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单词 song
释义  Related topics: Music, Birdssong /sɒŋ $ sɒːŋ/ ●●● S1 W2 noun  1  music with words 歌曲 a) [countable]APM a short piece of music with words that you sing 歌曲 We used to listen to pop songs on the radio. 我们以前常常听收音机里播放的流行歌曲。 They sat round with guitars, singing songs. 他们弹着吉他围坐在一起唱民歌。 b) [uncountable]APM songs in general 歌曲〔统称〕 The bravery of past warriors was celebrated in song. 以歌曲颂扬了昔日武士的英勇事迹。2  birds 鸟 [countable, uncountable]HBBAPM the musical sounds made by birds and some other animals such as whales 鸣唱,鸣啭 the song of the lark 云雀的鸣唱3  for a song CHEAPvery cheaply 极便宜地,以贱价 He bought the house for a song five years ago. 他在五年前以极低的价格买下那栋房子。4  a song and dance (about something) informal a) British EnglishCOMPLAIN if you make a song and dance about something, you behave as if it was worse, more important, more difficult etc than it really is (对某事)小题大做 Suzy was there, making a song and dance about her aching feet. 苏济在那里大呼小叫地说脚疼。 b) American EnglishREASON an explanation or excuse that is too long and complicated 冗长的解释;长而复杂的借口 She gave us a long song and dance about why she was late. 她向我们长篇大论地解释她为什么迟到。 → swansong COLLOCATIONSverbssing a song 唱一首歌He started singing a little song. 他开始唱一首短歌。play a song (=with singing and musical instruments) 演唱歌曲The band played a lot of their old songs. 乐队演唱了他们的许多老歌。perform a song (=in public) 〔公开〕演唱He doesn’t like performing his songs live. 他不喜欢现场演唱他的歌曲。write/compose a song 写歌Do they write their own songs? 他们是自己写歌吗?record a song (=onto a CD so that it can be sold) 录歌nThe song was first recorded in 1982.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + songgood/great 好的/很棒的That’s a great song! 这歌很棒!new 新的Are any of the songs on the album new? 专辑里有什么新歌吗?old 老的,旧的People always want to hear their old songs. 人们总是想听自己那个时代的老歌。a pop/folk song 流行歌曲/民歌nI love all those '60s pop songs.a popular song (=used mainly of songs written before the 1960s) 〔多指20世纪60年代前的〕流行歌曲na popular song from the 1930sa love song 爱情歌曲nHe is releasing an album of love songs for Valentine’s Day.a protest song 抗议歌曲nThey were singing old protest songs from the 1960s.a Beatles/REM etc song 披头士/nCan you play any Beatles songs?phrasesburst/break into song (=start singing) 放声歌唱The crowd spontaneously burst into song. 人群不由自主地放声歌唱。n THESAURUSsong a short piece of music with words that you singWe sang songs around the campfire.The song was written by John Lennon.track one of the songs on a CD or recordTrack three is my favourite one.number a song that forms part of a performance of several songsThe show was brilliant, from the opening number to the end.tune the notes in a song, without the wordsI recognize the tune, but I can’t remember what it’s called.melody the main series of notes in a piece of music that has several parts which are played togetherThe song has a simple melody and beautiful lyrics.verse a set of sentences that make up one part of a songShe sang the first verse of ‘Amazing Grace’.chorus a set of sentences in a song that is repeated after each verseMost of the kids were able to join in the chorus.types of songnational anthem the official song of a country, which is sung or played on public occasionsBefore the match, everyone stood up to sing the national anthem.hymn /hɪm/ a religious song that is sung in a churchWhat hymns did you choose for your wedding?At funerals people often sing the hymn ‘Abide with Me’.carol a traditional Christmas songWe went around the houses, singing carols.folk song a traditional song from a particular areaan old Mexican folk songballad a long folk song which tells a storya traditional ballad about a man who is dreaming of his home in Irelandlullaby a slow quiet song sung to children to make them go to sleepShe sat by the child’s bed, softly singing a lullaby.Examples from the Corpussong• Six monologues and a comic song to finish with had the audience roaring with laughter.• Linda brought him a book of easy songs.• The students played guitars and sang folk songs.• The story of America's independence has been celebrated in song.• Birds are bred by crossing champions, to try to guarantee a high quality of song.• That's a pretty song - where did you learn it?• a recording of the swallow's song• In the evenings we'd sit around the campfire and sing songs.• To please Sinterklaas the children sing special songs and lay down carrots and other food for his horse.• Tom turned his eyes from the paper and started singing the song from Don Giovanni that is always called the Champagne Aria.• The song "Yesterday" is one of the most often recorded songs in the world.• They traded songs and combined voices into old-time Delmore Brothers harmonies.Origin song Old English sangsong noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  words a Corpus of short piece that with music




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