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单词 sibling
释义  Related topics: Family, Biologysib·ling /ˈsɪblɪŋ/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  formalSSFFAMILY a brother or sister 兄弟;姊妹 Most young smokers are influenced by their friends’ and older siblings’ smoking habits. 大多数年轻的吸烟者都是因为他们的朋友或者哥哥姐姐有吸烟习惯而受影响的。2. sibling rivalry MPcompetition between brothers and sisters for their parents’ attention or love 手足相争〔指兄弟姐妹为得到父母的关注或宠爱的竞争〕Examples from the Corpussibling• In some families there may be little distinction made between siblings and cousins, and these may be included in any discussion.• How can siblings, raised in the same family, be so different?• Sometimes it is clear that siblings do not like each other.• Their torturer, Maximian, took his own life in frustration when his attempts to execute the siblings failed.• Under rigorous cross examination by prosecution co-counsel Cliff Harris, Sontag acknowledged that Davis' three siblings have led relatively law-abiding lives.• Your watchful siblings are the editors perched on your lamp shade, magnifying glasses poised to catch your mistakes.• When siblings are in conflict they need consistent and caring control plus help in recognizing each other's needs and feelings.Origin sibling Old English sibb “related”sib·ling nounChineseSyllable  sister brother or a Corpus




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