaf and dumb school-leavers in finding suitable employment and particularly in entering skilled trades.
97. Seven months earlier my friend could be seen on campus wearing blue jeans and a shirt that said dumb things.
98. Fisher also argues that, even if you know for sure that a bear market will occur, selling is dumb.
99. You've known me too long to think a dumb thing like that.
100. The thing about smart people is that they seem like crazy people to dumb people. Stephen Hawking 
101. Kim stood like a deaf and dumb sentry, never once asking her to stay.
102. Miss Windsor was always much more intelligent than the all-bust-and-bum dumb blonde image she had created for herself.
103. When you're young, you look at television and think, there's a conspiracy. The networks have conspired to dumb us down. But when you get a little older, you realize that's not true. The networks are in business to give people exactly what they want. Steve Jobs 
104. Dumb bells, hours of exercising and a carefully planned diet of vegetarian food and fruit juice had completed the programme.
105. You don't have to look far to see these dumb creatures crawling across the branches of many organizations today.
106. Now it is a dumb, stupid mastodon of a thing, crawling off to Bal Harbour to die.
107. The means of grace are therefore for all of us, deaf, dumb, or destitute.
108. Her illness, when she had been struck deaf and dumb - had she been in the field then?
109. He said that a lot of buffalo hunters were as dumb as a rock.
110. Only dumb people try to impress smart people. Smart people just do what they do. Chris Rock 
111. We would become like dumb animals, oxen, or go crazy, and probably both.
112. But as the robots we hoped for, they are dumb, blind, and still nursing the wall plug .
113. He stared in dumb misery at the wreckage of the car.
114. Maginn also took part in the debate concerning the intermarriage of deaf and dumb people.
115. And another player might have just kissed off my remark as dumb but innocuous.
116. The deaf and dumb people communicate via gesture language.
117. This leads people to do dumb things.
117. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
118. They never understood, they were always saying dumb things.
119. They kept dumb in fear and trepidation.
120. No, No, fuck you, Montgomery Brogan, You had it all, and you threw it away, you dumb fuck!
121. How dumb, or smart, are birds? Calling someone a birdbrain is usually meant as an insult. But many birds are quite clever. Take for example, the mockingbird.
122. Like Susan Jacoby's "The Age of American Unreason" and Adam Winer's "How Dumb Are You?
123. Daughters of time, the hypocritic Days , muffled and dumb are like barefoot dervishes.
124. In every instance, these dumb things were the product of some psychological or emotional impulse.
125. It's a good look at issues in organizational psychology, because it describes in detail how a lot of seemingly smart people worked together to accomplish a lot of dumb things.
126. George Gilder observed more than five years ago, "In a world of dumb terminals and telephones, networks had to be smart.
127. The dumb village multitudes pass on unchanging; the feel of the spade in the hand is no different for all our talk: good seasons and bad follow each other as of old.
128. For a smart guy, I can be kind of dumb sometimes.
129. Show's how dumb they are. We don't have a democracy here and haven't for a long time. What we have in America is a plutocracy .
130. And I will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth, that thou shalt be dumb, and shalt not be to them a reprover: for they are a rebellious house.
131. The Boulder, Colorado pair prove with Want that they can write both brash, dumb songs and melodic, simpering ditties.
132. Almost every county has relatively complete complete blind, deaf, dumb and weak-minded, mental disabilities or physical disabilities, and other special school.
133. Today, the X terminal has replaced the dumb terminal, but the convention and paradigm of shell modes remain.
134. On this open - air exhibition, is especially noticeable by a grey head, he is the Thai country dumb show arbitrage appearance manufactures the artist: That good lotus fragrance line.
135. But for teenagers , doing dumb things now because of alcohol may be just the start.
136. Gold farmland one tooth bites Luo to make to ring ring, the voice has, low dumb ask a way:"The day before yesterday evening ......when the homicide case take place also hear a water cart voice?"
137. Enhancement arm muscle: Erectness, grasping dumb bells with right hand, repeating several times, then changing left hand.
138. "When you're too dumb to play anything," the professor conducting us sneered, "they give you a couple of sticks, put you in the back and call you a percussionist.
139. The chapbook was called "For the Student Union Dead, " and Mandy thought the poems in it were dumb, the way smart people were often dumb.
140. The node objects in gnosis.xml.objectify trees are, by design, quite dumb.
141. If I were forced to choose a bride, I would rather choose you, my dumb foundling(), with those expressive eyes.
142. An eddying murmur filled my ears, and a strange, dumb confusedness descended on my mind.
143. Vanished, too, was the public issue reporter Walker had presented, magically replaced by the personal problem of another dumb woman.
144. I went to go get ice and I dropped my room key inthe ice maker, and as I was thinking, " That was dumb ... "
145. This model is based on an intelligent scheduler / orchestrator to schedule ready-to-run tasks (based on a dependency graph) across a clusters of dumb workers.
146. It's stupid because it turns a powerful desktop PC into a dumb batch terminal.
147. Instead, adopt GNU Screen. Screen creates and manages multiple shell windows within a console (say, a dumb terminal physically connected to the host), an xterm window, or a Secure Shell (SSH) login.
148. Is there really someone so dumb to think mother Jones magazine knows where all our nuclear weapons are located?
149. But year in, year out, we can count on some pretty smart people in Washington, on Wall Street, on Main Street and all over the world, to do some pretty dumb things.
150. In the existing architecture we modified, the dumb.c draw function copies the source pixel memory area into the destination memory area.
151. And they're all talking at the same time and saying dumb things.
152. He held his empty palms before him as he walked, pale fingers thrust wide apart in a dumb show of harmlessness.
153. Dy-ing, ' she repeated, drawing out each syllable, but the boy remained dumb, uncomprehending.
154. Users continue to invoke the legacy IT systems using the original application means, typically through a user interface (such as a mainframe dumb terminal or a packaged application's UI).
155. You do know that most dictator and terrorist organizations are raised by the U. S. funding in the beginning, right? lol. Dumb red-neck.
156. The network computer takes us back to the future in the form of the dumb terminal revisited.
157. Tiny knows bikes not computers, so the management of Biker Bob's Bike Shop and Bar would like to put a "Dumb terminal" on the loading dock for Tiny to use.
158. With Mr Heathcliff, grim and saturnine, on the one hand, and Hareton, absolutely dumb, on the other, I made a somewhat cheerless meal, and bid adieu early.
159. But am I going to flip out just because some dumb reporter asks a bunch of pointless and infuriating questions?




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更新时间:2024/10/5 4:03:43