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单词 Landless
(1) This project is designed to help landless people.
(2) Worst hit are the hundreds of thousands of landless plantation workers, whose livelihood has disappeared.
(3) The rising number of landless and marginal farmers poses a serious challenge.
(4) No landless peasants or laid-off workers are using their meager savings to buy sophisticated guns and enter into a career of crime.
(5) These are usually landless people who have no hope of anything except scratching a living in the forest.
(6) In the process, the landless poor, whose numbers grow every day, try to earn a pittance.
(7) Landless peasants suited Doumer; they could be employed in mines or on rubber plantations, or to build roads and railways.
(8) By teatime, Landless was well pleased with his day's work and the careful planning which had gone into it.
(9) A later law dealing with landless newcomers, specifies that they should receive half the property(), and not two-thirds.
(10) And Landless had just told him on the telephone that he had other fish to fry.
(11) O'Neill doesn't seem capable of answering questions, and Landless wouldn't stop for me on a pedestrian crossing.
(12) For illiterate and landless serfs and peasants the language of their landlord made little difference to their lives.
(13) They are mostly jobless and landless, and they are often informally barred from villages.
(14) In those years the landless peasants were brought to beggary.
(15) The problems of landless farmers have been all along the hot topic in various academic fields.
(16) The landless vegetation slope protection of tailing dams is a new technology in our country.
(17) We are giving an equal area of land to the landless.
(18) The government's overriding concern to ensure domestic stability ruled out the possibility of landless Emancipation.
(19) An Institute of Agrarian Reform was founded to break up large estates and redistribute them to landless labourers.
(20) In the capitalist mode of production, however, the workers are landless and have no independent means of subsistence.
(21) Redistribution would enable the poor to support themselves and produce staple crops for the landless.
(22) In so far as the idea of emancipation moved forward in government circles in 1856, the landless variety prevailed over the landed.
(23) With an increasing non-Agta farming population, the Agta now view themselves as landless squatters in their own ancestral lands.
(24) One well-publicized case was the murder in 1990 of Karunamoi Sardar, a landless woman protester.
(25) It was seventeen hours later, on Wednesday morning, that Landless held his own press conference.
(26) They are the feudal nobility who own the land, and the landless serfs who work the land.
(27) Whoever is stirring it behind the scenes, we have the entire Cabinet to choose from, as well as Landless.
(28) This strategy has worked best for those who were first in the cyber economy, the pioneers of the landless continent.
(29) But travel further into remote forests and far-flung villages and you will be travelling back in time -- the past lingers here, in huts and on the faces of landless labourers and forest dwellers.
(30) Now, the government vows to complete land reform by determining who has legal right to every acre of land in Bolivia and making sure the poor and landless gain ownership of unowned or unused land.
(31) Their attitudes were those of the ", landless gentry" as Orwell later called lower-middle-class people whose pretensions to social status had little relation to their income.
(32) At first, he urged landless farm workers to invade private property.
(33) Part IV investigates and analyses the practice of developing a mechanism of compensation for landless farmers.
(34) The great majority—75 percent—of the chronically underfed live in rural areas of developing countries. They are landless , frequently unemployed or employed at very low wages.
(35) Those most in need will be the landless, both rural and urban, and marginal subsistence farmers.
(36) The Chinese in Singapore were the descendants of illiterate landless, peasants from Guangdong and Fujian.




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