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单词 Knock-on
(1) The closure of the car factory had a knock-on effect on the tyre manufacturers.
(2) A system failure has a knock-on effect throughout the whole hotel.
(3) These price rises will have a knock-on effect on the economy.
(4) The reduced availability of credit has knock-on effects.
(5) And it had a knock-on effect.
(6) There will be a knock-on effect.
(7) But Barr Thomson Engineering could not escape the knock-on effects of the pit closure announcement and was forced into receivership.
(8) The knock-on effect of the rise in electricity prices is likely to be higher prices generally.
(9) Nor does it contemplate the knock-on consequences for Labour ministers of attempting to implement their programme while rebuilding the governmental machine.
(10) The knock-on effect of the advancement of the women's game has also led to refreshing developments at girls' level.
(11) There is always some knock-on effect on the rest of the work of the school.
(12) It should be pointed out that a deliberate knock-on can still be penalised by a penalty kick.
(13) Aid can have a knock-on effect in neighbouring countries which are also in great need.
(14) Meanwhile, the knock-on effect of the slump is still being felt out in the provinces.
(15) This will have a knock-on effect throughout the economy, and will drive up interest rates generally.
(16) If we take the Campese knock-on in the World Cup final, I personally would awarded a penalty try.
(17) And they claim that the knock-on effect is that weather patterns change.
(18) The increase in the price of oil had a knock-on effect on the cost of many other goods.
(19) The cut in new car prices has had a knock-on effect on the price of used cars.
(20) If one or two trains run late, it has a knock-on effect on the entire rail service.
(21) Mr Marshall's case is that the Pounds 580m will be added to the debt, with knock-on effects for the shareholders.
(22) It seemed that every day the papers carried more reports of companies collapsing bringing inevitable job losses and their knock-on effects.
(23) It will cost hundreds of thousands of pounds, and may have a knock-on effect.
(24) There are inevitable disruptions to deliveries such as vehicle breakdowns which have knock-on effects to delivery schedules.
(25) Any reduction in community care for the elderly will have a knock-on effect on hospitals.
(26) Advertising directed at reducing tobacco consumption by parents has a substantial secondary knock-on effect on children.
(27) Yet, there is often considerable scope to cut this cost without having a knock-on effect on yields.
(28) You will never have the put-in at two scrums in succession unless the other side knock-on trying to intercept.
(29) First, proposed increases in energy and payroll taxes could have a knock-on effect on wage demands and prices.
(30) The timing of the end of Key Stage 3 assessment does have some knock-on effects.
(31) The knock-on effects of the farm seizures are being felt throughout the economy.
(32) Guaranteed prices for agricultural products have created a knock-on effect resulting in high land prices and high food costs.
(33) Persecuting Nonconformists could have a knock-on effect in a community, hitting those who were loyal to the established Church.
(34) It turned out to have a huge knock-on effect.
(35) Tripoli might seem a long way from Beijing or Seoul, but the region's global trade linkages and rising middle-class mean that events in Libya will have a knock-on effect.
(36) Another pitfall is that a change in the schema causes changes to the generated classes, which in turn has a knock-on effect to any code you've written around them.
(37) "There will be a knock-on effect for car production in the UK, but we don't yet know what it is, " he said.
(38) Mothers will also be affected by the same conditions, and if they become ill or die then there will be a knock-on effect on their children.
(39) Broncos came close to levelling the scores just before half-time but a Shane Rodney knock-on helped Castleford to hold firm.
(40) This shortage of food will have a knock-on effect globally, and means that the UK is set to experience further rises in food prices.
(41) Already, exporters have shipped hundreds of tonnes of cabbages to South Korea, leading some Chinese media to warn of knock-on effects at home.
(42) The world is always relationship between supply and demand, music becomes cheap means music is overflow on business, indie music got knock-on effect.
(43) Commodities will have to compete aggressively for capital, which will be in heavy demand in a new lower-risk world and this will have knock-on effects.
(44) The closure of the car factory a knock-on effect on the tyre manufacturers.
(45) An industrial upcycle typically lasts for about a year and is great news for corporate earnings, employment and general credit-worthiness, with positive knock-on effects for the financial sector.
(46) It's easy to slip into poor eating habits – but these can have a knock-on effect on your mood.
(47) Would the perturbation grow and have a knock-on effect, thus affecting the rest of the brain, or immediately die out?
(48) Whether the royal wedding and its feel-good factors has a knock-on effect on trade between Hong Kong and Britain remains to be seen.
(49) Critics argue that they legitimise exploitation and abuse, providing dubious working conditions and spawning a vast knock-on industry of illegal street prostitution.
(50) The knock-on effect will be police forces struggling to keep their heads above water as they try to deal with increasing demands and diminishing resources.
(51) The rate hike is aimed at fighting inflation, but an interesting knock-on effect will be how commodity prices react.
(52) Especially troublesome is a recent real estate slump, which has a knock-on effect on key sectors of the economy such as the steel and cement industries.
(53) But the price of chips has dropped so it's had a knock-on effect on us.
(54) Employees have been warned that changes to the state pension could also have a knock-on effect on many company schemes.
(55) The negative wealth effect on the US economy could be US$800 billion. The knock-on effect could add considerably to it. It would obviously take a big bite out of the US$14 trillion American economy.
(56) "They can't do otherwise, even if we go bankrupt, because of the knock-on effect it would have in southern Europe"(), one leader says.
(57) He said the California numbers were so high because many businesses had been directly hit by fire or been forced to close in a knock-on effect.
(58) They also used an analytic method that allowed them to calculate the total effect of maternal employment taking into account all knock-on effects.
(58) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(59) Fear of the knock-on effect on regional economies sits side-by-side with assumptions by Asians that they had no part in creating today's problems.
(60) The disadvantage is the unknown knock-on effects. Planktonic algae are at the bottom of the food chain.
(61) The destruction of the lake has also decimated the local fishing industry, causing severe knock-on unemployment and further economic woe for the people living around it.
(62) from a security-focused organization into an economic bloc, a policy predicated on the knock-on effect that a stable and prosperous Central Asia would have on China's underdeveloped Xinjiang Province.
(63) Although AP Spanish German laboratory also cucumber "clean" knock-on effect of the incident began to appear.




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