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单词 At the very least
1. It would cost $1 million at the very least.
2. It'll take a year, at the very least.
3. It will be £200 at the very least.
4. At the very least, the Government must offer some protection to mothers who fear domestic violence.
5. At the very least, he is devastatingly sure of himself, you can say that.
6. Computer viruses are at the very least annoying and often actually destructive.
7. At the very least, she started drinking then.
8. And of course they will suffer consequences - at the very least those of wasted time and lost opportunities.
9. At the very least the Purchaser will expect the Vendor to give this warranty so far as it is aware.
10. At the very least individuals will become consumers rather than recipients of care.
11. At the very least the seller agrees that the buyer shall become the owner and the buyer agrees to pay the price.
12. At the very least, therefore, mysticism must tell us something important about the human mind.
13. The weight of numbers is revealing; at the very least it witnesses to the reality of tinnitus.
14. At the very least they must be contained and never allowed to sally out.
15. At the very least, they will provide a list of places,(/at the very least.html) and you can make the booking on your own.
16. At the very least, they have an obligation to protect their populations from practices that may adversely affect their health.
17. At the very least, men generally assume their ambivalent feelings are normal.
18. At the very least, they could organize to fight the oppressive way in which science gets done.
19. We worry about buying a new television or, at the very least, a converter box for our current set.
20. People's lives could be at stake, or at the very least their futures.
21. But, at the very least, we want to be cut in on the deal.
22. At the very least they should cut ticket prices, which have become unaffordable for the average family.
23. At the very least it was more selective than various predecessors which by that time had fallen into disrepute.
24. I was sure, at the very least, that diet does had done thousands of women like me no good.
25. I'd hoped the shock would, at the very least, cause her to misdirect the stream and wet her shoes.
26. While assignment might be established in exceptional circumstances, at the very least the presumption must remain against it.
27. At the very least the government forecasts should provide a sensitivity analysis of the effects of using different base years.
28. Normally it has only had eleven or twelve members in all. Now it will have seventeen at the very least.
29. His possession of classified documents in his home was, at the very least, a violation of Navy security regulations.
30. Whenever he found himself praying, he knew he was at the very least jammed up inside, probably crazy.
31. At the very least, I routinely encourage him to reread what he has written.
32. At the very least, he should have had a local policeman with him.
33. When their car is taken, they suffer, at the very least, considerable inconvenience and very often substantial financial loss.
34. I suppose I had expected anger, an outburst of violence, at the very least surprise and furious disbelief.
35. At the very least you should consult two historians whose views you know to be opposed or at variance.
36. At the very least, city officials are wise to see how those lawsuits are concluded.
37. Only a civil suit, at the very least, could wipe away the stain on family honour.
38. At the very least, the outlets which sold the tickets before the official date should never again be involved in distribution.
39. At the very least you may want to skip that last cigarette before you board the plane.
40. At the very least I claim to be pitiful, grotesque, or appalling.
41. At the very least a clear case is owed a clear explanation if it is rejected.
42. At the very least, it would mean that the real issues are debated rather than the trivial detail of statistics and history.
43. A number of reporters have concluded that at the very least, his trial was a pretty odoriferous piece of business.
44. Or at the very least Big Brother himself, who sounds more like a harassed fourth form teacher than an omnipotent dictator.
45. At the very least he could have telephoned and explained that he'd been made a better offer.
45. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
46. A fully formed topiary can require, at the very least, five years of artful and frequent pruning.
47. At the very least, the full name of the first individual should fit on the first line.
48. At the very least, he would have to reckon on the 21 votes in the Cabinet being stacked up against him.
49. At the very least, a psychologist and social worker would pounce.
50. At the very least, if nothing else is available, works should be rinsed with lots of cold water.
51. At the very least, he decided that he personally could shun anything that had to do with slave trade.
52. It would mean at the very least, firmly subjugating the Commission to an elected authority.
53. At the very least your notes should not discourage you in this aim.
54. Anybody who comes round here trying to recruit people gets a poke in the chest at the very least.
55. At the very least job exhibitions give you a good chance to practise your interviewing technique.
56. But these shifts are at the very least disruptive.
57. At the very least the Milwaukee fans have regrets.
58. But the breadth of the package, it seems to me, is at the very least a weathervane.
59. Experts advise against storing water in the garage, near gas fumes, pesticides and other chemicals that could, at the very least, affect the smell and taste of the H2O.
60. "At the very least, destocking has run its course, and consumers' hand-to-mouth buying is eating into broader domestic inventories," Nicholas Snowdown, an analyst at Barclays Capital, said.
61. In 1977, Waitt found evidence of dozens of floods in the Scablands, at the very least.
62. It's much better to have ultra-violence, chainsaw massacres, X-rated Draculas, and continents sinking into the sea with the entire population lost, at the very least.
63. At the very least, they might make Lakers fans forget Ronny Turiaf , the towel-waving symbol of a dependable second string that received Jackson's praise throughout last season.
64. So at the very least, you don't want anyone touching your hair, actually, 'cause it makes it frizzy, but you want it to look soft and touchable.
65. Therefore, all stimulus measures should be at the very least non discriminatory and rule based.
66. At the very least, you can't tell a file entry from a directory entry from the name alone.
67. At the very least, Mr. Obama could have used the possibility of a legal end run to strengthen his bargaining position.
68. I'd want a freakin' optical lens, at the very least.
69. At the very least there needs to be one full participant that has the ability to store information and launch the synchronization process.
70. At the very least, a flotilla of unmanned spacecraft could be headed Moonward within the next few years, with goals that range from lofty to goofy.
71. According to SELF contributor Maryn McKenna, author of Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA, we should at the very least be cautious and aware.
72. At the very least, the court should make itself subject to the code of conduct that applies to the rest of the federal judiciary.
73. He finds politics a dirty game, and only enters them reluctantly because he knows that at the very least he and.
74. It felt like blasphemy. Or at the very least, horribly irreverent.
75. At the very least, you have to say that there's a pretty good second-best case for the policy — and the WTO has reached a compromise allowing Ecuador to keep the measures in place at least for now.
75. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
76. At the very least, Mr Bouton may face pressure to split the role of chairman and chief executive.
77. But at the very least, you can provide each other with enough moral support to last until you no longer work for this bozo.
78. And at the very least, doesn't he deserve one more league - wide ovation?
79. He admits that "it isn't clear what the break between modernisation and Westernisation will mean. " But at the very least it will ensure "a world of enormous cultural diversity and exoticism".
80. At the very least, your login page should be sent to the user and shipped back to the Web server over a secure connection to prevent an eavesdropper from sniffing the user's cleartext password.
81. I like to think that these essays edify me in some way, but at the very least they appeal to the voyeur in me.
82. At the very least, I figure maybe a few good turns on the exercycle will keep me from snacking before I hit the buffet table.
83. A. At the very least, logic programming provides useful programming languages (mainly Prolog).
84. And there had to be a Manhattan neighborhood capable of giving the meatpacking district a run for its money, at the very least in terms of style.
85. You'll need marketing and administration (at the very least) to grease the wheels of your company.
86. At the very least, we are obligated to treat all people as potential brothers and sisters of Jesus. After all(), anyone with whom we come into contact may be God's foreordained child.
87. Having chosen a meditation it is important that you stick to that meditation for, at the very least, a fortnight.
88. Kryder is not denigrating the importance of faster computer processors, but he says, at the very least, both digital elements need each other.
89. But it's at the very least a medium-size mystery: Who were the first feasters?
90. At the very least, it's enough to make even seasoned spelunkers think twice about any tap-tap they might encounter while exploring in the dark.
91. At the very least , the dispute has fallen down the flashpoint list.
92. At the very least, governments'additional funding requirements threaten to raise long-term interest rates.
93. And as taxpaying citizens of the country we should demand at the very least this commitment from those who we entrust with public office.
94. Pillay says Senegal, at the very least, must obtain fair trial guarantees from the Chadian government.
95. At the very least some salt and maybe a little disposable pepper grinder.




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