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单词 Inhibition
1. Some drugs can cause the inhibition of normal bodily activity.
2. Inhibition in adulthood seems to be very clearly a reflection of a person's experiences as a child.
3. After a couple of drinks he lost his inhibition and started talking and laughing loudly.
4. An Inhibition as mentioned above, is rarely used.
5. Work inhibition is not caused by severe emotional disturbance.
6. Work inhibition clearly exists among students from well-educated families.
7. Inhibition serves to subtract one input from another.
8. But the latent inhibition effect did not generalize.
9. Neurological weaknesses do not cause work inhibition.
10. What are the possible causes of work inhibition?
11. This reflects inhibition of the absorption of dietary fat.
12. This inhibition was partly counteracted by increased dietary phosphate.
13. In spite of a history of work inhibition, these students frequently have good academic knowledge and skills.
14. The status of latent inhibition was assessed in a final stage of training that immediately followed the habituation test.
15. One note of caution: Work inhibition is extremely difficult to diagnose.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. Abnormalities in the inhibition of motility during sleep should be evaluated in patients who report nocturnal faecal incontinence.
17. Latent inhibition was still found to be attenuated by the change of context.
18. To what extent is work inhibition a consequence of mental health problems?
19. In this case, latent inhibition and habituation would indeed reduce to essentially the same thing.
20. However, because there is still some inhibition the neural activity stabilises as adjacent areas of excited and inhibited cells.
21. Unfortunately, with work inhibition, the waiting game only ensures future problems.
22. When tested after 21 days, however, the latent inhibition effect produced by pre-exposure to saccharin has disappeared.
23. Latent inhibition will show context-specificity when the only training given has been non-reinforced presentations of the stimulus in a given context.
24. It is possible that enzyme inhibition by these artificial colours contributes to the problem in people whose enzymes are partially defective.
25. Young children will participate in a drama class without inhibition.
26. It's only the immediate, definite prospect of harm which will dissolve inhibition.
27. This chapter discusses the roles that school counselors and psychotherapists play in dealing with work inhibition.
28. Clearly, this aspect of our account of habituation is not enough in itself to explain the latent inhibition effect.
29. Periodic alternating activation of flexors and extensors is achieved by reciprocal inhibition mediated by inhibitory collateral neurones.
30. The healthy individual has no compulsive morality because he has no impulses which call for moral inhibition.
1. Some drugs can cause the inhibition of normal bodily activity.
31. Increasing beam energy beyond this level actually produces a decrease in luminescence intensity; this is the inhibition phase.
32. Thus inhibition of this enzyme may result in the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide with subsequent oxidation of lipids.
33. We think the inhibition is part of an inhibitory surround that helps focus neural activity in the dominant hemisphere.
34. Most of the relevant experimental evidence on this issue comes not from studies of latent inhibition but from investigations of conditioning itself.
35. Although such inhibition might seem counterproductive, it is actually crucial. Normal brain function depends on both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters.
36. So it is not surprising that the problem of work inhibition is more noticeable at grade seven.
37. I was amazed at Sam's lack of inhibition about singing in public.
38. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by NSAIDs is the major established mechanism by which NSAIDs render the gastric mucosa vulnerable to mucosal injury.
39. Perception was pretty much neurophysiology: sensory inhibition, Mach band phenomena, iconic storage, and the like.
40. Cowan set up a mathematical equation that represented the neural activity, and built lateral inhibition into it.
41. What many people believe to be stimulation is actually a loss of inhibition that normally controls their social behaviour.
42. In most instances work inhibition is a long-term problem that parents have been trying to solve for years.
43. Neither of these alternatives excludes the possibility that a change in associability might also play a part on generating latent inhibition.
44. She was a large lady, happily married with three kids, without a chemical trace of inhibition in her body.
45. Again, inhibition of suppressor cell activity was postulated to be responsible.
45. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
46. Conclusion - Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibition by enalapril effectively reduces microalbuminuria in normotensive diabetic patients whereas hydrochlorothiazide is not effective.
47. Too often teachers and parents do nothing in the hope that the problem of work inhibition will go away.
48. These reports suggested that inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis was unlikely to be sole mechanism responsible for the gastric damage induced by indomethacin.
49. Dose-responses of inhibition by interferon of viral entry and endocytosis are similar, suggesting that the effect of endocytosis is inhibited.
50. This inhibition is caused by the formation of insoluble precipitates of calcium, phosphate, and bile acid micelles.
51. The findings, then, suggest that work inhibition is not due to low intelligence or poor academic skills.
52. Clumsiness and poor penmanship may be suggestive of both physiological weaknesses and work inhibition.
53. Accordingly, pre-exposure to the context can be expected to attenuate the extent to which latent inhibition will develop context-specificity.
54. The L-arginine-NO system exerts various biological actions including vascular smooth muscle relaxation and inhibition of platelet aggregation.
55. While standard educational practices are not in themselves root causes of work inhibition, these practices usually exacerbate the problem.
56. And so a white line on a darker background becomes the best way of maximizing the excitation while minimizing the inhibition.
57. Later chapters will explore the parent-child relationship as a possible cause of work inhibition.
58. Using curriculum-based access can simplify the problem of synonyms and remove this inhibition from information system users.
59. Directions, along with inhibition, forms the backbone of the Alexander Technique.
60. Indomethacin caused significant inhibition of pancreatic formation of prostaglandin E2, 6k prostaglandin F1a and thromboxane B2.
61. The first step was to administer an extensive survey to find out which students suffered from work inhibition.
62. This improvement results from more profound inhibition of gastric acid secretion.
63. Thus a possible deleterious effect of hyperinsulinaemia may be the inhibition of prostacyclin production by arterial wall.
64. The other inhibition is more pragmatic: fear of unlimited losses on short positions that might result from a sudden market rally.
65. The two women hugged each other and let the tears of emotion and release flood out without inhibition.
66. It may therefore be concluded that work inhibition is not a function of intelligence or weak academic skills.
67. It is this inhibition that is allegedly displayed, in the well-known case, by those brought up in the kibbutz.
68. If so, an equivalent effect can be expected in latent inhibition.
69. Various animal studies have shown inhibition of pancreatic enzyme secretion by pancreatic proteases in the duodenum.
70. Inhibition Inhibition is an unwanted feeling that frequently spills over into behaviour.
71. Exposure to the AB compound itself will be much more likely to generate latent inhibition.
72. This inhibition was reversible and motility returned to previous levels after the infusion was stopped.
73. The chapter provides a good overview of enzymes, including mechanisms, kinetics, and inhibition.
74. We practised endlessly, experimented, studied books, played games and climbed into each other's psyche with ease and without inhibition.
75. Again and again parents said that they observed the characteristics of work inhibition before their child entered kindergarten.Sentencedict
76. In this model the termination of the depolarization is caused by network-generated reciprocal inhibition.
77. There are conflicting reports as to whether negative feedback inhibition exists in humans and whether it is mediated by cholecystokinin.
78. But the learning disabilities and sensory-motor integration weaknesses do not cause the work inhibition.
79. But the concern over work inhibition is not language; it is the development of social skills.
80. Gastritis with atrophy and the consequent loss of acid mediated inhibition of gastrin release contributes most to this increase.
81. And yet-and this was an increasing pain-the loneliness caused by this inhibition was getting daily harder to bear.
82. Inhibition is an essential and integral step when practising the Technique.
83. Other theories of latent inhibition have taken a quite different view of the phenomenon.
84. They are completely without inhibition, a bus fall of preteens on a field trip.
85. Inhibitions are rare except for a bankruptcy inhibition, which serves the same purpose as a land charge in unregistered conveyancing.
86. One is that latent inhibition should not be interpreted as being the result of a loss of stimulus associability.
87. Work inhibition is so frustrating to parents and teachers that they are bound to feel like exploding.
88. Other interference theories attribute latent inhibition to the effects of an association between the pre-exposed stimulus and its consequences.
89. Negative feedback inhibition would therefore explain the greater sensitivity of amylase secretion for the detection of pancreatic disease.
90. Your body language will speak volumes about your happy state. 4 Inhibition decreases.
91. Therefore acid inhibition is not a prerequisite for the hyperplasia.
92. The neural abnormalities that could induce a tachygastria include loss of intrinsic inhibitory innervation or lack of extrinsic autonomic inhibition.
93. On the other side of the door, the restaurant was experiencing a communal release of inhibition.
94. Self-excitation and Global Inhibition. Decision-making. The MAX Operation.
95. Hemagglutination inhibition may be practical.
96. Inhibition of collagen remodelling can significantly improve cardiac function.
97. They behave with a total lack of inhibition.
98. Flammulina also has the same effect on tumor inhibition.
99. Mycophenolic acid suppresses granulopoiesis by inhibition of interleukin-17 production.
100. These results suggested that celastrol had certain immunological inhibition.
101. The mechanism has been termed cumulative feedback inhibition.
102. Self - interest is no inhibition against accuracy.
103. Results The herb had obvious growth inhibition on bacteria.
104. Inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis may be caused by etiolation, mutant blocks, or streptomycin.
105. The said aescin and its derivative has no inhibition of body's immunity while being used in treating acute pulmonary inflammation and hydrops.
106. PTK787 is the most promising VEGF receptor- tyrosine kinase inhibitor in pipeline because of its potency in tumor inhibition and oral bioavailability.
107. The venoms derived from variety of animals, such as scorpion, snake, toad, bee, scolopendra and spider, function an inhibition of tumor proliferation in vitro and in vivo.
108. The relationship between growth inhibition in Cu-treated Amaranthus tricolor L. seedlings and photosynthesis was studied.
109. These results suggest that Albizia julibrissin alleviates the growth inhibition caused by stress, and regulates the levels of monoamine neurotransmitters of the brain in stressed rats.
110. In addition, the role of anti-allergic, anti - platelet aggregation and inhibition of MMP synthesis.
111. Others had less grandiose grudges from 2010. "Inhibition, passive smoking and restless leg syndrome," Seth Magee, a graphic artist, wrote on his paper.
112. Then which was discussed inhibition efficiency elementary by infrared spectrum and polarization curve.
113. In this article, the effect of YCP(a marine fugal polysaccharide) on the tumor inhibition and immunological function was studied.
114. Lateral inhibition of cortical columns was applied to coding and decoding of the neural population to realize position tracking.
115. The water solvable alkaloids, matrine, N-oxymatrine, sophoridine, cytisine, aloperine showed feeding inhibition and toxicity to caterpillars at different levels.
116. Effects of ethephon on the inhibition of immune function in mice, may be in the body of mice caused by oxidative hyperirritability, and to be further studied.
117. Objectives: To study the inhibition and mechanisms of n-butanol fraction of Potentilla anserine L. against hypoxia -induced calcium overload in myocardial cells.
118. Concentration of LMW NTS had effect on mitochondrial succinodehydrogenase activity of tumor cell, lower concentration showed a promotion action, higher concentration showed a slight inhibition action.
119. Also, to answer some of the issues that I write, just write out, brains have a drawer as an inhibition of stopping the flow of material wishing to pull out from.
120. And inhibition ratios of acetic acid writhing were 38.25±2.98 %, 57.82±3.04 % and 52.43±3.87 % respectively.
121. When the substituent at the benzene ring and the N atom of aniline, the HDAC inhibition activity is different from that of SAHA.
122. The study authors conclude that it is very likely that minocycline's neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects are due to PARP-1 inhibition.
123. Al was significantly poisonous to soil nitrifier, dinitrifier and azotobacter at high concentration, and the maximum inhibition ratio reached 96%, 98% and 89%, respectively.
124. The contents of quinolone medicines such as ofloxacin etc in aqueous solution are analyzed by ion inhibition chromatography.
125. Conclusion The mechanism of inhalation anesthesia with enflurane and isoflurane may be related to the inhibition of brain NOS activity in rat.
126. It is proved that the self - made antifungal agentantifungal effect , by the inhibition.
127. In addition, loss of cell adhesion may contribute to loss of contact inhibition and thus play a role at the earlier stage of the neoplastic process.
128. Drug sensitivity tests showed that the Cefazolin and Ceftazidime were more effective than other antibiotics in inhibition of bacterial L form.
129. A characteristic pattern of connections among neurons (nerve cell) in the eyes of most animals (including humans) is lateral inhibition network.
130. In addition, fenvalerate caused 1.53-fold Induction of aldrin-epoxidase activity in midgut of resistant strain, while phenobarbital caused significant inhibition to it.
131. The inhibition of pyrocatechol on sulfite oxidation was investigated by oxygen removal and air oxidation tests.
132. Temporarily dampening inhibition enhances a form of learning called long-term potentiation —the process by which information is stored through the strengthening of synapses.
133. As a result of the inhibition of the hydrolysis of acetylcholine, acetylcholine accumulates in the neuromuscular junction.
134. On most matters she's quite prepared to sound off without inhibition.
135. Water treatment agent of quaternary humic acid has been prepared(http://), its properties of biocide and scale and corrosion inhibition are evaluated.
136. Conclusion NO may have beneficial effect on the outcome of endotoxic shock in the study and inhibition of NO production may be detrimental.
137. These studies reveal ESM-1 as a novel mediator of lymphangiogenesis and as a potential target for the inhibition of pathologic lymphatic vessel activation.
138. Non- anthocyanidin polyphenols have many biological activities such as anti-oxidative effect, anti-cancer effect, protection of heart and vessels and nervous system, inhibition of bacteria.
139. Inhibition of proliferative response of B lymphocyte to SAC by HI47 is also observed.
140. Ramus height and condylar width reduced in the mandibular retrusion group, which was a result of condylar growth inhibition during adolescence.
141. RESULTS The ordinary styles of respiratory insufficiency which is caused by brain trauma are respiratory inhibition, neurogenic pneumonedema, impedient distributary and pulmonary infection.
142. Objective : To study the inhibition effect of agaro - oligosaccharide ( AOS ) on neovascularization and its mechanism.
143. The efficacy of Chinese herb medicine Lanteng injection against Newcastle Disease virus (NDV) in vitro was studied by cultivation of chicken embryo and haemagglutination inhibition test (HI).
144. Competitive inhibition between methane and propene was minimized by physical separation of the regeneration and epoxidation.
145. Objective To investigate the inhibition effect of Limax extract(LE) in the growth of human lung cancer A549 cell line in vitro and tumorigenicity in mice.
146. With the similar histological change, alendronate treatment group, due to inhibition of the osteoclast cells, needs statistically greater pull out strength than estrogen treatment group does.
147. The results show that the inhibition of tyrosinase by arbutin is a reversible reaction with remaining enzyme activity.
148. The difference of model of inhibition action between rhodojaponins and azadirachtin was also discussed.
149. The inhibition effect of BACE siRNA on BACE expression was investigated by fluoroscopy and immunohistochemistry method.
150. For infrared image with the characteristics of low contrast and low signal-to-noise, a infrared image enhancement method based on Wavelet Transform and Lateral Inhibition Network is presented.
151. This is consistent with the physiological observations such as two Gauss like receptive fields, lateral inhibition phenomena and so on But, there is still lack of psycholophysical evidence about this.
152. The inhibition behavior of N - dodecyl benzotriazole cationic surfactant ( DBCS ) for mild carbon steel in 1.
153. The receptive field (RF) theory and the lateral inhibition (LI) mechanism are of the same view.
154. This biochemical inhibition of feeding by animals or plants is called " allelopathy ".
155. Methods MTT assay was used to determine the proliferation inhibition by cantharidin to A549 cell.
156. There are inhibition or enhancement or biphasic regulation effects of acupuncture on gastric motility and gastroelectricity.
157. The results of sensitive step test showed that hydrolysis fermentation and hydrogen-production acetogenisis were the rate-limiting steps in the inhibition of aureomycin or amoxicillin.
158. No inhibition of NAD ~ + reduction byNADP ~ + was observed with NADP ~ + concentrations up to 5 mM.
159. No direct inhibition on the activity of both liver and serum GPT was observed in vitro.
160. Trace HCS also could antagonize partially the inhibition of IFN to CFU - GM.
161. Objective To study the inhibition of melanoma growth in mice by vaccination with xenogeneic melanocytes.
162. Curcumin , a JNK blocker, blocked the apoptosis and the growth inhibition induced by ATRA.
163. Objective To study whether mercaptoethanol or vitamin C could block the inhibition of erythrocyte SOD by cadmium.
164. The present consumption behaviour of female in China is of the following characteristics: arriviste consumption after inhibition, conflicting and symbolizing consumption.
165. Conclusion MTBE′s carcinogenicity to animals may relate to induction of cell proliferation and inhibition of cell apoptosis.
165. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
166. CP-690,550 is expected to cause JAK3-mediated immunosuppression in humans at lower exposures than those associated with JAK2-mediated inhibition of hematopoiesis and myelopoiesis.
167. The properties of hemolymph acid phosphomonoesterase and the inhibition and activation of enzymic activities by some metal ions, organic acids, etc. , have also been studied.
168. Cirsium japonicum DC(CJDC)has an inhibition of heart rate and contractive force in isolated hearts of toads and rabbits.
169. Phytosterol can lower the body's cholesterol, repair, inhibition of tumor growth.
170. Begin with it, the processing and transfer mechanism of retina are discussed. A new dynamic mathematic mode of recurrent lateral inhibition is put forward by form of different equations.
171. For many, that crippling menage a trios – guilt, inhibition and shame, still lingered in the bedroom.
172. Lateral inhibition predicts the opposite effect, so the mechanism must be quite different.
173. This experiment was conducted using aerobic incubation to study the nitrification inhibition effect of dicyandiamide (DCD) on ammonium bicarbonate in red soils with different textures.
174. This paper researches the sprout inhibition effect by irradiation on refrigerated garlic.
175. Objective To investigate the platelet inhibition ratio by thromboelastography (TEG) and its clinical impact in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
176. The results indicated that selenoarginine has evident inhibition on alcohol induced morphologic changes of liver cells[], steatosis and hepatic fibrosis.
177. Inhibition of glycosaminoglycan synthesis using rhodamine B in a mouse model of mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA.
178. Taking Paenibacillus polymyxa as the biological controls bacterium, the inhibition effects of Paenibacillus polymyxa on penicilliosis of nectarine after harvest were studied.
179. Having posed this little preamble from the reference to the Freudian triad of inhibition, symptom and anxiety, the ground has been cleared to speak about it, I would say, doctrinally.
180. Conclusion: After 5 weeks, the change of zygomaticomaxillary suture was most obvious. The result showed that the force of inhibition maxillary growth was exerted on zygomaticomaxillary suture.
181. The warming and activating effect of moxibustion therapy may involve the inhibition of the formation of ICAM-1 and pannus.
182. Thus, inhibition of this mechanism could conceivably enhance the effect of norepinephrine.
183. Gong Ning Oral Liquid could also enhance NK cell activity, increase the delayed type hypersensitivity reaction under immunosuppressive state and promote production of inhibition of serum hemolysin.
184. Enzyme Inhibition INTRODUCTION Almost all therapeutic drugs are enzyme inhibitors, from old medicine box standards such as aspirin and penicillin to the newest compounds used to treat HIV infection.
185. The enzyme inhibition method of pesticide residues has been developed.
186. Induction and inhibition of cytochrome P 450 ( CYP 450 ) catalytic activity has been concluded to be pharmacokinetic drug - drug interaction.
187. MTT method showed that extracts of Vernonia anthelmintica Willd. had different effects on tumor cells growth, the extract Q2 had significant growth inhibition on human melanoma A375 cells.
188. Methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium(MTT) assay was employed to detect inhibition rate of CTL and its supernatant on 3AO cell, HCCC-9810 cells? 293T cells, respectively.
189. Conclusion Inhibition of chronic morphine-induced spinal JNK activation may be one of the mechanisms underlying the blockage of morphine antinociceptive tolerance by agmatine.
190. The inhibition of parathion, phoxim , methomyl, arprocarb, imidacloprid andavermectins to tyrosinase is not obvious.
191. Combining the spatial lateral inhibition network, the model reduced the influence of the variation in background illuminations on the boundary detection.
192. The functional character, preparation method and application of peanut polypeptide were discussed, and its inhibition mechanism to ACE and determination method were mainly introduced.
193. The study begins with the compare of shale inhibition abilities between methyl glucoside(MEG) and oil-based emulsion-drilling fluid and brine waters. Then, the environmental effect of MEG is analyzed.
194. In this paper, a novel method so-called bioluminescence inhibition assay with luminous bacteria (Photobacterium phosphoreum) was introduced to evaluate the toxicity of quantum dots.
195. Conclusion Dichlorovos 80% EC has the strong inhibition of S. japonicum eggs,() and it can be researched at optimization of ovicidal influence factors as a candidate chemical ovicide.
196. The inhibition rate on TMV of the extract from lotus leaves with 95%(V/V) ethanol by Soxhlet extractor, reflux and cold soak are all 100%.
197. DYJ-1 mixing type inhibitor presents an excellent corrosion inhibition efficency to chlorethylene convertor.
198. Methods:Kunming mice transplanted with S180 sarcoma were used to study the inhibition effect of propolis extract on tumor, and its lowering of toxicity caused by synergy with chemotherapeutant.
199. The effect of inhibition was more obvious for 0.1 % PVP and 1.0 % CTS.
200. LFR spectra include a main peak for stimulation in the red region, and a major peak for inhibition in the far-red region.
201. In addition, the pharmacological inhibition of the complement system appears effective in reducing liver ischemia–reperfusion injury, suggesting its possible role in clinical applications.
202. The remainder extracts of Mangifera indica Linn. showed strong inhibition effect on Vibrio tubiashii.
203. METHODS Plasma roxithromycin concentration was determined by using micrococcus luteus as test strain, the inhibition zone diameter were examined detected to roxithromycin with vernier caliper.
204. Based on the above findings, it was concluded that sucking inhibition and ovicidal reaction were critical factors for WBPH resistance in CJ-06.
205. Conclusion: Water soluble extracts from Entada had good inhibition effect on S180 and had no obvious influence with the number of blood white cell of the mice.
206. Low concentration Pb seems to have stimulatory effects on memory in short period while long term exposure to Pb would induce memory inhibition.
207. DXM would promote the carcinogenesis and the proliferate in the mouse's forestomach. The low function of the immune is related to the metabolic inhibition cf the cells.
208. The result indicated that the olive extract showed better inhibition to the selected bacteria, but proved weak antimicrobial effect to microzyme and ineffective against mildew.
209. The inhibition performance of the polymeric film by in situ has been studied by gravimetric method.
210. Swinging, swaying, upside downs, rocking and rolling are all important to assisting in the maturation of the vestibular system, which in turn enables inhibition of the TLR.
211. The importance of synergistic effect on inhibition in acid solutions is summarized.
212. Prepulse inhibition phenomena suggest that the principle of time priority encoding and time weighting encoding is followed in brain information processing.
213. Insect bioassay results showed that these homozygous lines had significant inhibition to brown planthopper.
214. AIM: To study the effect of ERK inhibition on the mitochondrial potential change in dexamethasone (DEX)-induced thymocyte apoptosis.
215. Antisera against KLH induced positive CHR but not positive COP. The results of reciprocal inhibition experiment indicated that there is a partial cross antigenicity between KLH and SEA.
216. Hawthorn fruit of Freund's Song and Shigella, deformation bacteria, E . coli has a certain inhibition.
217. It also potentiated the delayed type hypersensitivity ( DTH ) reaction of footpad induced by SRBC in normal mice, and entirely antagonized the inhibition of DTH reaction caused by eye lophosphamide.
218. In this paper, the scale inhibition and dispersion effects of sodium lignosulfonate (Chinese red pine) on calcium carbonate and its corrosion inhibition to iron are determined and studied.
219. Experiments were conducted to test inhibition of the N nitrophenyl ureas to Pyricularia grisea sacc and Xanthomonas campestris Pv.
220. Through orthogonal test was designed for optimal inhibition the new compound color fixative:green tea extract 0.03%, propyl gallate 0.005%, citric acid 1.0%, VE 0.01%.
221. Results Agave americana L var. marginata Hort showed obvious inhibition on arthritis increasing, capillary permeability and pain reaction induced by acetic acid. Conclusion Agave americana has the ef...
222. This paper proposes a novel algorithm about image segmentation based on the vision lateral inhibition model and statistics of consecutive fields.
223. Biochemical reaction, coagglutination test, metabolism inhibition test, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, and DNA sequencing were employed to identify the isolated microorganisms.
224. At present polymeric condition, the capacity of PECS has improved to some extent in zinc salt precipitation inhibition and ferric oxide dispersion compare with PESA.
225. In this thesis, first, color spaces and color models are introduced, the Human Visual System (HVS) is explicated and lateral inhibition mechanism is emphasized.
225. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
226. The results indicated that the chitinase had certain inhibition effect on Fusarium oxysporum, and the method of pollen tube pathway could be successfuly used in watermelon transformation.
227. Inhibition studies of general esterases using four inhibitors, including paraoxon, malaoxon, eserine, and carbaryl, indicated that most general esterases in the two populations were B-type.
228. Objective To observe the inhibition effect of chitlsan oligosaccharide on tumour.
229. Eugenol acidtannic acid showed over 40 % inhibition effect to soluble glucan.
230. Findings show that both MPB and MTB have effective inhibition on Marine Chlorella and are environment-friendly.
231. The inhibition ratio, could be achieved more than 93 % by the 0.01 % pigment addition.
232. The soluble VEGI was tested for its inhibition of proliferation on ECV304 and for its inhibition of angiogenesis in rabbit cornea induced by LPS and in chick chorioallantoic membrane(CAM).
233. Objectives:To investigate the inhibition of dexamethasone on the hypersecretion of airway mucins in chronic bronchitis rats.
234. Insomnia, will look from physiology function, because the inhibition of pallium is abate, it is, and excited action maintains the result in vigorous state however.
235. Changtuoning has longer inhibition time for salivary gland secretion than scopolamine ( P & lt ; 0.05 ), especially after extubation ( P & lt; < ...
236. Inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase preserved cardiac function and attenuated expression of the senescence markers associated with enhanced autophagy.
237. A rapid method for the determination of methomyl pesticide in vegetables has been developed based on subcritical water extraction and acetylcholinesterase inhibition assay.
238. Disinfectant algae - perishing and inhibition of growth of variety bacteria, especially fungi, in industrial water treatment system.
239. Conclusion: The increase of cGMP concentration is accompanied with inhibition of glucose uptake during myocardial ischemia.
240. While the high levels of Nano-Zinc oxide has the inhibition effects of growth, and depresses cell antioxidase activities and anti-oxidant capacity.
241. The inhibition of some inhibitors on lipoxygenase activity of human leucocytes was assayed using leuco—malachite green method.
242. Methods ALP and PALP in urine were measured by Kings and EDTA inhibition method in pregnancy.
243. The direct effect of hypoxia to center is light inhibition.
244. Furthermore, with increasing concentration of complex herba lysmachiae, the growth inhibition index of calcium oxala.
245. The primary biological activities of the compounds were evaluated on the models of cell cytoclasis , brine shrimp and growth inhibition of red tide microalgae.
246. Aim The oral drops of dermatophagoides farinae for the inhibition of allergy was studied.
247. Nitric oxide scavenger ( N - acetylcysteine ) could recover the inhibition effect of sodium nilroprusside.
248. On the other hand, we have already seen that self - inhibition may be very marked.
249. The antibacterial experiment shows that the product has strong inhibition effect on some bacteriums in rancid creamery .
250. Lateral inhibition - A system of vision in which excited neurons inhibit neighboring neurons to make edges appear sharper.
251. A low NaCl concentration could promote radicle growth, while excessive NaCl would lead to inhibition.
252. The standard curves of inhibition ratios-methamidophos content were set up corresponding to different initial enzyme activity.
253. The neural network ensembles based on lateral inhibition of cortical columns are built to simulate the neuron firing phenomenon in cortical columns and to be used for position tracking.
254. This filter strengthened the inhibition capability of the system against random interference signal.
255. The efficiency of corrosion inhibition of film amine in hydrochloric acid has been investigated(), and compared with a well known corrosion inhibitor— hexamethylenetetramine.
256. The results show that with the increase of the time and dosage of cordycepin, the growth of HA22T/VGH cell line is suppressed and the inhibition rate can reach as high as 83%.
257. The new therapy included inhibition of apoptosis, carrier therapy, convection transport, different biotin bioconversion etc.
258. Objective:To observe the inhibition of Chinese gallnut on bacteria in plaque biofilms by the use of artificial mouth.
259. Based on the results of these transgenic studies, it indicated that FIN219 acts as a positive regulator to transduce FR-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl elongation.
260. The difference in their DNA synthesis inhibition rate and radiosensitivity were expressed by tritium incorporation method.
261. Methods: The colloidal gold strip for specific sulfadimidine was developed successfully on the basis of competitive inhibition immunochromatography mechanism.
262. This paper proposes a novel peak picking algorithm with binary lateral inhibition network.
263. Conclusion: Cefradine aseptic screening and penicillin to eliminate enzyme inhibition, sterility test to ensure the accuracy of nature.
264. The enzyme inhibition method only needs short time, low cost, simple operation, and it becomes an effective initial method for controlling pesticide residues in China nowadays.
265. Objectve To study the neuro electrophysiologic mechanism underlying the inhibition of resiniferatoxin ( RTX ) to prostatic pain.
266. Inhibition of cholesteryl ester transfer protein has been proposed as a strategy to raise HDL cholesterol levels.
267. Conclusions, The increase of inhibited neurotransmitter 5-HT and 5-HIAA concentrations in rat corpus striatum and hypothalamus was caused by water circumstances, which induced the central inhibition.
268. Conclusions1. Mineralocorticoid inhibition can prevent chronic renal interstitial fibrosis caused by AA.
269. The methods based on enzyme inhibition principle of determination to organophosphorus residue were reviewed.
270. The quantitative description of cell growth shows a fundamental role of local autocatalysis and of logn-range inhibition.
271. Major adverse reactions (much less common than the minor adverse reactions) include inhibition of myelopoiesis, drug fever and hepatitis.
272. Results: Sodium vanadate of certain concentrations could present proliferation inhibition effects on EC109 cells.
274. Adding inhibitor CT 2 - 17 and oxygen scavenger Na 2 SO 3, foam corrosion inhibition ability was improved.
275. A person in the state of hypomania might be immune to fear and doubt and have little social inhibition.
276. Thus the inhibition behavior of composite imidazoline inhibitor LAN was studied by means of weight-loss, potentiodynamic polarization curve, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).
277. BTH had no direct inhibition to the spore germination and mycelial growth.
278. "Inhibition, passive smoking and restless leg syndrome, " Seth Magee, a graphic artist, wrote on his paper.
279. The presence of patellofemoral crepitus and pain with patellar inhibition testing or patellar compression should be noted.
280. When the identical experiment was performed with mature segments of roots, no inhibition was observed.
281. The scale inhibition performance of PASP ATMP compound was studied using static scale inhibition method.
282. One significant factor which can affect azole stability is the use of halogens for microbiological control in systems using azoles for inhibition of yellow metal corrosion.
283. Then, the inhibition ratio of the formation of the black pigment was reduced with the increase of the hydrolytic degree of silk fibroin peptide.




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