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单词 Farmstead
1. Three low-lying farmsteads outside town are evacuated.
2. Often churches are isolated, serving widely scattered farmsteads.
3. All along the route I pass old farmsteads surrounded by ancient sugar maple trees that dangle plastic milk containers.
4. She grew up watching birds on her father's farmstead, she explained.
5. There are now six farmsteads and a few cottages together with a number of modern bungalows.
6. These new enclosures also produced their new isolated farmsteads, set in the fields.
7. This together with the oldest farmsteads and cottages is built in whole or part of cobbles.
8. Farmsteads are still rare outside the villages: the few that exist were mostly built after the parliamentary enclosure of the parishes.
9. In the outbuildings scattered in the farmstead, workers store supplies, build the products and pack them for shipping.
10. But probably four out of five of these farmsteads in the fields are the consequence of parliamentary enclosure.
11. The farmsteads and hamlets thus created may have been used initially as temporary steadings, but eventually a number were permanently occupied.sentencedict .com
12. Defensible farmstead in country 5 li west of Papa.
13. While you remain on my farmstead, I ask that you remember and respect this credo.
14. In the photo, behind the farmstead buildings, stretch acres and acres of soil as tilled and bare as a desert.
15. But in the tiny farmstead where his father used to herd goats, his Kenyan relatives are praying for anything but more political upheaval.
16. Autumn leaves behind a Farmstead in Muncy Valley, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania on September 26th, 2010.
17. On the land On about 20 acres a few miles from the farmstead grow the sunflower and sorghum used in Pipestem gifts.
18. Alongside the villages with their surrounding lands there were small hamlets and isolated farmsteads.
19. Surprisingly frequently, leys also pass exactly through important and isolated farmsteads often on a similar orientation to the main buildings.
20. By night she travels widely throughout her territory - often approaching farmsteads and villages.
21. In the final phase, in the seventh century, the settlement moved westwards and consisted of more isolated and separate farmsteads.
22. Excavations elsewhere have demonstrated that in pre-Norman times small hamlets and farmsteads were widespread, occupying even the most inhospitable upland sites.
23. Also, we can usually say whether it is a farmstead or a village which is under examination.
24. However, they required good pasture and plentiful hay and would probably always have been kept in closes near to the farmsteads.
25. March and February we spent on the Brenner, where we lodged at three different farmsteads.
26. Your creditors can ask you to dig deeper into your personal assets: the bonds set aside for junior's education, the old farmstead, and the rest.
27. The mowed grass on the slope between the hedge and the highway suggests that the family takes pride in its modest farmstead.
28. A few days later, Clinton died Study of Heathcliff became thrush farmstead owners.




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