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单词 Coral
1. True coral needs no painter's brush. 
2. An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay.
3. Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean.
4. She was wearing a coral necklace.
5. A strand of coral beads hung round her neck.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. We went diving on the coral reef.
7. Big waves hammered at the coral reef.
8. Although the coral looks hard, it is very delicate.
9. The ship was wrecked on a coral reef.
10. Coral is formed by certain types of polyp.
11. Coral can be yellow, blue, or green.
12. The island is encircled by a coral reef.
13. The incoming tides were bathing the coral reef.
14. A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny, identical organisms.
15. Paul wore pale grey trousers with a coral T-shirt and black jacket.
16. Oil pollution could damage the ecology of the coral reefs.
17. These snails do not occur on low-lying coral islands or atolls.
18. The Keys are coral islands off the southern tip of Florida.
19. The first time you dive on a coral reef is an experience you will never forget.
20. He did so wearing his coral regalia.
21. Sections have been cut through well-preserved coral in limestone.
22. This accumulates on the sea bed as coral sand.
23. The last time he'd dived off it, the coral heads had been awash.
24. Marine scientists were pretty sure a coral reef, like any complex ecosystem, must be assembled in the correct order.
25. One has elongated jaws for picking between the coral stems, another may specialise in cropping a particular kind of small crustacean.
26. In Bermuda, Sam's father took him on an excursion to a coral barrier.
27. The women have elaborate necklaces of turquoise and pink coral.
28. They spent $ 2 million on environmental measures, he said, and hired biologists to replant coral that would be damaged.
29. Many of them were the tops of volcanoes poking out of the ocean, and most were surrounded by deadly coral reefs.
30. They graze on the algae that grow on the coral.
1. An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay.
2. In Bermuda, Sam's father took him on an excursion to a coral barrier.
3. Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean.
4. Big waves hammered at the coral reef.
5. The ship was wrecked on a coral reef.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
31. Coral reefs and tropical fish abound for those who like to snorkel.
32. Unable to resist, she decided to treat herself to one of the dresses in a shade of pale coral.
33. Such a rich source of food gives an ecosystem almost as diverse as the Coral Seas.
34. Fluttering over the coral heads, hiding in the crevices or clinging to the underside of rocks, are flat leaf-shaped worms.
35. We find these look very good in tanks with a white or coral substrate - preferably stocked with black or silver Mollies.
36. The merchants realised how well pink coral would show up against dark pigmentation.
37. Soft corals such as gorgonians and leather corals belong to the other major coral family Octocoralia.
38. The staple diet for most of the coral fishes should be a good dry food.
39. Each species of coral has its own pattern of budding and so erects its own characteristic monument.
40. We produced a whole environmental assessment, not just what I think,(http:///coral.html) but what several other coral researchers thought.
41. Two divers swim through a natural arch at one of the reef's coral heads.
42. The soft shade of coral was the perfect finishing touch.
43. Fishes of the genus Dascyllus are usually found in large groups, often hovering around a coral head or steep coral face.
44. The cities of Stalinvast were more like coral reefs looming above a sea of hostile jungle.
45. Most are bizarre and interesting, but they often lack the hardiness and exotic colors of the coral fishes.
46. These are buffered to some extent by coral sand and gravel.
47. Five years after Gomez launched the coral reef, it is only now configuring itself into self-sustenance.
48. The reef consists of 130 species of coral and supports over 300 species of fish as well as other assorted marine creatures.
49. The ferry had reportedly sunk almost immediately on hitting coral reefs as it approached Safaga at around midnight.
50. As encouraging the sustainable use of coral reefs for the fishkeeping hobby.
51. The beautiful coral reefs are being destroyed by local people selling mementoes to tourists.
52. Rather than be blown up, Muller grounded his ship on a coral reef and surrendered.
53. Meanwhile, the Cheltenham Festival's newest race, the £40,000 added Coral Cup, has been an instant hit with trainers.
54. The fish live in a shallow tropical lagoon, which is enclosed by a coral reef.
55. While Sapan found the petrol we strolled the boardwalk where ladies sold shells and coral jewellery.
56. I chose Tufa which is cheap and easily obtainable and quite a good substitute for real coral rock.
57. Because in his shining colours he reflected her back in coral and violet, a shimmer of organdie, pearl and secure.
58. If this is your first marine tank, I would not consider sensitive butterfly fish, or coral invertebrates.
59. Other instruments which Joe occasionally uses are Coral electro sitars and Deering banjos.
60. Apply a sunlit coral shade of lipstick - outline first with matching lip pencil.
61. In a wave trough I caught a glimpse of a coral head to port: a little too close for comfort.
62. Notable among these are ivory, shells, rhinoceros horn, coral, amber and jet.
63. Coconuts grew almost to the edge of the silver strip of coral beach, which sparkled in the hot sun.
64. He'd sailed these waters for six months and knew every reef and coral head shallow enough to be a threat.
65. To seaward, bright tropical fish dance in the coral reefs.
65. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
66. Saprophytic fungi like coral spot on mulch are an indication of insufficient hoeing.
67. Many coral species form branching colonies in which hundreds of individual polyps live on top of their own houses.
68. I have had many letters asking for advice and questioning the use of bark and shavings because of coral spot fungus appearing.
69. No shells I have a four foot Tanganyikan tank with undergravel filtration through coral sand and limestone as decoration.
70. At fifty feet he levelled out, slipped the safety off the spear gun, and swam slowly round the coral outcrop.
71. A few remaining palm trees clad in white coral dust looked ghostly in the moonlight.
72. Behind the narrow sandy beach stands a sheer cliff of coral rock, seventy feet high.
73. The coral skeleton is ground into small particles, but can not be digested.
74. Coral species vary in their ability to cope with sediment.
75. Adey had grown an artificial self-regenerating coral reef once before as a museum exhibit at the Smithsonian.
76. Damage to especially favoured areas, such as mangroves and coral reefs, can have far reaching effects elsewhere.
77. After the coral is removed the fishes are placed in temporary containers.
78. The tow rope sprang taut, plucking the dinghy clear as the swell broke, thundering forward on to the waiting coral.
79. Your system sounds fine and will certainly support either a Coral Beauty or a Bicolor Angel.
80. The coral sand surrounding coral reefs is believed to be mostly produced by Parrotfish and Triggerfish.
81. He recommended coral for skin troubles, sore eyes and bites, to choose a single example.
82. The great coral pink and sunny yellow lotus blossoms swayed on their tall stems above the pool.
83. The skirt was coral chiffon with a black velvet top.
84. The inexperienced often crash into the coral, breaking and crushing it.
85. Where does the synthetic coral reef end and the chanting wave machine begin?
86. The capital, Vasilariov, partook of most of the styles of coral architecture.
87. Coral reefs contain a greater variety of species than any other habitat except for tropical forests.
88. This process should last only a few seconds or the coral will begin to dissolve.
89. An ounce of coral beads was reckoned to be worth ten large jars of oil.
90. The superstar's Coral Gables mansion was battered by gale force winds which left windows smashed and wrecked her garden.
91. Do not use coral sand as a filter bed substrate as this will gradually dissolve and affect the calcium level.
92. The remarkable natural richness of the coral reef has been squeezed further into the hyper-natural richness of a synthetic reef.
93. Sudden plagues of these creatures have been occurring over recent years which settle upon living reefs and devour the coral polyps.
94. The coral sand will need raking through regularly to prevent it packing down solid and reducing the through-flow.
95. Nobody knows why, any more than anyone knows why amphibians are disappearing, dolphins are dying or coral is turning white.
95. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
96. They look as although they belong in a warm and sunny tropical coral reef rather than the dark and cold abyss.
97. If the system started to drift away from the requirements of a coral reef, Gomez would flush the trays.
98. Tourist souvenirs like furs, ivory, animal skins, coral necklaces and shells can devastate wildlife.
99. The region's wetlands, mangrove swamps and coral reefs are also seen as under threat.
100. Daly suggests that before the first interglacial period there were no coral reefs in the modern sense, which is disputable.
101. This is true whether you are in a desert or a forest or swimming on a coral reef.
102. How coral colonies grow Tearing itself apart Only slightly further up the evolutionary scale in terms of reproduction are the Echinoderms.
103. The coral reefs of Walindi bay are probably the most diverse reef systems on our planet.
104. Unlike many other coral types, mechanical damage does not necessarily mean death for leather corals.
105. Perched atop a rock or coral head, propped on their fins, they look like lords of all they survey.
106. At one site, the amount of coral had been halved in just three years.
107. I hunt black-and-white fish as they dart through red coral reef, when suddenly I am wrenched from be-hind.
108. The situation is probably a cyclic one anyway, with man only partly responsible for the present coral massacre.
109. The young of the emperor butterfly fish that live on coral reefs seem to use this system too.
110. Other marine life expected to suffer included coral reefs, algae and sea grass.
111. He always liked it when she wore a certain shade of lipstick, coral, not cherry.
112. Substrate would be calcium plus and coral gravel, with coral sand on top, separated by a gravel tidy.
113. To suit all tastes, Kyomi is available in three delicate fragrances, Blush, Aqua and Coral.
114. The base filter media is coral gravel supported by Hagen undergravel interlocking plates with uplift tubes either side of the tank.
115. The rosebud mouth was painted a glowing coral pink, an exotic contrast with her creamy olive skin, liquid dark eyes.
116. But the old pier was built on top of the northern tip, and the coral below died, he said.
117. The maroon dress was neatly folded, and the coral necklace carefully pinned to the bodice with a large safety pin.
118. Perhaps, after all, this is indeed some exotic coastline-maybe some coral reef, teeming with life of all kinds.
119. It is then dead tissue, and open to attack by coral spot fungus.
120. Crimson and coral flames licking the darkness with warmth, glistening like blood and rubies.
121. The trigger fish feeds on coral, crunching the stony branches and extracting the little polyps.
122. There are still some waves breaking in the gap - maybe there are coral heads there.
123. The new bill includes a second ban on the trading of sea turtles and rare coral.
124. Needwood Muppet, 25-1 with Coral, could well run into a place.
125. I saw in my mind some magic bird, a nightingale of the coral islands.
125. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
126. There's a lot of lapis here, together with some very fine turquoise, coral and amber.
127. While that equipment and gallonage may be, the coral sand and decoration is not.
128. The seaweed in reconnaissance photos turned out to be coral reef that interfered with the landings.
129. Anthony is taking pictures of a faded blue warehouse door on which pink and coral and pale gold stars are hanging.
130. Another difference is that the polyps of leather corals have eight tentacles, rather than the six found in hard coral polyps.
131. Its two miles of almost deserted white sand and coral reefs make for excellent sunbathing and snorkelling.
132. G.J. Allman lectured in March 1873 on another Darwinian theme, the formation of coral islands.
133. Coral quote the former champion at 4-5, but William Hill are less generous offering 1-2.
134. The young are found in shallow waters around coral heads, but the adults move out into deeper water.
135. Coral growth and the accretion of sediments in coastal mangroves will compensate.
136. the multifarious life forms in the coral reef.
137. Tianjin Red Coral Advertising Co. , Ltd.
138. 'That's coral, that is,' said the old man.
139. Others are merely accumulations of coral and skeletal debris.
140. Kate is wearing a coral necklace.
141. Main compositions: Lavender extract, Knapweed, Sage, Coral powder.
142. Shelves of coral surround the Pacific island of Palau.
143. Coral is often used for making jewellery.
144. Roll coral trout in Indian lettuce head, then tie the roll with carrot strip. Steam the rolls for 3 minutes.
145. Instead, in addition to coral polyps and sea- anemones , polychaete and sipuncula are possibly its major food source.
146. Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes Coelenterate coral and a pink sea fan form a vibrant stage for whitetail chromis near Namena Island, Fiji.
147. Dubbed Pleasant Island in the 18th Century by the captain of a passing British ship - it is the world's smallest independent republic, a coral speck dwarfed by the vastness of the Pacific Ocean.
148. Some dived under the sea for red coral, which they hauled up by means of straw ropes, in great sprigs as thick as the branches of a tree.
149. So stressed middle-sized fish make for both happy coral and happy predators—in short, a healthy and highly productive reef.
150. Any of numerous fungi, especially of the family Clavariaceae, whose often brightly colored spore-bearing structures are club-shaped to intricately branched and resemble coral.
151. And Hainan's mangrove, rich coral reef are also well - known attractions.
152. The new project will involve a species of staghorn coral from the Great Barrier Reef, Acropora millepora.
153. New Diterpene Lactone from the Soft Coral Sarcophyton molle Tix. Dur.
154. Bleaching occurs when the tiny plant-like coral organisms die, often because of higher temperatures, and leave behind only a white limestone reef skeleton.
155. One day she went to bathe at a fountain, and the first thing she did was remove her coral necklace and hang it on a twig.
155. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
156. Results shallow red coral growth and growth pattern was more obvious with the naked eye can be observed.
157. This view from a terrace highlights the coral and canary yellow colors of trees and shrubbery in Kyoto, Japan.
158. The 20-day expedition aimed to uncover relationships between cold-water coral and other bottom-dwelling creatures in a pristine yet "alien" environment, according to the researchers' blog.
159. Stony coral skeleton of a goblet, the body that surround the Hydra, its composition almost solely for calcium carbonate.
160. Screens of emerald unfolded , ho , and lintels of coral crosswise.
161. According to conodont , coral and foraminifera fossils discovered, the geological age of this sequence of sedimentary strata is Early Carboniferous.
162. Exposing its mantle and inhalant siphon, a giant clam (Tridacna gigas) is in the ideal position for a diver's examination in the Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland, Australia.
163. The odd shapes that tufa take can sometimes resemble coral.
164. The coral albino boas originated from one of Pete Kahl's original hetero bloodlines.
165. Other American proposals call for monitoring the trade in pink and red coral and completely banning the trade in polar bears.
166. A school of Pacific steephead parrotfish graze on dead coral at Kanton island.
167. Linglongti tou stalactite cave, if you long , if the Tigers, if the Lotus(), if the coral.
168. A Negro boy slipped by hurrying along the coral road.
169. Illuminated by ultraviolet light, a knob coral pulsates with color as if lit from within. The coral absorbs the invisible ultraviolet light, then emits wild orange visible light.
170. God help the poor souls that manned her - coral long ago.'.
171. The lionfish gorge on small fish, mollusks and invertebrates, enough to fill out to as much as 480 grams and decimate local populations on the coral reefs they inhabit.
172. Beyond the coral reef the open sea was dark blue.
173. In the balmy south, delicate butterflyfish and huge sand tiger sharks share coral reefs in the Bonin Islands, a collection of 30 or more islands about 500 miles south of Tokyo.
174. Identify surgeonfish with tips from a scuba instructor in this free video about coral reef animals.
175. Lacy breakers lap the coral reef that rings Bora-Bora, an ancient sunken volcano 165 miles (266 kilometers) northwest of Tahiti in French Polynesia's Society Islands.
176. While surveying the Red Sea reefs in Israel, scientists found a mushroom coral munching on a moon jellyfish.
177. In recent years, coral diseases, storms and other activity in the environment have reduced staghorn coral populations.
178. The coral was scribbled in the sea as though a giant had bent down to reproduce the shape of the island in a flowing, chalk line but tired before he had finished.
179. A city of southwest Florida on an estuary of the Caloosahatchee River north-northeast of Cape Coral. It is a shipping and tourist center. Population, 45,206.
180. And we need them -- they are keystone species for everything from building coral reefs to anchoring the ocean food chain to making a killer linguine and clam sauce.
181. Seemingly fearless, butterfly fish in the Tuamotu archipelago in French Polynesia swim around a coral reef.
182. Carpenter says he looks forward to the day when both urchins and parrotfish share the task of clearing way for baby coral.
183. Single - semi double dark coral - rose Large frilled star. Dark green, wavy. Standard.
184. In northern Sulawesi, citizens have cleared coral reefs of harmful invasive species.
185. A saddled butterfly fish feeds on gorgonian coral off coast of Palau, an island republic located about 500 miles (800 kilometers) east of the Philippines.
186. Main compositions: Coral powder, Fatabsorption particle , blackhead emulsifier, hamamelis essence, Mugwort essence.
187. He published important work on subjects as diverse as the biology of carnivorous plants, barnacles, earthworms and the formation of coral reefs.
188. (WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.) — Coral reefs are dying, and scientists and governments around the world are contemplating what will happen if they disappear altogether.
189. Deep-sea red coral growth and growth patterns have to end in a high-powered magnifying glass or microscope to observe.
190. A tiny red shrimp plies the sandy sea bottom near the pristine coral reefs of Cuba.
191. He invited her to lie down unclothed set a timer and while stroking her proceeded to narrate in tender detail the beauty he saw the colors that went from coral to deep rose to pearlescent pink.
192. The island eventually disappears beneath the surface, but the coral remains an atoll.
193. Star coral ( Montastrea cavernosa ) polyps open in search of food near Little Cayman Island.
194. Del Monte Fresh Produce Inc., whose corporate headquarters is in Coral Gables, Florida, lists another address -- Walker House on Mary Street in George Town, Grand Cayman -- in its SEC filings.
195. By grazing on algae, these and other herbivores keep reefs free of seaweed, enabling pink coralline algae to take hold and form a substrate for new coral.
196. Koh Larn ( Coral Island ) is the largest of Pattaya's archipelago.
197. Objective To discuss of American coral porous hydroxyapatite artifical ear - bones in the ossicular chain reconstruction.
198. And these coral earrings for my daughter are so pretty.
199. Off Scotts Head, Dominica Island, a sunken garden of sponges and coral rewards a visitor, part of a growing stream of divers discovering Dominica's marine life.
200. The state plans to sue the US Navy to seek compensation for coral ruined when a guided missile cruiser the length of two football fields ran aground near Pearl Harbor in February.
201. The scuba diver submerged and swarm toward a coral reef.
202. Emperors in Qing Dynasty always wore court beads that were made from red coral in Asahi etiquettes .
203. The Coral Sea covers 780,000 square kilometers and borders the Great Barrier Reefburieroff Australia's east coast.
204. A striped marlin swims in the Coral Sea off Australia's northeast coast.
205. We are the internet's premiere directory and search engine for reef aquarium enthusiasts to buy sell or trade corals, coral frags, invertebrates and new or used hard goods.
206. A splIt'shot shows a coral reef beneath a pearl workstation in French Polynesia 's Tuamotu Archipelago.
207. A self-governing British colony comprising about 300 coral islands in the Atlantic Ocean southeast of Cape Hatteras.
208. Okamoto and his team are involved in an un-precedented project to restore Japan's largest coral reef by planting thousands of baby corals growing on tiny ceramic beds.
209. A 30-PERCENT DROP: Yu Ping Wei's coral necklace and shell bracelet sales to foreign customers have fallen since July.
210. Professor Marshall said: "Osprey Reef is one of the many reefs in the Coral Sea Conservation Zone, which has been identified as an area of high conservation importance.




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