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单词 Domains
1. The Spice Islands were within the Spanish domains.
2. The tsar was trying to integrate his domains.
3. Fiction is heavily over-represented whilst many other domains are heavily under-represented.
4. Not withstanding the arbitrary demands of the Tokugawa, domains enjoyed a certain amount of autonomy.
5. In 1871 the domains were abolished and all areas came under the control of administrators responsible to Tokyo.
6. At the next level, objects in different domains may be organized according to a comparable underlying logic.
7. Even if none of the domains is invoked against the speaker, it is still there, within the discourse.
8. In fact, for many domains the general dictionary outperformed the specific.
9. How is relevance to be determined? Different domains of enquiry and action work to different criteria of significance.
10. These are multi-user domains, and may use any kind of media for people to communicate with each other.
11. Performance across domains, is however, highly variable, with no obvious pattern emerging.
12. Across the 15 domains they show a standard deviation of 9.95%, as compared to 5.95% for the general dictionary.
13. The company charges $ 100 to register new domains and $ 50 a year for subsequent renewals.
14. Our results indicate that the functional domains are apparently correlated with the proposed structure.
15. Repeating these steps produced a plasmid containing two protein A domains, and then by another step to one with three domains.
16. Solid arrowheads mark the boundary between the cysteine-rich and C-terminal domains.
17. Skirmishes are already going on as rivals battle to gain control of potentially lucrative new domains such
18. Conclusion Our knowledge about mental health in later life remains patchy and is, in many domains, highly limited.
19. It is a geography and gazetteer of the angelic and demonic domains.
20. In no other circumstances would she have tolerated militant vigilantes operating with impunity so far beyond their own domains.
21. However,(/Domains.html) it is not necessarily the case that these characteristics will be exhibited within other domains.
22. Such systems are capable of dealing with only very restricted language domains.
23. The AI approach became feasible only within narrowly defined domains.
24. But what if Yahoo! felt the need to register itself under both domains?
25. Diglossia refers to the community norms for language allocation across domains.
26. Once princes and feudal lords who wished to increase the productive wealth of their domains imported craftsmen as a matter of course.
27. Test documents were selected for each of the fifteen domains, approximating 500 words in each.
28. This is implied by the subsequent downregulation of the Hox-B1 and B2 domains specifically in r1 and r3.
29. It is also possible to take advantage of compounds, phrases and idioms which are specific to certain domains and/or contexts.
30. Space and time can not be regarded as hermetically sealed domains.
31. Last month, the group issued a preliminary proposal that seven new domains be created.
32. One concerns the domains of independence which are most cherished by a particular person.
33. Conclusion: There is a great degree of variability in the performance of the overlap technique across different domains.
34. It remains to be seen whether this process can be extended to other domains.
35. These residues are concentrated within small regions, and the organization of these domains within the protein is conserved.
36. Bourdieu provides a fascinating array of domains divided according to the criteria of taste.
37. Nuclei could be successfully transferred between embryos that were in the same developmental domain, but not between embryos in different domains.
38. Audrey aspires to goals in both traditional and non-traditional domains but succeeds in the traditional domain only.
39. Theoretical arguments also indicate that multicellular neural systems can enter domains of chaotic behavior.
40. A new feature provides system administration from all Co-operation domains, whether local or remote, to facilitate large installation.
41. The committee generated a draft agenda for the conference, which included six domains requiring discussion and debate.
42. In the new domains such as foreign policy, the commission will for the first time have a right to propose.
43. The efficacy of definitional overlap varies greatly across domains, such that specialist dictionaries may be required for more esoteric or specialist domains.
44. Sampson applies an evolutionary model due to Simon, originally devised for quite different domains than the present one.
45. This need not mean that the private/public distinction vanishes altogether but it applies to different domains.
46. The company last year cut off thousands of domains for non-payment.
47. The mapping of this input, as it unfolds across time, on to other domains such as semantics will then be studied.
48. He was probably the first prominent Western person to suggest that the Soviet regime had failed to obliterate religion within its domains.
49. How much does it cost to register new domains?
50. It'support both generic domains and country code domains.
51. Network plan technology is widely used in many domains.
52. Framework models often target specific domains or problem classes.
53. The New Kingdom quickly added Portugal to its domains.
54. All three flow domains are indicated by shading.
55. Each monomer of the protein particle has three domains.
56. SET domain proteins contain conserved SET domains,(http:///Domains.html) which intensively involved in histone methylation.
57. The observations of domain structure show that the fine and homogeneous stripe domains are obtained at the central area, and they turn to the transverse direction at the edge area.
58. Although DCT provides excellent performance in energy concentration and decorrelation, it cannot provide controllable localization in both time and frequency domains.
59. This subcomponent enables widgets running in the Browser Mashup Runtime component to access domains other than the one from which the mashup application was loaded.
60. The laws of nature governing domains beyond the range of human perception violate common sense.
61. Including the internal gateway protocol (IGP), the boundary between autonomous domains gateway protocol (BGP) and the realization way for these technology's application in the network.
62. The self - magnetization and the magnetic domains are two basic properties of the ferromagnetic materials.
63. Typical chitinases have a N-terminal signal region, a catalytic domain and a C-terminal region, but some chitinases have one or more chum-binding domains.
64. The QPM gratings with two phase shifting domains and four phase shifting domains were numerically calculated, and the mechanism of the bandwidth enhancement was explained.
65. Moreover, the natural triple-helical domains of most collagen were kept, but a little might denature observed by the electrophoresis images.
66. Results The three dimensional structure of SED, similar to that of other enterotoxin superantigens, was composed of two domains: amino terminal domain and carboxyl terminal domain.
67. Domains specific reconfigurable function unit (DSRFU) can still speedup the applications, while providing domain flexibility.
68. Relay routing system consists of a set of relay routers, providing relay routing for routing domains that cannot exchange routing information.
69. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the factors affecting Chinese speech tone recognition and analyze the Mandarin monosyllabic word phoneme from time and frequency domains.
70. But by setting up similar doppelganger domains, the researchers were able to receive messages that would otherwise be bounced back.
71. The skin biopsy specimen from patient with lamellar ichthyosis was assessed by electron microscopy, using ruthenium tetroxide post-fixation to visualize the intercellular lipid membrane domains.
72. The brain protein contains a unique combination of domains, small functional chunks of protein sequence that may be common to other proteins as well.
73. Z associates with functional regulatory elements, and CTCF marks boundaries of histone methylation domains.
74. In certain situations, they can result in a transaction spanning multiple synchronization domains—that is, they allow parallelism with another transaction, causing a deadlock condition.
75. I shall try never to erase the boundaries that separate the two domains.
76. Application shows that the approach is simple, practical, and also is references for the software reliability estimation in other domains.
77. I have bought several URL's through Intrust Domains and have always found the transactions to run smoothly and quickly.
78. In a conclusion, E. coli T-protein do have independent domains, N-terminal 93 amino acids belongs to chorismate mutase and C-terminal 277 amino acids belongs to prephenate dehydrogenase.
79. Two - thirds of the new TLD applications will be for IDN top - level domains.
79. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
80. Enter a life to superstructure from economic base to our country each domains produce distinct effect.
81. Note that a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is mandatory only if the two machines (the server and the client) are in different domains.
82. TCN manages air, land, space and surface mission domains and can track both low- and high-velocity targets.
83. The thesis studies the phenomenon of synaesthetic metaphors which entail transfers between perceptual domains.
84. The Cutaneous Regions are within the domains of the Twelve Regular Meridians.
85. Physical domain scores of the questionnaires correlated with exercise tolerance, dyspnoea and daily activities, while psychological domains correlated strongly with anxiety and depression.
86. But the existence of noise samples may lead to some small covering domains, and these small domains increase the complexity and result in misrecognition.
87. The Green's function for the Poisson equation in the domains bounded by two intersecting spheres with Dirichlet boundary conditions is presented.
88. But if no local account is found, the Windows server will inquire in all of the domains that it trusts.
89. The specialization process was created to work with DITA, although its principles and processes apply to other domains as well.
90. Depolarization will be produced by the departure from perfect alignment of the domains.
91. For more information about application domains, see Programming with Application Domains.
92. Whole word recognition techniques are only effective for domains with restricted vocabularies.
93. In this paper we investigate the characterization of self-adjoint domains of symmetric differential operators with interior singular points in the direct sum spaces.
94. This paper proposed a cascadic multigrid(CMG) method for parabolic problems in domains with re-entrant corners, whose corresponding convergent results were obtained.
95. Alterations in nucleosome structure affect the accessibility of the DNA and can generate specialized domains of chromatin in the genome.
96. One of ICANN's rules -- than no domains that are "confusingly similar" will be allowed -- could actually complicate matters on that front.
97. Our hope can use the technology of online order programme that sows quickly to each domains(), make the standard of dibble seeding.
98. The various combustion domains that we have identified are grouped schematically in Fig 5 - 52.
99. GUR model provided a solid base for future research work on further and detailed problem domains.
100. Domain structure and its movement determine the physical properties of ferromagnet. Investigation of domains is the precondition to study macroscopic properties of ferromagnet.
101. It relates to many domains, such as the natural language technology, computational linguistics, and so on.
102. The option "Use Simple file sharing" is activated in a mixed environment of workgroups and domains.
103. It has been used to research on nanoscale three-dimensional image of ferroelectric domains, dynamical behavior of domains, control of domain and characterization of local physical properties.
104. Interoperability between C 4 ISR system and simulation system crosses two heterogeneous domains.
105. Natural monopoly is one of the traditional domains for governmental regulation.
106. Variation diagrams in domains of feasible design and contour lines of optimization objective functions are drawn by means of PC-1500 computer. Obtaining optimum solution.
107. The theory of thermodynamics links the macroscopic and submicroscopic domains.
108. At the same time, software simulator is widely used in many research domains.
109. Our products are widely applied into many domains such as Power Supply, electroform , communication manufactures, video products, etc.
109. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
110. Orcus has access to the Chaos, Death, and Evil Domains.
111. We are entering here into one of the most complex domains in astrophysics.
112. This gene is 2.7 kb long and contains two UBA domains.
113. Mired in poverty and injustice, they had to endure disenfranchisement, discrimination and systemic disregard to their reclaiming of ancestral domains.
114. It was found that with suitable sputtering conditions, at remanence such films exhibit stripe domains, which, when acte...
115. Wavelet transform involves the two-variate function of frequency and time, which makes it convenient to simultaneously compensate for attenuation of seismic energy in frequency and time domains.
116. Vector processor based on VIM architecture is a cost effective solution in science computing and media processing etc domains.
117. If the 32-bit libraries are chosen, the user can then configure/start/stop the application/batch server domains and process scheduler.
118. The mature domains such as symbol table handling can be constructed as reusable components.
119. During the process of communication between different clock domains, metastability is likely to happen. This paper discusses several applications of different synchronizers in IC asynchronous design.
120. Namespaces prevent naming collisions among items and node types that come from different sources and application domains.
121. Relationship Analysis builds off of previous domain integrity and Structural Analysis to find common keys or data elements and domains.
122. The obscuration Jamming of high PRF pulses based on jointly controlled in the domains of time, space and frequency is presented in this paper.
123. In its original application, "nocebo" had a very specific meaning in the medical domains of pharmacology, nosology, and etiology.
124. Multicast is a good method to distribute data, what existing work could have worked out is on a single-domain, it is being studied how to extend multicasting between domains.
125. At present, ATLAS is applied abroad in various domains in USA and Europe, especially in automatic testing equipments of aviation and electronic Industries.
126. Asynchronous FIFO is a general way to communicate between different clock domains.
127. Polymers are usually semi - crystalline materials in which crystalline and amorphous domains coexist.
128. How PAR be employed in various business and organisational areas and domains?
129. The shogunate was overthrown by the domains of Satsuma and Chsh in 1867.
130. Furthermore the study of the behavior of the hard domains in garnet bubble films has important significance to the manufacture of Bloch line memory and the development of magnetic domain wall theory.
131. The adaptive estimation method is presented for the MUSIC joint spectrum in polarizational and spatial domains.
132. Shibboleth system is a distributed system for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries, which provides authentication and access control for resource access between domains.
133. In this study, the computational grids in both fluid domain and solid domain were established together, the heat transfer between the two domains was calculated conjointly.
134. Dislocations can change the antiphase relationship of the two growing domains and thus can act as a trap to APB, making APB terminate at the dislocation.
135. How many unique visitors do your domains receive, each month?
136. Over time, with a little harvesting and refactoring, you should be able to build a broader view of the pattern language applicable to your application domains.
137. These losses are associated with the rearrangement of the magnetic domains in the core during each half-cycle.
138. T-protein from Escherichia coli consists of three domains:chorismate mutase, prephenate dehydrogenase and a regulatory domain.
139. In domains where data is king, or where data privacy is king, it's not very comforting, or copacetic,(http:///Domains.html) to just send it off to the ether-like abstraction of Bigtable.
140. Because stepping motor have superior performance, highly control precision, it is widely applied many domains.
141. The present article is an account of results on univalent functions in multiply connected domains obtained by the author.
142. There are few domains of management practice and conceptualisation that are as complex and of such significant consequence as that of designing the future of a city.
143. The width, field and phase in temporal and spectral domains are retrieved.
144. For AC to work and be portable across multiple vertical and horizontal business domains or custom organizational business structures, architectures must share a common representation language.
145. After its usefulness in other domains was realized, it was redesigned as a general scientific data visualizer.
146. The traffic manager sends out a cluster detection message to the broadcast domains for each interface on the machine.
147. In short, the crime is a gift to the hard jingoist right, those who hope to use force to control their domains.
148. The same-origin policy is the part of the current browser's protection mechanism that isolates Web applications coming from different domains under an assumption that domains represent originators.
149. The application of linear differential equation group is rather widespread in many domains, such as physics chemistry and so on.
150. After the hosting code makes the transition from unmanaged to managed code, it must create one or more new application domains in which to run user code.
151. In this paper we analyze the relation of some special domains and its monadic polynomial rings.
152. It should build on the relationships discussed during the Relationship Analysis step for the technical domains.
153. Examples of application domains are insurance, computer-aided manufacturing and administration.
153. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
154. The paper analyzes the status of key domain construction as well as the principle, collection objectives in documentation resources collection in key domains in universities.
155. AppDomain type to create domains in which to run user code.
156. The International Commercial Arbitration Agreement and the Jurisdiction of Arbitration have a close relationship, which exists in three domains of the actual arbitration procedure.
157. Some principal problems, including deficiency index, analysis of spectrum, eigenfunction expansion, inverse spectrum problem and description of self-adjoint domains e.
158. A direct domain decomposition method was presented for the parabolic partial differential equations on nonoverlapping domains.
159. It allows the filtering of sub - domains, mailbox names and domains.
160. Because of the species- and context-free nature of these rules, they can easily be applied to novel domains such as computer game design.
161. These translocation domains exist in bacterial toxin, viral proteins, transcriptional factors, homodomain and synthetic peptides.
162. By using the residue principle, the transient functions of the temporal and frequency domains for the transducer are determined analytically for any electrical driving signal.
163. These losses are associated with the rearrangement of the magnetic domains in the core during each half-cycle. (iv) Leakage flux.
164. Establishing affine invariant similarity measure of shapes is one of the basic problems in pattern recognition, computer vision and image understanding domains.
165. Objects that must be communicated across application domains must be remotable.
166. For them procrastination is a lifestyle, albeit a maladaptive one. And it cuts across all domains of their life. They don't pay bills on time.
167. The crystal structure including phases, boundaries of grains and domains wasinvestigated by using high - resolution transmission electron microscope ( HRTEM ).
168. Buy trademarked domains At Your Own Risk and be prepared to drop it at any time.
169. The key to moving magnetic domains is the domain wall that exists wherever two domains with different directions of magnetization meet.




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