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单词 colony
释义  Related topics: Government, Historycol·o·ny /ˈkɒləni $ ˈkɑː-/ ●●○ noun (plural colonies) [countable]  1  COUNTRY/NATIONa country or area that is under the political control of a more powerful country, usually one that is far away 殖民地 → colonial, colonize Algeria was formerly a French colony. 阿尔及利亚以前是法国的殖民地。 → crown colony2. PGSHone of the 13 areas of land on the east coast of North America that later became the United States 〔美国独立前的〕北美十三州之一3  GROUP OF PEOPLEa group of people who are similar in some way and who live together, or the place where they live 聚集人群;聚居地[区] an artists’ colony 艺术家聚居区 a leper colony 麻风患者聚居地4  GROUP OF PEOPLEa group of animals or plants of the same type that are living or growing together 〔同一处生活或生长的动植物〕群,群体,群落 a seal colony 海豹群落 breeding colonies of rare birds 珍稀鸟类繁殖群体Examples from the Corpuscolony• Others, like sponges, consisted of a colony of cells with a porous skeleton.• The United States was once a colony of Great Britain.• an ant colony• an artists' colony on the East Coast• Fighting is continuing in the former Belgian colony.• In 1980, the former British colony of Rhodesia gained independence as the Republic of Zimbabwe.• Bishop had known what was happening: the Guild of Adjudicators was famed and feared in equal measure amongst the Earth colonies.• Today Pine Gap looks like an advance moon colony in the Sea of Tranquillity.• By the mid 1960s most colonies had won their independence and by the mid 1970s the world was virtually free of colonies.• a nudist colony• He could throw his lot in with the Lord General, and perhaps become a governor of one of the colony worlds.• Many people who came to the colonies were escaping religious persecution.• In Mary Barton the working-class heroine and her husband go off to the colonies to start a new life.• When the colony was discovered eighteen years later, ten of the women had survived and only one of the men.Origin colony (1300-1400) Old French colonie, from Latin colonia, from colonus “farmer, someone who develops a new place”, from colere “to prepare land for crops”col·o·ny nounChineseSyllable  area the Corpus that country under a or is




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