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单词 Fagged
1. Doesn't this sort of work fag you out?
2. This sort of work fag ged me out.
3. I've got to tidy my room. What a fag!
4. She's gone outside for a quick fag.
5. It is too much of a fag.
6. I've fagged at this work all day.
7. The floor was littered with fag ends.
8. There were fag ends all over the floor.
9. It's too much of a fag to go out.
10. I only caught the fag end of their conversation.
11. I'm fagged out,let me rest a minute.
12. Travelling all that way to work every day is a real fag.
13. It's too much fag.
14. I can't be fagged to walk all the way there.
15. It's such a fag to have to make your bed every morning.
16. You've been fagging away at your painting all morning,()it's time you take a rest.
17. Standing on your feet all day really fags you out.
18. We always used to go on holiday at the fag end of the holiday season.
18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
19. He's been fagging away all day,it's time he took a rest.
20. He only heard the fag - end of their conversation.
21. His only source of superiority is that Frye fagged for him at school.
22. He fagged away at his work for weeks.
23. You look tired and fagged.
24. He fagged away at this work for weeks.
25. I'm feeling fagged out; let me rest a minute.
26. They were fagged out when they came home.
27. He was completely fagged out , ie exhausted.
28. Jack fagged away at his math.
29. Tom fagged for some elder boys.
30. I'm fagged out after all that gardening.
31. I am fagged out, let me rest a minute.
32. That sort of work fagged me out.
33. He cycled all day long, till he was fagged out.
34. Tom fagged ( away ) at German for two years.
35. I'm fagged out as it is without you venting your spleen on me!
36. After ten minutes of his conversation I feel quite fagged out.
37. I'm all fagged out with that walk; let's take the bus.
38. I feel fagged out.
39. Afraid that they would be fagged out[sentencedict .com], I suggested they sit down for a rest.
40. He was limping rather badly and fagged when he finished the futile exploration of his domain.




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