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单词 Fumbling
1, She dressed, her cold fingers fumbling with the buttons.
2, She was fumbling around in the dark looking for the light switch.
3, I was fumbling for the right word.
4, She watched their fumbling efforts with wry amusement.
5, I was fumbling with the key as I couldn't see where the lock was in the dark.
6, Peter drove jerkily, cornering too fast and fumbling the gears.
7, His critics say his fumbling of the issue of reform has eroded his authority.
8, Fumbling and vague groping is encouraged.
9, Scott heard it at last and looked around, fumbling for the taps, trying to turn off the shower.
10, The only thing holding me up would be fumbling at the combination lock or renting a towel.
11, Better than enduring his fumbling during the night in the vain hope of satisfaction when the need was strong in her.
12, Then he was there,[http:///fumbling.html] fumbling in his pockets for change.
13, Here the monk was fumbling with the appalled geisha and tearing at the lower half of her kimono.
14, He tugged off the high boots and, fumbling with the buttons, he removed his officer's grey-green trousers.
15, Nervously, I moved forward, fumbling round the battlements until I came to a protruding wooden pole.
16, Then with fumbling fingers she extracted her soap and hurled the bag after him across the bathroom floor.
17, Then, too, the Saints were fumbling around with their quarterbacks.
18, Fumbling with the latch key, she rushed for the telephone, thrusting the shopping basket at Edward.
19, Fittingly, their comeback try ended with Damon Dunn fumbling the ball away after a completion near midfield.
20, After some fumbling I had managed to read my first article by Julie Bitchkill.
21, Absent was the fumbling that has accompanied previous Clinton appointments, from attorney-general to defense secretary and surgeon-general.
22, While he was still fumbling four more of the shrieks blasted out of the ether; then there was a merciful silence.
23, In his clumsy, fumbling way he needed to say sorry for what had happened at the club the night before.
24, As he felt Joe begin fumbling with his trousers Michael stifled an urge to slam his fist into Joe's head.
25, Grabbing a handful of fresh cartridges he began to reload the shotgun, fumbling a couple of times in his new-found haste.
26, She ran up the drive, head down, splashing through the puddles, fumbling in her pocket for her keys.
27, Yet the handling of the report has made the government look fumbling and unprepared.
28, Then a large warm hand clamped over her own fumbling fingers and gently removed them so that he could work the latch.
29, He shrugged out of his jacket and her hands went to his cotton shirt, fumbling in their haste to undo the buttons.
30, Why shave after you get home to the pitch black cabin and repeat the fumbling around?
1, She dressed, her cold fingers fumbling with the buttons.
2, She was fumbling around in the dark looking for the light switch.
31, She was just pushing down the lid and trying to close the catches with fumbling fingers when the door swung open.
32, She began to dress, cold clumsy fingers fumbling with buttons. How soon before she could phone the aerodrome?
33, Fumbling for the switch, he brought the lamp off its perch.
34, Fumbling, fingers clumsy in her panic, she dragged at the plastic retaining clips.
35, You are very vulnerable while you are standing fumbling in your handbag or pockets.
36, After fumbling around with it, the boot suddenly swung open.
37, The thought of her husband fumbling around in bed and urgently attempting to rouse her left her feeling suddenly depressed.
38, But he only became more insistent and began fumbling and pushing at us.
39, He pulled the small plastic box free and laid it on top of the crate, fumbling in his jacket pocket for something.
40, Brown was fumbling for something to say.
41, She is fumbling the light switch.
42, The little boy was fumbling with a shoestring.
43, After fumbling,[] Tianjin initiated has counter - attacked crazily.
44, He was fumbling in his pocket for money.
45, Fumbling, he ran her card through the machine.
46, Pelt turned away, fumbling for his pipe.
47, Godliman lit a cigarette,() fumbling for inspiration.
48, Beginners do a lot of clumsy fumbling about.
49, The drunken fellow was fumbling at the keyhole.
50, Within the diamond haze of the beach something dark was fumbling along.
51, " Our people and the Wilkes are different, " he went on slowly, fumbling for words.
52, Whether it was a receiver running the wrong route, a lineman missing a block or a back fumbling the ball, Brett never singled anyone out.
53, If he actually managed to the ball instead of fumbling it with an off - balance shot.
54, After fumbling through an awkward story about vaginal birth and wine, Mayer got back on track and spoke passionately about why music needs to get back into the classroom.
55, "Avoid dark -alley groping and unladylike fumbling(13) in the back of a cab, " the guide says on the subject of one night stands.
56, Hearn was fumbling now , he had noticed that in him.
57, Lois: I'm tired of fumbling around with all these football metaphors.
58, I heard him fumbling at the lock, his hands stiff, his mind numbed.
59, If he actually managed to secure the ball instead of fumbling it awkwardly an off - balance shot.
60, If you are lucky enough to get a couchette, you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling, or fumbling to find your ticket for inspection.
61, "Avoid dark-alley groping and unladylike fumbling in the back of a cab," the guide says on the subject of one night stands.
62, He passed the evening fumbling amongst his boxes and desks, untying his papers with trembling hands, and sorting and arranging them against Jos's arrival.




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