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单词 Erosion
1, Acid rain has caused severe erosion on the hillside.
2, Erosion has left the house perched on the very edge of the cliff.
3, Crop rotation helps prevent soil erosion.
4, The area suffers badly from coastal erosion.
5, Former low domes were planated by wave erosion.
6, Soil conservation is intended to kurb erosion.
7, The cement petrified after many years' erosion.
8, More familiar landscapes have been sculpted by surface erosion.
9, Soil erosion was mitigated by the planting of trees.
10, Tree cover would prevent further soil erosion.
11, This leaves fertile soil unprotected and prone to erosion.
12, They carry water off the fields without erosion.
13, Erosion of hard rocks is usually very different.
14, Coasts shaped by marine erosion. 2.
15, Erosion is degrading the land.
16, Vomiting can lead to dental erosion and gastrointestinal reflux.
17, The work of wind erosion is therefore very limited.
18, The area is plagued by soil erosion and flooding.
19, They also harbour wildlife and help prevent soil erosion.
20, Poor farming methods have contributed to increased soil erosion.
21, The beds also help protect the shore from erosion.
22, Is soil erosion really a problem?
23, The hillsides must be graded to prevent erosion.
24, It is this which has resulted in accelerated erosion.
25, These formed hard igneous rocks which have resisted erosion.
26, This led to a further erosion of sectional loyalties.
27, As their roots are strong and penetrating,(http:///erosion.html) they prevent erosion.
28, Soil on the mountain slopes is very susceptible to erosion.
29, Planetary scientists believe it is most likely the product of wind erosion.
30, In addition, the scale of measurement over which soil erosion occurs affects the measurement itself.
1, Acid rain has caused severe erosion on the hillside.
2, Erosion has left the house perched on the very edge of the cliff.
3, Crop rotation helps prevent soil erosion.
31, Watch for steep drop-offs on the south side of the road; erosion has taken its toll.
32, However, even in advanced capitalist countries, the economic effect of degradation and erosion may not be negligible.
33, The result is a tendency to increase the amount of erosion on the coast.
34, Reliable eyewitness reports of actual events, when embedded in such a list, suffered a serious erosion of credibility.
35, Opinions have been divided whether the spur and groove systems are due to erosion or the constructive action of corals.
36, The storm dumped up to 18 inches of snow on the North Shore, but caused little flooding or erosion.
37, Our goals are safety, income and to halt further erosion of principal.
38, In many instances this is too late to obviate desertification and soil erosion.
39, Footpath erosion is also a common feature of landscapes that are widely used by walkers.
40, And grazing too many animals on too little land leaves soil unprotected against wind or water erosion.
41, Frequent breakup and erosion of cometary nuclei provides not only vast quantities of meteoric dust, but also occasional larger fragments.
42, In fact, many of the occasional desert rainfalls are very light and incapable of any serious erosion.
43, Possibly more than half the soils in the semi-arid regions are subject to severe erosion.
44, Differential erosion of the rocks has resulted in the hard rocks being left as peaks separated by deeply eroded valleys and ravines.
45, This caused deep erosion in upland areas and has left widespread superficial deposits.
46, The erosion was anticipated because of Sparcstation 10 Model 41 shortages and the cost of ramping up new product production.
47, The increase would arrest a steady erosion that had cut the budget by almost half since the mid 1980s.
48, Dole aides denied that he was being kept under wraps to prevent further erosion in his support.
49, The erosion of regional security could be halted only at Kosovo s borders.
49, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
50, We must expect that asteroids in this size range would have suffered serious erosion of their regolith.
51, Such ties and feelings, however, could not indefinitely resist some erosion as material national interests and priorities began to change.
52, Repeated involvement in meetings leads to progressive erosion of the personality traits of the disease.
53, Constructing rows of turbines in strategic areas could reduce soil erosion and help to phase out the use of wood for fuel.
54, Going farther back, into post-glacial times, we find evidence that erosion and deposition were sometimes very rapid indeed.
55, We infer that they accumulated during periods of accelerated soil erosion.
56, Cambro-Ordovician accumulation may well have been substantially greater, with corresponding erosion in mid-Ordovician or Devonian times.
57, Finally, it must be pointed out that the recession of a coastline is not merely the result of marine erosion.
58, The techniques refer to new or modified agricultural practices to reduce soil degradation and erosion.
59, How much of this former water erosion can be attributed to pluvial phases in the Pleistocene is very doubtful.
60, As the mountains are raised, erosion by wind, ice, and water wears them down.
61, Even an innocent-looking cup of coffee creates soil erosion because of over-production on coffee plantations, and chronic water pollution during processing.
62, The deaths can not be medically accounted for and environmentalists fear that costal erosion could be releasing buried poisons from the site.
63, Further contraction, pit closures, and industrial erosion would certainly follow.
64, These movements and earlier erosion have tended to obscure Mesozoic and Paleozoic structures.
65, Partly this reflects the lack of enthusiasm among manufacturers toward any erosion of retail price maintenance.
66, Although the increase in rainfall would aid irrigation, it would add to the problems of soil erosion and nutrient leaching.
67, Trampling of vegetation is one of the most widespread environmentally degrading repercussions of recreation and can also lead to excessive soil erosion.
68, Another interesting option is the use of wind turbines as windbreaks to reduce wind speed and erosion.
69, Erosion and deposition begin and end at different times at sites hundreds of kilometers apart.
70, Apart from damage caused by trampling and erosion, more widespread and long-lasting degradation can occur as a result of recreation activities.
71, The idea was to prevent erosion and enrich the soil.
72, The main purpose of the list is to illustrate complexity and variety of political-economic and physical circumstances of soil erosion.
73, As the volume increased, the erosion of the canyon accelerated and widened.
74, Now all they have is thick, wet soil that is vulnerable to erosion from all-too-frequent storms.
75, If any story can stir outrage at the erosion of privacy, this is surely it.
76, Conflicting views' Of course arable land in some places is going out of cultivation because of erosion and other destructive forces.
77, The wage erosion, of course, started before the end of the cold war.
78, In the case of monuments and historical buildings, the erosion and damage can destroy carvings and statues and weaken building structures.
79, Sometimes the natural processes of erosion will etch a perfect specimen.
80, Erosion and rising sea levels are now posing a serious danger to the lowest-lying islands.
81, They believe the Bush administration's promise of steady deficit erosion, in co-operation with Congress, is being more systematically derailed.
82, Now encryption will cause the erosion of the current corporate monopoly on expertise and proprietary knowledge.
83, For agriculture, the most significant result of accelerated soil erosion is a reduction in productivity.
84, The condition is characterized by spinal cysts and the gradual erosion of spinal nerves.
85, The government has, alas, enclosed some of the mountain streams in concrete banks to prevent land erosion.
86, But the networks have scrambled to keep them on the air for another year in an attempt to stem audience erosion.
87, A minor effect of wind erosion is the formation of faceted and polished pebbles.
88, Three different ways can be identified in which piecemeal improvements to the conceptualisation of the soil erosion problem have been transcended.
89, This is a further, but eminently sensible, erosion of the principle of orality.
90, Ducks and geese are stripping the shoreline of vegetation, triggering erosion that muddies the shallow lake.
91, The question arises as to why there is so little official action to combat soil erosion.
92, Everything from erosion to leaching to iron rainstorms is possible, perhaps much more.
93, In fact, we find tendencies toward both the conservation and the erosion of non-capitalist forms as a consequence of uneven development.
94, More trees are being planted for timber and to prevent soil erosion.
95, He estimates that between 35- 41 percent of all useful land is affected by erosion.
96, That one has long since vanished, as a result of the Falls' implacable backward erosion.
97, It was assumed that any erosion terraces would show as modes in the frequency distribution.
98, One of the most important of the island's defences is against erosion or inundation by the sea.
99, The tower did not last out the nineteenth century; the danger from erosion caused the owners to destroy it.
100, After the rains, sewage flows down fissured hills propped up with old tires for erosion control.
101, Labour committee chairman Jim Skinner said he would be concerned by any further erosion of rail services.
102, The resulting ungrazed vegetation would be less susceptible to erosion; floristic diversity would increase considerably.
103, In 1860 John Phillips proposed 96m years, based on estimated rates of erosion and sedimentation.
104, Rumblings from recent abortive coup plots coupled with an erosion of army discipline have reportedly weakened Guei's grip on the military.
105, Any particular location may have collected sediment for part of the time, but suffered erosion the rest of the time.
106, The erosion has created a fan of scree which is rapidly encroaching on the Lovers' walk path.
107, The next four decades saw a slow but fairly steady erosion of royal power.
108, Evidence of a link between the arrival of television and the erosion of social connections is not merely circumstantial.
109, Somewhat softened by wind erosion,(Sentencedict) the surface none the less looked more like the lunar highlands than like anything on Earth.
110, Usually the classes and groups most adversely affected by soil erosion are politically weak, disunited and spatially separated.
111, Without the trees, soil erosion in the area accelerated rapidly.
112, Another unsettling trend in this area is the erosion in our ability to design and manufacture products.
113, As stated in the supplement, the heritage erosion is due to ignorance, and not wanton destruction.
114, The analysis must start therefore in areas which initially may seem remote from the physical processes which directly cause degradation and erosion.
115, Thus the coastline receives not only the products of marine erosion but also the waste derived from subaerial erosion.
116, Geological features ground out by ancient glaciers are seen overlaid by the scars of recent wind erosion.
117, She was opposed to World War I and the resultant erosion of civil liberties.
118, But the steady emotional erosion, the sleeplessness, the manic anxiety I can not pretend about or minimize.
119, Evidence of the erosion is clear along the route and walkers should tread carefully.
120, Under these conditions the slight convexity caused by rejuvenation will be quickly rendered even less conspicuous by subsequent river erosion.
121, Acid rain has caused such severe erosion of the Sierra del Mar that the entire mountainside could slide down on to Cubatoa.
122, Accordingly these areas are heavily used and subject to severe environment erosion.
123, Furthermore, long-standing untreated gonorrhoea and syphilis cause joint swelling and inflammation with the gradual erosion of complete joints in severe cases.
124, In particular, there has been a rapid erosion of Britain's manufacturing base.
125, This shows that slope form and soil moisture status are particularly influential in determining erosion rates.
126, Thus, governments are endlessly seeking to shore up the erosion of the national idea which a world economy inflicts upon them.
127, The erosion of investment grade credits, though, would raise the stakes for banks.
128, Alternatively, artificial footpath surfaces, which are not as susceptible to erosion, may be provided.
129, No wonder so many sports fans blame television and corporate cash for the erosion of amateurism and the endless drug scandals.
130, Shortly thereafter we enter a stretch of shallow pools and channels cut into the rock by a millennium of erosion.
131, Pollution, mining, uncontrolled tourism and soil erosion caused by logging are to blame.
132, Waxholme is on the coast and suffers badly from coastal erosion.
133, It might well be more prudent to think of climatic influences on forms and erosion rates rather than climatically dominated landforms.
134, This began to promote excessive erosion and Aboriginal concerns relating to infringements of their sacred sites which abound in the region.
135, The rocks of which ancient mountains worn down by erosion were composed can be reconstructed from the minerals of detrital rocks.
136, In 1983 Lewes District Council spent £12,000 to alleviate the effects of soil erosion on a housing estate.
137, There are almost no trees, the sun is merciless, and extensive erosion is caused by winds blowing from the north.
138, But we all make concessions to age and physical erosion, so Young remained fully clothed on his naked bootleg.
139, Hence sustainable agriculture could replace unsustainable agriculture, reducing the impact of erosion and flooding on downstream agricultural areas.
139, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
140, The makeshift trails that grow deeper and wider each day cause severe erosion and destroy valuable watershed, she said.
141, A significant erosion of household wealth could accentuate a slowdown.
142, In 1816 the old church at Owthorne finally succumbed to the coastal erosion and its remnants disappeared into the sea.
143, Davis, himself, paved the way for this when he admitted the existence of arid and glacial cycles of erosion.
144, Hence, since the late 1960s there has been a gradual erosion of the line between sales promotion and advertising.
145, But ice ages or no, millions of years of erosion will slowly flatten the planetary mineral heaps we call mountains.
146, The resulting openings, devoid of protective vegetation cover, were then subject to erosion which in turn precluded regeneration.
147, One of the clearest indications of the trend of modern capitalism has been the erosion of bourgeois democracy on a world scale.
148, Horses' shoes break up the trails and leave them exposed to erosion.
149, Shale when wet is harder and more impervious to erosion than when dry.
150, And again, since no erosion research data were collected, their effects on soil losses are unknown.
151, The external heat drives the atmosphere and the oceans and causes the erosion of mountains and the reduction of rock to sediment.
152, There is an erosion of the specialized character of regional economies and redundancy of big plants and associated big industrial cities.
153, Erosion was caused by solution of the rocks and by the mud and pebbles moving in the underground stream.
154, A second contrast between subaerial and marine erosion is to be found in the relative importance of erosion and deposition.
155, But I still maintain that most bedding planes show evidence of a pause in sedimentation, if not actual erosion.
156, Last year an attempt was made to improve the drainage to stop flooding and reduce erosion.
157, This quotation is one of the very few places in his work where he actually mentions soil erosion.
158, The planned deregulation has bred concern that Petron will face stiffer competition and an erosion of its 42 percent market share.
159, There are problems related to the complex and varying manner in which symptoms of soil erosion appear through time.
160, Tulip said it was faced with an exceptionally strong erosion of prices and margins in 1992(), aggravated by currency movements.
161, The erosion of consensus politics overtook local government as it did many other areas of public life.
162, Some commentators see such developments as further evidence of the erosion of local democracy.
163, Regulators say that although the erosion does not pose an immediate risk, they are concerned about its long-term safety implications.
164, Currents of the velocity quoted above are obviously capable of severe erosion and considerable transport.
165, But his opponents say success has come with a high price: erosion of the democratic process.
166, However the methodologies in assessing soil erosion hazard, as well as policy instruments, may well not be applicable outside the United States.
167, In conclusion, there is a wide variety of social and physical contexts of soil erosion.
168, A series of such oscillations, aided perhaps by marine erosion, is probably an important cause of island formation.
169, Such a veto would be difficult to defend internationally and could well lead to an uncontrollable erosion of the sanctions regime.
170, One subject studied relatively little by physical geographers has been the occurrence of soil erosion.
171, Increased erosion will accelerate the process of silting up the region's hydro-electric dams.
172, Erosion had sharpened its edges and although the drivers trundled gently in bottom gear(http:///erosion.html), there were two punctures.
173, Unemployment, the collapse of the housing market and changes in population trends have led to an erosion of famous traits.
174, At this point the discussion shifts to the question of ideology in assessing the importance of soil erosion.
175, Such dynamism means perpetual change and the two processes of bank erosion and sediment deposition are unceasing.
176, Was he taking up the gauntlet against the subtle yet inevitable erosion such wealth would bring to the culture of his people?
177, It was the quickness of the changes in water flow during previous operations of the dam that led to the most erosion.
178, Differences in the vegetation cover can affect erosion by direct protection of the ground and by binding the soil mantle together.
179, Erosion or accretion of sand by wind action is evident throughout and soil genesis is truncated by erosion or fossilised by deposition.
180, Exact positions of the 120 pegs will depend on the state of the beach due to the recent coastal erosion.
181, Fremont Elementary was old and soiled, waiting for terminal erosion like the bits of tire debris that trucks leave on freeways.
182, Many of these areas also suffer from extremely serious soil erosion, although reports and impressions seem to differ.
183, Massive soil erosion and disruption of the natural drainage pattern destroyed the land's productivity.
184, Rainfall is minimal and the land is infertile, marked by erosion and extreme dryness.
185, Besides discussing ducks, the report also will look at reducing erosion, increasing oxygen levels and improving fishing.
186, Deposition is the counterpart of erosion.
187, Soil conservation is intended to curb erosion.
188, Forage crops also help reduce erosion of the soil.
189, Soil erosion is a main contributor to water pollution.
190, Subaerial erosion occurs often with reduction to a peneplain.
191, Unconformities are surfaces of erosion or non - deposition.
192, The erosion of beach here is serious.
193, The third major indirect cost of soil erosion is the loss of navigability.
194, Based on the stress corrosion, erosion mechanism and slippage-rust theory suitable to the stress corrosion of hot rolled coil during forced cooling, the coil corrosion defects are explained.
195, A broad, gently base of a steeper slope , often covered with alluvium, formed primarily by erosion.
196, Conclusion Using the RF heat coagulation treatment to cure cervical erosion is both rapid and effective.
197, That means Cape Hatteras and other parts of the islands could face huge waves, beach erosion and maybe some property damage overnight.
198, The ef fect of erosion varies with soil type and depth.
199, Base on investigation of soil and water loss in Baipenzhu reservoir catchment area,(http://) experimental research on rainfall-runoff-sediment yield of typical erosion landform and vegetation was carried out.
200, El Salvador has earned the dubious distinction of having the worst soil erosion in continental America.
201, The soil erosion is a complex geomorphological process caused by the endogenic and exogenic force.
202, 11The following is a letter to the head of the tourism bureau on the island of Tria. "Erosion of beach sand along the shores of Tria Island is a serious threat to our island and our tourist industry.
203, The soil erosion in the alluvial gold deposit is serious because of the vegetation destroyed.
204, Where not dust-covered, the surface commonly shows aeolian erosion or deposition.
205, Droughts and accentuation of soil erosion cause havoc in such areas , making their rehabilitation extremely difficult.
206, Coarse sand in the Yellow River mainly comes from sand rock area, Inner Mongolia, water erosion, wind erosion and gravitational erosion occur interactively in this area.
207, Sand hill land is a source of blown sand in semi arid area. It is also valuable land resources. The characteristics of blown sand are strong wind erosion in spring and reverse change in growth season.
208, The Honghe River basin suffers from low plantation coverage and water and soil erosion.
209, First, soil erosion modulus can be estimated by using water erosion model, and the maps of soil density and soil horizon thickness can be derived from soil detailed survey data.
210, Taking tillage erosion into consideration, contour-tillage method obviously is superior to downslope tillage, and trampling-shovel method is superior to hoe and shovel in downslope tillage.
211, The contribution of groyne height reduction to counteracting unwanted erosion is then considered a favourable incidental circumstance.
212, Therefore, the corrosion is caused by erosion of rainwater during ocean shipping.
213, Field observation and analysis of the DEM of Western Sichuan Plateau indicate that, there are two planation surfaces and one erosion surface in Western Sichuan Plateau.
214, Second, introduces the reason for the explosion of economizer, which mainly is erosion, abrasion and vibration.
215, To ensure the purity grade and flow rate of shielding inert gas, to use tungsten electrode activated with nanosized thoria are two better ways to decrease the erosion rate of electrode.
216, In the first stage of the study period talked above, some passive human activities such as deforest and reclamation accelerated soil erosion and resulted in more soil and water loss in this period.
217, All these diseases mentioned above are caused by erosion, rainfall erosion and repeated eutectic salt dissolving.
218, The Bed G bauxite of Shanxi massif, a paleoresiduum bauxite underlying Bangou Formation of Upper Carboniferous, occurs on the fossil erosion surface of Middle Ordovician of Upper Cambrian.
219, The additional wall thickness prevents early failures due to erosion in the turbulent flow area.
220, The erosion of metals varied depending largely on the melting point.
221, Refrigerant-F12 has purity of 99.8%. which will provide excellent frigorific ability for vehicle, it has no erosion to the refrigeration system, with no water or other impurities in it.
222, Every powder produces erosion or bore wear to some extent.
223, Soil erosion by rain and wind is a serious problem here.
224, With quantitative thalweg evolution analysis in rivers coordinate system, the accurate thalweg of planar and vertical displacement of erosion and deposition can be calculated.
225, Perched high above the Colorado River, Arches National Park is part of southern Utah's extended canyon country, carved and shaped by eons of weathering and erosion.
226, Such flow often causes very strong erosion on the river bottom during flood rising, since its behavior is different from ordinary silt carrying flow.
227, The long - term social threat posed by uncontrolled soil erosion raises profound questions of intergenerational equity.
228, The slices are truncated by the pre - Bulawayan erosion surface.
229, The performance valuation and analysis was reviewed to the mechanics property, oxidation resistance, hot corrosion resistance, erosion resistance, and thermal property of thermal barrier coatings.
229, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
230, The cavitation erosion regularity of five steels of different heat treatments was studied using rotating disc testing equipment.
231, At present and in not short future years, the eco-construction tasks are adjusting thought, transforming sense, and seeking new job method for erosion control at first.
232, Properly managed forests prevent flooding and soil erosion, and stabilize climatic conditions.
233, Based on isostasy principle, this paper made out a correction method for the calculation of disconformity erosion amount.
234, We can use soil erosion model and nomogram to calculate soil erodibility.
235, Abrasive grain erosion is the basic wear form on the tapered liner in desilters and desanders.
236, Besides, the process of particle impacting one tube and frequency of the bubbles attacking the middle tube in bottom row were investigated. It was great contribution to study the tube erosion.
237, Experts attributed the frequent sandstorms this winter to erosion and deforestation.
238, In high different pressure process condition, if the valve type selected were not correct, erosion and corrosion would occur in the trim, especially in steam systems and water spraying systems.
239, Ma, and lakes and top lacustrine deposits of Wudaoliang Group became base surface for erosion and peneplanation since Late Miocene, which formed planation surface or peneplain of the Tibetan Plateau.
240, At the same time, the car water pump is prone to suffer from cavitation erosion at the entrance of the water pump . So installing a low-pressure radiator cap is usually a useful help.
241, The erosion of time value accelerates in the last few weeks of option life.
242, Ti alloy is a most perspective material for oralogy due to its excellent mechanical properties and erosion resistance as well as biology compatibility.
243, The dynamical factors of estuary region are complex, beach erosion is more complex, study beach erosion is important.
244, Major program thrusts of the NSERL include fundamental erosion process research, erosion control research, and delivery of improved erosion prediction technology.
245, Human activities are an major factor of the formation of stony desert in the karst pimple plain, and peak forest basin on the water parting, where headward erosion can't occur.
246, Steel Corp. and ArcelorMittal likely will see further erosion in steel sales.
247, Drought and soil erosion had long been a major problem.
248, Add to that data from transmitters on fish, such as tuna, and scientists could gain new understandings into El Nino storms, polluted runoff, beach erosion and wildlife.
249, Physical deterioration, e . g . wear and tear, erosion , rusting, rot and decay.
250, In order to improve the modelling of the erosion process, it is imperative to measure the instantaneous current density on arc root.
251, Because the soil and water conservation factor was not concluded in net method, the soil erosion modulus calculated with net method was higher than that calculated with sampling survey method.
252, Although irrigants of group 3 could remove smear layer effectively, it resulted in moderate erosion of dentinal tubules.
253, Be sure terraced areas are wide and deep enough and that the forward edge is protected from erosion.
254, My judgment was and remains that the dominant theme of the Union hard war operations was as less an erosion of values than an on-going tension between competing sets of values.
255, "What we show is that, once the mountain is pushed up across the snow line, a very effective erosion agent comes into play and that is represented by glaciers, " said Egholm.
256, Gully region is the most severe place of erosion in the catchment scale of Loess Plateau.
257, Piercement of drilling pump cold cyclinder is a serious problem existed in field application cavitation erosion.
258, In order to reduce the erosion of water-wall, large furnace sectional area should be selected by boiler works, and the power plant should select the coal caloricity close to the designed for use.
259, At last, we raise some countermeasures to manage the beach erosion in the typical region.
260, Water erosion caused by railway construction not only destroys engineering body, but also harms eco - environment hugely.
261, On the above basis, an empirical model was developed for correlating the erosion rate with the oil temperature and shear stress.
262, Most of cases showed erosion and ulcer in skin or mucosa, abundant neutrophil infiltrations with microabscess formation.
263, Gully erosion damages land resources and causes site off environmental problems.
264, The erosive rain is defined as rain, which can cause soil erosion.
265, Set up wind erosion trial zone at soil wind erosion and desertification serious areas, Carry on soil wind erosion monitor by the characteristic of local weathers and the plant.
266, In proper concentration range , macromolecule polymer additives can improve erosion effect.
267, Soil erosion which is called"peristaltic disaster"is one of the most common and the strongest geological disaster in human society nowaday.
268, Oligocene erosion had truncated the sediments draped over the dome.
269, For these areas, terracing or strip cropping could be suitable to reduce soil erosion . 7.
270, Pollution, commercial fishing, coastal erosion, development and poaching are among the causes.




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