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单词 heterogeneous
释义  het·e·ro·ge·ne·ous /ˌhetərəʊˈdʒiːniəs $ -roʊ-/ (also heterogenous /ˌhetəˈrɒdʒənəs◂ $ -ˈrɑː-/) adjective formal  DIFFERENTconsisting of parts or members that are very different from each other 由全然不同的部分 [成员]组成的,混杂的 OPP homogeneous a heterogeneous collection of buildings 风格各异的一组建筑 —heterogeneously adverb —heterogeneity /ˌhetərəʊdʒəˈniːəti $ -roʊ-/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusheterogeneous• We have already made the point that most political cultures are heterogeneous.• Both antibodies are a largely heterogeneous family.• In the first stage, we primarily dealt with homogeneous networks, then moved to inter-networks that are heterogeneous in nature.• Young next to old, doing-well next to down-and-out: a heterogeneous mass present for its own mutually exclusive reasons.• The U.S. has a very heterogeneous population.• Services is simply too heterogeneous to be an interesting category.Origin heterogeneous (1600-1700) Medieval Latin heterogeneus, from Greek, from hetero- ( → HETERO-) + genos “type”het·e·ro·ge·ne·ous adjectiveChineseSyllable  or consisting that members different very parts from of Corpus are




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