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单词 sick
释义 Word family  noun sick the sick sickness sicko adjective sick sickening sickly verb sicken adverb sickeningly sickly  sick1 /sɪk/ ●●● S1 W3 adjective  1  ill 生病的ILL especially American English suffering from a disease or illness 生病的,患病的 His mother’s very sick. 他母亲病得很重。 Maria can’t come in today because she’s sick. 玛丽亚因为生病今天不能来了。 a sick child 生病的孩子 a sick animal 患病的动物sick with I have been sick with flu. 我感冒了。get sick (=become ill) American English 生病,患病 At the last minute, I got sick and couldn’t go. 我在最后一刻病倒,不能去了。be off sick British English, be out sick American English (=be away from work or school because you are ill) 因病缺勤 [缺课] Two of his employees were out sick. 他的两名员工因病没来上班。 I was off sick for four days with the flu. 我因患流感休了四天病假。phone/ring/call in sick (=phone to say you are not coming to work because you are ill) 打电话请病假 He was upset because it was the first day of the sale and Astrid had called in sick. 他很生气,因为那是大减价的第一天,阿斯特丽德却打电话来请了病假。 What will happen to the business if you fall sick (=become ill) or die? 假如你生病或是去世了,公司怎么办? He took sick (=became ill) and died a week later. 他病倒后一周就去世了。 Pete’s at home in bed, as sick as a dog (=very sick). 皮特卧床在家,病得很重。► see thesaurus at ill2  be sick SICK/VOMITif you are sick, the food in your stomach comes up through your mouth 呕吐 SYN vomit, throw up I think I’m going to be sick. 我觉得自己快要吐了。 He dashed to the bathroom and was sick again. 他冲进卫生间,又吐了。 The cat’s been sick on the carpet. 那只猫吐在地毯上了。 You’ll be sick if you eat any more of that chocolate! 如果你再吃一口那巧克力,你会吐的! I was violently sick (=suddenly and severely sick) the last time I ate prawns. 我上次吃了大虾后吐得很厉害。3  feel sick  (also be/feel sick to your stomach American English)SICK/VOMIT to feel as if you are going to vomit 反胃,恶心,作呕 As soon as the ship started moving I began to feel sick. 轮船一开动,我就感到恶心了。feel sick with Mary felt sick with fear. 玛丽害怕得直恶心。 She began to shiver, feeling sick to her stomach. 她开始颤抖起来,感到直反胃。 Virginia had a sick feeling in her stomach. 弗吉尼娅有些反胃。 → carsick, seasick, → travel-sick at travel sickness4  make me/you sick spoken a) ANGRYto make you feel very angry 令我/你非常气愤 People like you make me sick! 像你这样的人真叫我生气! b) JEALOUSANGRYto make you feel jealous – used humorously 令我/你眼红〔幽默用法〕 You make me sick with your ‘expenses paid’ holidays! 你有公费度假,真叫我眼红啊!5  make somebody/yourself sick British English a) if something makes you sick, it makes you bring food up from your stomach through your mouth 使某人/自己呕吐 The smell of blood made him sick. 血腥味使他吐了。 b) if you make yourself sick, you do something to bring food up from your stomach through your mouth 让自己呕吐 I’ve never been able to make myself sick. 我从来就没让自己吐过。 You’ll make yourself sick if you eat any more! 你再吃的话就会吐的!6  be sick (and tired) of (doing) something  (also be sick to death of (doing) something)FED UP spoken to be angry or bored with something that has been happening for a long time 对某事感到厌烦[厌倦] I’m sick and tired of your excuses. 你的借口我都听厌了。 I am sick of working for other people. 我厌倦了为别人打工。7  be worried sick/be sick with worry WORRIEDto be extremely worried 极为担心 Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home late? I’ve been worried sick! 你为什么不告诉我你要晚回家? 我担心死了!8  strange/cruel 反常的/残酷的 a) STRANGEsomeone who is sick does things that are strange and cruel, and seems mentally ill 〔人〕变态的,病态的 I keep getting obscene phone calls from some sick pervert. 我老是收到某个变态狂打来的下流电话。 You’re sick! 你变态! a sick mind 病态的心理 b) CRUELsick stories, jokes etc deal with death and suffering in a cruel or unpleasant way 〔故事、笑话等〕残忍的,残酷的,可怖的 I don’t want to hear any of your sick jokes, thank you. 我可不想再听你那些吓人的笑话,多谢了。 That’s really sick! 那真是恐怖!9  sick at heart literaryUPSET very unhappy, upset, or disappointed about something 很不愉快的;很难过的;很失望的 I was sick at heart to think that I would never see the place again. 想到再也见不到这个地方时,我心中充满了忧伤。10. sick as a parrot British English spokenDISAPPOINTED extremely disappointed – used humorously 极为失望的〔幽默用法〕11. [not before noun] British English spoken used by young people to say that something is very impressive and they admire it a lot 酷,棒〔年轻人用语,表示某物令人赞叹〕n COLLOCATIONSverbsget sick (=become ill)The boy got sick, and he just got worse and worse.fall/take sick formal (=become ill, especially with something serious or that will last a long time)He fell sick and died within a matter of off sick British English, be out sick American English (=be away from work or school because you are ill)Half my staff were off in sick (=phone to say you are not coming in to work because you are ill)I could have called in sick, but I knew you needed this report.sick + NOUNsick leave (=time that you can stay away from work because you are ill)He returned to duty after two months’ sick leave.sick pay (=money paid to an employee who is too ill to work)Only full-time employees got sick pay.somebody's sick bed (=the bed where a sick person is lying)He left his sick bed to play in the game.the sick room (=the room where a sick person is)She had spent the last hour in her mother’s sick room.the sick bay (=a room where there are beds for people who are sick, for example on a ship or in a school)I was confined to the ship's sick bay until we arrived back in Liverpool.Examples from the Corpussick• Nall should have kept bringing the time down herself, but she got sick.• Where's Mary today? I hope she's not sick again.• But they also can't develop if people are sick and illiterate.• I get travel sick, anyway.• So the family rule about illness, as Carrie Semple experienced it, was that the best child was a sick child.• I'm sorry I didn't reply to your e-mail. I was in bed sick for a couple of days.• I was very sick for twenty-four hours, and Michael was coping with everything.• Is this somebody's idea of a sick joke?• One of the suspect's neighbors described him as "a very sick man."• Sheila spent months looking after her sick mother.• Miguel was sick of being part of a machine that was eating up the city and spitting out the bones.• Gary phoned to say that he's off sick today.• We were dirty, hungry, cold and sick with exhaustion.• Grant Hill played despite being sick with the flu for the past ten days.get sick• Actually, no matter what happens to the business cycle, people will continue to eat and to get sick.• I never used to, that was one thing I was really lucky, I never got sick.• I think about getting sick all of the time.• Well, the boy got sick, and he just got worse and worse.• Humans don't necessarily get sick from eating carrion.• If you get sick, however, people will love you again.• I was getting sick of hearing it.• I mean I would think that she would get sick of it.sick mind• Disjointed thoughts kept floating to the surface of his sick mind from somewhere deep within its murky depths.• It defies belief and makes you question exactly who the law is protecting here: the sick minds or their young victims?sick2 noun  1  the sick [plural]ILL people who are ill 病人 The sick and wounded were allowed to go free. 伤病员获得释放。2  [uncountable] British English informalSICK/VOMIT vomit 呕吐物 The phone box smelt of sick. 电话亭里有一股呕吐物的气味。Examples from the Corpussick• On average, companies lose twelve days per employee per year as a result of sickness.• They provided hospitality to travellers, and people with property endowed foundations for the care of the old and the sick.• Under such circumstances it is frequently the sick who are the first to leave.sick3 verb  1 sick something ↔ up phrasal verb British English informal SICK/VOMITto bring up food from your stomach – used especially of children 〔尤指孩子〕呕吐 SYN American English vomit up Ruth had frequently sicked up her bottle milk. 露丝用奶瓶喝奶时经常吐奶。→ See Verb tableFrom Longman Business Dictionarysicksick /sɪk/ adjective1a sick company, economy etc is one that has financial or other difficulties such as CORRUPTION (=dishonest, illegal, or immoral behaviour)The President lost popularity when his reforms failed to revive a sick economy.a terminally sick company2off sick not at work because you have an illness or a diseaseHe has been off sick for the last six weeks.Origin sick1 Old English seocsick1 adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1sick2 nounsick3 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese   Business or suffering from illness a disease Corpus




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