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单词 Directed
(1) Tax cuts have been directed primarily at the better-off.
(2) The policeman directed me to the shopping centre.
(3) Signs directed traffic to a detour.
(4) NATO directed the attacks against the bridge.
(5) The brunt of her argument was directed at the trade union leader.
(6) He's directed so many films that you might expect a few duff ones.
(7) The general manager directed the company through a difficult time.
(8) I directed my question to the chairman.
(9) He directed his remarks to the secretary.
(10) We directed our steps towards home.
(11) She directed the question at no one in particular.
(12) Costner produced and directed the film.
(13) I directed the extinguisher at the fire without effect.
(14) The play was directed by Frank Hauser.
(15) Most of his anger was directed against himself.
(16) 'Jaws' was directed by Steven Spielberg.
(17) Was that remark directed at me?
(18) He directed his efforts to improving living conditions.
(19) Was that remark directed at/towards me?
(20) They directed all the guns against the fort.
(21) His remark was directed at you.
(22) The choir was directed by Sir David Willcocks.
(23) Their ire was directed mainly at the government.
(24) The letter is directed to him.
(25) I directed the traveller to the hotel.
(26) The abuse was directed at the TV crews.
(27) Through traffic is directed around the bypass.
(28) He directed his remarks to the speaker.
(29) The Bishop directed the faithful to stay at home.
(30) Much of the outrage was directed at foreign nationals.
(1) Tax cuts have been directed primarily at the better-off.
(2) The policeman directed me to the shopping centre.
(3) Signs directed traffic to a detour.
(4) NATO directed the attacks against the bridge.
(5) The brunt of her argument was directed at the trade union leader.
(6) He's directed so many films that you might expect a few duff ones.
(7) The general manager directed the company through a difficult time.
(8) They directed all the guns against the fort.
(9) Our energies must be directed towards higher productivity.
(10) The parcel was directed to the wrong address.
(11) The general directed that the prisoners should be set free.
(12) The system is directed to providing help for old people.
(13) The system is directed at providing help for old people.
(14) The firemen directed jets of water at the burning building.
(15) Corporate crime — committed by businesses — should not be confused with white - collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against.
(31) The officer directed his men to advance slowly.
(32) I directed him to do the work.
(33) The trial judge had directed an acquittal.
(34) The owners directed that the factory be closed.
(35) Our efforts should be directed towards greater efficiency.
(36) The guide directed our attention to the other picture.
(37) She directed the planning of the festival.
(38) He directed all his energies to the task.
(39) The remark was directed at him.
(40) The judge directed the defendant to remain silent.
(41) Arnold directed a meaningful look at Irma.
(42) The movie was directed by Steven Spielberg.
(43) The committee directed its enquiries to Mrs Taylor.
(44) He directed his letter to his boss.
(45) She directed all her energies to the study.
(46) I directed my steps towards the post office.
(47) She directed me to the post office.
(48) I thought his words were directed against us.
(49) We directed radio waves around the globe.
(50) Criticism was directed against/at the manufacturers of the product.
(51) He directed five Shakespearean plays.
(52) The officer directed them to advance.
(53) He directed his aim to us.
(54) This letter is directed to her.
(55) My remarks were not directed to all of you.
(56) Our energies must be directed towards higher productivity.
(57) She directed her package to her boy friend.
(58) He was directed to a table beside the window.
(59) He directed the torch straight in her face.
(60) The judge directed the defendant to answer.
(61) The parcel was directed to the wrong address.
(62) He directed us to leave the burning building.
(63) He directed a conspiratorial wink at his son.
(64) She could hardly believe the question was directed towards her.
(65) My next remarks are directed to the boys and girls of this school.
(66) Our efforts were directed towards the accomplishment of the work.
(67) The judge directed that the mother should be given custody of the children.
(68) The general directed that the prisoners should be set free.
(69) He directed three movies.
(70) The judge directed that the mother be given custody of the children.
(71) The judge directed the jury to acquit Phillips of the murder.
(72) He turned round and directed a torrent of abuse at me.
(73) Almost all the recent criticism from the mass media is directed at the ever increasing rate of unemployment.
(74) A new film directed by Mr Zhang Yimou will be released next month.
(75) At that time "The Modern Times" directed by Chaplin was being remade in their film studio.
(76) Coaches will set down and uplift passengers only as directed by the police in the streets mentioned.
(77) He directed that his body should be buried in Upton(), Northamptonshire.
(77) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(78) The judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty.
(79) The film —tautly directed by horror-meister Sam Raimi —is almost assured an Oscar nomination.
(80) Corporate crime?committed by businesses?should not be confused with white-collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against a business.
(81) She directed her steps towards the end of the garden.
(82) The policeman directed the crowd to move back for safety.
(83) The film, 3 hours long, is directed in his usual idiosyncratic style.
(84) Who directed the play?
(85) History is directed by a small number of great figures.
(86) His bent for natural history directed him towards his first job.
(87) The system is directed to providing help for old people.
(88) The judge directed the jury to find Mr Baggs not guilty.
(89) The police officers had been directed to search the building.
(90) They have been directed to give special attention to the problem of poverty.
(91) The film is directed with a technical bravura and visual splendour.
(92) The system is directed at providing help for old people.
(93) The play was directed by Mike Johnson, assisted by Sharon Gale.
(94) The firemen directed jets of water at the burning building.
(95) He directed the battle.
(96) Corporate crime — committed by businesses — should not be confused with white - collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against.
(97) The learner's attention needs to be directed to the significant features.
(98) He directed an orchestra.
(99) She asked for her mail to be directed to her home address.
(100) He directed me to take command.
(101) He directed various TV shows.
(102) The police courteously directed patrons around the crowd-control barricades.
(103) This also produced popular discontent directed against the bishops.
(104) This version is adapted by Lyn Stevens, and directed and scored by Emil Lamanda.
(105) To confirm this, clip it into place on the camcorder as directed, and switch on.
(106) A considerable background literature exists on this topic but only recently has economic urgency again directed attention toward this method of conversion.
(107) Further studies are directed towards the understanding of the role which the stem cell control factor DIA/LIF plays in the normal embryo.
(108) At this moment they were directed straight into her lap(), where her tiny hands were clenched in anguish.
(109) The chancellor, meanwhile, directed unmatched fund-raising and helped enhance the graduate studies' program.
(110) Then taking her on board they went where she directed and reached the sacred grove where the Fleece hung.
(111) He directed them in blowing out the candles and cutting the cake.
(112) Inpart it is directed at particular features of the standard treatment - notably the assumption of an aggregate production function.
(113) Every time I wanted to accomplish anything in my life, some contrary force was directed against me and made it fail.
(114) Interventions exclusively directed towards families whose children are in imminent danger of admission to care. 2.
(115) He had never seen such adoration on a face before, and it was all directed at him.
(116) The Detroit-born musician has either musically directed or played the bass on more than 250 albums in less than 20 years.
(117) Efforts are best directed towards ensuring correct use rather than suffering the disruption caused by frequent change.
(118) It has been repeatedly reported that smooth muscle antibodies of autoimmune chronic hepatitis are directed to cell actin.
(119) They are carrying out directed interviews there, and will collect time and money budgets.
(120) The package will cover areas not covered by insurance claims and will be directed mainly at the fish farming industry.
(121) Once attention is directed to the genes as well as to their bearers, such eccentric behaviour makes perfect sense.
(122) Edna directed us in laying out a calico tablecloth, and she prepared the food: bologna sandwiches and potato salad.
(123) The adjutant directed him to the hospital next door, giving him written instructions on how to find the ward.
(124) The corresponding provision for licensed premises with regard to structural alterations directed by the licensing board will be found in s.36.
(125) Modules could then be directed at issues which teachers themselves see as of central concern.
(126) Modern art is directed at a public largely untutored in the fine arts amidst a rapid expansion of the means of communication.
(127) Furthermore, the use of subsidies needs to be clarified and directed more towards rural electricity and renewable energy.
(128) Such thoughts were not purely abstract, but directed towards Eliot's own values and to London.
(129) Bettman inherited a league that revolved around a rubber disk and, for the most part, was directed by boneheads.
(130) Several of the leading journals published articles directed against ambitious politicians who thought more of personal gain than of national welfare.
(131) Evaluation can be directed towards the various aspects of the educational course or programme.
(132) These antibodies are directed against Thyroglobulin and Microsomal antigens of the thyroid 3.
(133) Decayed and declining industries had to be shut down, and vast capital investment directed to the new sectors.
(134) A leader... is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind. Nelson Mandela 
(135) It concluded that suspicion existed that the action had been planned in advance and was directed by two commands with different instructions.
(136) It was a troubled film, directed by Sam Peckinpah who constantly had the Columbia Studio brass breathing down his neck.
(137) Considerable effort will be directed towards investigating alternative ways in which agents in financial markets form their expectations.
(138) The wind in the gusts seemed directed straight at the small casement window(Sentence dictionary), which rattled and banged.
(139) If the recoiled atom is directed towards a neighbouring atom, a blocking cone is formed behind the neighbouring atom.
(140) Intensive research has been directed to the ways in which early communities adapted to and utilized their environments.
(141) Such assiduous attention has never been directed at this market before.
(142) In support of the build-up of beachheads, naval ships, directed by observers ashore with assault forces, fired on shore targets.
(143) The successful candidate will be required to write news and feature articles directed at Fairplay's readers who hold senior management positions.
(144) We pray that the economic affairs of our land may be directed towards justice for all.
(145) Instead I was directed to a three-roomed brick house with corrugated iron roofing.
(146) Few people notice or perhaps care when such inspections are directed at commercial enterprises.
(147) The Treaty also established mechanisms through which regional assistance could be directed, if desired.
(148) They adjourned the case and directed that it be heard before a differently constituted bench of three justices.
(149) This fundamental work complements more applied research directed at medical and biotechnological problems.
(150) Mr. Rost Under the Electricity Act 1989, the regulator is directed to monitor the progress of combined heat and power.
(151) Dad went indoors and brought out her belongings and placed them as she directed.
(152) The human being prefers to be directed, wishing to avoid responsibility.
(153) When you concentrate your energy purposely on the future possibility that you aspire to realize, your energy is passed on to it and makes it attracted to you with a force stronger than the one you directed towards it. Stephen Richards 
(154) She offers a persuasive and very interesting hypothesis, as yet unsubstantiated, to which classroom research could usefully be directed.
(155) How can you love children whose every effort is directed at ignoring you or hating you?
(156) The fiercest attacks were directed not at Levin, but at Lautenberg, who was facing reelection the next year.
(157) Dissemination of these objectives should provide the business with a coherent policy to which management effort can be directed properly.
(158) I shall select just a few for analysis, and readers are directed to the reading list for additional sources of information.
(159) Why should the department suddenly have directed its policies to the benefit of the inner city?
(160) All boys were expected to play sport twice a week-here the manager directed my attention to the window.
(161) Inpart, perhaps, because of the great energy and attention directed to the question of nuclear arms control and disarmament.
(162) They subsequently directed their personnel officials to cast a wider net when searching for potential employees.
(163) A helpful woman behind the counter directed me to several locations around the city known for their haunting qualities.
(164) Both schizophrenia and mood disorders show evidence of decreased activity in frontal lobes and abnormal function of the system for directed attention.
(165) Hopes that political stability will encourage a bout of takeover activity, directed attention at all the old bid chestnuts.
(166) She sensed the long look he directed at her, but continued to stare blindly ahead.
(167) The founding of these organisations gave real impetus to a movement directed towards improving the lot of domestic animals.
(167) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(168) Having changed money in one office, I was directed to another office a few streets away to arrange accommodation.
(169) Thirdly, research is largely uncontrolled by democratic means even though it is directed by state agencies.
(170) When she reached Soho, a policeman directed her to Manette Street; a narrow alley between two tall buildings.
(171) Ethics is the activity of man directed to secure the inner perfection of his own personality. Albert Schweitzer 
(172) In another episode, Sanger directed an actor whose son is another former Montclair Prep basketball player.
(173) These actions are directed by cognitive activity rather than dominated by perceptions, as was the case with preoperational thought.
(174) In 1987, the agency had directed blood banks to similarly disqualify donors who have received pituitary-derived growth hormone.
(175) But it is absolutely essential that these reforms are directed from within, according to the wishes of the Association's own members.
(176) As it came near he quickly lowered the camera and directed a wide-eyed stare, straight at the big cat.
(177) Those trained allegedly formed a death squad which directed its activity against pro-ANC activists.
(178) The former political coalition which directed support towards the skilled working class in the private sector had begun to dissolve.
(179) While the outbreak directed media attention to pollution in the North Sea, ascribing the guilt to pollution was premature.
(180) He directed the tiny beam of light at the roof.
(181) The shambling of his angular figure now directed him to a lean - to.
(182) Money will be directed primarily towards the maintenance and rehabilitation of schools, clinics and machinery.
(183) If the wheel is rotating counterclockwise, its angular - momentum vector is directed eastward.
(184) She directed him - casually , she hoped -- to park the pickup around behind the house.
(185) British radio astronomer who founded and directed ( 1951 - 1981 ) the Jodrell Bank Experimental Station.




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