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单词 Cured
1 A disease known is half cured
2 He who is born a fool is never cured
3 What can’t be cured must be endured. 
4 What cannot be cured must be endured. 
5 The evil wound is cured but not the evil name. 
6 She had cured him of all his hang-ups.
7 His cough was nearly cured.
8 The doctor has cured numerous people of appendicitis.
9 Her cancer can only be controlled, not cured.
10 The doctor's treatment cured him.
11 The doctors cured her of cancer.
12 A lot of cancers can now be cured if they are detected early.
13 Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early.
14 Almost overnight I was cured.
15 The wound cured in a few days.
16 The ham is cured, then lightly smoked.
17 Time cured him of his grief.
18 He cured her by acupuncture.
19 His madness cannot be cured.
20 Many types of cancer can now be cured.
21 Eat cured or smoked meats infrequently.
22 This is a physical defect that cannot be cured.
23 Penicillin cured him of his pneumonia.
24 This illness cannot be cured easily.
25 He is cured of rheumatism.
26 The teacher cured him of bad habits.
27 90% of patients can be cured of the disease.
28 The hams were cured over a hickory fire.
29 Autosuggestion is the power of mind over matter - if you convince yourself that you are cured, you will be.
30 You can make fortune by ways that u don't like, and can get cured by medicine that u don't believe, but u can never feel happy from someone you don't love.
1 She had cured him of all his hang-ups.
2 His cough was nearly cured.
3 The doctor has cured numerous people of appendicitis.
4 Her cancer can only be controlled, not cured.
5 The doctor's treatment cured him.
6 Autosuggestion is the power of mind over matter - if you convince yourself that you are cured, you will be.
7 A lot of cancers can now be cured if they are detected early.
8 Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early.
9 Eat cured or smoked meats infrequently.
10 Penicillin cured him of his pneumonia.
11 In Morocco, trachoma has almost been completely cured in children.
31 He was now completely cured of his illness.
32 The girl is better, though not yet cured.
33 She still believed that somehow she could be miraculously cured.
34 He clung to the hope that she would be cured.
35 Recent advances in medical science mean that this illness can now be cured.
36 The doctor was humble about his work, although he cured many people.
37 Now doctors believe they have cured him of the disease.
37 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
38 In Morocco, trachoma has almost been completely cured in children.
39 The program is premised on the idea that drug addiction can be cured.
40 She has taken a lot of different medicines, but none has cured the disease.
41 There is a faint hope that she may be cured.
42 Autosuggestive techniques can help in the treatment of diseases which cannot be cured by conventional medicine.
43 When the horse suffered a back injury Harvey cured it with his own expert hands.
44 She's not completely cured, but at least she's out of danger.
45 The pills might have cured him, if only he'd taken them regularly.
46 I ate so much of it one day I was sick and that cured me of my addiction.
47 TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured.
48 She is as rabidly anti-smoking as only a recently cured addict can be.
49 She had some acupuncture treatment which seems to have cured her.
50 That nasty shock cured him of his inquisitiveness for ever.
51 The experience was a detestable ordeal, and it cured him of any ambitions to direct again.
52 There is still a faint hope that she may be cured.
53 He came home from hospital cured of the disease but a shadow of his former self.
54 Legs of pork were cured and smoked over the fire.
55 And I've almost cured her of crowing.
56 A speech-therapist cured his stammer.
57 This simple solution cured me of biting my nails.
58 Many cancer victims can be cured if the disease is detected early enough.
59 But he said Cherie should not suffer permanent damage if cured soon.
60 Once the concrete is cured, you can set the posts on the footings with post anchors.
61 Prostate cancer can be cured if it is caught early.
62 Teresa Proehl of Fremont had a rare and painful condition that could be cured by surgically removing a kidney.
63 They could be cured if they were treated in time with iodine, whole gland, or pure hormone.
64 We cured all our bloaters and our kippers, at one time.
65 Many afflictions were cured or relieved for those who drank of it and great numbers of people journeyed there on pilgrimages.
66 The inference is therefore that the fish is either dead or cured by the time fungus gets around to colonising it.
67 Centaury got its name from the centaur, which cured itself from a poisoned dart with this pink flower.
68 The corned beef that we are familiar with is a cured beef which is then boiled and pressed before being canned.
69 What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured. Kurt Vonnegut 
70 These paints should be considered a temporary measure until the cause of the damp has been found and cured.
71 Its particular flavour is achieved by the addition of red wine and rosemary to the brine in which it is cured.
72 It was almost as if she was suffering from some dreadful disease that could only be cured by his physical removal.
73 It was cured in borax by wholesalers from Chicago in 1892.
74 This plant, he explained, cured stomach pains and promoted circulation of the blood.
75 Her body was taken to Sicily by three women, where the afflicted have been cured at her tomb for centuries.
76 The infantilism and cretinism of the press, for example, can't be cured by a fiat.
77 Doctors won't consider her cured until she has been free of cancer for several years.
78 They are usually distilled from barley malt cured with peat, giving the spirit a smoky flavour.
79 Many conditions associated with old age can be treated and alleviated, if not cured.
80 David's aching back is cured by faith healer called GoodNews, and thereafter his soul also undergoes a transformation.
81 But the first summer of 110-degree heat had cured her of giving a damn about any of that.
82 Most economic ills cannot be cured by a simple infusion of cash.
83 There was an open hold half full of sacks and bundles of cured hides, and here the horses were put.
84 Early attacks of stage fright were cured by a thimbleful of Courvoisier.
85 Beveridge believed that unemployment could be cured by state intervention.
86 And his recovery will prove to all sufferers that the disease can be cured.
87 With very gradual familiarisation training spread over many months of flying, some of these students have been completely cured.
88 There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America. Bill Clinton 
89 That matter was cured, and had ceased to trouble him; he had lain with a virgin.
90 She was like a cured alcoholic who finds he can take a drink without again becoming addicted.
91 Tsongas was dogged also by questions about whether the cancer that drove him from office was really cured.
92 The only problem which cured itself was a horn that tended to cut the engine during the early life of the car.
93 In 1878, the Citterio family started selling their cured meat to a grateful public in Milan.
94 Once you have cured the water pollution problem, you will have to take steps to avoid it happening again.
95 The disease can be cured easily with Tetracycline ointment, which costs about $ 1.80 per patient.
96 We have cured hundreds of people from Chicago, Ill., from gunshot wounds inflicted in attempted murders and robberies.
97 A few examples: Berlusconi courted the Catholic vote by claiming to have miraculously cured a paralysed young man.
98 Parts of some letters had been chipped away,() but a careful paint job had cured them.
99 If cervical cancer is diagnosed in its early stages, it can be cured.
100 Older women in the developed countries suffered unnecessarily from diseases that could have been ameliorated, cured, or even prevented.
101 He did not believe there was anything wrong with him that could not be cured by a good rest.
102 The program is based on the premise that drug addiction can be cured.
103 This is rather a trivial example: if teeth were the only problem, senescence could be cured by false teeth.
104 He was cured, got to his feet, and preached at a revival in which many souls were saved.
105 Yet the standing ovations and hand-wringing subservience she generates would make you think she'd cured cancer.
106 Drug addiction cannot be cured if the fear of not consuming drugs is greater than the willpower to quit doing drugs. Dr T.P.Chia 
107 He avoided telling her that he was seeing the doctor, in the hope that he'd come home cured.
108 His patronage came about when people suffering from rabies were cured at his grave.
109 Some force deep within truly wants to believe aliens cured that Montana farmer of his pesky hernia problem.
110 Another held an array of cured meats, hams, spicy sausages and salamis.
111 People did not go to a hospital to be cured but to be killed or maimed.
112 Apparently, mental illness is one of the few diseases requiring hospitalization where those afflicted are released before they are cured.
113 She repeated the exercise several times until she got two identical measurements and then the customer went home, satisfied and cured.
114 It is perhaps ironic that the fish may die cured!
115 Smoked, cooked sausages are prepared from cured meats or the sausage mixture is cured during sausage making.
116 A few were starting to tell the others that the mud cured rheumatism and gout.
117 This cured it and I had the carbs tuned to perfection.
118 Result All cases were cured with no bile-duct injury.
119 By treatment, all patients with arytenoid dislocation were cured.
120 Nevirapine is a kind of effective medicine cured AIDS.
121 What method be cured carsick this one symptom?
122 A phimosis can be cured only after puberty.
123 Angular stomatitis can be cured by VB 2.
124 The control group was cured with Citicoline and Cerebrolysin.
125 By the Babylonish captivity the Israelites effectually cured of the worship of graven images.
126 Result:184 cases were cured. 2 patient accompany with necrotizing fascitis were died.
127 Results The total rate of complications of trabeculectomy was 43.5% and 94.4% of the patients were cured by non-operating methods.
128 Tea and flue - cured tobacco is an important cash crop.
129 ResultsAll cases were cured without epiphora. None recurred during a 16 month followup after the treatment.
130 Although pre-eclampsia cannot be completely cured before the delivery, administering drugs such as magnesium sulfate can lower a woman's risk of developing convulsions (eclampsia), which can be fatal.
131 Objective:Sum up the various surgical operation skills of oviduct gestation which were cured by peritoneoscope.
132 The moisture cured polyurethane was synthesized with mixing polyether diol, toluene diisocyanate (TDI) as main raw materials, epoxy resin and hydroxy acrylic resin as modifiers.
133 Can be thyroid cancer cured? Can be thyroid gland excised?
134 Conclusion Radionecrosis of jaws can be cured by extensive resection of sequestrum, immediate vascularized tissue grafts can b...
135 Conclusion After radiotherapy for pelvic cancer, radiation proctitis is an important complication, but a number of cases can be cured after application of symptomatic treatment.
136 So many psychopathic murderers – fortunate to have been under Barker's radical tutelage – had been declared cured and freed.
137 The workpeople, to be sure - riggers and what not - were most annoyingly slow; but time cured that.
138 Q: Will the Light - Curing Putty be cured under UV light?
139 The results showed that the mechanical properties of post cured fluororubber were significantly improved.
140 Methods35 cases cured with transection and intra fixation of breastbone and costa to treat pectus excavatum were analyzed.
141 Paranasal sinus is not a serious disease, and can be cured with systematic treatment.
142 Examples of foods implicated in outbreaks of E. coli O157:H7 include undercooked hamburgers, dried cured salami, unpasteurized fresh-pressed apple cider, yogurt, cheese and milk.
143 The pertinent preventive measures resulted in satisfactory effects: 41 cases were cured and 1 calvous due to delayed treatment.
144 Conclusions: Depending on the analysis and treatment of this case, the nodules on shanks might originate from myxedema caused by hypothyroidism and can be cured by eliminating the origin of a disease.
145 The children gastroscopic examination is safe and reliable, they cured with proper medicine, will get well.
146 Patients received antispastic treatment, abatement of fever, dropping intracranial pressure as well as antiviral treatment 53 patients were cured, 11 were improved, 3 gave up treatment and 1 died.
147 The exudates of the glandular trichome on the green leaf surface of Nicotiana tabacum L. is the important precursor of the aroma and flavour matter of cured tacco leaf.
148 Results: 24 patients with fungal sinusitis were cured with operation by canine fossa under nasoscope.
149 A basin of cold water has cured the slut . ".
150 The invention belongs to the high molecular material field, in particular to magnetic ferrocene-double terminal phthalonitrile resin, a cured product and a preparation method thereof.
151 Rigidity sex rachitis is excuse me inchoate have what symptom, can be you cured?
152 And in the 1600s, after conquistadors discovered that South American cinchona bark cured malaria, Europe was flooded with fake bark.
153 Infecund not can be Yo cured really, it where go treating is better to where go treating?
154 The results show that the hydroxymethyl content of resinous crosslinking agent and HCl content of neoprene activator will considerably effect on cured IIR compound performance.
155 Even if the sickness originally has cured, the fever has drawn back, must arrive at specialist there to inspect, has a look whether concurrent tympanitis .
156 But maybe an abused substance abuser can"t be cured through therapy and methadone but instead through confrontation and forgiveness."
157 Human acquired immune deficiency syndrome has not been yet cured in medicine.http:///cured.html
158 Results After almost one year's observation, the catagmatic line of all the patients was cured and with no other complication.
159 Her child go to the bad, took drug, disease cured.
160 Results Among 217 patients, 212 were cured(97.5%), 5 were partially improved(2.5%), without uncured case. The cardiopulmonary function of the cured patients were normal, the complications disappeared.
161 Results 96 cases (96 eyes) were cured by one time treatment and epiphora disappeared in all of them.
162 All patients were followed up from 6 months to 3 years. Results Epiphora occurred in one patient due to rejection of dilation tube and others were cured.
163 Results: Bone fractures were cured for all patients. There were no complications including coxa vara, cut out the regular, unconnected bone and the regular loose. The excellent rate was 95.8%.
164 A retrospective analysis was made. Result: 25 cases were all cured. After wound healing, no obvious scar formation and no afunction of the joints happened.
165 Resinoid diamond wires can be produced at lower cost, but show blue brittleness after being heated to be cured. Copper powder can be added to the resin to increase the strength of the wire.
166 Spot a safe choice of treatment of Chinese herbal medicine cured reaction product is essential for melasma.
167 The results showed that the basic mechanical properties of NR latex cured with sulfur were achieved by using BPO peroxide as curing agent and adding 3 phr DVB coagent.
168 Is leukaemia hereditary disease? Can be you cured? What disease is there?
169 Nitrite, which is used in cured meats, also functions as a bacteriostat .
170 Conclusion Early canceration of colorectal adenomatous polyps can be cured by high frequency electrocision with endoscope, no appended operation needed in general.
171 In November, German haematologist Gero Huetter announced that he had cured a man of HIV through a bone marrow transplant from a donor who had a genetic resistance to the virus.
172 She says the compound radially cure drug - resistence readily cured drug - resistant malaria and in laboratory dogs.
173 In the lack of cyanate functional groups, the main structures of cured compounds are oxazolidinone and polyether structure in the cured resin, and the triazine ring structure is of minor importance.
174 By comparing several materials, an epoxy silicone resin cured at room temperature is selected as the matrix of the coating.
175 How should be white blood disease treated, can be you cured?
176 See through mount seats neatly inside the upper receiver handle and is cured with a knurled thumb nut.
177 It's a two - component epoxy polyamide cured conducting electrostatic paint.
178 As a result, the blain and squama type of dermatophytosis is very difficult to be cured.
179 The total curing characteristic, apparent activation energy and co-curing reactivity of tetra-glycidyl amide, glycidyl ester and aliphatic cyclo type epoxy resins cured with IMI were also i...
180 After being cured in western - style brine, well - selected top quality chicken breast, are put on the shelf.
181 Most persistent HCV infections, especially those where viremia is low or viral and host genotypes are favorable, will be cured by combinations of direct acting antivirals and standard therapy.
182 She was diseased with abdominalgia with blood stasis since she labored the child and was not cured so that she became more and more weaker.
183 The mixed, caramelized flavors of Collard Greens with Sweet Onion and Maple Cured Bacon, and Roasted Root Vegetables will satisfy their tastes.
184 METHODS We cured 24 patients of severe intracranial infection with the method of continuous lumbar cisterna drainage and injecting sensitive antibiotics to subarachnoid space.
185 Methods:The enchondroma was cured by curettage and feezed allogenous cancellous bone grafting.
186 After conservative treatment and reoperation of ligation of thoracic duct, all of the chylothorax were cured.
187 Kentucky Fired,(sentence dictionary) Indian Cured and Aromatic Thailand Burley are then added to the main blend.
188 Venereal are in part as long as timely formal cure cure is can be cured thoroughly, such as gonorrhea and syphilis, of urethritis of sex of gonococcus of etc.
189 Objective : To make the dowel nucleus fusion model with self - cured acrylic resin ingot.
190 After water-washed, the rubberized fabric is cured directly on a trolley in an autoclave.
191 It's a two - component amine adduct cured epoxy paint.
192 The photocrosslinking process and the amount of residual unsaturation in the cured film were shown to depend primarily on the nature of prepolymer and on the functionality of crosslinking agents.
193 Complication:During therapy, 11 eyes(17.2%)were caused astigmatism or got raising in degree, 4 eyes(6.3%)had got corneal puncta injury. They all cured with proper treatment.
194 Result:196 cases of this disease were cured, the wounds healed in one week. 12 cases with stenotic preputial orifice received repeated dilation operation, the wounds healed in 2 weeks.
195 Conclusion On the condition that the intestinal tract is unobstructed (), the labiate intestinal fistula can be cured by packing the fistula orifice with pedicled straight muscle of abdomen flap.
196 The new acupuncture treatment has opened up the forbidden zone of deaf-muteness and has cured many" incurable" diseases.
197 Cured meat and fish stew son meal stew now a bit now , in addition, cured meat and fish cooperate with the meal , meal that pot come out entry very much fragrant.
198 Mixing by CR322 and CM140B, the workability of mixed rubber and thermal endurance performance and oil resistant performance of the surface and cured rubber are all improved.
199 The HDI modified polyester resin is developed for coil coatings of house appliance, which is cured with melamine resin for improvement of quality.
200 An essential part of the soup is the stock known as "dashi, " which is classically made from katsuobushi (dried, cured skipjack tuna) and the kelp known as kombu.
201 This paper presents the characteristics of the irradiation cured PVC insulated wire and cable, its application and present developments and the author's own ideas about some matters needing attention.
202 Stingy kids got sick, after the disease cured by taking medication.
203 Polyamides were widely used due to the flexibility of cross-linked polymers of epoxy resin cured with them.
204 No complications oc cured , such as unintentional puncture of carotid artery and pneumothorax.
205 Methods 31patients were cured by returning the herniated fat to the orbitalcavjty and shortening the orbicular muscle.
206 The unicentric CD(46.7%) just presented with local lymphadenopathy and was classified as the hyaline vascular type. The patients were cured by surgical resection of lymph node.
207 The mixture of those monomers with additives could be cured quickly to give a film with excellent antistatic property and washability.
208 External discipline is the only road to happiness for those unfortunates whose self-absorption is too profound to be cured in any other way.
209 Anti-stick coatings for stripping of solid rocket propellant, which could be cured at room temperature had been successfully developed.
210 To put it baldly, if you don't stop smoking you cannot be cured of the disease.
211 Results 18 clincal data on submaxillary type cyst of sublingual gland were cured by surgical operations.
212 Conclusion Unknown causes of edema of lower trunk may be an early sign of elephantiasis . Early to middle stage of elephantiasis may be cured after a long-term treatment to remove the worms.
213 It was found that the polymers could he cured under ultraviolet light, and the curing speed and unsaturation convention of PA174 were higher than those of PA151.
214 Room temperature cured fluorocarbon coating was applied as anti-corrosion coat in newly built urea prilling tower of Lianxing Chemical company, Mianyang city, Sichuan province, China.
215 The shock of losing my purse cured me of all my former absentmindedness.
216 Carbon membrane supporter ( CMS ) is prepared from phenol - formaldehyde resin ( PFR ) cured by hexamethylenetetramine ( HMTA ).
217 Result: All the patients were cured. 12 patients complicated by venous thrombosis healed with good appearance.
217 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
218 After cured in water for 50 days, secondly ettringite in the paste was detected.
219 Unaged tobacco treated by the method of the present invention exhibits smoke and taste characteristics similar to those of naturally-aged, cured tobacco.
220 The curing mechanism of bisphenol-A diglycidyl ether type epoxy resin (DGEBA) cured with Imidazole ( IMI ) was studied by DSC, FT-IR.
221 Results Cured 140 cases(97.2%), severe pulmonary hypertension after respiratory and circulatory failure to deaths 4 cases.
222 People who have been cured of syphilis are immune to new syphilitic infections.
223 Eventually, most of the lesions couldn't be blanched completely. Therefore, port-wine stain is not cured satisfactorily.
224 Early evening there may be another sightseeing trip followed by a late restaurant dinner – perhaps cured beef, lamb casserole, more rioja and creamy puddings.
225 The compounding of the underwater epoxy adhesive cured with cyanamide is given in this paper.
226 The high temperature resistant adhesive was prepared based on liquid polybutadiene epoxy resin(ELPB) cured by pyromellitic dianhydride(PMDA) and benzoyl peroxide(BPO).
227 Cure rates for HCV will continue to increase as new direct-acting compounds are developed, but whether every infection will be cured by this approach is unknown.
228 The curable composition has an excellent curability and can yield a cured coating having an excellent gloss.
229 Bacon is made of the side of pig cured by salt, sugar and sodium nitrate.
230 If the injury is not cured in time or is cured unsuitably, it will lead to periosteum hyperplasia or incurable fatigue fracture.
231 Results: 33 patients have been cured with diabetic ketoacidosis, the caring rate is over 91 %.
232 High on the company is producing all kinds of high local flavor of the Chinese family of sausage meat, cured products and frozen food fast food enterprises.
233 Results All the 8 consecutive patients with craniopharyngiomas were cured by the supraorbital keyhole approach.
234 Chronic radiocystitis occurred in 6 of 7 patients and cured by expectant treatment, cleaning blood clot and electrocautery hemostasis undercystoscope.
235 All cases were cured after treated with chloramphenicolum or tetracycline tablets and supportive liver protection therapy.
236 After ovarian cyst has been cured, have a relapse, help look!
237 The most common transplantation related complications were fever, liver dysfunction and hypopotassemia, all of which can be cured by proper treatment.
238 All patients were cured by surgical operations. Conclusion The excessive development of the sublingual gland and the developing defect of mylohyoid muscle should result in ...
239 Some people claim that they have been cured of smoking by hypnosis.
240 Severe aplastic anemia can be cured by haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Synegenic HSCT is the best choice for severe aplastic anemia and chronic aplastic anemia.
241 Does infection of coccus of golden yellow grape have cured opportunity now?
242 Result: 4 cases were cured with satisfied outline of unclear scar and non constriction of anterior naris.
243 Many claimed to have been cured as a result of the Madonna's intercessions.
244 Objective: To study the immune function of the S180 tumor-bearing mice cured by cartilage polysaccharide, the effects of virucidal S180 tumor on immune function of the mice and the mechanisms.
245 But her father, who is quite as opposed to such flummery as I, says that can be cured.
246 Conclusion Thoracolumbar tuberculosis complicated with paraplegia can be cured by either operative or conservative treatment, and the efficacy of operation directly related with operational approach.
247 The left 3 cases were cured by intervention, bladder perfusion and open cystotomy, respectively.
248 Results: All 3 cases had trichomonal infection and 2 cases were clinically cured.
249 "We are beginning to see the effect of drinking clean water on patients being cured of melanosis and keratosis [skin ailments], and most people feel better," he said.
250 It can be concluded that the water uptake of cured polymer could be restricted by the incorporation of hydrophobic fluorene rings and methyl groups.
251 These gargantuan crabs were once affected by dark energy of Heresh, but now cured by Shalassa.
252 Result: They were followed up 13 months meanly. All the vertebra planted bone were fixed and there's no spinal nerve reinjuried all the nerval function were cured.
253 A few Kinds of anti-scorcher in NR blend cured with sulphur have a different mechanism of effect along with the change of accelerator type and blend of accelerators in curing System.
254 Authors adopted the rapid chloride permeability test method to research influences of fly-ash amount on anti-chloride-permeability performances of steam cured concrete.
255 Thuringia is well-known for its sausages, steamed, scaled, and cured varieties are all prepared.
256 Besides, the strength of varying negative temperature cured concrete is higher than the strength of constant negative temperature cured concrete.
257 With the development of the cytobiology and molecular biology, pathogenesis and therapy of cancer have been improved, some caners like early stage cervical cancer and breast cancer can be cured.
258 Ought to believe, should treat only seasonable , reasonable, insomnious disease is cured not hard.




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